blob: a8ddb6e6a8d68f1b5edee125b25ab2424f0160fe [file] [log] [blame]
%% Copied from basho/riak_core.
%% Fix to make Erlang programs compile on both OTP20 and OTP21.
%% Get the stack trace in a way that is backwards compatible. Luckily
%% OTP_RELEASE was introduced in the same version as the new preferred way of
%% getting the stack trace. A _catch_/2 macro is provided for consistency in
%% cases where the stack trace is not needed.
%% Example use:
%% try f(...)
%% catch
%% ?_exception_(_, Reason, StackToken) ->
%% case Reason of
%% {fail, Error} -> ok;
%% _ -> {'EXIT', Reason, ?_get_stacktrace_(StackToken)}
%% end
%% end,
-ifdef(OTP_RELEASE). %% This implies 21 or higher
-define(_exception_(Class, Reason, StackToken), Class:Reason:StackToken).
-define(_get_stacktrace_(StackToken), StackToken).
exit:'$get_stacktrace':__GetCurrentStackTrace ->
-define(_exception_(Class, Reason, _), Class:Reason).
-define(_get_stacktrace_(_), erlang:get_stacktrace()).
-define(_current_stacktrace_(), erlang:get_stacktrace()).