blob: 079f0764fb846f11fb02884d339f93403dc19428 [file] [log] [blame]
CouchDB 2.0 for Debian
CouchDB 2.0 uses an erlang rebar release for installation. This is akin
to a python virtualenv or a ruby rbenv setup. This relocatable CouchDB
install contains the Erlang BEAM VM, all support libraries, the CouchDB
libraries (including any natively-compiled code), couchjs, and so on.
Because of this upstream architectural change, it has become impractical
to install couchdb into the standard /usr hierarchy.
This package installs CouchDB 2.0 into /opt/couchdb, with the following
* Database files are stored and expected in /var/lib/couchdb
* Log files are stored in /var/log/couchdb
This means that CouchDB configuration files are NO LONGER stored in
/etc/couchdb, but instead are located at /opt/couchdb/etc/*.ini.
A reminder has been placed in /etc/couchdb in case you forget.
This package does NOT create the _global_changes database. If you
wish to enable this functionality, simply create the _global_changes
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_global_changes
CouchDB 2.0 changed default logging to be stderr only. Unfortunately,
currently for Debian and Ubuntu, systemd's journal is not persisted
to disk, only to a ring buffer in /run. rsyslogd still maintains
the contents of /var/log.
This package overrides this behaviour and logs to /var/log/couchdb
as in 1.x.
If, in the future, Debian and Ubuntu enable systemd logging via the
journal, this file will be removed.
Administrators who wish to override this behaviour can specify a
new [log] stanza in local.ini or any local.d/*.ini file.
Pre-seeding package configuration
The Debian and Ubuntu CouchDB 2.0 packages support pre-seeding answers
to configuration questions via debconf-set-selections. This allows
for unattended, non-interactive ("headless") installation of CouchDB
while supporting configuration in standalone, clustered or "no-config"
The following commands will install CouchDB in standalone mode,
bound to, and set an admin password of "password":
echo "couchdb couchdb/mode select standalone
couchdb couchdb/mode seen true
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress string
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress seen true
couchdb couchdb/adminpass password ${COUCHDB_PASSWORD}
couchdb couchdb/adminpass seen true
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again password ${COUCHDB_PASSWORD}
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again seen true" | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes couchdb
The following commands will install CouchDB in clustered mode,
bound to all interfaces, and set the Erlang nodename, cookie, and
admin password:
echo "couchdb couchdb/mode select clustered
couchdb couchdb/mode seen true
couchdb couchdb/nodename string
couchdb couchdb/nodename seen true
couchdb couchdb/cookie string elmo
couchdb couchdb/cookie seen true
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress string
couchdb couchdb/bindaddress seen true
couchdb couchdb/adminpass password ${COUCHDB_PASSWORD}
couchdb couchdb/adminpass seen true
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again password ${COUCHDB_PASSWORD}
couchdb couchdb/adminpass_again seen true" | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes couchdb
And the following commands will install CouchDB with absolutely
no configuration (suitable for configuration via external tools):
echo "couchdb couchdb/mode select none" | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes couchdb
Upgrading from CouchDB 1.x
The installer attempts to detect if any CouchDB 1.x databases exist
in /var/lib/couchdb. If so, the installer will warn that manual
action is required to migrate these databases to CouchDB 2.0, and
includes instructions on how to perform the migration step.
Migration is accomplished via the /opt/couchdb/bin/couchup tool. Run
this program to see the invocation parameters and display other help.
-- Joan Touzet <>, Thu, 06 Apr 2017 02:50:15 -0400