blob: b77ca9ab6e85d7c9a66e7a01299bd35f88c76905 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
import mango
import user_docs
class SortTests(mango.UserDocsTextTests):
def test_number_sort(self):
q = {"age": {"$gt": 0}}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["age:number"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["age"] == 22
def test_number_sort_desc(self):
q = {"age": {"$gt": 0}}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=[{"age": "desc"}])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["age"] == 79
q = {"manager": True}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=[{"age:number": "desc"}])
assert len(docs) == 11
assert docs[0]["age"] == 79
def test_string_sort(self):
q = {"email": {"$gt": None}}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["email:string"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["email"] == ""
def test_notype_sort(self):
q = {"email": {"$gt": None}}
self.db.find(q, sort=["email"])
except Exception, e:
assert e.response.status_code == 400
raise AssertionError("Should have thrown error for sort")
def test_array_sort(self):
q = {"favorites": {"$exists": True}}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["favorites.[]:string"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["user_id"] == 8
def test_multi_sort(self):
q = {"name": {"$exists": True}}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["name.last:string", "age:number"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["name"] == {"last":"Ewing","first":"Shelly"}
assert docs[1]["age"] == 22
def test_guess_type_sort(self):
q = {"$or": [{"age":{"$gt": 0}}, {"email": {"$gt": None}}]}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["age"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["age"] == 22
def test_guess_dup_type_sort(self):
q = {"$and": [{"age":{"$gt": 0}}, {"email": {"$gt": None}},
{"age":{"$lte": 100}}]}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["age"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["age"] == 22
def test_ambiguous_type_sort(self):
q = {"$or": [{"age":{"$gt": 0}}, {"email": {"$gt": None}},
{"age": "34"}]}
self.db.find(q, sort=["age"])
except Exception, e:
assert e.response.status_code == 400
raise AssertionError("Should have thrown error for sort")
def test_guess_multi_sort(self):
q = {"$or": [{"age":{"$gt": 0}}, {"email": {"$gt": None}},
{"name.last": "Harvey"}]}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["name.last", "age"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["name"] == {"last":"Ewing","first":"Shelly"}
assert docs[1]["age"] == 22
def test_guess_mix_sort(self):
q = {"$or": [{"age":{"$gt": 0}}, {"email": {"$gt": None}},
{"name.last": "Harvey"}]}
docs = self.db.find(q, sort=["name.last:string", "age"])
assert len(docs) == 15
assert docs[0]["name"] == {"last":"Ewing","first":"Shelly"}
assert docs[1]["age"] == 22