blob: 58debfcb294f5d9d33870e45bfb67008e02c6519 [file] [log] [blame]
%% TODO: rename FAIL to ABORT once we require at least R13B04 for
%% building rebar. Macros with different arity were not supported by the
%% compiler before 13B04.
-define(FAIL, rebar_utils:abort()).
-define(ABORT(Str, Args), rebar_utils:abort(Str, Args)).
-define(CONSOLE(Str, Args), io:format(Str, Args)).
-define(DEBUG(Str, Args), rebar_log:log(debug, Str, Args)).
-define(INFO(Str, Args), rebar_log:log(info, Str, Args)).
-define(WARN(Str, Args), rebar_log:log(warn, Str, Args)).
-define(ERROR(Str, Args), rebar_log:log(error, Str, Args)).
-define(FMT(Str, Args), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Str, Args))).