blob: 60e25a0a33abedea2ac7e8d0391845a242cea082 [file] [log] [blame]
%% Copyright (c) 2011 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
-export([levels/0, level_to_num/1, num_to_level/1, open_logfile/2,
ensure_logfile/4, rotate_logfile/2, format_time/0, format_time/1,
localtime_ms/0, maybe_utc/1, parse_rotation_date_spec/1,
levels() ->
[debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency].
level_to_num(debug) -> 7;
level_to_num(info) -> 6;
level_to_num(notice) -> 5;
level_to_num(warning) -> 4;
level_to_num(error) -> 3;
level_to_num(critical) -> 2;
level_to_num(alert) -> 1;
level_to_num(emergency) -> 0.
num_to_level(7) -> debug;
num_to_level(6) -> info;
num_to_level(5) -> notice;
num_to_level(4) -> warning;
num_to_level(3) -> error;
num_to_level(2) -> critical;
num_to_level(1) -> alert;
num_to_level(0) -> emergency.
open_logfile(Name, Buffer) ->
case filelib:ensure_dir(Name) of
ok ->
Options = [append, raw] ++
if Buffer == true -> [delayed_write];
true -> []
case file:open(Name, Options) of
{ok, FD} ->
case file:read_file_info(Name) of
{ok, FInfo} ->
Inode = FInfo#file_info.inode,
{ok, {FD, Inode, FInfo#file_info.size}};
X -> X
Y -> Y
Z -> Z
ensure_logfile(Name, FD, Inode, Buffer) ->
case file:read_file_info(Name) of
{ok, FInfo} ->
Inode2 = FInfo#file_info.inode,
case Inode == Inode2 of
true ->
{ok, {FD, Inode, FInfo#file_info.size}};
false ->
%% delayed write can cause file:close not to do a close
case open_logfile(Name, Buffer) of
{ok, {FD2, Inode3, Size}} ->
%% inode changed, file was probably moved and
%% recreated
{ok, {FD2, Inode3, Size}};
Error ->
_ ->
%% delayed write can cause file:close not to do a close
case open_logfile(Name, Buffer) of
{ok, {FD2, Inode3, Size}} ->
%% file was removed
{ok, {FD2, Inode3, Size}};
Error ->
%% returns localtime with milliseconds included
localtime_ms() ->
{_, _, Micro} = Now = os:timestamp(),
{Date, {Hours, Minutes, Seconds}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
{Date, {Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Micro div 1000 rem 1000}}.
maybe_utc({Date, {H, M, S, Ms}}) ->
case lager_stdlib:maybe_utc({Date, {H, M, S}}) of
{utc, {Date1, {H1, M1, S1}}} ->
{utc, {Date1, {H1, M1, S1, Ms}}};
{Date1, {H1, M1, S1}} ->
{Date1, {H1, M1, S1, Ms}}
rotate_logfile(File, 0) ->
rotate_logfile(File, 1) ->
file:rename(File, File++".0"),
rotate_logfile(File, 0);
rotate_logfile(File, Count) ->
file:rename(File ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(Count - 2), File ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(Count - 1)),
rotate_logfile(File, Count - 1).
format_time() ->
format_time({utc, {{Y, M, D}, {H, Mi, S, Ms}}}) ->
{io_lib:format("~b-~2..0b-~2..0b", [Y, M, D]),
io_lib:format("~2..0b:~2..0b:~2..0b.~3..0b UTC", [H, Mi, S, Ms])};
format_time({{Y, M, D}, {H, Mi, S, Ms}}) ->
{io_lib:format("~b-~2..0b-~2..0b", [Y, M, D]),
io_lib:format("~2..0b:~2..0b:~2..0b.~3..0b", [H, Mi, S, Ms])};
format_time({utc, {{Y, M, D}, {H, Mi, S}}}) ->
{io_lib:format("~b-~2..0b-~2..0b", [Y, M, D]),
io_lib:format("~2..0b:~2..0b:~2..0b UTC", [H, Mi, S])};
format_time({{Y, M, D}, {H, Mi, S}}) ->
{io_lib:format("~b-~2..0b-~2..0b", [Y, M, D]),
io_lib:format("~2..0b:~2..0b:~2..0b", [H, Mi, S])}.
parse_rotation_day_spec([], Res) ->
{ok, Res ++ [{hour, 0}]};
parse_rotation_day_spec([$D, D1, D2], Res) ->
case list_to_integer([D1, D2]) of
X when X >= 0, X =< 23 ->
{ok, Res ++ [{hour, X}]};
_ ->
{error, invalid_date_spec}
parse_rotation_day_spec([$D, D], Res) when D >= $0, D =< $9 ->
{ok, Res ++ [{hour, D - 48}]};
parse_rotation_day_spec(_, _) ->
{error, invalid_date_spec}.
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $W, W|T]) when W >= $0, W =< $6 ->
Week = W - 48,
parse_rotation_day_spec(T, [{day, Week}]);
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $M, L|T]) when L == $L; L == $l ->
%% last day in month.
parse_rotation_day_spec(T, [{date, last}]);
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $M, M1, M2|[$D|_]=T]) ->
case list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
X when X >= 1, X =< 31 ->
parse_rotation_day_spec(T, [{date, X}]);
_ ->
{error, invalid_date_spec}
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $M, M|[$D|_]=T]) ->
parse_rotation_day_spec(T, [{date, M - 48}]);
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $M, M1, M2]) ->
case list_to_integer([M1, M2]) of
X when X >= 1, X =< 31 ->
{ok, [{date, X}, {hour, 0}]};
_ ->
{error, invalid_date_spec}
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$, $M, M]) ->
{ok, [{date, M - 48}, {hour, 0}]};
parse_rotation_date_spec([$$|X]) when X /= [] ->
parse_rotation_day_spec(X, []);
parse_rotation_date_spec(_) ->
{error, invalid_date_spec}.
calculate_next_rotation(Spec) ->
Now = calendar:local_time(),
Later = calculate_next_rotation(Spec, Now),
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Later) -
calculate_next_rotation([], Now) ->
calculate_next_rotation([{hour, X}|T], {{_, _, _}, {Hour, _, _}} = Now) when Hour < X ->
%% rotation is today, sometime
NewNow = setelement(2, Now, {X, 0, 0}),
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow);
calculate_next_rotation([{hour, X}|T], {{_, _, _}, _} = Now) ->
%% rotation is not today
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Now) + 86400,
DateTime = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds),
NewNow = setelement(2, DateTime, {X, 0, 0}),
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow);
calculate_next_rotation([{day, Day}|T], {Date, _Time} = Now) ->
DoW = calendar:day_of_the_week(Date),
AdjustedDay = case Day of
0 -> 7;
X -> X
case AdjustedDay of
DoW -> %% rotation is today
OldDate = element(1, Now),
case calculate_next_rotation(T, Now) of
{OldDate, _} = NewNow -> NewNow;
{NewDate, _} ->
%% rotation *isn't* today! rerun the calculation
NewNow = {NewDate, {0, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, Day}|T], NewNow)
Y when Y > DoW -> %% rotation is later this week
PlusDays = Y - DoW,
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Now) + (86400 * PlusDays),
{NewDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds),
NewNow = {NewDate, {0, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow);
Y when Y < DoW -> %% rotation is next week
PlusDays = ((7 - DoW) + Y),
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Now) + (86400 * PlusDays),
{NewDate, _} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds),
NewNow = {NewDate, {0, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow)
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}|T], {{Year, Month, Day}, _} = Now) ->
Last = calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Year, Month),
case Last == Day of
true -> %% doing rotation today
OldDate = element(1, Now),
case calculate_next_rotation(T, Now) of
{OldDate, _} = NewNow -> NewNow;
{NewDate, _} ->
%% rotation *isn't* today! rerun the calculation
NewNow = {NewDate, {0, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}|T], NewNow)
false ->
NewNow = setelement(1, Now, {Year, Month, Last}),
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow)
calculate_next_rotation([{date, Date}|T], {{_, _, Date}, _} = Now) ->
%% rotation is today
OldDate = element(1, Now),
case calculate_next_rotation(T, Now) of
{OldDate, _} = NewNow -> NewNow;
{NewDate, _} ->
%% rotation *isn't* today! rerun the calculation
NewNow = setelement(1, Now, NewDate),
calculate_next_rotation([{date, Date}|T], NewNow)
calculate_next_rotation([{date, Date}|T], {{Year, Month, Day}, _} = Now) ->
PlusDays = case Date of
X when X < Day -> %% rotation is next month
Last = calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Year, Month),
(Last - Day);
X when X > Day -> %% rotation is later this month
X - Day
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Now) + (86400 * PlusDays),
NewNow = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds),
calculate_next_rotation(T, NewNow).
parse_test() ->
?assertEqual({ok, [{hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$D0")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{hour, 23}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$D23")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{day, 0}, {hour, 23}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$W0D23")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{day, 5}, {hour, 16}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$W5D16")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, 1}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M1D0")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, 5}, {hour, 6}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M5D6")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, 5}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M5")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, 31}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M31")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, 31}, {hour, 1}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M31D1")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, last}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$ML")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{date, last}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$Ml")),
?assertEqual({ok, [{day, 5}, {hour, 0}]}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$W5")),
parse_fail_test() ->
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$D")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$D24")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$W7")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$W7D1")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M32")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M32D1")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$D15M5")),
?assertEqual({error, invalid_date_spec}, parse_rotation_date_spec("$M5W5")),
rotation_calculation_test() ->
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 2}, {0, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{hour, 0}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 1}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 2}, {12, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{hour, 12}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 1}, {12, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 1}, {hour, 12}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 1}, {12, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 1}, {hour, 12}], {{2000, 1, 15}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 1}, {12, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 1}, {hour, 12}], {{2000, 1, 2}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 1}, {12, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 1}, {hour, 12}], {{2000, 1, 31}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 1}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 1}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 15}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, 15}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 31}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 31}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 31}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 29}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 31}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2001, 2, 28}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{date, last}, {hour, 16}], {{2001, 1, 31}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 1}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 6}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {12, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 8}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 6}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 7}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 5}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 3}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 1}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 2}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 0}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 1}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 9}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 0}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 2}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 2, 3}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 4}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 29}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 7}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 5}, {hour, 16}], {{2000, 1, 3}, {17, 34, 43}})),
?assertMatch({{2000, 1, 3}, {16, 0, 0}},
calculate_next_rotation([{day, 1}, {hour, 16}], {{1999, 12, 28}, {17, 34, 43}})),
rotate_file_test() ->
[file:delete(["rotation.log.", integer_to_list(N)]) || N <- lists:seq(0, 9)],
file:write_file("rotation.log", integer_to_list(N)),
Count = case N > 10 of
true -> 10;
_ -> N
FileName = ["rotation.log.", integer_to_list(M)],
%% check the expected value is in the file
Number = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(N - M - 1)),
?assertEqual({ok, Number}, file:read_file(FileName))
|| M <- lists:seq(0, Count-1)],
rotate_logfile("rotation.log", 10)
end || N <- lists:seq(0, 20)].