blob: c1cd4d043d84963b221249aa3ecf00ed0e102909 [file] [log] [blame]
%% Copyright (c) 2011 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% @doc The lager logging framework.
%% API
log/7, log/8, log/3, log/4,
get_loglevel/1, set_loglevel/2, set_loglevel/3, get_loglevels/0,
minimum_loglevel/1, posix_error/1,
safe_format/3, safe_format_chop/3]).
-type log_level() :: debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency.
-type log_level_number() :: 0..7.
-export_type([log_level/0, log_level_number/0]).
%% API
%% @doc Start the application. Mainly useful for using `-s lager' as a command
%% line switch to the VM to make lager start on boot.
start() -> start(lager).
start(App) ->
start_ok(App, application:start(App, permanent)).
start_ok(_App, ok) -> ok;
start_ok(_App, {error, {already_started, _App}}) -> ok;
start_ok(App, {error, {not_started, Dep}}) ->
ok = start(Dep),
start_ok(App, {error, Reason}) ->
erlang:error({app_start_failed, App, Reason}).
%% @private
-spec log(log_level(), atom(), atom(), pos_integer(), pid(), tuple(), list()) ->
ok | {error, lager_not_running}.
log(Level, Module, Function, Line, Pid, Time, Message) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(Time),
Msg = [["[", atom_to_list(Level), "] "],
io_lib:format("~p@~p:~p:~p ", [Pid, Module, Function, Line]),
safe_format_chop("~s", [Message], 4096)],
safe_notify(lager_util:level_to_num(Level), Timestamp, Msg).
%% @private
-spec log(log_level(), atom(), atom(), pos_integer(), pid(), tuple(), string(), list()) ->
ok | {error, lager_not_running}.
log(Level, Module, Function, Line, Pid, Time, Format, Args) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(Time),
Msg = [["[", atom_to_list(Level), "] "],
io_lib:format("~p@~p:~p:~p ", [Pid, Module, Function, Line]),
safe_format_chop(Format, Args, 4096)],
safe_notify(lager_util:level_to_num(Level), Timestamp, Msg).
%% @doc Manually log a message into lager without using the parse transform.
-spec log(log_level(), pid(), list()) -> ok | {error, lager_not_running}.
log(Level, Pid, Message) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(),
Msg = [["[", atom_to_list(Level), "] "], io_lib:format("~p ", [Pid]),
safe_format_chop("~s", [Message], 4096)],
safe_notify(lager_util:level_to_num(Level), Timestamp, Msg).
%% @doc Manually log a message into lager without using the parse transform.
-spec log(log_level(), pid(), string(), list()) -> ok | {error, lager_not_running}.
log(Level, Pid, Format, Args) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(),
Msg = [["[", atom_to_list(Level), "] "], io_lib:format("~p ", [Pid]),
safe_format_chop(Format, Args, 4096)],
safe_notify(lager_util:level_to_num(Level), Timestamp, Msg).
%% @doc Set the loglevel for a particular backend.
set_loglevel(Handler, Level) when is_atom(Level) ->
Reply = gen_event:call(lager_event, Handler, {set_loglevel, Level}, infinity),
%% recalculate min log level
MinLog = minimum_loglevel(get_loglevels()),
lager_mochiglobal:put(loglevel, MinLog),
%% @doc Set the loglevel for a particular backend that has multiple identifiers
%% (eg. the file backend).
set_loglevel(Handler, Ident, Level) when is_atom(Level) ->
Reply = gen_event:call(lager_event, Handler, {set_loglevel, Ident, Level}, infinity),
%% recalculate min log level
MinLog = minimum_loglevel(get_loglevels()),
lager_mochiglobal:put(loglevel, MinLog),
%% @doc Get the loglevel for a particular backend. In the case that the backend
%% has multiple identifiers, the lowest is returned
get_loglevel(Handler) ->
case gen_event:call(lager_event, Handler, get_loglevel, infinity) of
X when is_integer(X) ->
Y -> Y
%% @doc Try to convert an atom to a posix error, but fall back on printing the
%% term if its not a valid posix error code.
posix_error(Error) when is_atom(Error) ->
case erl_posix_msg:message(Error) of
"unknown POSIX error" -> atom_to_list(Error);
Message -> Message
posix_error(Error) ->
safe_format_chop("~p", [Error], 4096).
%% @private
get_loglevels() ->
[gen_event:call(lager_event, Handler, get_loglevel, infinity) ||
Handler <- gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event)].
%% @private
minimum_loglevel([]) ->
-1; %% lower than any log level, logging off
minimum_loglevel(Levels) ->
safe_notify(Level, Timestamp, Msg) ->
case whereis(lager_event) of
undefined ->
%% lager isn't running
{error, lager_not_running};
Pid ->
gen_event:sync_notify(Pid, {log, Level, Timestamp, Msg})
%% @doc Print the format string `Fmt' with `Args' safely with a size
%% limit of `Limit'. If the format string is invalid, or not enough
%% arguments are supplied 'FORMAT ERROR' is printed with the offending
%% arguments. The caller is NOT crashed.
safe_format(Fmt, Args, Limit) ->
try lager_trunc_io:format(Fmt, Args, Limit) of
Result -> Result
_:_ -> lager_trunc_io:format("FORMAT ERROR: ~p ~p", [Fmt, Args], Limit)
%% @private
safe_format_chop(Fmt, Args, Limit) ->
re:replace(safe_format(Fmt, Args, Limit), "\n$", "", [{return, list}]).