[snap] smaller snap, improve cluster examples (#64)

* Added configure hook 'snap set couchdb admin=[password]'
* Added port to the list of snap configured parameters
* Split packages into build and stage to reduce snap size
* Some formatting cleanups
* Rewrote cluster HOWTO with new snap functionality without using LXC

Co-authored-by: Joan Touzet <wohali@apache.org>
Co-authored-by: Simon Klassen <>
diff --git a/README-SNAP.md b/README-SNAP.md
index 686f73a..b78baac 100644
--- a/README-SNAP.md
+++ b/README-SNAP.md
@@ -109,146 +109,148 @@
 In the example below, we are going to set up a three node CouchDB cluster. (Three is the
 minimum number needed to support clustering features.) We'll also set up a separate,
-single machine for making backups. In this example we will be using LXD.
+single machine for making backups. In this example we will be using parallel instance of 
+snaps that is availble from version 2.36.
-We launch a (single) new container, install couchdb via snap from the store and enable
-interfaces, open up the bind address and set a admin password.
+First we need to enable parallel instances of snap.
-localhost> lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 couchdb-c1
-localhost> lxc exec couchdb-c1 bash
-couchdb-c1> apt update
-couchdb-c1> snap install couchdb --edge
-couchdb-c1> snap connect couchdb:mount-observe
-couchdb-c1> snap connect couchdb:process-control
-couchdb-c1> curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_node/_local/_config/chttpd/bind_address -d '""'
-couchdb-c1> curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_node/_local/_config/admins/admin -d '"Be1stDB"'
-couchdb-c1> exit
+$ snap set system experimental.parallel-instances=true
+We install couchdb via snap from the store and enable interfaces, open up the bind address
+and set a admin password.
+$> snap install couchdb_1
+$> snap connect couchdb_1:mount-observe
+$> snap connect couchdb_1:process-control
+$> snap set couchdb_1 name=couchdb1@ setcookie=cutter port=5981 admin=Be1stDB
+You will need to edit the local configuration file to manually set the data directories. 
+You can find the local.ini at ```/var/snap/couchdb_1/current/etc/local.ini``` ensure
+that the ```[couchdb]``` stanza should look like this
+;max_document_size = 4294967296 ; bytes
+;os_process_timeout = 5000
+database_dir = /var/snap/couchdb_1/common/data
+view_index_dir = /var/snap/couchdb_1/common/data
+Start your engine ... and confirm that couchdb is running.
+$> snap start couchdb_1
+$> curl -X GET http://localhost:5981
+Then repeat for couchdb_1, couchdb_2 and couchdb_bkup, editing the local.ini and changing
+the name, port number for each. They should all have the same admin password and cookie. 
+$> snap install couchdb_2
+$> snap connect couchdb_2:mount-observe
+$> snap connect couchdb_2:process-control
+$> snap set couchdb_2 name=couchdb2@ setcookie=cutter port=5982 admin=Be1stDB
+$> snap install couchdb_3
+$> snap connect couchdb_3:mount-observe
+$> snap connect couchdb_3:process-control
+$> snap set couchdb_3 name=couchdb3@ setcookie=cutter port=5983 admin=Be1stDB
-Back on localhost, we can then use the LXD copy function to speed up installation:
+## Enable CouchDB Cluster (using the http interface)
+Have the first node generate two uuids 
-$ lxc copy couchdb-c1 couchdb-c2
-$ lxc copy couchdb-c1 couchdb-c3
-$ lxc copy couchdb-c1 couchdb-bkup
-$ lxc start couchdb-c2
-$ lxc start couchdb-c3
-$ lxc start couchdb-bkup
+$> curl http://localhost:5981/_uuids?count=2
-## Configure CouchDB using the snap tool
-We are going to need the IP addresses of each container:
+The each instances within a cluster needs to share the same uuid ... 
-$ lxc list
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002548"'
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002548"'
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002548"'
-For this example, let's say the IP addresses are ``, `.11` and `.12`.
-Now, again from localhost, and using the `lxc exec` commond, we will use the snap
-configuration tool to set the various configuration files.
+... and a (different) but common secret ...
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c1 snap set couchdb name=couchdb@ setcookie=monster
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c2 snap set couchdb name=couchdb@ setcookie=monster
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c3 snap set couchdb name=couchdb@ setcookie=monster
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002a80"'
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002a80"'
+curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '"f6f22e2c664b49ba2c6dc88379002a80"'
-The backup machine we will configure as a single instance (`n=1, q=1`). 
+... after which they can be enabled for clustering
-  $ lxc exec couchdb-bkup snap set couchdb name=couchdb@ setcookie=monster
-  $ lxc exec couchdb-bkup -- curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5984/_node/_local/_config/cluster/n -d '"1"'
-  $ lxc exec couchdb-bkup -- curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5984/_node/_local/_config/cluster/q -d '"1"'
+curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"action": "enable_cluster", "bind_address":"", "username": "admin", "password":"Be1stDB", "node_count":"3"}'
+curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"action": "enable_cluster", "bind_address":"", "username": "admin", "password":"Be1stDB", "node_count":"3"}'
+curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"action": "enable_cluster", "bind_address":"", "username": "admin", "password":"Be1stDB", "node_count":"3"}'
-Each snap must be restarted for the new configurations to take affect. 
+You can check the status here.
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c1 snap restart couchdb
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c2 snap restart couchdb
-$ lxc exec couchdb-c3 snap restart couchdb
-$ lxc exec couchdb-bkup snap restart couchdb
-The configuration files are stored here:
-$ lxc exec couchdb-bkup cat /var/snap/couchdb/current/etc/vm.args
-Any changes to couchdb via curl are stored here:
-$ lxc exec couchdb-bkup cat /var/snap/couchdb/current/etc/local.ini
+curl http://admin:Be1stDB@
+curl http://admin:Be1stDB@
+curl http://admin:Be1stDB@
 ## Configure CouchDB Cluster (using the http interface)
-Now we set up the cluster via the http front-end. This only needs to be run once on the
-first machine. The last command syncs with the other nodes and creates the standard
+Next we want to join the three nodes together. We do this through requests to the first node.
-$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    http://admin:Be1stDB@ \
-    -d '{"action": "add_node", "host":"", "port": "5984", "username": "admin", "password":"Be1stDB"}'
-$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    http://admin:Be1stDB@ \
-    -d '{"action": "add_node", "host":"", "port": "5984", "username": "admin", "password":"Be1stDB"}'
-$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    http://admin:Be1stDB@ \
-    -d '{"action": "finish_cluster"}'
+curl -X PUT "http://admin:Be1stDB@" -d '{"port":5982}'
+curl -X PUT "http://admin:Be1stDB@" -d '{"port":5983}'
-Now we have a functioning three node cluster. 
+curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"action": "finish_cluster"}'
+curl http://admin:Be1stDB@
+If everthing as been successful, then the three notes can be seen here.
+$> curl -X GET "http://admin:Be1stDB@"
+Now we have a functioning three node cluster. Next we will test it. 
 ## An Example Database
 Let's create an example database ...
-$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@
-$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"test":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"test":2}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@ -d '{"test":3}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
+$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5981/example
+$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5981/example/aaa -d '{"test":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
+$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5981/example/aab -d '{"test":2}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
+$ curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5981/example/aac -d '{"test":3}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-... and verify that it is created on all three nodes:
+... and verify that it is created on all three nodes ...
-$ curl -X GET http://admin:Be1stDB@
-$ curl -X GET http://admin:Be1stDB@
-$ curl -X GET http://admin:Be1stDB@
+$ curl -X GET http://localhost:5981/example/_all_docs
+$ curl -X GET http://localhost:5982/example/_all_docs
+$ curl -X GET http://localhost:5983/example/_all_docs
+... and is separated into shards on the disk.
+  $ ls /var/snap/couchdb_?/common/data/shards/
 ## Backing Up CouchDB
-Our backup server is on We will manually replicate to this from one (can be any one) of the nodes.
+The backup machine we will configure as a single instance (`n=1, q=1`). 
-$ curl -X POST http://admin:Be1stDB@ \
-    -d '{"source":"","target":"example","continuous":false,"create_target":true}' \
+$> snap install couchdb_bkup
+$> snap set couchdb_bkup name=couchdb0@localhost setcookie=cutter port=5980 admin=Be1stDB
+$> curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5980/_node/_local/_config/cluster/n -d '"1"'
+$> curl -X PUT http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5980/_node/_local/_config/cluster/q -d '"1"'
+We will manually replicate to this from one (can be any one) of the nodes.
+$ curl -X POST http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5980/_replicate \
+    -d '{"source":"http://localhost:5981/example","target":"example","continuous":false,"create_target":true}' \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-$ curl -X GET http://admin:Be1stDB@
+$ curl -X GET http://admin:Be1stDB@localhost:5980/example/_all_docs
-Whereas the data store for the clusters nodes is sharded:
+The backup database has a single shard and single directory:
-  $ lxc exec couchdb-c1 ls /var/snap/couchdb/common/data/shards/
-The backup database is a single directory:
-  $ lxc exec couchdb-bkup ls /var/snap/couchdb/common/data/shards/
+  $ ls /var/snap/couchdb_bkup/common/data/shards/
+# Remote Shell into CouchDB
+In the very rare case you need to connect to the couchdb server, a remsh script is
+provided. You need to specify both the name of the server and the cookie, even if
+you are using the default. 
+/snap/bin/couchdb.remsh -n couchdb@localhost -c monster
 # Building this snap <a name="building"></a>
 This build requires Ubuntu 18.04, the `core18` core, and the `snapcraft` tool.  The
diff --git a/snap/hooks/configure b/snap/hooks/configure
index d41b33d..c833af2 100755
--- a/snap/hooks/configure
+++ b/snap/hooks/configure
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-## add or replace for the vm.arg file
+## add or replace for the local.ini file
 _modify_ini_args() {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+LOCAL_INI_OPTIONS="admin port"
 for key in $LOCAL_INI_OPTIONS
   val=$(snapctl get $key)
diff --git a/snap/snapcraft.yaml b/snap/snapcraft.yaml
index c382529..bff10f8 100644
--- a/snap/snapcraft.yaml
+++ b/snap/snapcraft.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   CouchDB is a database that completely embraces the web. Store your data with
   JSON documents. Access your documents and query your indexes with your web
   browser, via HTTP. Index, combine, and transform your documents with
-  JavaScript. 
+  JavaScript.
   - build-on: amd64
@@ -21,16 +21,20 @@
     override-pull: |
       apt-get update
       apt-get upgrade -yy
-      apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https gnupg ca-certificates
-      echo "deb https://apache.bintray.com/couchdb-deb bionic main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list
-      apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8756C4F765C9AC3CB6B85D62379CE192D401AB61
+      apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-transport-https \
+                                                gnupg ca-certificates
+      echo "deb https://apache.bintray.com/couchdb-deb bionic main" | \
+           tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list
+      apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys \
+                        8756C4F765C9AC3CB6B85D62379CE192D401AB61
       apt-get update
-  couchdb: 
+  couchdb:
     after: [add-repo]
     plugin: dump
     source: https://apache.bintray.com/couchdb-deb/pool/C/CouchDB/couchdb_3.0.0~bionic_amd64.deb
     source-type: deb
-    # because this doesn't use apt, we have to manually list all of our dependencies :(
+    # because this doesn't use apt, we have to manually list all of our
+    # dependencies :(
     # the following are all in core18, and warning output can safely be ignored:
     # lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbz2.so.1.0
     # lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
@@ -53,17 +57,18 @@
     # usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblz4.so.1
     # usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpanelw.so.5
     # usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
-    stage-packages:
-      - ca-certificates
+    build-packages:
       - adduser
-      - curl
       - debconf
+      - ca-certificates
       - init-system-helpers
-      - couch-libmozjs185-1.0
       - lsb-base
+      - curl
+      - libgcc1
+    stage-packages:
+      - couch-libmozjs185-1.0
       - procps
       - libcurl4
-      - libgcc1
       - libicu60
       - libssl1.0.0
       - libtinfo5
@@ -79,6 +84,8 @@
   # Database and log files are common across upgrades
+  # We do not bind default.ini or default.d/ as these are
+  # intended to be immutable
     bind: $SNAP_COMMON/data
@@ -90,11 +97,13 @@
     bind: $SNAP_DATA/etc/local.d
     bind-file: $SNAP_DATA/etc/local.ini
-  # We do not bind default.ini or default.d/ as these are intended to be immutable
   COUCHDB_ARGS_FILE: ${SNAP_DATA}/etc/vm.args
-  ERL_FLAGS: "-couch_ini ${SNAP}/opt/couchdb/etc/default.ini ${SNAP}/opt/couchdb/etc/default.d ${SNAP_DATA}/etc/local.ini ${SNAP_DATA}/etc/local.d"
+  ERL_FLAGS: "-couch_ini ${SNAP}/opt/couchdb/etc/default.ini
+                         ${SNAP}/opt/couchdb/etc/default.d
+                         ${SNAP_DATA}/etc/local.ini
+                         ${SNAP_DATA}/etc/local.d"