blob: e30b64ed39cd02573046a0aaef4de536f54181a9 [file] [log] [blame]
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et
-export([setup/1, files/0, run/1]).
setup([Target]) ->
retest_utils:load_module(filename:join(Target, "inttest_utils.erl")),
%% Exercise transitive dependencies where there are multiple files
%% depending on the same set of deps as well as lib_dir directives
%% A -> B -> C -> D -> E
%% |--> G(via lib_dir)
%% |--> F -> D -> E
files() ->
%% A1 application
{create, "ebin/", app(a, [a])},
{template, "a.erl", "src/a.erl", dict:from_list([{module, a}, {dep, b}])},
{copy, "a.rebar.config", "rebar.config"},
%% B application
{create, "repo/b/ebin/", app(b, [b])},
{template, "a.erl", "repo/b/src/b.erl", dict:from_list([{module, b}, {dep, b}])},
{copy, "b.rebar.config", "repo/b/rebar.config"},
{copy, "b.hrl", "repo/b/include/b.hrl"},
%% C application
{create, "repo/c/ebin/", app(c, [c])},
{template, "a.erl", "repo/c/src/c.erl", dict:from_list([{module, c}, {dep, d}])},
{copy, "c.rebar.config", "repo/c/rebar.config"},
{copy, "c.hrl", "repo/c/include/c.hrl"},
%% D application
{create, "repo/d/ebin/", app(d, [d])},
{template, "a.erl", "repo/d/src/d.erl", dict:from_list([{module, d}, {dep, e}])},
{copy, "d.rebar.config", "repo/d/rebar.config"},
{copy, "d.hrl", "repo/d/include/d.hrl"},
%% E application
{create, "repo/e/ebin/", app(e, [])},
{copy, "e.hrl", "repo/e/include/e.hrl"},
%% F application
{create, "repo/f/ebin/", app(f, [f])},
{template, "a.erl", "repo/f/src/f.erl", dict:from_list([{module, f}, {dep, d}])},
{copy, "c.rebar.config", "repo/f/rebar.config"},
{copy, "f.hrl", "repo/f/include/f.hrl"},
%% G application, which is part of the B repo, in a lib_dir
{create, "repo/b/apps/g/ebin/", app(g, [])},
{copy, "e.hrl", "repo/b/apps/g/include/g.hrl"}
] ++ inttest_utils:rebar_setup().
apply_cmds([], _Params) ->
apply_cmds([Cmd | Rest], Params) ->
io:format("Running: ~s (~p)\n", [Cmd, Params]),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run(Cmd, Params),
apply_cmds(Rest, Params).
run(_Dir) ->
%% Initialize the b/c apps as git repos so that dependencies pull
%% properly
GitCmds = ["git init",
"git add -A",
"git config ''",
"git config 'tdeps'",
"git commit -a -m \"Initial Commit\""],
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/b"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/c"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/d"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/e"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds, [{dir, "repo/f"}]),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v get-deps compile", []),
%% Generate the contents of a simple .app file
app(Name, Modules) ->
App = {application, Name,
[{description, atom_to_list(Name)},
{vsn, "1"},
{modules, Modules},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]},
io_lib:format("~p.\n", [App]).