blob: a4625e8624ad0901d5b54bc278ca0aac4652052b [file] [log] [blame]
%% Copyright 2010 Erlang Solutions Ltd.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% @author Adam Lindberg <>
%% @copyright 2011, Adam Lindberg & Erlang Solutions Ltd
%% @doc Module mocking library for Erlang.
%% Interface exports
%% Callback exports
%% Types
%% @type meck_mfa() = {Mod::atom(), Func::atom(), Args::list(term())}.
%% Module, function and arguments that the mock module got called with.
-type meck_mfa() :: {Mod::atom(), Func::atom(), Args::[term()]}.
%% @type history() = [{meck_mfa(), Result::term()}
%% | {meck_mfa(), Class:: exit | error | throw,
%% Reason::term(), Stacktrace::list(mfa())}].
%% History is a list of either successful function calls with a
%% returned result or function calls that resulted in an exception
%% with a type, reason and a stack trace.
-type history() :: [{meck_mfa(), Result::term()}
| {meck_mfa(), Class:: exit | error | throw,
Reason::term(), Stacktrace::[mfa()]}].
%% Records
-record(state, {mod :: atom(),
expects :: dict(),
valid = true :: boolean(),
history = [] :: history(),
original :: term()}).
%% Interface exports
%% @spec new(Mod:: atom() | list(atom())) -> ok
%% @equiv new(Mod, [])
-spec new(Mod:: atom() | [atom()]) -> ok.
new(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) -> new(Mod, []);
new(Mod) when is_list(Mod) -> [new(M) || M <- Mod], ok.
%% @spec new(Mod:: atom() | list(atom()), Options::list(term())) -> ok
%% @doc Creates new mocked module(s).
%% This replaces the current version (if any) of the modules in `Mod'
%% with an empty module.
%% Since this library is intended to use from test code, this
%% function links a process for each mock to the calling process.
%% The valid options are:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>`passthrough'</dt><dd>Retains the original functions, if not
%% mocked by meck.</dd>
%% <dt>`no_link'</dt> <dd>Does not link the meck process to the caller
%% process (needed for using meck in rpc calls).
%% </dd>
%% </dl>
-spec new(Mod:: atom() | [atom()], Options::[term()]) -> ok.
new(Mod, Options) when is_atom(Mod), is_list(Options) ->
case start(Mod, Options) of
{ok, _Pid} -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> erlang:error(Reason)
new(Mod, Options) when is_list(Mod) ->
[new(M, Options) || M <- Mod],
%% @spec expect(Mod:: atom() | list(atom()), Func::atom(), Expect::fun()) -> ok
%% @doc Add expectation for a function `Func' to the mocked modules `Mod'.
%% An expectation is a fun that is executed whenever the function
%% `Func' is called.
%% It affects the validation status of the mocked module(s). If an
%% expectation is called with the wrong number of arguments or invalid
%% arguments the mock module(s) is invalidated. It is also invalidated if
%% an unexpected exception occurs.
-spec expect(Mod:: atom() | [atom()], Func::atom(), Expect::fun()) -> ok.
expect(Mod, Func, Expect)
when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func), is_function(Expect) ->
call(Mod, {expect, Func, Expect});
expect(Mod, Func, Expect) when is_list(Mod) ->
[expect(M, Func, Expect) || M <- Mod],
%% @spec expect(Mod:: atom() | list(atom()), Func::atom(),
%% Arity::pos_integer(), Result::term()) -> ok
%% @doc Adds an expectation with the supplied arity and return value.
%% This creates an expectation which takes `Arity' number of functions
%% and always returns `Result'.
%% @see expect/3.
-spec expect(Mod:: atom() | [atom()], Func::atom(),
Arity::pos_integer(), Result::term()) -> ok.
expect(Mod, Func, Arity, Result)
when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func), is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 ->
call(Mod, {expect, Func, Arity, Result});
expect(Mod, Func, Arity, Result) when is_list(Mod) ->
[expect(M, Func, Arity, Result) || M <- Mod],
%% @spec delete(Mod:: atom() | list(atom()), Func::atom(),
%% Arity::pos_integer()) -> ok
%% @doc Deletes an expectation.
%% Deletes the expectation for the function `Func' with the matching
%% arity `Arity'.
-spec delete(Mod:: atom() | [atom()], Func::atom(), Arity::pos_integer()) ->
delete(Mod, Func, Arity)
when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func), Arity >= 0 ->
call(Mod, {delete, Func, Arity});
delete(Mod, Func, Arity) when is_list(Mod) ->
[delete(M, Func, Arity) || M <- Mod],
%% @spec exception(Class:: throw | error | exit, Reason::term()) -> no_return()
%% @doc Throws an expected exception inside an expect fun.
%% This exception will get thrown without invalidating the mocked
%% module. That is, the code using the mocked module is expected to
%% handle this exception.
%% <em>Note: this code should only be used inside an expect fun.</em>
-spec exception(Class:: throw | error | exit, Reason::term()) -> no_return().
exception(Class, Reason) when Class == throw; Class == error; Class == exit ->
throw(mock_exception_fun(Class, Reason)).
%% @spec passthrough(Args::list(term())) -> no_return()
%% @doc Calls the original function (if existing) inside an expectation fun.
%% This call does not return, thus everything after this call inside
%% an expectation fun will be ignored.
%% <em>Note: this code should only be used inside an expect fun.</em>
-spec passthrough(Args::[term()]) -> no_return().
passthrough(Args) -> throw(passthrough_fun(Args)).
%% @spec validate(Mod:: atom() | list(atom())) -> boolean()
%% @doc Validate the state of the mock module(s).
%% The function returns `true' if the mocked module(s) has been used
%% according to its expectations. It returns `false' if a call has
%% failed in some way. Reasons for failure are wrong number of
%% arguments or non-existing function (undef), wrong arguments
%% (function clause) or unexpected exceptions.
%% Use the {@link history/1} function to analyze errors.
-spec validate(Mod:: atom() | [atom()]) -> boolean().
validate(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
call(Mod, validate);
validate(Mod) when is_list(Mod) ->
not lists:member(false, [validate(M) || M <- Mod]).
%% @spec history(Mod::atom()) -> history()
%% @doc Return the call history of the mocked module.
%% Returns a list of calls to the mocked module and their
%% results. Results can be either normal Erlang terms or exceptions
%% that occurred.
-spec history(Mod::atom()) -> history().
history(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) -> call(Mod, history).
%% @spec unload() -> list(atom())
%% @doc Unloads all mocked modules from memory.
%% The function returns the list of mocked modules that were unloaded
%% in the process.
-spec unload() -> [atom()].
unload() -> lists:foldl(fun unload_if_mocked/2, [], registered()).
%% @spec unload(Mod:: atom() | list(atom())) -> ok
%% @doc Unload a mocked module or a list of mocked modules.
%% This will purge and delete the module(s) from the Erlang virtual
%% machine. If the mocked module(s) replaced an existing module, this
%% module will still be in the Erlang load path and can be loaded
%% manually or when called.
-spec unload(Mods:: atom() | [atom()]) -> ok.
unload(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) -> call(Mod, stop), wait_for_exit(Mod);
unload(Mods) when is_list(Mods) -> [unload(Mod) || Mod <- Mods], ok.
%% @spec called(Mod:: atom(), Fun:: atom(), Args:: list(term())) -> boolean()
%% @doc Returns whether `Mod:Func' has been called with `Args'.
%% This will check the history for the module, `Mod', to determine
%% whether the function, `Fun', was called with arguments, `Args'. If
%% so, this function returns true, otherwise false.
-spec called(Mod::atom(), Fun::atom(), Args::list()) -> boolean().
called(Mod, Fun, Args) ->
has_call({Mod, Fun, Args}, meck:history(Mod)).
%% Callback functions
%% @hidden
init([Mod, Options]) ->
Original = backup_original(Mod),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Expects = init_expects(Mod, Options),
compile_forms(to_forms(Mod, Expects)),
{ok, #state{mod = Mod, expects = Expects, original = Original}}.
%% @hidden
handle_call({get_expect, Func, Arity}, _From, S) ->
Expect = get_expect(S#state.expects, Func, Arity),
{reply, Expect, S};
handle_call({expect, Func, Expect}, _From, S) ->
NewExpects = store_expect(S#state.mod, Func, Expect, S#state.expects),
{reply, ok, S#state{expects = NewExpects}};
handle_call({expect, Func, Arity, Result}, _From, S) ->
NewExpects = store_expect(S#state.mod, Func, {anon, Arity, Result},
{reply, ok, S#state{expects = NewExpects}};
handle_call({delete, Func, Arity}, _From, S) ->
NewExpects = delete_expect(S#state.mod, Func, Arity, S#state.expects),
{reply, ok, S#state{expects = NewExpects}};
handle_call(history, _From, S) ->
{reply, lists:reverse(S#state.history), S};
handle_call({add_history, Item}, _From, S) ->
{reply, ok, S#state{history = [Item| S#state.history]}};
handle_call(invalidate, _From, S) ->
{reply, ok, S#state{valid = false}};
handle_call(validate, _From, S) ->
{reply, S#state.valid, S};
handle_call(stop, _From, S) ->
{stop, normal, ok, S}.
%% @hidden
handle_cast(_Msg, S) -> {noreply, S}.
%% @hidden
handle_info(_Info, S) -> {noreply, S}.
%% @hidden
terminate(_Reason, #state{mod = Mod, original = OriginalState}) ->
restore_original(Mod, OriginalState),
%% @hidden
code_change(_OldVsn, S, _Extra) -> {ok, S}.
%% @hidden
exec(Mod, Func, Arity, Args) ->
Expect = call(Mod, {get_expect, Func, Arity}),
try Result = call_expect(Mod, Func, Expect, Args),
call(Mod, {add_history, {{Mod, Func, Args}, Result}}),
throw:Fun when is_function(Fun) ->
case is_mock_exception(Fun) of
true -> handle_mock_exception(Mod, Func, Fun, Args);
false -> invalidate_and_raise(Mod, Func, Args, throw, Fun)
Class:Reason ->
invalidate_and_raise(Mod, Func, Args, Class, Reason)
%% Internal functions
%% --- Process functions -------------------------------------------------------
start(Mod, Options) ->
case proplists:is_defined(no_link, Options) of
true -> start(start, Mod, Options);
false -> start(start_link, Mod, Options)
start(Func, Mod, Options) ->
gen_server:Func({local, proc_name(Mod)}, ?MODULE, [Mod, Options], []).
call(Mod, Msg) ->
Name = proc_name(Mod),
try gen_server:call(Name, Msg)
catch exit:_Reason -> erlang:error({not_mocked, Mod}) end.
proc_name(Name) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_meck").
original_name(Name) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_meck_original").
wait_for_exit(Mod) ->
MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, proc_name(Mod)),
receive {'DOWN', MonitorRef, _Type, _Object, _Info} -> ok end.
unload_if_mocked(P, L) when is_atom(P) ->
unload_if_mocked(atom_to_list(P), L);
unload_if_mocked(P, L) when length(P) > 5 ->
case lists:split(length(P) - 5, P) of
{Name, "_meck"} ->
Mocked = list_to_existing_atom(Name),
_Else ->
unload_if_mocked(_P, L) ->
%% --- Mock handling -----------------------------------------------------------
init_expects(Mod, Options) ->
case proplists:get_value(passthrough, Options, false) andalso exists(Mod) of
true -> dict:from_list([{FA, passthrough} || FA <- exports(Mod)]);
_ -> dict:new()
get_expect(Expects, Func, Arity) ->
e_fetch(Expects, Func, Arity).
store_expect(Mod, Func, Expect, Expects) ->
change_expects(fun e_store/3, Mod, Func, Expect, Expects).
delete_expect(Mod, Func, Arity, Expects) ->
change_expects(fun e_delete/3, Mod, Func, Arity, Expects).
change_expects(Op, Mod, Func, Value, Expects) ->
NewExpects = Op(Expects, Func, Value),
% only recompile if function was added or arity was changed
case interface_equal(NewExpects, Expects) of
true -> ok;
false -> compile_forms(to_forms(Mod, NewExpects))
e_store(Expects, Func, Expect) ->
dict:store({Func, arity(Expect)}, Expect, Expects).
e_fetch(Expects, Func, Arity) ->
dict:fetch({Func, Arity}, Expects).
e_delete(Expects, Func, Arity) ->
dict:erase({Func, Arity}, Expects).
interface_equal(NewExpects, OldExpects) ->
dict:fetch_keys(NewExpects) == dict:fetch_keys(OldExpects).
%% --- Code generation ---------------------------------------------------------
func(Mod, {Func, Arity}) ->
Args = args(Arity),
{function, ?LINE, Func, Arity,
[{clause, ?LINE, Args, [],
[{call, ?LINE, {remote, ?LINE, atom(?MODULE), atom(exec)},
[atom(Mod), atom(Func), integer(Arity), var_list(Args)]}]}]}.
to_forms(Mod, Expects) ->
{Exports, Functions} = functions(Mod, Expects),
[attribute(module, Mod)] ++ Exports ++ Functions.
functions(Mod, Expects) ->
dict:fold(fun(Export, _Expect, {Exports, Functions}) ->
{[attribute(export, [Export])|Exports],
[func(Mod, Export)|Functions]}
end, {[], []}, Expects).
args(0) -> [];
args(Arity) -> [var(var_name(N)) || N<- lists:seq(1, Arity)].
var_list([]) -> {nil, ?LINE};
var_list([H|T]) -> {cons, ?LINE, H, var_list(T)}.
var(Name) -> {var, ?LINE, Name}.
var_name(A) -> list_to_atom("A"++integer_to_list(A)).
arity({anon, Arity, _Result}) ->
arity(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
{arity, Arity} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity),
attribute(Attribute, Args) -> {attribute, ?LINE, Attribute, Args}.
atom(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> {atom, ?LINE, Atom}.
integer(Integer) when is_integer(Integer) -> {integer, ?LINE, Integer}.
%% --- Execution utilities -----------------------------------------------------
is_local_function(Fun) ->
{module, Module} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, module),
?MODULE == Module.
handle_mock_exception(Mod, Func, Fun, Args) ->
case Fun() of
{exception, Class, Reason} ->
% exception created with the mock:exception function,
% do not invalidate Mod
raise(Mod, Func, Args, Class, Reason);
{passthrough, Args} ->
% call_original(Args) called from mock function
Result = apply(original_name(Mod), Func, Args),
call(Mod, {add_history, {{Mod, Func, Args}, Result}}),
-spec invalidate_and_raise(_, _, _, _, _) -> no_return().
invalidate_and_raise(Mod, Func, Args, Class, Reason) ->
call(Mod, invalidate),
raise(Mod, Func, Args, Class, Reason).
raise(Mod, Func, Args, Class, Reason) ->
Stacktrace = inject(Mod, Func, Args, erlang:get_stacktrace()),
call(Mod, {add_history, {{Mod, Func, Args}, Class, Reason, Stacktrace}}),
erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace).
mock_exception_fun(Class, Reason) -> fun() -> {exception, Class, Reason} end.
passthrough_fun(Args) -> fun() -> {passthrough, Args} end.
call_expect(_Mod, _Func, {anon, Arity, Return}, VarList)
when Arity == length(VarList) ->
call_expect(Mod, Func, passthrough, VarList) ->
apply(original_name(Mod), Func, VarList);
call_expect(_Mod, _Func, Fun, VarList) when is_function(Fun) ->
apply(Fun, VarList).
inject(_Mod, _Func, _Args, []) ->
inject(Mod, Func, Args, [{meck, exec, _Arity} = Meck|Stack]) ->
[Meck, {Mod, Func, Args}|Stack];
inject(Mod, Func, Args, [H|Stack]) ->
[H|inject(Mod, Func, Args, Stack)].
is_mock_exception(Fun) -> is_local_function(Fun).
%% --- Original module handling ------------------------------------------------
backup_original(Module) ->
Cover = get_cover_state(Module),
Forms = abstract_code(beam_file(Module)),
NewName = original_name(Module),
compile_forms(rename_module(Forms, NewName), compile_options(Module))
throw:{object_code_not_found, _Module} -> ok; % TODO: What to do here?
throw:no_abstract_code -> ok % TODO: What to do here?
restore_original(_Mod, false) ->
restore_original(Mod, {File, Data, Options}) ->
case filename:extension(File) of
".erl" ->
{ok, Mod} = cover:compile_module(File, Options);
".beam" ->
ok = cover:import(Data),
get_cover_state(Module) -> get_cover_state(Module, cover:is_compiled(Module)).
get_cover_state(Module, {file, File}) ->
Data = atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".coverdata",
ok = cover:export(Data, Module),
CompileOptions =
throw:{object_code_not_found, _Module} -> []
{File, Data, CompileOptions};
get_cover_state(_Module, _IsCompiled) ->
exists(Module) ->
code:which(Module) /= non_existing.
exports(Module) ->
[ FA || FA <- Module:module_info(exports),
FA /= {module_info, 0}, FA /= {module_info, 1}].
compile_forms(AbsCode) -> compile_forms(AbsCode, []).
compile_forms(AbsCode, Opts) ->
case compile:forms(AbsCode, Opts) of
{ok, ModName, Binary} ->
load_binary(ModName, Binary);
{ok, ModName, Binary, _Warnings} ->
load_binary(ModName, Binary)
load_binary(Name, Binary) ->
case code:load_binary(Name, "", Binary) of
{module, Name} -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> exit({error_loading_module, Name, Reason})
beam_file(Module) ->
% code:which/1 cannot be used for cover_compiled modules
case code:get_object_code(Module) of
{_, Binary, _Filename} -> Binary;
error -> throw({object_code_not_found, Module})
abstract_code(BeamFile) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [abstract_code]) of
{ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Forms}}]}} ->
{ok, {_, [{abstract_code, no_abstract_code}]}} ->
compile_options(BeamFile) when is_binary(BeamFile) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [compile_info]) of
{ok, {_, [{compile_info, Info}]}} ->
proplists:get_value(options, Info);
_ ->
compile_options(Module) ->
proplists:get_value(options, Module:module_info(compile)).
rename_module([{attribute, Line, module, _OldName}|T], NewName) ->
[{attribute, Line, module, NewName}|T];
rename_module([H|T], NewName) ->
[H|rename_module(T, NewName)].
cleanup(Mod) ->
%% --- History utilities -------------------------------------------------------
has_call({_M, _F, _A}, []) -> false;
has_call({M, F, A}, [{{M, F, A}, _Result} | _Rest]) ->
has_call({M, F, A}, [{{M, F, A}, _ExType, _Exception, _Stack} | _Rest]) ->
has_call({M, F, A}, [_Call | Rest]) ->
has_call({M, F, A}, Rest).