Remove flaky eunit test.

This test is a race benchmark to prove khash is faster than dict. It was used in early stages of development. In the context of eunit tests it has the potential to fail occasionally and make test suite results unreliable.

diff --git a/test/khash_test.erl b/test/khash_test.erl
index d1bb9e2..cc7a429 100644
--- a/test/khash_test.erl
+++ b/test/khash_test.erl
@@ -107,39 +107,6 @@
-compare_dict_test_() ->
-    {
-        "khash vs dict",
-        {setup,
-            fun() ->
-                % Let the VM settle for a bit
-                receive after 1000 -> ok end
-            end,
-            fun(ok) ->
-                [{timeout, ?TIMEOUT, {
-                    "Dict's fetch is slower than of khash",
-                    ?_test(begin
-                        {DTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> dict_fetch() end, []),
-                        {KTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> khash_fetch() end, []),
-                        ?debugFmt("Dict:  ~10b", [DTime]),
-                        ?debugFmt("KHash: ~10b", [KTime]),
-                        ?assert(DTime > KTime)
-                    end)
-                }},
-                {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, {
-                    "Dict's store is slower than of khash",
-                    ?_test(begin
-                        {DTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> dict_store() end, []),
-                        {KTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> khash_store() end, []),
-                        ?debugFmt("Dict:  ~10b", [DTime]),
-                        ?debugFmt("KHash: ~10b", [KTime]),
-                        ?assert(DTime > KTime)
-                    end)
-                }}]
-            end
-        }
-    }.
 basic_iterators_test_() ->
         "khash itrators basics operations",
@@ -286,19 +253,6 @@
-dict_fetch() ->
-    erlang:garbage_collect(),
-    List = kv_data(?NUM_KVS),
-    Dict = dict:from_list(List),
-    dict_fetch(Dict, ?NUM_CYCLES * 10).
-dict_fetch(_, 0) ->
-    ok;
-dict_fetch(Dict, NumCycles) ->
-    ?assertMatch(1, dict:fetch(1, Dict)),
-    dict_fetch(Dict, NumCycles - 1).
 khash_fetch() ->
     List = kv_data(?NUM_KVS),
@@ -311,17 +265,6 @@
     ?assertMatch(1, khash:get(KHash, 1)),
     khash_fetch(KHash, NumCycles - 1).
-dict_store() ->
-    List = kv_data(?NUM_KVS * 2),
-    Dict = dict:from_list(List),
-    dict_store(Dict, ?NUM_CYCLES).
-dict_store(_, 0) ->
-    ok;
-dict_store(Dict, NumCycles) ->
-    Dict2 = dict:store(1, 1, Dict),
-    dict_store(Dict2, NumCycles - 1).
 khash_store() ->
     List = kv_data(?NUM_KVS * 2),
     {ok, KHash} = khash:from_list(List),