blob: 76ceb784415ce826a51a27dd132579d6419282d6 [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc Span Reporter.
%% Note that this component has not been described in the
%% <a href="">OpenTracing Specification</a>.
%% === Callbacks ===
%% This module requires following callback:
%% ```
%% %% @doc Reports the finished span to an external observer (e.g., Jaeger agent).
%% -callback report(state(), FinishedSpan :: passage_span:span()) -> Ignored :: term().
%% '''
%% Exported API
%% Callback API
-callback report(state(), passage_span:span()) -> Ignored :: term().
%% Macros & Records
module :: module(),
state :: state()
%% Exported Types
-opaque reporter() :: #?REPORTER{}.
%% Reporter.
-type state() :: term().
%% Implementation-dependent state.
%% Exported Functions
%% @doc Makes a new reporter.
-spec new(module(), state()) -> passage_reporter:reporter().
new(Module, State) ->
#?REPORTER{module = Module, state = State}.
%% @doc Returns `true' if `X' is a reporter, otherwise `false'.
-spec is_reporter(reporter() | term()) -> boolean().
is_reporter(X) ->
is_record(X, ?REPORTER).
%% @doc Returns the module of `Reporter'.
-spec get_module(reporter()) -> module().
get_module(Reporter) ->
%% @doc Returns the state of `Reporter'.
-spec get_state(reporter()) -> state().
get_state(Reporter) ->
%% @doc Reports the given finished span.
-spec report(reporter(), passage_span:span()) -> ok.
report(#?REPORTER{module = Module, state = State}, Span) ->
Module:report(State, Span),