blob: 543aee94fa88ea18a6bfa3996435a32fec81906e [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
match_predicate_test() ->
Matcher = meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X == 1000 end),
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1000, Matcher)),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1001, Matcher)).
match_predicate_not_bool_test() ->
Matcher = meck_matcher:new(fun(1000) -> true;
(Other) -> Other
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1000, Matcher)),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1001, Matcher)).
match_hamcrest_test() ->
Matcher = meck_matcher:new(hamcrest_matchers:equal_to(1000)),
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1000, Matcher)),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:match_ignore(1001, Matcher)).
match_not_matcher_test() ->
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:match_ignore(something, '_')),
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:match_ignore({1, [2, 3], undefined}, {1, [2, 3], undefined})).
predicate_wrong_arity_test() ->
Predicate = fun(X, Y) -> X == Y end,
?assertError(_, meck_matcher:new(Predicate)).
is_matcher_test() ->
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:is_matcher(meck_matcher:new(fun(X) -> X == 1000 end))),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:is_matcher(fun(X) -> X == 1000 end)),
?assertMatch(true, meck_matcher:is_matcher(meck_matcher:new(hamcrest_matchers:equal_to(1000)))),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:is_matcher(hamcrest_matchers:equal_to(1000))),
?assertMatch(false, meck_matcher:is_matcher(blah)).