blob: b16152eb7c37f61f034e46da9db721e6e30781fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Type definitions for nano 6.4
// Project:
// Definitions by: Tim Jacobi <>
// Kovács Vince <>
// Glynn Bird <>
// Kyle Chine <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3
/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
declare function nano(
config: nano.Configuration | string
): nano.ServerScope;
declare namespace nano {
interface requestDefaultsOptions {
timeout: number;
agent: any;
headers: object;
interface Configuration {
url: string;
cookie?: string;
requestDefaults?: requestDefaultsOptions;
log?(id: string, args: any): void;
parseUrl?: boolean;
request?(params: any): void;
type Callback<R> = (error: any, response: R, headers?: any) => void;
interface ServerScope {
readonly config: ServerConfig;
db: DatabaseScope;
use<D>(db: string): DocumentScope<D>;
scope<D>(db: string): DocumentScope<D>;
request(opts: RequestOptions | string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
relax(opts: RequestOptions | string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
dinosaur(opts: RequestOptions | string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
auth(username: string, userpass: string, callback?: Callback<DatabaseAuthResponse>): Promise<DatabaseAuthResponse>;
session(callback?: Callback<DatabaseSessionResponse>): Promise<DatabaseSessionResponse>;
updates(callback?: Callback<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>;
updates(params: UpdatesParams, callback?: Callback<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>;
uuids(num: number, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<UUIDObject>;
info(callback?: Callback<InfoResponse>): Promise<InfoResponse>;
interface UUIDObject {
uuids: string[];
interface InfoResponse {
couchdb: string;
version: string;
git_sha: string;
uuid: string;
features: string[];
vendor: { name: string }
interface DatabaseCreateParams {
n?: number;
partitioned?: boolean;
q?: number;
interface DatabaseScope {
replication: {
enable(source: string, target: string, opts0: object, callback0?: Callback<DatabaseCreateResponse>): Promise<DatabaseCreateResponse>;
disable(id:string, rev: string, opts0: object, callback0?: Callback<DatabaseCreateResponse>): Promise<DatabaseCreateResponse>;
query(id: string, opts0: object, callback0?: Callback<DatabaseGetResponse>): Promise<DatabaseGetResponse>;
create(name: string, params?: DatabaseCreateParams, callback?: Callback<DatabaseCreateResponse>): Promise<DatabaseCreateResponse>;
get(name: string, callback?: Callback<DatabaseGetResponse>): Promise<DatabaseGetResponse>;
destroy(name: string, callback?: Callback<OkResponse>): Promise<OkResponse>;
list(callback?: Callback<string[]>): Promise<string[]>;
listAsStream(): NodeJS.ReadStream;
use<D>(db: string): DocumentScope<D>;
compact(name: string, callback?: Callback<OkResponse>): Promise<OkResponse>;
compact(name: string, designname: string, callback?: Callback<OkResponse>): Promise<OkResponse>;
source: string | DocumentScope<D>,
target: string | DocumentScope<D>,
callback?: Callback<DatabaseReplicateResponse>
): Promise<DatabaseReplicateResponse>;
source: string | DocumentScope<D>,
target: string | DocumentScope<D>,
options: DatabaseReplicateOptions,
callback?: Callback<DatabaseReplicateResponse>
): Promise<DatabaseReplicateResponse>;
changes(name: string, callback?: Callback<DatabaseChangesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseChangesResponse>;
changes(name: string, params: DatabaseChangesParams, callback?: Callback<DatabaseChangesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseChangesResponse>;
changesAsStream(name: string): NodeJS.ReadStream;
changesAsStream(name: string, params: DatabaseChangesParams): NodeJS.ReadStream;
updates(callback?: Callback<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>;
updates(params: UpdatesParams, callback?: Callback<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseUpdatesResponse>;
interface ChangesReaderOptions {
// number of changes per API call
batchSize?: number;
// whether to get a faster changes feed by supplying 'seq_interval'
fastChanges?: boolean;
// where to begin the changes feed: 0, now or a sequence token
since?: string;
// whether to return document bodies too
includeDocs?: boolean;
// number of milliseconds when the longpoll request will timeout
timeout?: number;
// whether to require a callback before performing the next request (get/start only)
wait?: boolean;
// additional query string parameters
qs?: object;
// a MangoSelector defining the slice of the changes feed to return
selector?: MangoSelector;
interface ChangesReaderScope {
// fetch changes forever
start(opts: ChangesReaderOptions): EventEmitter;
// fetch changes and stop when an empty batch is received
get(opts: ChangesReaderOptions): EventEmitter;
// spool the change in one long feed, instead of batches
spool(opts: ChangesReaderOptions): EventEmitter;
// stop consuming the changes feed
stop(): void;
interface DocumentScope<D> {
readonly config: ServerConfig;
info(callback?: Callback<DatabaseGetResponse>): Promise<DatabaseGetResponse>;
target: string | DocumentScope<D>,
callback?: Callback<DatabaseReplicateResponse>
): Promise<DatabaseReplicateResponse>;
target: string | DocumentScope<D>,
options: any,
callback?: Callback<DatabaseReplicateResponse>
): Promise<DatabaseReplicateResponse>;
compact(callback?: Callback<OkResponse>): Promise<OkResponse>;
changes(callback?: Callback<DatabaseChangesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseChangesResponse>;
changes(params: DatabaseChangesParams, callback?: Callback<DatabaseChangesResponse>): Promise<DatabaseChangesResponse>;
changesReader: ChangesReaderScope;
auth(username: string, userpass: string, callback?: Callback<DatabaseAuthResponse>): Promise<DatabaseAuthResponse>;
session(callback?: Callback<DatabaseSessionResponse>): Promise<DatabaseSessionResponse>;
insert(document: ViewDocument<D> | D & MaybeDocument, callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
document: ViewDocument<D> | D & MaybeDocument,
params: DocumentInsertParams | string | null,
callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>
): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
get(docname: string, callback?: Callback<DocumentGetResponse & D>): Promise<DocumentGetResponse & D>;
get(docname: string, params?: DocumentGetParams, callback?: Callback<DocumentGetResponse & D>): Promise<DocumentGetResponse & D>;
head(docname: string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
destroy(docname: string, rev: string, callback?: Callback<DocumentDestroyResponse>): Promise<DocumentDestroyResponse>;
bulk(docs: BulkModifyDocsWrapper, callback?: Callback<DocumentBulkResponse[]>): Promise<DocumentBulkResponse[]>;
bulk(docs: BulkModifyDocsWrapper, params: any, callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse[]>): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse[]>;
list(callback?: Callback<DocumentListResponse<D>>): Promise<DocumentListResponse<D>>;
list(params: DocumentListParams, callback?: Callback<DocumentListResponse<D>>): Promise<DocumentListResponse<D>>;
listAsStream(): NodeJS.ReadStream;
listAsStream(params: DocumentListParams): NodeJS.ReadStream;
fetch(docnames: BulkFetchDocsWrapper, callback?: Callback<DocumentFetchResponse<D>>): Promise<DocumentFetchResponse<D>>;
docnames: BulkFetchDocsWrapper,
params: DocumentFetchParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentFetchResponse<D>>
): Promise<DocumentFetchResponse<D>>;
fetchRevs(docnames: BulkFetchDocsWrapper, callback?: Callback<DocumentFetchRevsResponse<D>>): Promise<DocumentFetchRevsResponse<D>>;
docnames: BulkFetchDocsWrapper,
params: DocumentFetchParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentFetchRevsResponse<D>>
): Promise<DocumentFetchRevsResponse<D>>;
createIndex(indexDef: CreateIndexRequest,
callback?: Callback<CreateIndexResponse>
): Promise<CreateIndexResponse>;
multipart: Multipart<D>;
attachment: Attachment;
designname: string,
showname: string,
doc_id: string,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
showname: string,
doc_id: string,
params: any,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
updatename: string,
docname: string,
callback?: Callback<R>
): Promise<R>;
designname: string,
updatename: string,
docname: string,
body: any,
callback?: Callback<R>
): Promise<R>;
designname: string,
updatename: string,
docname: string,
callback?: Callback<OkResponse>
): Promise<OkResponse>;
designname: string,
updatename: string,
docname: string,
body: any,
callback?: Callback<OkResponse>
): Promise<OkResponse>;
designname: string,
searchname: string,
params: DocumentSearchParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentSearchResponse<V>>
): Promise<DocumentSearchResponse<V>>;
designname: string,
searchname: string,
params: DocumentSearchParams
): NodeJS.ReadStream;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
meta: any,
params?: any,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
callback?: Callback<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>
): Promise<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>
): Promise<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>;
designname: string,
viewname: string
): NodeJS.ReadStream;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams
): NodeJS.ReadStream;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
listname: string,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
listname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
listname: string,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
designname: string,
viewname: string,
listname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
find(query: MangoQuery, callback?: Callback<MangoResponse<D>>): Promise <MangoResponse<D>>;
server: ServerScope;
partitionInfo(partitionKey: string, callback?: Callback<PartitionInfoResponse>): Promise <PartitionInfoResponse>;
partitionedList(partitionKey: string, params?: DocumentFetchParams, callback?: Callback<DocumentListResponse<D>>): Promise<DocumentListResponse<D>>;
partitionedListAsStream(partitionKey: string, params?: DocumentFetchParams): NodeJS.ReadStream;
partitionedFind(partitionKey: string, query: MangoQuery, callback?: Callback<MangoResponse<D>>): Promise <MangoResponse<D>>;
partitionedFindAsStream(partitionKey: string, query: MangoQuery): NodeJS.ReadStream;
partitionKey: string,
designname: string,
searchname: string,
params: DocumentSearchParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentSearchResponse<V>>
): Promise<DocumentSearchResponse<V>>;
partitionKey: string,
designname: string,
searchname: string,
params: DocumentSearchParams
): NodeJS.ReadStream;
partitionKey: string,
designname: string,
viewname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams,
callback?: Callback<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>
): Promise<DocumentViewResponse<V,D>>;
partitionKey: string,
designname: string,
viewname: string,
params: DocumentViewParams
): NodeJS.ReadStream;
interface AttachmentData {
name: string;
data: any;
content_type: any;
interface Multipart<D> {
insert(doc: D, attachments: AttachmentData[], callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
insert(doc: D, attachments: AttachmentData[], params: any, callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
get(docname: string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
get(docname: string, params: any, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
interface Attachment {
// NodeJS.WritableStream
insert(docname: string, attname: string, att: null, contenttype: string, params?: any): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
docname: string,
attname: string,
att: any,
contenttype: string,
callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>
): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
docname: string,
attname: string,
att: any,
contenttype: string,
params: any,
callback?: Callback<DocumentInsertResponse>
): Promise<DocumentInsertResponse>;
get(docname: string, attname: string, callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Promise<Buffer>;
getAsStream(docname: string, attname: string): NodeJS.ReadStream;
docname: string,
attname: string,
params: any,
callback?: Callback<Buffer>
): Promise<Buffer>;
destroy(docname: string, attname: string, callback?: Callback<any>): Promise<any>;
docname: string,
attname: string,
params: any,
callback?: Callback<any>
): Promise<any>;
interface ServerConfig {
url: string;
db: string;
interface RequestOptions {
db?: string;
method?: string;
path?: string;
doc?: string;
att?: string;
qs?: any;
content_type?: string;
headers?: any;
body?: any;
encoding?: string;
multipart?: any[];
interface UpdatesParams {
feed: "longpoll" | "continuous" | "eventsource";
timeout: number;
heartbeat: boolean;
since: string;
interface BulkModifyDocsWrapper {
docs: any[];
interface BulkFetchDocsWrapper {
keys: string[];
// -------------------------------------
// Document
// -------------------------------------
interface MaybeIdentifiedDocument {
_id?: string;
interface IdentifiedDocument {
_id: string;
interface MaybeRevisionedDocument {
_rev?: string;
interface RevisionedDocument {
_rev: string;
interface MaybeDocument extends MaybeIdentifiedDocument, MaybeRevisionedDocument {
interface Document extends IdentifiedDocument, RevisionedDocument {
// -------------------------------------
// View
// -------------------------------------
type DocumentInfer<D> = (doc: D & Document) => void
interface View<D> {
map?: string | DocumentInfer<D>;
reduce?: string | DocumentInfer<D>
interface ViewDocument<D> extends IdentifiedDocument {
views: {
[name: string]: View<D>
// -------------------------------------
// Database scope request and response
// -------------------------------------
interface DatabaseCreateResponse {
// Operation status. Available in case of success
ok?: boolean;
// Error type. Available if response code is 4xx
error?: string;
// Error description. Available if response code is 4xx
reason?: string;
interface DatabaseGetResponse {
// Set to true if the database compaction routine is operating on this database.
compact_running: boolean;
// The name of the database.
db_name: string;
// The version of the physical format used for the data when it is stored on disk.
disk_format_version: number;
// The number of bytes of live data inside the database file.
data_size: number;
// The length of the database file on disk. Views indexes are not included in the calculation.
disk_size: number;
// A count of the documents in the specified database.
doc_count: number;
// Number of deleted documents
doc_del_count: number;
// Timestamp of when the database was opened, expressed in microseconds since the epoch.
instance_start_time: string;
// The number of purge operations on the database.
purge_seq: number;
sizes: {
// The size of live data inside the database, in bytes.
active: number;
// The uncompressed size of database contents in bytes.
external: number;
// The size of the database file on disk in bytes. Views indexes
file: number;
// The current number of updates to the database.
update_seq: number;
interface OkResponse {
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
interface DatabaseReplicateOptions {
// Cancels the replication
cancel?: boolean;
// Configure the replication to be continuous
continuous?: boolean;
// Creates the target database. Required administrator’s privileges on target server.
create_target?: boolean;
// Array of document IDs to be synchronized
doc_ids?: string[];
// The name of a filter function.
filter?: string;
// Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur (protocol can be “http” or “socks5”)
proxy?: string;
// Source database name or URL
source?: string;
// Target database name or URL
target?: string;
interface DatabaseReplicationHistoryItem {
// Number of document write failures
doc_write_failures: number;
// Number of documents read
docs_read: number;
// Number of documents written to target
docs_written: number;
// Last sequence number in changes stream
end_last_seq: number;
// Date/Time replication operation completed in RFC 2822 format
end_time: string;
// Number of missing documents checked
missing_checked: number;
// Number of missing documents found
missing_found: number;
// Last recorded sequence number
recorded_seq: number;
// Session ID for this replication operation
session_id: string;
// First sequence number in changes stream
start_last_seq: number;
// Date/Time replication operation started in RFC 2822 format
start_time: string;
interface DatabaseReplicateResponse {
// Replication history
history: DatabaseReplicationHistoryItem[];
// Replication status
ok: boolean;
// Replication protocol version
replication_id_version: number;
// Unique session ID
session_id: string;
// Last sequence number read from source database
source_last_seq: number;
interface DatabaseChangesParams {
// List of document IDs to filter the changes feed as valid JSON array. Used with _doc_ids filter. Since length of
// URL is limited, it is better to use POST /{db}/_changes instead.
doc_ids?: string[];
// Includes conflicts information in response. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
conflicts?: boolean;
// Return the change results in descending sequence order (most recent change first). Default is false.
descending?: boolean;
// - normal Specifies Normal Polling Mode. All past changes are returned immediately. Default.
// - longpoll Specifies Long Polling Mode. Waits until at least one change has occurred, sends the change, then
// closes the connection. Most commonly used in conjunction with since=now, to wait for the next change.
// - continuous Sets Continuous Mode. Sends a line of JSON per event. Keeps the socket open until timeout.
// - eventsource Sets Event Source Mode. Works the same as Continuous Mode, but sends the events in EventSource
// format.
feed?: "normal" | "longpoll" | "continuous" | "eventsource";
// Reference to a filter function from a design document that will filter whole stream emitting only filtered
// events. See the section Change Notifications in the book CouchDB The Definitive Guide for more information.
filter?: string;
// Period in milliseconds after which an empty line is sent in the results. Only applicable for longpoll,
// continuous, and eventsource feeds. Overrides any timeout to keep the feed alive indefinitely. Default is 60000.
// May be true to use default value.
heartbeat?: number;
// Include the associated document with each result. If there are conflicts, only the winning revision is returned.
// Default is false.
include_docs?: boolean;
// Include the Base64-encoded content of attachments in the documents that are included if include_docs is true.
// Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
attachments?: boolean;
// Include encoding information in attachment stubs if include_docs is true and the particular attachment is
// compressed. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
att_encoding_info?: boolean;
// Limit number of result rows to the specified value (note that using 0 here has the same effect as 1).
limit?: number;
// Start the results from the change immediately after the given update sequence. Can be valid update sequence or
// now value. Default is 0.
since?: number;
// Specifies how many revisions are returned in the changes array. The default, main_only, will only return the
// current “winning” revision; all_docs will return all leaf revisions (including conflicts and deleted former
// conflicts).
style?: string;
// Maximum period in milliseconds to wait for a change before the response is sent, even if there are no results.
// Only applicable for longpoll or continuous feeds. Default value is specified by httpd/changes_timeout
// configuration option. Note that 60000 value is also the default maximum timeout to prevent undetected dead
// connections.
timeout?: number;
// Allows to use view functions as filters. Documents counted as “passed” for view filter in case if map function
// emits at least one record for them. See _view for more info.
view?: string;
interface DatabaseChangesResultItem {
// List of document’s leaves with single field rev.
changes: Array<{ rev: string }>;
// Document ID.
id: string;
// Update sequence.
seq: any;
// true if the document is deleted.
deleted: boolean;
interface DatabaseChangesResponse {
// Last change update sequence
last_seq: any;
// Count of remaining items in the feed
pending: number;
// Changes made to a database
results: DatabaseChangesResultItem[];
interface DatabaseAuthResponse {
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
// Username
name: string;
// List of user roles
roles: string[];
interface DatabaseSessionResponse {
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
// User context for the current user
userCtx: any;
// Server authentication configuration
info: any;
interface DatabaseUpdatesResultItem {
// Database name.
db_name: string;
// A database event is one of created, updated, deleted.
type: string;
// Update sequence of the event.
seq: any;
interface DatabaseUpdatesResponse {
// An array of database events. For longpoll and continuous modes, the entire response is the contents of the
// results array.
results: DatabaseUpdatesResultItem[];
// The last sequence ID reported.
last_seq: string;
// -------------------------------------
// Document scope request and response
// -------------------------------------
interface DocumentResponseRowMeta {
id: string;
key: string;
value: {
rev: string;
error?: string;
interface DocumentResponseRow<D> extends DocumentResponseRowMeta {
doc?: D & Document;
interface DocumentBulkResponse {
// Document ID. Available in all cases
id: string;
// New document revision token. Available if document has saved without errors.
rev?: string;
// Error type. Available if response code is 4xx
error?: string;
// Error reason. Available if response code is 4xx
reason?: string;
interface DocumentInsertParams {
// Document’s revision if updating an existing document. Alternative to If-Match header or document key.
rev?: string;
// Stores document in batch mode.
batch?: "ok";
// Prevents insertion of a conflicting document. Possible values: true (default) and false. If false, a
// well-formed _rev must be included in the document. new_edits=false is used by the replicator to insert
// documents into the target database even if that leads to the creation of conflicts.
new_edits?: boolean;
interface DocumentInsertResponse {
// Document ID
id: string;
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
// Revision MVCC token
rev: string;
interface DocumentDestroyResponse {
// Document ID
id: string;
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
// Revision MVCC token
rev: string;
interface DocumentGetParams {
// Includes attachments bodies in response. Default is false.
attachments?: boolean;
// Includes encoding information in attachment stubs if the particular attachment is compressed. Default is
// false.
att_encoding_info?: boolean;
// Includes attachments only since specified revisions. Doesn’t includes attachments for specified revisions.
atts_since?: any[];
// Includes information about conflicts in document. Default is false.
conflicts?: boolean;
// Includes information about deleted conflicted revisions. Default is false.
deleted_conflicts?: boolean;
// Forces retrieving latest “leaf” revision, no matter what rev was requested. Default is false.
latest?: boolean;
// Includes last update sequence for the document. Default is false.
local_seq?: boolean;
// Acts same as specifying all conflicts, deleted_conflicts and revs_info query parameters. Default is false.
meta?: boolean;
// Retrieves documents of specified leaf revisions. Additionally, it accepts value as all to return all leaf
// revisions.
open_revs?: any[];
// Retrieves document of specified revision.
rev?: string;
// Includes list of all known document revisions.
revs?: boolean;
// Includes detailed information for all known document revisions. Default is false.
revs_info?: boolean;
interface DocumentGetResponse {
// Document ID.
_id: string;
// Revision MVCC token.
_rev: string;
// Deletion flag. Available if document was removed.
_deleted?: boolean;
// Attachment’s stubs. Available if document has any attachments.
_attachments?: any;
// List of conflicted revisions. Available if requested with conflicts=true query parameter.
_conflicts?: any[];
// List of deleted conflicted revisions. Available if requested with deleted_conflicts=true query parameter.
_deleted_conflicts?: any[];
// Document’s update sequence in current database. Available if requested with local_seq=true query parameter.
_local_seq?: string;
// List of objects with information about local revisions and their status. Available if requested with
// open_revs query parameter.
_revs_info?: any[];
// List of local revision tokens without. Available if requested with revs=true query parameter.
_revisions?: any;
interface DocumentCopyOptions {
overwrite?: boolean;
interface DocumentCopyResponse {
// Document ID
id: string;
// Operation status
ok: boolean;
// Revision MVCC token
rev: string;
interface DocumentListParams {
// Includes conflicts information in response. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
conflicts?: boolean;
// Return the documents in descending by key order. Default is false.
descending?: boolean;
// Stop returning records when the specified key is reached.
endkey?: string;
// Stop returning records when the specified key is reached. end_key is an alias for endkey
end_key?: string;
// Stop returning records when the specified document ID is reached.
end_key_doc_id?: string;
// Include the full content of the documents in the return. Default is false.
include_docs?: boolean;
// Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result. Default is true.
inclusive_end?: boolean;
// Return only documents that match the specified key.
key?: string;
// Return only documents that match the specified keys.
keys?: string | string[];
// Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number.
limit?: number;
// Skip this number of records before starting to return the results. Default is 0.
skip?: number;
// Allow the results from a stale view to be used, without triggering a rebuild of all views within the
// encompassing design doc. Supported values: ok and update_after.
stale?: string;
// Return records starting with the specified key.
startkey?: string;
// Return records starting with the specified key. start_key is an alias for startkey
start_key?: string;
// Return records starting with the specified document ID.
start_key_doc_id?: string;
// Response includes an update_seq value indicating which sequence id of the underlying database the view
// reflects. Default is false.
update_seq?: boolean;
interface DocumentListResponse<D> {
// Offset where the document list started.
offset: number;
// Array of view row objects. By default the information returned contains only the document ID and revision.
rows: Array<DocumentResponseRow<D>>;
// Number of documents in the database/view. Note that this is not the number of rows returned in the actual
// query.
total_rows: number;
// Current update sequence for the database.
update_seq?: number;
interface DocumentFetchParams {
conflicts?: boolean;
descending?: boolean;
end_key?: string;
end_key_doc_id?: string;
inclusive_end?: boolean;
key?: string;
keys?: string; // This can be string[] too ???
limit?: number;
skip?: number;
stale?: string;
start_key?: string;
start_key_doc_id?: string;
update_seq?: boolean;
interface DocumentLookupFailure {
key: string;
error: string;
interface DocumentFetchResponse<D> {
offset: number;
rows: Array<DocumentResponseRow<D> | DocumentLookupFailure>;
total_rows: number;
update_seq?: number;
interface DocumentFetchRevsResponse<D> {
offset: number;
rows: Array<DocumentResponseRow<D> | DocumentLookupFailure>;
total_rows: number;
update_seq?: number;
interface DocumentSearchResponse<V> {
// Array of search results
rows: Array<{
id: string;
order: number[];
fields: object;
key: string;
doc?: V;
// Number of documents in the search resykts
total_rows: number;
// token which if supplied to a subsequent search will return the next page of results.
bookmark: string;
// facet counts
counts?: object;
// facet range results
ranges?: object;
highlights?: object;
interface PartitionInfoResponse {
// Database name
db_name: string;
// Partition sizes
sizes: {
active: number;
external: number;
// Partition name
partition: string;
// Document count
doc_count: number;
// Deleted document count
doc_del_count: number;
interface DocumentSearchParams {
// A bookmark that was received from a previous search. Used for pagination.
bookmark?: string;
// An array of field names for which facet counts are requested.
counts?: string[];
// Filters the result set using key value pairs supplied to the drilldown parameter.
drilldown?: string[];
// The name of a string field to group results by.
group_field?: string;
// The maximum group count when used in conjunction with group_field.
group_limit?: number;
// Defines the order of the groups in a search when used with group_field.
group_sort?: string | string[];
// Which fields are to be highlighted.
highlight_fields?: string[];
// String used before a highlighted word. Defaults to <em>.
highlight_pre_tag?: string;
// String used after a highlighted word. Defaults to </em>.
highlight_post_tag?: string;
// The number of gradments that are returned in highlights. Defaults to 1.
highlight_number?: number;
// The number of characters in each fragment for highlight. Defaults to 100.
highlight_size?: number;
// Include the full document bodies in the response. Defaults to false
include_docs?: boolean;
// An array of fields to include in the search results.
include_fields?: string[];
// The maximum number of returned documents. Positive integer up to 200.
limit?: number;
// Alias of 'query'. One of q or query must be present.
q?: string;
// The Lucene query to perform. One of q or query must be present.
query?: string;
// Defines ranges for faceted numeric search fields.
ranges?: object;
// Specifies the sort order of the results.
sort?: string | string[];
// Do not wait for the index to finish building to return results.
stale?: boolean;
interface DocumentViewParams {
// Includes conflicts information in response. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
conflicts?: boolean;
// Return the documents in descending by key order. Default is false.
descending?: boolean;
// Stop returning records when the specified key is reached.
endkey?: any;
// Alias for endkey param.
end_key?: any;
// Stop returning records when the specified document ID is reached. Requires endkey to be specified for this
// to have any effect.
endkey_docid?: string;
// Alias for endkey_docid param.
end_key_doc_id?: string;
// Group the results using the reduce function to a group or single row. Default is false.
group?: boolean;
// Specify the group level to be used.
group_level?: number;
// Include the associated document with each row. Default is false.
include_docs?: boolean;
// Include the Base64-encoded content of attachments in the documents that are included if include_docs is
// true. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
attachments?: boolean;
// Include encoding information in attachment stubs if include_docs is true and the particular attachment is
// compressed. Ignored if include_docs isn’t true. Default is false.
att_encoding_info?: boolean;
// Specifies whether the specified end key should be included in the result. Default is true.
inclusive_end?: boolean;
// Return only documents that match the specified key.
key?: any;
// Return only documents where the key matches one of the keys specified in the array.
keys?: any[];
// Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number.
limit?: number;
// Use the reduction function. Default is true.
reduce?: boolean;
// Skip this number of records before starting to return the results. Default is 0.
skip?: number;
// Sort returned rows. Setting this to false offers a performance boost. The total_rows and offset fields are
// not available when this is set to false. Default is true.
sorted?: boolean;
// Whether or not the view results should be returned from a stable set of shards. Default is false.
stable?: boolean;
// Allow the results from a stale view to be used. Supported values: ok, update_after and false. ok is
// equivalent to stable=true&update=false. update_after is equivalent to stable=true&update=lazy. false is
// equivalent to stable=false&update=true.
stale?: string;
// Return records starting with the specified key.
startkey?: any;
// Alias for startkey param
start_key?: any;
// Return records starting with the specified document ID. Requires startkey to be specified for this to have
// any effect.
startkey_docid?: string;
// Alias for startkey_docid param
start_key_doc_id?: string;
// Whether or not the view in question should be updated prior to responding to the user. Supported values:
// true, false, lazy. Default is true.
update?: string;
// Response includes an update_seq value indicating which sequence id of the database the view reflects.
// Default is false.
update_seq?: boolean;
interface DocumentViewResponse<V,D> {
// Offset where the document list started.
offset: number;
// Array of view row objects. By default the information returned contains only the document ID and revision.
rows: Array<{
id: string;
key: string;
value: V;
doc?: D & Document;
// Number of documents in the database/view.
total_rows: number;
// Current update sequence for the database
update_seq: any;
type MangoValue = number | string | Date | boolean | object | null;
type MangoOperator = '$lt' | '$lte' | '$eq' | '$ne' | '$gte' | '$gt' |
'$exists' | '$type' |
'$in' | '$nin' | '$size' | '$mod' | '$regex' |
'$or' | '$and' | '$nor' | '$not' | '$all' | '$allMatch' | '$elemMatch';
type MangoSelector = {
[K in MangoOperator | string]: MangoSelector| MangoSelector[] | MangoValue | MangoValue[];
type SortOrder = string | string[] | { [key: string]: 'asc' | 'desc' };
interface MangoQuery {
// JSON object describing criteria used to select documents.
selector: MangoSelector;
// Maximum number of results returned. Default is 25.
limit?: number;
// Skip the first 'n' results, where 'n' is the value specified.
skip?: number;
// JSON array following sort syntax.
sort?: SortOrder[];
// JSON array specifying which fields of each object should be returned. If it is omitted,
// the entire object is returned.
fields?: string[];
// Instruct a query to use a specific index.
// Specified either as "<design_document>" or ["<design_document>", "<index_name>"].
use_index?: string | [string, string];
// Read quorum needed for the result. This defaults to 1.
r?: number;
// A string that enables you to specify which page of results you require. Used for paging through result sets.
bookmark?: string;
// Whether to update the index prior to returning the result. Default is true.
update?: boolean;
// Whether or not the view results should be returned from a “stable” set of shards.
stable?: boolean;
// Combination of update = false and stable = true options.Possible options: "ok", false (default).
stale?: 'ok' | false;
// Include execution statistics in the query response. Optional, default: false.
execution_stats?: boolean;
interface MangoResponse<D> {
// Array of documents matching the search. In each matching document, the fields specified in
// the fields part of the request body are listed, along with their values.
docs: (D & {_id: string, _rev:string})[];
// A string that enables you to specify which page of results you require. Used for paging through result sets.
bookmark?: string;
// Execution warnings
warning?: string;
// Basic execution statistics for a specific request.
execution_stats?: MangoExecutionStats;
interface MangoExecutionStats {
// Number of index keys examined. Currently always 0.
total_keys_examined: number;
// Number of documents fetched from the database / index, equivalent to using include_docs = true in a view.
total_docs_examined: number;
// Number of documents fetched from the database using an out - of - band document fetch.
// This is only non - zero when read quorum > 1 is specified in the query parameters.
total_quorum_docs_examined: number;
// Number of results returned from the query.
results_returned: number;
// Total execution time in milliseconds as measured by the database.
execution_time_ms: number;
interface CreateIndexRequest{
// JSON object describing the index to create
index: {
// Array of field names following the sort syntax.
fields: SortOrder[],
// A selector to apply to documents at indexing time, creating a partial index.
partial_filter_selector?: MangoSelector
// Name of the design document in which the index will be created.
ddoc?: string
// Name of the index. If no name is provided, a name will be generated automatically.
name?: string,
// Can be "json" or "text". Defaults to json.
type?: 'json' | 'text',
// This field sets whether the created index will be a partitioned or global index.
partitioned?: boolean
interface CreateIndexResponse {
// Flag to show whether the index was created or one already exists. Can be “created” or “exists”.
result: string,
// Id of the design document the index was created in.
id: string,
// Name of the index created.
name: string
export = nano;