blob: 946ba7b8b23600bdacd6eacfe5016e4d3c806d28 [file] [log] [blame]
%% Copyright 2010-2017 Adam Lindberg, 2010-2011 Erlang Solutions Ltd
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
-define(assertTerminated(MonitorRef, Reason, Timeout),
(fun() ->
{'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, _Pid, Reason} ->
{'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, _Pid, AnotherReason} ->
erlang:error({dead_for_another_reason, AnotherReason})
Timeout ->
meck_test_() ->
{foreach, fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
[{with, [T]} || T <- [fun new_/1,
fun unload_/1,
fun double_new_/1,
fun validate_/1,
fun expect_/1,
fun exports_/1,
fun call_return_value_/1,
fun call_return_value_improper_list_/1,
fun call_argument_/1,
fun call_undef_/1,
fun call_function_clause_/1,
fun validate_unexpected_error_/1,
fun validate_expected_error_/1,
fun validate_chained_/1,
fun stacktrace_/1,
fun stacktrace_function_clause_/1,
fun change_func_/1,
fun caller_does_not_crash_on_reload_/1,
fun call_original_undef_/1,
fun history_empty_/1,
fun history_call_/1,
fun history_throw_/1,
fun history_throw_fun_/1,
fun history_exit_/1,
fun history_error_/1,
fun history_error_args_/1,
fun history_meck_throw_/1,
fun history_meck_throw_fun_/1,
fun history_meck_exit_/1,
fun history_meck_error_/1,
fun history_by_pid_/1,
fun reset_/1,
fun shortcut_expect_/1,
fun shortcut_expect_negative_arity_/1,
fun shortcut_call_return_value_/1,
fun shortcut_call_argument_/1,
fun shortcut_re_add_/1,
fun shortcut_opaque_/1,
fun shortcut_stacktrace_/1,
fun delete_/1,
fun expects_/1,
fun called_false_no_args_/1,
fun called_true_no_args_/1,
fun called_true_two_functions_/1,
fun called_false_one_arg_/1,
fun called_true_one_arg_/1,
fun called_false_few_args_/1,
fun called_true_few_args_/1,
fun called_few_args_matchers_/1,
fun called_false_error_/1,
fun called_true_error_/1,
fun called_with_pid_no_args_/1,
fun num_calls_/1,
fun num_calls_error_/1,
fun num_calls_with_pid_no_args_/1,
fun called_wildcard_/1,
fun sequence_/1,
fun expect_args_sequence_/1,
fun expect_arity_sequence_/1,
fun expect_complex_sequence_/1,
fun sequence_multi_/1,
fun loop_/1,
fun expect_empty_clause_list_/1,
fun expect_args_value_/1,
fun expect_args_invalid_call_/1,
fun expect_arity_value_/1,
fun expect_args_loop_/1,
fun expect_arity_loop_/1,
fun expect_complex_loop_/1,
fun expect_loop_in_seq_/1,
fun expect_args_exception_/1,
fun expect_arity_exception_/1,
fun expect_arity_clause_/1,
fun loop_multi_/1,
fun expect_args_pattern_override_/1,
fun expect_args_pattern_shadow_/1,
fun expect_args_pattern_missing_/1,
fun expect_args_pattern_invalid_/1,
fun expect_args_matchers_/1,
fun expect_ret_specs_/1
setup() ->
% Uncomment to run tests with dbg:
% dbg:tracer(),
% dbg:p(all, call),
% dbg:tpl(meck, []),
ok = meck:new(mymod, [non_strict]),
teardown(Module) ->
catch meck:unload(Module).
%% --- Tests using setup and teardown -----------------------------------------
new_(Mod) ->
Info = Mod:module_info(),
unload_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:unload(Mod),
?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(Mod)).
double_new_(Mod) ->
?assertError({already_started, _}, meck:new(Mod)).
validate_(Mod) ->
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
expect_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> ok end),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
exports_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test1, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test2, fun(_) -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test3, fun(_, _) -> ok end),
?assertEqual(0, proplists:get_value(test1, Mod:module_info(exports))),
?assertEqual(1, proplists:get_value(test2, Mod:module_info(exports))),
?assertEqual(2, proplists:get_value(test3, Mod:module_info(exports))),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
call_return_value_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> apa end),
?assertEqual(apa, Mod:test()),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
call_return_value_improper_list_(Mod) ->
Dict = dict:store(hest, apa, dict:new()),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 0, Dict),
?assertEqual(Dict, Mod:test()),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
call_argument_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(hest, 1) -> apa end),
?assertEqual(apa, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
call_function_clause_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(hest, 1) -> apa end),
?assertError(function_clause, Mod:test(hest, 2)),
?assertEqual(false, meck:validate(Mod)).
validate_unexpected_error_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(hest, 1) -> erlang:error(timeout) end),
?assertError(timeout, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
?assertEqual(false, meck:validate(Mod)).
validate_expected_error_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(hest, 1) ->
meck:exception(error, timeout)
?assertError(timeout, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
validate_chained_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:new(mymod2, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(mymod2, test, fun() ->
meck:exception(error, test_error)
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() ->
?assertError(test_error, Mod:test()),
?assertEqual(false, meck:validate(Mod)),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(mymod2)),
ok = meck:unload(mymod2).
stacktrace_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> erlang:error(test_error) end),
?_exception_(error, test_error, StackToken) ->
?assert(lists:any(fun({M, test, []}) when M == Mod -> true;
({M, test, [],[]}) when M == Mod -> true;
(_) -> false
end, ?_get_stacktrace_(StackToken)))
stacktrace_function_clause_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(1) -> ok end),
?_exception_(error, function_clause, StackToken) ->
fun ({M, test, [error]}) when M == Mod -> true;
({M, test, [error], []}) when M == Mod -> true;
(_) -> false
end, ?_get_stacktrace_(StackToken)))
call_undef_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun(hest, 1) -> apa end),
?assertError(undef, Mod:test(hest)).
caller_does_not_crash_on_reload_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> timer:sleep(infinity) end),
Pid = spawn(fun() -> Mod:test() end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, new1, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, new2, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, new3, fun() -> ok end),
?assertEqual(true, is_process_alive(Pid)).
change_func_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> 1 end),
?assertEqual(1, Mod:test()),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> 2 end),
?assertEqual(2, Mod:test()).
call_original_undef_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> meck:passthrough([]) end),
?assertError(undef, Mod:test()),
?assert(not meck:validate(Mod)),
?assertEqual(undefined, get('$meck_call')).
history_empty_(Mod) ->
?assertEqual([], meck:history(Mod)).
history_call_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test2, fun(_, _) -> result end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test3, 0, 3),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test4, 0, {1,2,3}),
Mod:test2(a, b),
?assertEqual([{self(), {Mod, test, []}, ok},
{self(), {Mod, test2, [a, b]}, result},
{self(), {Mod, test3, []}, 3},
{self(), {Mod, test4, []}, {1,2,3}}], meck:history(Mod)).
history_throw_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> throw(test_exception) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, throw, test_exception, _Stacktrace}],
history_throw_fun_(Mod) ->
Fun = fun() -> exception_fun end,
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> throw(Fun) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, throw, Fun, _Stacktrace}],
history_exit_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> exit(test_exit) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, exit, test_exit, _Stacktrace}],
history_error_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> erlang:error(test_error) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, error, test_error, _Stacktrace}],
history_error_args_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test,
fun() -> erlang:error(test_error, [fake_args]) end),
catch Mod:test(),
History = meck:history(Mod),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, error, test_error, _Stacktrace}],
[{_Pid, _MFA, error, test_error, Stacktrace}] = History,
?assert(lists:any(fun({_M, _F, [fake_args]}) -> true;
({_M, _F, [fake_args], [{file,_},{line,_}]}) -> true;
(_) -> false end, Stacktrace)).
history_meck_throw_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test,
fun() -> meck:exception(throw, test_exception) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, throw, test_exception, _Stacktrace}],
history_meck_throw_fun_(Mod) ->
Fun = fun() -> exception_fun end,
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> meck:exception(throw, Fun) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, throw, Fun, _Stacktrace}],
history_meck_exit_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, fun() -> meck:exception(exit, test_exit) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, exit, test_exit, _Stacktrace}],
history_meck_error_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test,
fun() -> meck:exception(error, test_error) end),
catch Mod:test(),
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test, []}, error, test_error, _Stacktrace}],
history_by_pid_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test1, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test2, fun() -> ok end),
TestPid = self(),
Fun = fun() ->
TestPid ! {self(), done}
Pid = spawn(Fun),
receive {Pid, done} -> ok end,
?assertEqual([{Pid, {Mod, test1, []}, ok}], meck:history(Mod, Pid)),
?assertEqual([{TestPid, {Mod, test1, []}, ok},
{TestPid, {Mod, test2, []}, ok}],
meck:history(Mod, TestPid)),
?assertEqual(meck:history(Mod), meck:history(Mod, '_')).
reset_(Mod) ->
% Given
meck:expect(Mod, test1, fun() -> ok end),
meck:expect(Mod, test2, fun() -> ok end),
% When
% Then
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {Mod, test1, []}, ok}], meck:history(Mod)).
shortcut_expect_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 0, ok),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
shortcut_expect_negative_arity_(Mod) ->
?assertError(function_clause, meck:expect(Mod, test, -1, ok)).
shortcut_call_return_value_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 0, apa),
?assertEqual(apa, Mod:test()),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
shortcut_call_argument_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, apa),
?assertEqual(apa, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
shortcut_re_add_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, apa),
?assertEqual(apa, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, new),
?assertEqual(new, Mod:test(hest, 1)),
?assertEqual(true, meck:validate(Mod)).
shortcut_opaque_(Mod) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 0, {test, [a, self()], Ref}),
?assertMatch({test, [a, P], Ref} when P == self(), Mod:test()).
shortcut_stacktrace_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, [true], ok),
{'EXIT', {function_clause, [{mymod, test, [false], []}]}},
delete_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, ok),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:delete(Mod, test, 2)),
?assertError(undef, Mod:test(a, b)),
expects_(Mod) ->
?assertEqual([], meck:expects(Mod)),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, ok),
?assertEqual([{Mod, test, 2}], meck:expects(Mod)),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test2, 0, ok),
?assertEqual([{Mod, test, 2}, {Mod, test2, 0}], lists:sort(meck:expects(Mod))).
called_false_no_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, false),
called_true_no_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, true),
called_true_two_functions_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test1, length(Args), ok),
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test2, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test1, Args),
ok = apply(Mod, test2, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test2, Args, true),
called_false_one_arg_(Mod) ->
Args = ["hello"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, false),
called_true_one_arg_(Mod) ->
Args = ["hello"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, true),
called_false_few_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, 2, {three, 3}, "four"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, false),
called_true_few_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, 2, {three, 3}, "four"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, true),
called_few_args_matchers_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, 2, {three, 3}, "four"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, ['_', meck:is(fun(X) -> X == 2 end), {'_', 3}, "four"], true),
assert_called(Mod, test, ['_', meck:is(fun(X) -> X == 3 end), {'_', 3}, "four"], false),
called_false_error_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, "two", {3, 3}],
TestFun = fun (_, _, _) -> meck:exception(error, my_error) end,
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, TestFun),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, false),
called_true_error_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, "two", {3, 3}],
expect_catch_apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, true),
called_with_pid_no_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
Pid = spawn_caller_and_sync(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, self(), false),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, Pid, true),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, Args, self(), true),
?assertEqual(meck:called(Mod, test, Args, '_'),
meck:called(Mod, test, Args)).
spawn_caller_and_sync(Mod, Func, Args) ->
TestPid = self(),
Fun = fun() ->
catch apply(Mod, Func, Args),
TestPid ! {self(), done}
Pid = spawn(Fun),
receive {Pid, done} -> ok end, % sync with the spawned process
num_calls_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
IncorrectArgs = [foo],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test1, length(Args), ok),
?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(Mod, test1, Args)),
ok = apply(Mod, test1, Args),
?assertEqual(1, meck:num_calls(Mod, test1, Args)),
?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(Mod, test1, IncorrectArgs)).
num_calls_error_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, "two", {3, 3}],
expect_catch_apply(Mod, test, Args),
?assertEqual(1, meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args)).
num_calls_with_pid_no_args_(Mod) ->
Args = [],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
Pid = spawn_caller_and_sync(Mod, test, Args),
?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args, self())),
?assertEqual(1, meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args, Pid)),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
?assertEqual(1, meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args, self())),
?assertEqual(meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args, '_'),
meck:num_calls(Mod, test, Args)).
expect_catch_apply(Mod, Func, Args) ->
TestFun = fun (_, _, _) -> meck:exception(error, my_error) end,
ok = meck:expect(Mod, Func, TestFun),
catch apply(Mod, Func, Args).
called_wildcard_(Mod) ->
Args = [one, 2, {three, 3}, "four"],
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, length(Args), ok),
ok = apply(Mod, test, Args),
assert_called(Mod, test, [one, '_', {three, '_'}, "four"], true),
sequence_(Mod) ->
Sequence = [a, b, c, d, e],
?assertEqual(ok, meck:sequence(Mod, s, 2, Sequence)),
[Mod:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Sequence))]),
?assertEqual([e, e, e, e, e],
[Mod:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)]),
sequence_multi_(Mod) ->
meck:new(mymod2, [non_strict]),
Mods = [Mod, mymod2],
Sequence = [a, b, c, d, e],
?assertEqual(ok, meck:sequence(Mods, s, 2, Sequence)),
[Mod:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Sequence))]),
?assertEqual([e, e, e, e, e],
[Mod:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)]),
[mymod2:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Sequence))]),
?assertEqual([e, e, e, e, e],
[mymod2:s(a, b) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)]),
expect_empty_clause_list_(Mod) ->
?assertError(empty_clause_list, meck:expect(Mod, dummy, [])).
expect_args_value_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, val, [1001], meck:val(a)),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:val(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:val(1001)).
expect_args_invalid_call_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, val, [1001], meck:val(a)),
%% Then
?assertError(function_clause, Mod:val(1002)).
expect_arity_value_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, val, 1, meck:val(a)),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:val(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:val(1001)).
expect_args_sequence_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, seq, [1001], meck:seq([a, b, c])),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)).
expect_arity_sequence_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, seq, 1, meck:seq([a, b, c])),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)).
expect_complex_sequence_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, seq, 1, meck:seq([meck:val(a),
meck:seq([b, c]),
meck:seq([meck:raise(error, d),
meck:seq([e, f, g]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertException(error, d, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(g, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(h, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(i, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(i, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(i, Mod:seq(1001)).
loop_(Mod) ->
Loop = [a, b, c, d, e],
?assertEqual(ok, meck:loop(Mod, l, 2, Loop)),
[?assertEqual(V, Mod:l(a, b)) || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Loop)), V <- Loop],
expect_args_loop_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, loop, [1001], meck:loop([a, b, c])),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)).
expect_arity_loop_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, loop, 1, meck:loop([a, b, c])),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)).
expect_complex_loop_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, loop, 1, meck:loop([meck:val(a),
meck:seq([b, c]),
meck:seq([meck:raise(error, d),
meck:seq([e, f, g]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertException(error, d, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(g, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(h, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(i, Mod:loop(1001)),
%% The second round
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertException(error, d, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(g, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(h, Mod:loop(1001)),
?assertEqual(i, Mod:loop(1001)),
%% The third round
?assertEqual(a, Mod:loop(1001)).
expect_loop_in_seq_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, seq, 1, meck:seq([meck:val(a),
meck:raise(throw, c),
meck:val(e), % Never returned
meck:raise(exit, f)])),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertException(throw, c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(d, Mod:seq(1001)),
%% The second round
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertException(throw, c, Mod:seq(1001)),
?assertEqual(d, Mod:seq(1001)),
%% The third round
?assertEqual(b, Mod:seq(1001)).
expect_args_exception_(Mod) ->
%% Given
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1001], meck:raise(error, a)},
{[1002], meck:raise(throw, b)},
{[1003], meck:raise(exit, c)},
{[1004], meck:val(d)}]),
%% When/Then
?assertException(error, a, Mod:f(1001)),
?assertException(throw, b, Mod:f(1002)),
?assertException(exit, c, Mod:f(1003)),
?assertMatch(d, Mod:f(1004)).
expect_arity_exception_(Mod) ->
%% Given
meck:expect(Mod, f, 1, meck:raise(error, a)),
%% When/Then
?assertError(a, Mod:f(1001)).
expect_arity_clause_(Mod) ->
%% Given
meck:expect(Mod, foo, [{2, blah}]),
%% When/Then
?assertMatch(blah, Mod:foo(1, 2)),
?assertError(_, Mod:foo(1, 2, 3)).
loop_multi_(Mod) ->
meck:new(mymod2, [non_strict]),
Mods = [Mod, mymod2],
Loop = [a, b, c, d, e],
?assertEqual(ok, meck:loop(Mods, l, 2, Loop)),
[[?assertEqual(V, M:l(a, b)) || _ <- lists:seq(1, length(Loop)), V <- Loop]
|| M <- Mods],
expect_args_pattern_override_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, 1], a},
{[1, '_'], b},
{['_', '_'], c}]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(2, 2)).
expect_args_pattern_shadow_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, 1], a},
{['_', '_'], c},
{[1, '_'], b}]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(2, 2)).
expect_args_pattern_missing_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, 1], a},
{[1, '_'], b}]),
%% Then
?assertError(function_clause, Mod:f(2, 2)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:f(1, 2)).
expect_args_pattern_invalid_(Mod) ->
%% When/Then
?assertError({invalid_arity, {{expected, 2},
{actual, 3},
{clause, {[1, 2, 3], b}}}},
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, 2], a},
{[1, 2, 3], b}])).
expect_args_matchers_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, meck:is(fun(X) -> X == 1 end)], a},
{[1, meck:is(fun(X) -> X < 3 end)], b},
{['_', '_'], c}]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(2, 2)).
expect_ret_specs_(Mod) ->
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [{[1, 1], meck:seq([a, b, c])},
{[1, '_'], meck:loop([d, e])},
{['_', '_'], meck:val(f)}]),
%% Then
?assertEqual(d, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:f(2, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(d, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:f(2, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)).
%% --- Tests with own setup ----------------------------------------------------
validate_options_test() ->
Mod = validate_options,
meck:new(Mod, passthrought),
error:function_clause -> ok
merge_expects_module_test() ->
Mod = merge_mod,
meck:new(Mod, [non_strict, merge_expects]),
%% Given
meck:expect(Mod, f, [2001], meck:raise(error, a)),
meck:expect(Mod, f, [2002], meck:raise(throw, b)),
meck:expect(Mod, f, [2003], meck:raise(exit, c)),
meck:expect(Mod, f, [2004], meck:val(d)),
%% When/Then
?assertException(error, a, Mod:f(2001)),
?assertException(throw, b, Mod:f(2002)),
?assertException(exit, c, Mod:f(2003)),
?assertMatch(d, Mod:f(2004)),
merge_expects_ret_specs_test() ->
Mod = merge_mod,
meck:new(Mod, [non_strict, merge_expects]),
%% When
meck:expect(Mod, f, [1, 1], meck:seq([a, b, c])),
meck:expect(Mod, f, [1, '_'], meck:loop([d, e])),
meck:expect(Mod, f, ['_', '_'], meck:val(f)),
%% Then
?assertEqual(d, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:f(2, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(a, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(d, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(b, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(f, Mod:f(2, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(e, Mod:f(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, Mod:f(1, 1)),
merge_expects_passthrough_test() ->
meck:new(meck_test_module, [passthrough, merge_expects]),
%% When
meck:expect(meck_test_module, c, [1, 1], meck:seq([a, b, c])),
%% Then
?assertEqual({a, b}, meck_test_module:c(a, b)),
?assertEqual(a, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
%% When
meck:expect(meck_test_module, c, [1, '_'], meck:loop([d, e])),
%% Then
?assertEqual({a, b}, meck_test_module:c(a, b)),
?assertEqual(d, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(d, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
%% And
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
%% When
meck:expect(meck_test_module, c, ['_', '_'], meck:val(f)),
%% Then
?assertEqual(f, meck_test_module:c(a, b)),
%% And
?assertEqual(d, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(d, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(e, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
meck:delete(meck_test_module, c, 2),
?assertEqual({1, 1}, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
undefined_module_test() ->
%% When/Then
?assertError({{undefined_module, blah}, _}, meck:new(blah, [no_link])).
undefined_function_test() ->
%% Given
%% When/Then
meck:expect(meck_test_module, b, 0, ok),
?assertError({undefined_function, {meck_test_module, b, 1}},
meck:expect(meck_test_module, b, 1, ok)),
call_original_test() ->
false = code:purge(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual({module, meck_test_module}, code:load_file(meck_test_module)),
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [no_passthrough_cover]),
?assertEqual({file, ""}, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module_meck_original)),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, fun() -> c end),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, b, fun() -> meck:passthrough([]) end),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:a()),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:b()),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
unload_renamed_original_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module_meck_original)).
unload_all_test() ->
Mods = [test_a, test_b, test_c, test_d, test_e],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
?assertEqual(lists:sort(Mods), lists:sort(meck:unload())),
[?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(M)) || M <- Mods].
reload_module_test() ->
false = code:purge(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual({module, meck_test_module}, code:load_file(meck_test_module)),
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(meck_test_module)),
?assertMatch({file, _}, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module)),
false = code:purge(meck_test_module),
true = code:delete(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module)),
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module),
?assertMatch({file, _}, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module)),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(meck_test_module)),
?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(meck_test_module)).
original_no_file_test() ->
{ok, Mod, Beam} = compile:forms([{attribute, 1, module, meck_not_on_disk}]),
{module, Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, "", Beam),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(meck_not_on_disk)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_not_on_disk).
original_has_no_object_code_test() ->
{ok, Mod, Beam} = compile:forms([{attribute, 1, module, meck_on_disk}]),
ok = file:write_file("meck_on_disk.beam", Beam),
{module, Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, "meck_on_disk.beam", Beam),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(meck_on_disk)),
ok = file:delete("meck_on_disk.beam"),
ok = meck:unload(meck_on_disk).
passthrough_with_no_object_code_test() ->
{ok, Mod, Beam} = compile:forms([{attribute, 1, module, no_abstract_code}]),
ok = file:write_file("no_abstract_code.beam", Beam),
{module, Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, "no_abstract_code.beam", Beam),
{abstract_code_not_found, Mod},
meck:new(no_abstract_code, [passthrough, no_link])
ok = file:delete("no_abstract_code.beam").
passthrough_nonexisting_module_test() ->
ok = meck:new(mymod, [passthrough, non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(mymod, test, fun() -> ok end),
?assertEqual(ok, mymod:test()),
ok = meck:unload(mymod).
passthrough_test() ->
passthrough_test(Opts) ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [passthrough|Opts]),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, fun() -> c end),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:a()),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:b()),
?assertEqual({1, 2}, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
passthrough_different_arg_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, c,
fun(_, _) -> meck:passthrough([x, y]) end),
?assertEqual({x, y}, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
passthrough_bif_test() ->
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(file, [unstick, passthrough])),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(file)).
stub_all_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [{stub_all, meck:seq([a, b])}]),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, [], c),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:a()),
?assertEqual(a, meck_test_module:b()),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:b()),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:b()),
?assertEqual(a, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
stub_all_default_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [stub_all]),
?assertEqual(ok, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
stub_all_undefined_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [{stub_all, undefined}]),
?assertEqual(undefined, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
stub_all_true_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [{stub_all, true}]),
?assertEqual(true, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
stub_all_overridden_by_passthrough_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [stub_all, passthrough]),
?assertEqual(a, meck_test_module:a()),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
mock_file_existing_test() ->
%% Given
ExistingFile = test_file(?MODULE, ".erl"),
{ok, ExistsInfo} = file:read_file_info(ExistingFile),
meck:new(file, [unstick, passthrough]),
%% When
meck:expect(file, read_file_info, fun(Path) -> meck:passthrough([Path]) end),
%% Then
?assertEqual({ok, ExistsInfo}, file:read_file_info(ExistingFile)),
%% Cleanup
mock_file_missing_test() ->
%% Given
MissingFile = "blah.erl",
{error, enoent} = file:read_file_info(MissingFile),
meck:new(file, [unstick, passthrough]),
%% When
meck:expect(file, read_file_info, 1, {ok, no_info}),
%% Then
?assertEqual({ok, no_info}, file:read_file_info(MissingFile)),
%% Cleanup
cover_test() ->
{ok, _} = cover:compile(test_file(meck_test_module, ".erl")),
a = meck_test_module:a(),
b = meck_test_module:b(),
{1, 2} = meck_test_module:c(1, 2),
{ok, {meck_test_module, {3,0}}} = cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module),
{ok, {meck_test_module, {3,0}}} = cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module).
cover_options_test_() ->
{foreach, fun compile_options_setup/0, fun compile_options_teardown/1,
[{with, [T]} || T <- [fun cover_options_/1,
fun cover_options_fail_/1
compile_options_setup() ->
Module = cover_test_module,
% Our test module won't compile without compiler options that
% rebar won't give it, thus the rename dance.
Src = test_file(Module, ".erl"),
ok = file:rename(test_file(Module, ".dontcompile"), Src),
OldPath = code:get_path(),
{OldPath, Src, Module}.
compile_options_teardown({OldPath, Src, Module}) ->
file:rename(Src, test_file(Module, ".dontcompile")),
cover_options_({_OldPath, Src, Module}) ->
% Test that compilation options (include paths and preprocessor
% definitions) are used when un-mecking previously cover compiled
% modules.
CompilerOptions = [{i, test_include()}, {d, 'TEST', true}],
% The option recover feature depends on having the BEAM file
% available.
{ok, _} = compile:file(Src, [{outdir, test_dir()}|CompilerOptions]),
{ok, _} = cover:compile(Src, CompilerOptions),
a = Module:a(),
b = Module:b(),
{1, 2} = Module:c(1, 2),
% We get 2 instead of 3 as expected. Maybe because cover doesn't
% count include files?
?assertEqual({ok, {Module, {2,0}}}, cover:analyze(Module, module)),
% 2 instead of 3, as above
?assertEqual({ok, {Module, {2,0}}}, cover:analyze(Module, module)).
cover_options_fail_({_OldPath, Src, Module}) ->
%% This may look like the test above but there is a subtle
%% difference. When `cover:compile_beam' is called it squashes
%% compile options. This test verifies that function `b/0', which
%% relies on the `TEST' directive being set can still be called
%% after the module is meck'ed.
CompilerOptions = [
{i, test_include()},
{outdir, test_dir()},
{d, 'TEST', true}
{ok, _} = compile:file(Src, CompilerOptions),
proplists:delete(outdir, lists:sort(CompilerOptions)),
proplists:delete(outdir, lists:sort(meck_code:compile_options(Module)))
{ok, _} = cover:compile_beam(Module),
[{i, test_include()}, {d, 'TEST', true}],
a = Module:a(),
b = Module:b(),
{1, 2} = Module:c(1, 2),
?assertEqual({ok, {Module, {2,0}}}, cover:analyze(Module, module)),
ok = meck:new(Module, [passthrough]),
ok = meck:expect(Module, a, fun () -> c end),
?assertEqual(c, Module:a()),
?assertEqual(b, Module:b()),
?assertEqual({1, 2}, Module:c(1, 2)),
ok = meck:unload(Module),
%% Verify passthru calls went to cover
?assertEqual({ok, {Module, 4}}, cover:analyze(Module, calls, module)).
test_file(Module, Ext) ->
filename:join(test_dir(), atom_to_list(Module) ++ Ext).
test_dir() ->
case code:which(?MODULE) of
Filename when is_list(Filename) ->
Atom when is_atom(Atom) ->
error({test_dir_not_found, ?MODULE, Atom})
test_include() -> filename:join(test_dir(), "include").
run_mock_no_cover_file(Module) ->
ok = meck:new(Module),
ok = meck:expect(Module, a, fun () -> c end),
?assertEqual(c, Module:a()),
ok = meck:unload(Module),
?assert(not filelib:is_file(atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".coverdata")).
%% @doc Verify that passthrough calls _don't_ appear in cover
%% analysis.
no_cover_passthrough_test() ->
{ok, _} = cover:compile("test/meck_test_module.erl"),
{ok, {meck_test_module, {0,3}}} = cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module),
{ok, {meck_test_module, {0,3}}} = cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module).
%% @doc Verify that passthrough calls appear in cover analysis.
cover_passthrough_test() ->
{ok, _} = cover:compile("test/meck_test_module.erl"),
?assertEqual({ok, {meck_test_module, {0,3}}},
cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module)),
?assertEqual({ok, {meck_test_module, {2,1}}},
cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module)).
cover_path_test() ->
{ok, _} = cover:compile("test/meck_test_module.erl"),
?assertEqual({ok, {meck_test_module, {0,3}}},
cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module)),
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [passthrough]),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, fun() -> c end),
?assertEqual(c, meck_test_module:a()),
?assertEqual(b, meck_test_module:b()),
?assertEqual({1, 2}, meck_test_module:c(1, 2)),
{ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
ok = file:set_cwd("/tmp"),
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module),
?assertEqual({ok, {meck_test_module, {2,1}}},
cover:analyze(meck_test_module, module))
ok = file:set_cwd(CWD)
% @doc The mocked module is unloaded if the meck process crashes.
unload_when_crashed_test() ->
ok = meck:new(mymod, [non_strict]),
?assertMatch({file, _}, code:is_loaded(mymod)),
SaltedName = mymod_meck,
Pid = whereis(SaltedName),
?assertEqual(true, is_pid(Pid)),
exit(Pid, expected_test_exit),
?assertEqual(undefined, whereis(SaltedName)),
?assertEqual(false, code:is_loaded(mymod)).
% @doc The mocked module is unloaded if the meck process crashes.
unlink_test() ->
ok = meck:new(mymod, [no_link, non_strict]),
SaltedName = mymod_meck,
{links, Links} = process_info(whereis(SaltedName), links),
?assert(not lists:member(self(), Links)),
ok = meck:unload(mymod).
%% @doc A concurrent process calling into the mocked module while it's
%% being unloaded gets either the mocked response or the original
%% response, but won't crash.
atomic_unload_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, fun () -> c end),
%% Suspend the meck_proc in order to ensure all messages are in
%% its inbox in the correct order before it would process them
Proc = meck_util:proc_name(meck_test_module),
StopReq = concurrent_req(
fun () -> ?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(meck_test_module)) end),
SpecReq = concurrent_req(
fun () -> ?assertMatch(V when V =:= a orelse V =:= c,
?assertEqual(normal, wait_concurrent_req(StopReq)),
?assertEqual(normal, wait_concurrent_req(SpecReq)).
%% @doc Exception is thrown when you run expect on a non-existing (and not yet
%% mocked) module.
expect_without_new_test() ->
?assertError({not_mocked, othermod},
meck:expect(othermod, test, fun() -> ok end)).
history_passthrough_test() ->
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [passthrough]),
ok = meck:expect(meck_test_module, a, fun() -> c end),
c = meck_test_module:a(),
b = meck_test_module:b(),
?assertEqual([{self(), {meck_test_module, a, []}, c},
{self(), {meck_test_module, b, []}, b}],
ok = meck:unload(meck_test_module).
multi_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, fun() -> ok end),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test2, 0, ok),
[?assertEqual(ok, M:test()) || M <- Mods],
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_invalid_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, fun(1) -> ok end),
?assertError(function_clause, mod2:test(2)),
?assert(not meck:validate(Mods)),
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_option_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [passthrough, non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, fun() -> ok end),
[?assertEqual(ok, M:test()) || M <- Mods],
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_shortcut_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, 0, ok),
[?assertEqual(ok, M:test()) || M <- Mods],
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_delete_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, 0, ok),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:delete(Mods, test, 0)),
[?assertError(undef, M:test()) || M <- Mods],
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_expects_test() ->
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
ok = meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
ok = meck:expect(Mods, test, 0, ok),
?assertEqual([{mod1, test, 0}, {mod2, test, 0}, {mod3, test, 0}],
ok = meck:unload(Mods).
multi_reset_test() ->
% Given
Mods = [mod1, mod2, mod3],
meck:new(Mods, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(Mods, test1, 0, ok),
meck:expect(Mods, test2, 0, ok),
% When
% Then
?assertMatch([{_Pid, {mod1, test1, []}, ok},
{_Pid, {mod1, test1, []}, ok}], meck:history(mod1)),
?assertMatch([], meck:history(mod2)),
?assertMatch([], meck:history(mod3)).
handle_cast_unmodified_state_test() ->
S = dummy_state,
?assertEqual({noreply, S}, meck_proc:handle_cast(dummy_msg, S)).
code_change_unmodified_state_test() ->
S = dummy_state,
?assertEqual({ok, S}, meck_proc:code_change(old_version, S, [])).
remote_meck_test_() ->
{foreach, fun remote_setup/0, fun remote_teardown/1,
[{with, [T]} || T <- [fun remote_meck_/1,
fun remote_meck_cover_/1]]}.
remote_setup() ->
[] = os:cmd("epmd -daemon"),
Hostname = case node() of
'nonode@nohost' -> "localhost";
_ -> test_server_sup:hoststr()
Myself = list_to_atom("meck_eunit_test@" ++ Hostname),
net_kernel:start([Myself, shortnames]),
{ok, Node} = slave:start_link(list_to_atom(Hostname), meck_remote_test,
"-pa \"" ++ test_dir() ++ "\""),
{Mod, Bin, File} = code:get_object_code(meck),
true = rpc:call(Node, code, add_path, [filename:dirname(File)]),
{module, Mod} = rpc:call(Node, code, load_binary, [Mod, File, Bin]),
{module, meck_test_module} =
rpc:call(Node, code, load_file, [meck_test_module]),
{Node, meck_test_module}.
remote_teardown({Node, _Mod}) ->
ok = slave:stop(Node),
ok = net_kernel:stop().
remote_meck_({Node, Mod}) ->
?assertEqual(ok, rpc:call(Node, meck, new, [Mod, [no_link, non_strict]])),
?assertEqual(ok, rpc:call(Node, meck, expect, [Mod, test, 0, true])),
?assertEqual(true, rpc:call(Node, Mod, test, [])).
remote_meck_cover_({Node, Mod}) ->
{ok, Mod} = cover:compile(test_file(Mod, ".erl")),
{ok, _Nodes} = cover:start([Node]),
?assertEqual(ok, rpc:call(Node, meck, new, [Mod])).
can_mock_sticky_modules_test() ->
meck:new(meck_test_module, [unstick]),
sticky_directory_test_() ->
{foreach, fun sticky_setup/0, fun sticky_teardown/1,
[{with, [T]}
|| T <- [fun can_mock_sticky_module_not_yet_loaded_/1,
fun cannot_mock_sticky_module_without_unstick_/1]]}.
sticky_setup() ->
% Find out where the beam file is (purge because it is cover compiled)
Module = meck_test_module,
false = code:purge(Module),
{module, Module} = code:load_file(Module),
Beam = code:which(Module),
% Unload module so it's not loaded when running meck
false = code:purge(Module),
true = code:delete(Module),
% Create new sticky dir and copy beam file
Dir = "sticky_test",
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Dir, "dummy")),
Dest = filename:join(Dir, filename:basename(Beam)),
{ok, _BytesCopied} = file:copy(Beam, Dest),
true = code:add_patha(Dir),
ok = code:stick_dir(Dir),
{Module, {Dir, Dest}}.
sticky_teardown({Module, {Dir, Dest}}) ->
% Clean up
ok = code:unstick_dir(Dir),
false = code:purge(Module),
true = code:del_path(Dir),
ok = file:delete(Dest),
ok = file:del_dir(Dir).
can_mock_sticky_module_not_yet_loaded_({Mod, _}) ->
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(Mod, [unstick])),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(Mod)),
cannot_mock_sticky_module_without_unstick_({Mod, _}) ->
?assertError({module_is_sticky, Mod}, meck:new(Mod, [no_link])),
can_mock_non_sticky_module_test() ->
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(meck_test_module, [unstick])),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(meck_test_module)),
cannot_expect_bif_or_autogenerated_test() ->
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(unicode, [unstick, passthrough])),
?assertError({cannot_mock_builtin, {unicode, characters_to_binary, 2}},
meck:expect(unicode, characters_to_binary, 2, doh)),
?assertError({cannot_mock_autogenerated, {unicode, module_info, 0}},
meck:expect(unicode, module_info, 0, doh)),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(unicode)).
meck_module_attributes_test() ->
?assertEqual(ok, meck:new(meck_test_module)),
?assertEqual([foobar], proplists:get_value(tag,
?assertEqual(ok, meck:unload(meck_test_module)).
meck:expect(meck_test_module, c, [{[1, 1], foo},
{['_', '_'], bar}]),
?assertMatch(foo, meck_test_module:c(1, 1)),
wait_for_zero_calls_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
%% When/Then
?assertMatch(ok, meck:wait(0, test, foo, [1, '_'], 100)),
%% Clean
wait_already_called_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
%% When
test:foo(1, 2),
test:foo(1, 2),
%% Then
?assertMatch(ok, meck:wait(2, test, foo, [1, '_'], 100)),
%% Clean
wait_not_called_zero_timeout_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
%% When
test:foo(1, 2),
test:foo(1, 2),
%% Then
?assertError(timeout, meck:wait(3, test, foo, [1, '_'], 0)),
%% Clean
wait_not_called_another_proc_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
%% When
test:foo(1, 2), % Called, but not by the expected proc.
Pid = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
test:foo(2, 2) % Unexpected first argument
%% Then
?assertError(timeout, meck:wait(1, test, foo, [1, '_'], Pid, 100)),
%% Clean
wait_called_another_proc_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
%% When
Pid = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
test:foo(1, 2),
test:foo(2, 2), % Unexpected first argument
test:foo(1, 2)
%% Then
?assertMatch(ok, meck:wait(2, test, foo, [1, '_'], Pid, 500)),
%% Clean
wait_timeout_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
%% When
test:foo(1, 2),
%% Then
?assertError(timeout, meck:wait(2, test, foo, [1, '_'], '_', 10)),
%% Clean
wait_for_the_same_pattern_on_different_processes_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
Pid1 = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
meck:wait(2, test, foo,
[1, 2], 100))
MonitorRef1 = erlang:monitor(process, Pid1),
Pid2 = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
meck:wait(3, test, foo,
[1, 2], 100))
MonitorRef2 = erlang:monitor(process, Pid2),
%% When
test:foo(1, 2),
test:foo(1, 2),
%% Then
?assertTerminated(MonitorRef1, normal, 300),
?assertTerminated(MonitorRef2, {timeout, _}, 300),
%% Clean
wait_for_different_patterns_on_different_processes_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 1, ok),
meck:expect(test, bar, 2, ok),
Pid1 = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
meck:wait(2, test, foo,
[1], 100))
MonitorRef1 = erlang:monitor(process, Pid1),
Pid2 = erlang:spawn(fun() ->
meck:wait(3, test, bar,
[1, 2], 100))
MonitorRef2 = erlang:monitor(process, Pid2),
%% When
test:bar(1, 2),
test:bar(1, 2),
test:bar(1, 2),
%% Then
?assertTerminated(MonitorRef1, {timeout, _}, 300),
?assertTerminated(MonitorRef2, normal, 300),
%% Clean
wait_purge_expired_tracker_test() ->
%% Given
meck:new(test, [non_strict]),
meck:expect(test, foo, 2, ok),
?assertError(timeout, meck:wait(1, test, foo, [1, '_'], 1)),
%% When
% Makes expired tracker be purged. There is no way to check that from the
% code only in the coverage report. But at least we exercise this code path
% here.
test:foo(1, 2),
%% Clean
mocked_test() ->
%% At start, no modules should be mocked:
[] = meck:mocked(),
%% Mocking a new module adds it to the list of mocked modules:
meck:new(mocked_test, [non_strict]),
[mocked_test] = meck:mocked(),
%% Mocking with implicit `meck:new` also adds to the list of mocked modules:
meck:expect(meck_test_module, c, 2, ok),
[meck_test_module, mocked_test] = lists:sort(meck:mocked()),
meck:new([foo, bar], [non_strict]),
[bar, foo, meck_test_module, mocked_test] = lists:sort(meck:mocked()),
ok = meck:unload([foo, meck_test_module]),
[bar, mocked_test] = lists:sort(meck:mocked()),
%% After unload all, no modules should be mocked again
[] = meck:mocked().
meck_passthrough_test_() ->
{foreach, fun setup_passthrough/0, fun teardown/1,
[{with, [T]} || T <- [
fun delete_passthrough_/1,
fun delete_passthrough_force_/1,
fun expects_passthrough_/1
setup_passthrough() ->
% Uncomment to run tests with dbg:
% dbg:tracer(),
% dbg:p(all, call),
% dbg:tpl(meck, []),
ok = meck:new(meck_test_module, [passthrough, non_strict]),
delete_passthrough_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, c, 2, {c, d}),
?assertMatch({c, d}, Mod:c(a, b)),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:delete(Mod, c, 2)),
?assertMatch({a, b}, Mod:c(a, b)),
delete_passthrough_force_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, c, 2, ok),
?assertEqual(ok, meck:delete(Mod, c, 2, true)),
?assertError(undef, Mod:test(a, b)),
expects_passthrough_(Mod) ->
ok = meck:expect(Mod, test, 2, ok),
?assertEqual([{Mod, a, 0}, {Mod, b, 0}, {Mod, c, 2}, {Mod, test, 2}],
lists:sort(meck:expects(Mod, false))),
?assertEqual([{Mod, test, 2}], meck:expects(Mod, true)).
%% Internal Functions
assert_called(Mod, Function, Args, WasCalled) ->
?assertEqual(WasCalled, meck:called(Mod, Function, Args)),
assert_called(Mod, Function, Args, Pid, WasCalled) ->
?assertEqual(WasCalled, meck:called(Mod, Function, Args, Pid)),
%% @doc Spawn a new process to concurrently call `Fun'. `Fun' is
%% expected to send a request to the specified process, and this
%% function will wait for this message to arrive. (Therefore the
%% process should be suspended and not consuming its message queue.)
%% The returned request handle can be used later in in {@link
%% wait_concurrent_req/1} to wait for the concurrent process to
%% terminate.
concurrent_req(Name, Fun) when is_atom(Name) ->
case whereis(Name) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
concurrent_req(Pid, Fun);
undefined ->
concurrent_req(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
{message_queue_len, Msgs} = process_info(Pid, message_queue_len),
Req = spawn_monitor(Fun),
wait_message(Pid, Msgs + 1, 100),
%% @doc Wait for a concurrent request started with {@link
%% concurrent_req/2} to terminate. The return value is the exit reason
%% of the process.
wait_concurrent_req(Req = {Pid, Monitor}) ->
{'DOWN', Monitor, process, Pid, Reason} ->
1000 ->
exit(Pid, kill),
wait_message(Pid, _ExpMsgs, Retries) when Retries < 0 ->
exit(Pid, kill),
wait_message(Pid, ExpMsgs, Retries) ->
{message_queue_len, Msgs} = process_info(Pid, message_queue_len),
if Msgs >= ExpMsgs ->
true ->
wait_message(Pid, ExpMsgs, Retries - 1)