blob: 22e5b26ac3188d0218a6e275332aa71cf873a1bc [file] [log] [blame]
with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun) ->
mochiweb_test_util:with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun).
request_test() ->
R = mochiweb_request:new(z, z, "//foo///bar/baz%20wibble+quux?qs=2", z, []),
"/foo/bar/baz wibble quux" = R:get(path),
-define(LARGE_TIMEOUT, 60).
single_http_GET_test() ->
do_GET(plain, 1).
single_https_GET_test() ->
do_GET(ssl, 1).
multiple_http_GET_test() ->
do_GET(plain, 3).
multiple_https_GET_test() ->
do_GET(ssl, 3).
hundred_http_GET_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_GET(plain,100)) end}.
hundred_https_GET_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_GET(ssl,100)) end}.
single_128_http_POST_test() ->
do_POST(plain, 128, 1).
single_128_https_POST_test() ->
do_POST(ssl, 128, 1).
single_2k_http_POST_test() ->
do_POST(plain, 2048, 1).
single_2k_https_POST_test() ->
do_POST(ssl, 2048, 1).
single_100k_http_POST_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(plain, 102400, 1)) end}.
single_100k_https_POST_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(ssl, 102400, 1)) end}.
multiple_100k_http_POST_test() ->
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(plain, 102400, 3)) end}.
multiple_100K_https_POST_test() ->
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(ssl, 102400, 3)) end}.
hundred_128_http_POST_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(plain, 128, 100)) end}.
hundred_128_https_POST_test_() -> % note the underscore
{timeout, ?LARGE_TIMEOUT,
fun() -> ?assertEqual(ok, do_POST(ssl, 128, 100)) end}.
single_GET_scheme_test_() ->
[{"ssl", ?_assertEqual(ok, do_GET("derp", ssl, 1))},
{"plain", ?_assertEqual(ok, do_GET("derp", plain, 1))}].
single_GET_absoluteURI_test_() ->
Uri = "",
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Req:ok({"text/plain", Req:get(path)})
%% Note that all the scheme/host/port information is discarded from path
ClientFun = new_client_fun('GET', [#treq{path = Uri, xreply = <<"/x/">>}]),
?_assertEqual(ok, with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun))}
|| Transport <- [ssl, plain]].
single_CONNECT_test_() ->
[{"ssl", ?_assertEqual(ok, do_CONNECT(ssl, 1))},
{"plain", ?_assertEqual(ok, do_CONNECT(plain, 1))}].
single_GET_any_test_() ->
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Req:ok({"text/plain", Req:get(path)})
ClientFun = new_client_fun('GET', [#treq{path = "*", xreply = <<"*">>}]),
?_assertEqual(ok, with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun))}
|| Transport <- [ssl, plain]].
cookie_header_test() ->
ReplyPrefix = "You requested: ",
ExHeaders = [{"Set-Cookie", "foo=bar"},
{"Set-Cookie", "foo=baz"}],
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Reply = ReplyPrefix ++ Req:get(path),
Req:ok({"text/plain", ExHeaders, Reply})
Path = "cookie_header",
ExpectedReply = list_to_binary(ReplyPrefix ++ Path),
TestReqs = [#treq{path=Path, xreply=ExpectedReply, xheaders=ExHeaders}],
ClientFun = new_client_fun('GET', TestReqs),
ok = with_server(plain, ServerFun, ClientFun),
do_CONNECT(Transport, Times) ->
PathPrefix = "",
ReplyPrefix = "You requested: ",
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Reply = ReplyPrefix ++ Req:get(path),
Req:ok({"text/plain", Reply})
TestReqs = [begin
Path = PathPrefix ++ integer_to_list(N),
ExpectedReply = list_to_binary(ReplyPrefix ++ Path),
#treq{path=Path, xreply=ExpectedReply}
end || N <- lists:seq(1, Times)],
ClientFun = new_client_fun('CONNECT', TestReqs),
ok = with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
do_GET(Transport, Times) ->
do_GET("/whatever/", Transport, Times).
do_GET(PathPrefix, Transport, Times) ->
ReplyPrefix = "You requested: ",
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Reply = ReplyPrefix ++ Req:get(path),
Req:ok({"text/plain", Reply})
TestReqs = [begin
Path = PathPrefix ++ integer_to_list(N),
ExpectedReply = list_to_binary(ReplyPrefix ++ Path),
#treq{path=Path, xreply=ExpectedReply}
end || N <- lists:seq(1, Times)],
ClientFun = new_client_fun('GET', TestReqs),
ok = with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
do_POST(Transport, Size, Times) ->
ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
Body = Req:recv_body(),
Headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}],
Req:respond({201, Headers, Body})
TestReqs = [begin
Path = "/stuff/" ++ integer_to_list(N),
Body = crypto:rand_bytes(Size),
#treq{path=Path, body=Body, xreply=Body}
end || N <- lists:seq(1, Times)],
ClientFun = new_client_fun('POST', TestReqs),
ok = with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
new_client_fun(Method, TestReqs) ->
fun (Transport, Port) ->
mochiweb_test_util:client_request(Transport, Port, Method, TestReqs)
close_on_unread_data_test() ->
ok = with_server(
fun mochiweb_request:not_found/1,
fun close_on_unread_data_client/2).
close_on_unread_data_client(Transport, Port) ->
SockFun = mochiweb_test_util:sock_fun(Transport, Port),
%% A normal GET request should not trigger this behavior
Request0 = string:join(
["GET / HTTP/1.1",
"Host: localhost",
ok = SockFun({setopts, [{packet, http}]}),
ok = SockFun({send, Request0}),
{ok, {http_response, {1, 1}, 404, _}},
Headers0 = mochiweb_test_util:read_server_headers(SockFun),
mochiweb_headers:get_value("Connection", Headers0)),
Len0 = list_to_integer(
mochiweb_headers:get_value("Content-Length", Headers0)),
_Body0 = mochiweb_test_util:drain_reply(SockFun, Len0, <<>>),
%% Re-use same socket
Request = string:join(
["POST / HTTP/1.1",
"Host: localhost",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Content-Length: 2",
ok = SockFun({setopts, [{packet, http}]}),
ok = SockFun({send, Request}),
{ok, {http_response, {1, 1}, 404, _}},
Headers = mochiweb_test_util:read_server_headers(SockFun),
%% Expect to see a Connection: close header when we know the
%% server will close the connection re #146
mochiweb_headers:get_value("Connection", Headers)),
Len = list_to_integer(mochiweb_headers:get_value("Content-Length", Headers)),
_Body = mochiweb_test_util:drain_reply(SockFun, Len, <<>>),
?assertEqual({error, closed}, SockFun(recv)),