blob: 2bf54e5c2a90496526f82e1ad9fa935a83bdaade [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc A `parse_transform' module for `passage'
%% This module handles `passage_trace' attribute.
%% If the attribute is appeared, the next function will be traced automatically.
%% See following example:
%% ```
%% -module(example).
%% -compile({parse_transform, passage_transform}). % Enables `passage_transform'
%% -passage_trace([{tags, #{foo => "bar", size => "byte_size(Bin)"}}]).
%% -spec foo(binary()) -> binary().
%% foo(Bin) ->
%% <<"foo", Bin/binary>>.
%% '''
%% The above `foo' function will be transformed as follows:
%% ```
%% foo(Bin) ->
%% passage_pd:start_span('example:foo/1', []),
%% try
%% passage_pd:set_tags(
%% fun () ->
%% #{
%% '' => self(),
%% 'location.application' => example,
%% 'location.module' => example,
%% 'location.line' => 7
%% foo => bar,
%% size => byte_size(Bin)
%% }
%% end),
%% <<"foo", Bin/binary>>
%% after
%% passage_pd:finish_span()
%% end.
%% '''
%% === References ===
%% <ul>
%% <li><a href="">The Abstract Format</a></li>
%% </ul>
%% Exported API
%% Exported Types
-type passage_trace_option() :: {tracer, expr_string()} |
{tags, #{passage:tag_name() => expr_string()}} |
{child_of, expr_string()} |
{follows_from, expr_string()} |
{error_if, expr_string()} |
{error_if_exception, boolean()}.
%% <ul>
%% <li><b>tracer</b>: See {@link passage:start_span/2}</li>
%% <li><b>tags</b>: This is the same as {@type passage:tags()} except the values are dynamically evaluated in the transforming phase.</li>
%% <li><b>child_of</b>: See {@link passage:start_span/2}</li>
%% <li><b>follows_from</b>: See {@link passage:start_span/2}</li>
%% <li><b>error_if</b>
%% ```
%% %% {error_if, ErrorPattern}
%% case Body of
%% ErrorPattern = Error ->
%% passage_pd:log(#{message, Result}, [error]),
%% Error;
%% Ok -> Ok
%% end.
%% '''
%% </li>
%% <li><b>error_if_exception</b>: See {@type passage_pd:with_span_option()}</li>
%% </ul>
-type expr_string() :: string().
%% The textual representation of an expression.
%% When used, it will be converted to an AST representation as follows:
%% ```
%% {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(ExprString ++ "."),
%% {ok, [Expr]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens).
%% '''
%% Macros & Types & Records
-define(MAP_FIELD(Line, K, V),
{map_field_assoc, Line, {atom, Line, K}, V}).
-define(PAIR(Line, K, V),
{tuple, Line, [{atom, Line, K}, V]}).
-type form() :: {attribute, line(), atom(), term()}
| {function, line(), atom(), non_neg_integer(), [clause()]}
| erl_parse:abstract_form().
-type clause() :: {clause, line(), [term()], [term()], [expr()]}
| erl_parse:abstract_clause().
-type expr() :: expr_call_remote()
| expr_var()
| erl_parse:abstract_expr() | term().
-type expr_call_remote() :: {call, line(), {remote, line(), expr(), expr()}, [expr()]}.
-type expr_var() :: {var, line(), atom()}.
-type line() :: non_neg_integer().
application :: atom(),
module :: module(),
function :: atom(),
trace = false :: boolean(), % if `true' the next function will be traced
tracer = error :: {ok, expr_string()} | error,
child_of :: expr_string() | undefined,
follows_from :: expr_string() | undefined,
tags = #{} :: #{passage:tag_name() => expr_string()},
error_if :: expr_string() | undefined,
error_if_exception = false :: boolean()
%% Exported Functions
%% @doc Performs transformations for `passage'
-spec parse_transform(AbstractForms, list()) -> AbstractForms when
AbstractForms :: [term()].
parse_transform(AbstractForms, CompileOptions) ->
State = #state{
application = guess_application(AbstractForms, CompileOptions),
module = get_module(AbstractForms)
walk_forms(AbstractForms, State).
%% Internal Functions
-spec walk_forms([form()], #state{}) -> [form()].
walk_forms(Forms, State) ->
{_, ResultFroms} =
fun ({attribute, _, passage_trace, Options}, {State0, Acc}) ->
Tracer =
case lists:keyfind(tracer, 1, Options) of
false -> error;
{_, Id} -> {ok, Id}
State1 =
trace = true,
tracer = Tracer,
child_of = proplists:get_value(child_of, Options),
follows_from = proplists:get_value(follows_from, Options),
tags = proplists:get_value(tags, Options, #{}),
error_if = proplists:get_value(error_if, Options),
error_if_exception =
proplists:get_value(error_if_exception, Options, true)
{State1, Acc};
({function, _, Name, _,Clauses} = Form, {State0 = #state{trace = true}, Acc}) ->
State1 = State0#state{function = Name},
NewForm = setelement(5, Form, walk_clauses(Clauses, State1)),
{State1#state{trace = false}, [NewForm | Acc]};
(Form, {State0, Acc}) ->
{State0, [Form | Acc]}
{State, []},
-spec walk_clauses([clause()], #state{}) -> [clause()].
walk_clauses(Clauses, State) ->
[walk_clause(Clause, State) || Clause <- Clauses].
-spec walk_clause(clause(), #state{}) -> clause().
walk_clause({clause, Line, Args, Guards, Body0}, State) ->
OperationName = make_operation_name(Line, length(Args), State),
StartSpanOptions = make_start_span_options(Line, State),
StartSpan =
make_call_remote(Line, passage_pd, 'start_span', [OperationName, StartSpanOptions]),
Tags = make_tags(Line, State),
SetTags = make_call_remote(Line, passage_pd, 'set_tags', [make_fun(Line, [Tags])]),
Body1 = make_body(Line, Body0, State),
FinishSpan = make_call_remote(Line, passage_pd, 'finish_span', []),
CatchClauses = make_catch_clauses(Line, State),
{clause, Line, Args, Guards,
{'try', Line, [SetTags | Body1], [], CatchClauses, [FinishSpan]}
walk_clause(Clause, _State) ->
-spec parse_expr_string(line(), string(), #state{}) -> expr().
parse_expr_string(Line, ExprStr, State) ->
Result =
case erl_scan:string(ExprStr ++ ".") of
{error, Reason, _} -> {error, {cannot_tokenize, Reason}};
{ok, Tokens0, _} ->
Tokens1 = lists:map(fun (T) -> setelement(2, T, Line) end, Tokens0),
case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens1) of
{error, Reason} -> {error, {cannot_parse, Reason}};
{ok, [Expr]} -> {ok, Expr};
{ok, Exprs} -> {error, {must_be_single_expr, Exprs}}
case Result of
{ok, Expression} -> Expression;
{error, ErrorReason} ->
[{module, State#state.module},
{function, State#state.function},
{line, Line},
{expr, ExprStr},
{error, ErrorReason}]})
-spec get_module([form()]) -> module().
get_module([{attribute, _, module, Module} | _]) -> Module; % The `module' attribute will always exist
get_module([_ | T]) -> get_module(T).
-spec guess_application([form()], list()) -> atom() | undefined.
guess_application(Forms, CompileOptions) ->
OutDir = proplists:get_value(outdir, CompileOptions),
SrcDir = case hd(Forms) of
{attribute, _, file, {FilePath, _}} -> filename:dirname(FilePath);
_ -> undefined
find_app_file([Dir || Dir <- [OutDir, SrcDir], Dir =/= undefined]).
-spec make_call_remote(line(), module(), atom(), [expr()]) -> expr_call_remote().
make_call_remote(Line, Module, Function, ArgsExpr) ->
{call, Line, {remote, Line, {atom, Line, Module}, {atom, Line, Function}}, ArgsExpr}.
-spec find_app_file([string()]) -> atom() | undefined.
find_app_file([]) -> undefined;
find_app_file([Dir | Dirs]) ->
case filelib:wildcard(Dir++"/*.{app,app.src}") of
[File] ->
case file:consult(File) of
{ok, [{application, AppName, _}|_]} -> AppName;
_ -> find_app_file(Dirs)
_ -> find_app_file(Dirs)
-spec make_var(line(), string()) -> expr_var().
make_var(Line, Prefix) ->
Seq =
case get({?MODULE, seq}) of
undefined -> 0;
Seq0 -> Seq0
_ = put({?MODULE, seq}, Seq + 1),
Name =
list_to_atom(Prefix ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Line) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Seq)),
{var, Line, Name}.
-spec make_fun(line(), [expr()]) -> expr().
make_fun(Line, Body) ->
{'fun', Line,
{clauses, [{clause, Line, [], [], Body}]}}.
-spec make_operation_name(line(), non_neg_integer(), #state{}) -> expr().
make_operation_name(Line, Arity, State) ->
Mfa = io_lib:format("~s:~s/~p", [State#state.module, State#state.function, Arity]),
{atom, Line, binary_to_atom(list_to_binary(Mfa), utf8)}.
-spec make_start_span_options(line(), #state{}) -> expr().
make_start_span_options(Line, State) ->
Options0 =
case State#state.tracer of
error -> erl_parse:abstract([], [{line, Line}]);
{ok, Tracer} ->
{cons, Line, ?PAIR(Line, tracer, parse_expr_string(Line, Tracer, State)), {nil, Line}}
Options1 =
case State#state.child_of of
undefined -> Options0;
ChildOf ->
{cons, Line,
?PAIR(Line, child_of, parse_expr_string(Line, ChildOf, State)),
Options2 =
case State#state.follows_from of
undefined -> Options1;
FollowsFrom ->
{cons, Line,
?PAIR(Line, follows_from, parse_expr_string(Line, FollowsFrom, State)),
-spec make_tags(line(), #state{}) -> expr().
make_tags(Line, State) ->
{map, Line,
?MAP_FIELD(Line, '', make_call_remote(Line, erlang, self, [])),
?MAP_FIELD(Line, 'location.application', {atom, Line, State#state.application}),
?MAP_FIELD(Line, 'location.module', {atom, Line, State#state.module}),
?MAP_FIELD(Line, 'location.line', {integer, Line, Line}) |
?MAP_FIELD(Line, Key, parse_expr_string(Line, ValueExprStr, State))
end || {Key, ValueExprStr} <- maps:to_list(State#state.tags)]
-spec make_error_log(line(), [expr()]) -> expr().
make_error_log(Line, Fields) ->
Line, passage_pd, log,
{map, Line, Fields},
{cons, Line, {atom, Line, error}, {nil, Line}}
-spec make_body(line(), [expr()], #state{}) -> [expr()].
make_body(_, Body, #state{error_if = undefined}) ->
make_body(Line, Body, State = #state{error_if = ErrorIf}) ->
Pattern = parse_expr_string(Line, ErrorIf, State),
TempVar = make_var(Line, "__Temp"),
[{match, Line, TempVar, {block, Line, Body}},
{'case', Line, TempVar,
{clause, Line, [Pattern], [],
make_error_log(Line, [?MAP_FIELD(Line, ?LOG_FIELD_MESSAGE, TempVar)]),
{clause, Line, [{var, Line, '_'}], [], [TempVar]}
-spec make_catch_clauses(line(), #state{}) -> [clause()].
make_catch_clauses(_, #state{error_if_exception = false}) ->
make_catch_clauses(Line, _) ->
ClassVar = make_var(Line, "__Class"),
ErrorVar = make_var(Line, "__Error"),
GetStrackTrace = make_call_remote(Line, erlang, get_stacktrace, []),
{clause, Line,
[{tuple, Line, [ClassVar, ErrorVar, {var, Line, '_'}]}],
?MAP_FIELD(Line, ?LOG_FIELD_STACK, GetStrackTrace)]),
Line, erlang, raise,
[ClassVar, ErrorVar, GetStrackTrace])