Merge pull request #145 from bpuzon/feature/local-call-caveat-doc

Document the caveat with mocking module-local calls.
diff --git a/ b/
index 451bf67..5954efd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -213,6 +213,36 @@
 * `crypto`
 * `compile`
+Also, a meck expectation set up for a function _f_ does not apply to the module-local invocation of _f_ within the mocked module.
+Consider the following module:
+-export([a/0, b/0, c/0]).
+a() ->
+  c().
+b() ->
+  ?MODULE:c().
+c() ->
+  original.
+Note how the module-local call to `c/0` in `a/0` stays unchanged even though the expectation changes the externally visible behaviour of `c/0`:
+3> meck:new(test, [passthrough]).
+4> meck:expect(test,c,0,changed).
+5> test:a().
+6> test:b().
+6> test:c().