blob: 8209b48e315b3c0fcfd9a16789d68d56855d1509 [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc Process Dictionary version of {@link passage}.
%% The functions in this module operate on the span
%% which stored in the process dictionary of the calling process.
%% === Examples ===
%% ```
%% %% Registers `tracer'
%% Context = passage_span_context_null,
%% Sampler = passage_sampler_all:new(),
%% Reporter = passage_reporter_process:new(self(), span),
%% ok = passage_tracer_registry:register(tracer, Context, Sampler, Reporter),
%% %% Starts a root span
%% ok = passage_pd:start_root_span(example_root, tracer),
%% %% Starts a child span
%% ok = passage_pd:start_span(example_child),
%% %% Finishes spans
%% passage_pd:finish_span(), % child
%% passage_pd:finish_span(), % root
%% %% Receives the finished spans
%% receive {span, FinishedChildSpan} -> ok end,
%% receive {span, FinishedRootSpan} -> ok end.
%% '''
%% Exported API
-export([start_root_span/2, start_root_span/3]).
-export([start_span/1, start_span/2]).
-export([finish_span/0, finish_span/1]).
-export([with_root_span/3, with_root_span/4]).
-export([with_span/2, with_span/3]).
-export([log/1, log/2]).
-export([error_log/1, error_log/2, error_log/3, error_log/4]).
%% Macros
-define(ANCESTORS_KEY, passage_span_ancestors).
%% Exported Functions
%% @equiv start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, [])
-spec start_root_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:tracer_id()) -> ok.
start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer) ->
start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, []).
%% @doc Starts a root span.
%% The started span will be pushed to the process dictionary of the calling process.
%% If the sampler associated with `Tracer' does not sample the span,
%% the value of span will be `undefined'.
-spec start_root_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:tracer_id(),
passage:start_root_span_options()) -> ok.
start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, Options) ->
Span = passage:start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, Options),
put_ancestors([Span | get_ancestors()]).
%% @equiv start_span(OperationName, [])
-spec start_span(passage:operation_name()) -> ok.
start_span(OperationName) ->
start_span(OperationName, []).
%% @doc Starts a span.
%% The started span will be pushed to the process dictionary of the calling process.
%% If there is no sampled span references, the value of span will be `undefined'.
-spec start_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:start_span_options()) -> ok.
start_span(OperationName, Options) ->
Ancestors = get_ancestors(),
Options1 =
case Ancestors of
[] -> Options;
[Parent | _] ->
Refs = proplists:get_value(refs, Options, []),
[{refs, [{child_of, Parent} | Refs]} | Options]
Span = passage_span:start(OperationName, Options1),
put_ancestors([Span | Ancestors]).
%% @equiv finish_span([])
-spec finish_span() -> ok.
finish_span() ->
%% @doc Pops the current span from process dictionary and finishes the span.
%% The finished span will be sent an external observer via
%% the reporter associated with the tracer of the span.
-spec finish_span(passage:finish_span_options()) -> ok.
finish_span(Options) ->
case pop_span() of
undefined -> ok;
Span -> passage:finish_span(Span, Options)
%% @equiv with_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, [], Fun)
-spec with_root_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:tracer_id(), Fun) -> Result when
Fun :: fun (() -> Result),
Result :: term().
with_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, Fun) ->
with_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, [], Fun).
%% @doc Starts a root span enclosing `Fun'.
-spec with_root_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:tracer_id(),
passage:start_span_options(), Fun) -> Result when
Fun :: fun (() -> Result),
Result :: term().
with_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, Options, Fun) ->
start_root_span(OperationName, Tracer, Options),
%% @equiv with_span(OperationName, [], Fun)
-spec with_span(passage:operation_name(), Fun) -> Result when
Fun :: fun (() -> Result),
Result :: term().
with_span(OperationName, Fun) ->
with_span(OperationName, [], Fun).
%% @doc Starts a span enclosing `Fun'.
-spec with_span(passage:operation_name(), passage:start_span_options(), Fun) -> Result when
Fun :: fun (() -> Result),
Result :: term().
with_span(OperationName, Options, Fun) ->
start_span(OperationName, Options),
%% @doc Returns the current span stored in the process dictionary of the calling process.
-spec current_span() -> passage:maybe_span().
current_span() ->
case get(?ANCESTORS_KEY) of
undefined -> undefined;
[] -> undefined;
[Span | _] -> Span
%% @doc Sets the operation name of the current span to `OperationName'.
-spec set_operation_name(passage:operation_name()) -> ok.
set_operation_name(OperationName) ->
fun (Span) -> passage_span:set_operation_name(Span, OperationName) end).
%% @doc Sets the tags of the current span to `Tags'.
%% Note that the existing tags which have different keys with `Tags' are preserved.
-spec set_tags(passage:tags()) -> ok.
set_tags(Tags) ->
update_current_span(fun (Span) -> passage_span:set_tags(Span, Tags) end).
%% @doc Sets the baggage items of the current span to `Items'.
%% Note that the existing items which have different keys with `Items' are preserved.
%% See also: <a href="">Set a baggage item (The OpenTracing Semantic Specification)</a>
-spec set_baggage_items(passage:baggage_items()) -> ok.
set_baggage_items(Items) ->
update_current_span(fun (Span) -> passage_span:set_baggage_items(Span, Items) end).
%% @doc Returns the baggage items carried by the current span.
-spec get_baggage_items() -> passage:baggage_items().
get_baggage_items() ->
Span = current_span(),
%% @equiv log(Fields, [])
-spec log(passage:log_fields()) -> ok.
log(Fields) ->
log(Fields, []).
%% @doc Logs the `Fields' to the current span.
-spec log(passage:log_fields(), passage:log_options()) -> ok.
log(Fields, Options) ->
update_current_span(fun (Span) -> passage:log(Span, Fields, Options) end).
%% @equiv error_log(Message, [])
-spec error_log(iodata()) -> ok.
error_log(Message) ->
error_log(Message, []).
%% @equiv error_log(Format, Data, #{})
-spec error_log(io:format(), [term()]) -> ok.
error_log(Format, Data) ->
error_log(Format, Data, #{}).
%% @equiv error_log(Format, Data, Fields, [])
-spec error_log(io:format(), [term()], passage:log_fields()) -> ok.
error_log(Format, Data, Fields) ->
error_log(Format, Data, Fields, []).
%% @doc Logs error message to the current span.
%% This function logs `Fields` and
%% `#{event => error, message => io_lib:format(Format, Data)}'.
%% In addition, it sets the tag `#{error => true}' automatically.
-spec error_log(io:format(), [term()], passage:log_fields(), passage:log_options()) -> ok.
error_log(Format, Data, Fields, Options) ->
fun (Span) -> passage:error_log(Span, Format, Data, Fields, Options) end).
%% Internal Functions
-spec get_ancestors() -> [passage:maybe_span()].
get_ancestors() ->
case get(?ANCESTORS_KEY) of
undefined -> [];
Ancestors -> Ancestors
-spec put_ancestors([passage:maybe_span()]) -> ok.
put_ancestors(Ancestors) ->
put(?ANCESTORS_KEY, Ancestors),
-spec update_current_span(Fun) -> ok when
Fun :: fun ((passage_span:span()) -> passage_span:span()).
update_current_span(Fun) ->
case get(?ANCESTORS_KEY) of
undefined -> ok;
[] -> ok;
[undefined | _] -> ok;
[Span0 | Spans] ->
Span1 = Fun(Span0),
put_ancestors([Span1 | Spans])
-spec pop_span() -> passage:maybe_span().
pop_span() ->
case get(?ANCESTORS_KEY) of
undefined -> undefined;
[] -> undefined;
[Span | Spans] ->