blob: 84c23ef9f610d675a075a93f80092df31af985f7 [file] [log] [blame]
{ct_dir, ["itest"]}.
{ct_extra_params, "-erl_args -config app"}.
%% Any relative paths specified in the test specification, will be relative to the
%% directory which contains the test specification file, if ct_run -spec TestSpecFile ...
%% or ct:run:test([{spec,TestSpecFile},...]) executes the test. The path will be
%% relative to the top level log directory, if ct:run:testspec(TestSpec) executes the test.
%% however for versions older than R16 what counts is the project root path and not the path
%% of the location of the test spec. This will cause the test to fail since R15/14 can't find the
%% test.spec file. Since we can't change the file we have no choice but to bypass the test
%% completely
{require_min_otp_vsn, "R16B"}.