Merge pull request #606 from lrascao/fix/revert_590

Revert 'Treat port env vars as expandable only if they self reference'
diff --git a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
index 0a73e65..50093c9 100644
--- a/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
+++ b/src/rebar_port_compiler.erl
@@ -495,10 +495,9 @@
 %% Given a string, determine if it is expandable
-%% A string is defined as expandable if it contains itself
-%%  (eg. CFLAGS = -m64 $CFLAGS)
 is_expandable(InStr) ->
-    case re:run(InStr,"\\\$"++InStr,[{capture,none}]) of
+    case re:run(InStr,"\\\$",[{capture,none}]) of
         match -> true;
         nomatch -> false