blob: 22970c70a3aef41d7fa3b9a5296c4f918ba0a029 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(SUPERVISOR, mango_cursor_sup).
create(Db, Selector0, Opts) ->
Selector = mango_selector:normalize(Selector0),
IndexFields = mango_selector:index_fields(Selector),
FieldRanges = find_field_ranges(Selector, IndexFields),
if IndexFields /= [] -> ok; true ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, operator_unsupported})
ExistingIndexes = mango_idx:list(Db),
UsableIndexes = find_usable_indexes(IndexFields, ExistingIndexes),
SortIndexes = get_sort_indexes(ExistingIndexes, UsableIndexes, Opts),
Composited = composite_indexes(SortIndexes, FieldRanges),
{Index, Ranges} = choose_best_index(Db, Composited),
Limit = couch_util:get_value(limit, Opts, 10000000000),
Skip = couch_util:get_value(skip, Opts, 0),
Fields = couch_util:get_value(fields, Opts, all_fields),
{ok, #cursor{
db = Db,
index = Index,
ranges = Ranges,
selector = Selector,
opts = Opts,
limit = Limit,
skip = Skip,
fields = Fields
execute(#cursor{index=Idx}=Cursor, UserFun, UserAcc) ->
Mod = mango_idx:cursor_mod(Idx),
Mod:execute(Cursor, UserFun, UserAcc).
% Find the intersection between the Possible and Existing
% indexes.
find_usable_indexes([], _) ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, query_unsupported});
find_usable_indexes(Possible, []) ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, {fields, Possible}});
find_usable_indexes(Possible, Existing) ->
Usable = lists:foldl(fun(Idx, Acc) ->
[Col0 | _] = mango_idx:columns(Idx),
case lists:member(Col0, Possible) of
true ->
[Idx | Acc];
false ->
end, [], Existing),
if length(Usable) > 0 -> ok; true ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, {fields, Possible}})
get_sort_indexes(ExistingIndexes, UsableIndexes, Opts) ->
% If a sort was specified we have to find an index that
% can satisfy the request.
case lists:keyfind(sort, 1, Opts) of
{sort, {[_ | _]} = Sort} ->
limit_to_sort(ExistingIndexes, UsableIndexes, Sort);
_ ->
limit_to_sort(ExistingIndexes, UsableIndexes, Sort) ->
Fields = mango_sort:fields(Sort),
% First make sure that we have an index that could
% answer this sort. We split like this so that the
% user error is more obvious.
SortFilt = fun(Idx) ->
Cols = mango_idx:columns(Idx),
lists:prefix(Fields, Cols)
SortIndexes = lists:filter(SortFilt, ExistingIndexes),
if SortIndexes /= [] -> ok; true ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, {sort, Fields}})
% And then check if one or more of our SortIndexes
% is usable.
UsableFilt = fun(Idx) -> lists:member(Idx, UsableIndexes) end,
FinalIndexes = lists:filter(UsableFilt, SortIndexes),
if FinalIndexes /= [] -> ok; true ->
?MANGO_ERROR({no_usable_index, sort_field})
% For each field, return {Field, Range}
find_field_ranges(Selector, Fields) ->
find_field_ranges(Selector, Fields, []).
find_field_ranges(_Selector, [], Acc) ->
find_field_ranges(Selector, [Field | Rest], Acc) ->
case mango_selector:range(Selector, Field) of
empty ->
[{Field, empty}];
Range ->
find_field_ranges(Selector, Rest, [{Field, Range} | Acc])
% Any of these indexes may be a composite index. For each
% index find the most specific set of fields for each
% index. Ie, if an index has columns a, b, c, d, then
% check FieldRanges for a, b, c, and d and return
% the longest prefix of columns found.
composite_indexes(Indexes, FieldRanges) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Idx, Acc) ->
Cols = mango_idx:columns(Idx),
Prefix = composite_prefix(Cols, FieldRanges),
[{Idx, Prefix} | Acc]
end, [], Indexes).
composite_prefix([], _) ->
composite_prefix([Col | Rest], Ranges) ->
case lists:keyfind(Col, 1, Ranges) of
{Col, Range} ->
[Range | composite_prefix(Rest, Ranges)];
false ->
% Low and behold our query planner. Or something.
% So stupid, but we can fix this up later. First
% pass: Sort the IndexRanges by (num_columns, idx_name)
% and return the first element. Yes. Its going to
% be that dumb for now.
% In the future we can look into doing a cached parallel
% reduce view read on each index with the ranges to find
% the one that has the fewest number of rows or something.
choose_best_index(_DbName, IndexRanges) ->
Cmp = fun({A1, A2}, {B1, B2}) ->
case length(A2) - length(B2) of
N when N < 0 -> true;
N when N == 0 ->
% This is a really bad sort and will end
% up preferring indices based on the
% (dbname, ddocid, view_name) triple
A1 =< B1;
_ ->
hd(lists:sort(Cmp, IndexRanges)).