Initial implementation

This is a quick wrapper around the kazlib hash structure. Its fairly
straight forward.
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+++ b/.gitignore
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diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
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index 0000000..873b78b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Files: c_src/khash.c src/* test/*.t test/util.erl test/gen_term.erl
+Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Kazlib - Hash Table Data Type
+Files: c_src/hash.*
+Copyright (C) 1997 Kaz Kylheku <>
+Free Software License:
+All rights are reserved by the author, with the following exceptions:
+Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this software,
+possibly in exchange for a fee, provided that this copyright notice appears
+intact. Permission is also granted to adapt this software to produce
+derivative works, as long as the modified versions carry this copyright
+notice and additional notices stating that the work has been modified.
+This source code may be translated into executable form and incorporated
+into proprietary software; there is no requirement for such software to
+contain a copyright notice related to this source.
+Files: test/etap.erl
+Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nick Gerakines <>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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+all: build
+	$(REBAR) clean
+	rm -rf logs
+	rm -f test/*.beam
+distclean: clean
+	git clean -fxd
+	$(REBAR) compile
+etap: test/etap.beam test/util.beam test/gen_term.beam
+	prove test/*.t
+check: build etap
+%.beam: %.erl
+	erlc -o test/ $<
+.PHONY: all clean distclean build etap check
diff --git a/c_src/hash.c b/c_src/hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3da0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c_src/hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+ * Hash Table Data Type
+ * Copyright (C) 1997 Kaz Kylheku <>
+ *
+ * Free Software License:
+ *
+ * All rights are reserved by the author, with the following exceptions:
+ * Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this software,
+ * possibly in exchange for a fee, provided that this copyright notice appears
+ * intact. Permission is also granted to adapt this software to produce
+ * derivative works, as long as the modified versions carry this copyright
+ * notice and additional notices stating that the work has been modified.
+ * This source code may be translated into executable form and incorporated
+ * into proprietary software; there is no requirement for such software to
+ * contain a copyright notice related to this source.
+ *
+ * $Id: hash.c,v 2000/11/13 01:36:45 kaz Exp $
+ * $Name: kazlib_1_20 $
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "hash.h"
+static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: hash.c,v 2000/11/13 01:36:45 kaz Exp $";
+#define INIT_BITS	6
+#define INIT_SIZE	(1UL << (INIT_BITS))	/* must be power of two		*/
+#define INIT_MASK	((INIT_SIZE) - 1)
+#define next hash_next
+#define key hash_key
+#define data hash_data
+#define hkey hash_hkey
+#define table hash_table
+#define nchains hash_nchains
+#define nodecount hash_nodecount
+#define maxcount hash_maxcount
+#define highmark hash_highmark
+#define lowmark hash_lowmark
+#define compare hash_compare
+#define function hash_function
+#define allocnode hash_allocnode
+#define freenode hash_freenode
+#define context hash_context
+#define mask hash_mask
+#define dynamic hash_dynamic
+#define table hash_table
+#define chain hash_chain
+static hnode_t *kl_hnode_alloc(void *context);
+static void kl_hnode_free(hnode_t *node, void *context);
+static hash_val_t hash_fun_default(const void *key);
+static int hash_comp_default(const void *key1, const void *key2);
+int hash_val_t_bit;
+ * Compute the number of bits in the hash_val_t type.  We know that hash_val_t
+ * is an unsigned integral type. Thus the highest value it can hold is a
+ * Mersenne number (power of two, less one). We initialize a hash_val_t
+ * object with this value and then shift bits out one by one while counting.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. HASH_VAL_T_MAX is a Mersenne number---one that is one less than a power
+ *    of two. This means that its binary representation consists of all one
+ *    bits, and hence ``val'' is initialized to all one bits.
+ * 2. While bits remain in val, we increment the bit count and shift it to the
+ *    right, replacing the topmost bit by zero.
+ */
+static void compute_bits(void)
+    hash_val_t val = HASH_VAL_T_MAX;	/* 1 */
+    int bits = 0;
+    while (val) {	/* 2 */
+	bits++;
+	val >>= 1;
+    }
+    hash_val_t_bit = bits;
+ * Verify whether the given argument is a power of two.
+ */
+static int is_power_of_two(hash_val_t arg)
+    if (arg == 0)
+	return 0;
+    while ((arg & 1) == 0)
+	arg >>= 1;
+    return (arg == 1);
+ * Compute a shift amount from a given table size 
+ */
+static hash_val_t compute_mask(hashcount_t size)
+    assert (is_power_of_two(size));
+    assert (size >= 2);
+    return size - 1;
+ * Initialize the table of pointers to null.
+ */
+static void clear_table(hash_t *hash)
+    hash_val_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < hash->nchains; i++)
+	hash->table[i] = NULL;
+ * Double the size of a dynamic table. This works as follows. Each chain splits
+ * into two adjacent chains.  The shift amount increases by one, exposing an
+ * additional bit of each hashed key. For each node in the original chain, the
+ * value of this newly exposed bit will decide which of the two new chains will
+ * receive the node: if the bit is 1, the chain with the higher index will have
+ * the node, otherwise the lower chain will receive the node. In this manner,
+ * the hash table will continue to function exactly as before without having to
+ * rehash any of the keys.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1.  Overflow check.
+ * 2.  The new number of chains is twice the old number of chains.
+ * 3.  The new mask is one bit wider than the previous, revealing a
+ *     new bit in all hashed keys.
+ * 4.  Allocate a new table of chain pointers that is twice as large as the
+ *     previous one.
+ * 5.  If the reallocation was successful, we perform the rest of the growth
+ *     algorithm, otherwise we do nothing.
+ * 6.  The exposed_bit variable holds a mask with which each hashed key can be
+ *     AND-ed to test the value of its newly exposed bit.
+ * 7.  Now loop over each chain in the table and sort its nodes into two
+ *     chains based on the value of each node's newly exposed hash bit.
+ * 8.  The low chain replaces the current chain.  The high chain goes
+ *     into the corresponding sister chain in the upper half of the table.
+ * 9.  We have finished dealing with the chains and nodes. We now update
+ *     the various bookeeping fields of the hash structure.
+ */
+static void grow_table(hash_t *hash)
+    hnode_t **newtable;
+    assert (2 * hash->nchains > hash->nchains);	/* 1 */
+    newtable = realloc(hash->table,
+	    sizeof *newtable * hash->nchains * 2);	/* 4 */
+    if (newtable) {	/* 5 */
+	hash_val_t mask = (hash->mask << 1) | 1;	/* 3 */
+	hash_val_t exposed_bit = mask ^ hash->mask;	/* 6 */
+	hash_val_t chain;
+	assert (mask != hash->mask);
+	for (chain = 0; chain < hash->nchains; chain++) { /* 7 */
+	    hnode_t *low_chain = 0, *high_chain = 0, *hptr, *next;
+	    for (hptr = newtable[chain]; hptr != 0; hptr = next) {
+		next = hptr->next;
+		if (hptr->hkey & exposed_bit) {
+		    hptr->next = high_chain;
+		    high_chain = hptr;
+		} else {
+		    hptr->next = low_chain;
+		    low_chain = hptr;
+		}
+	    }
+	    newtable[chain] = low_chain; 	/* 8 */
+	    newtable[chain + hash->nchains] = high_chain;
+	}
+	hash->table = newtable;			/* 9 */
+	hash->mask = mask;
+	hash->nchains *= 2;
+	hash->lowmark *= 2;
+	hash->highmark *= 2;
+    }
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+ * Cut a table size in half. This is done by folding together adjacent chains
+ * and populating the lower half of the table with these chains. The chains are
+ * simply spliced together. Once this is done, the whole table is reallocated
+ * to a smaller object.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1.  It is illegal to have a hash table with one slot. This would mean that
+ *     hash->shift is equal to hash_val_t_bit, an illegal shift value.
+ *     Also, other things could go wrong, such as hash->lowmark becoming zero.
+ * 2.  Looping over each pair of sister chains, the low_chain is set to
+ *     point to the head node of the chain in the lower half of the table, 
+ *     and high_chain points to the head node of the sister in the upper half.
+ * 3.  The intent here is to compute a pointer to the last node of the
+ *     lower chain into the low_tail variable. If this chain is empty,
+ *     low_tail ends up with a null value.
+ * 4.  If the lower chain is not empty, we simply tack the upper chain onto it.
+ *     If the upper chain is a null pointer, nothing happens.
+ * 5.  Otherwise if the lower chain is empty but the upper one is not,
+ *     If the low chain is empty, but the high chain is not, then the
+ *     high chain is simply transferred to the lower half of the table.
+ * 6.  Otherwise if both chains are empty, there is nothing to do.
+ * 7.  All the chain pointers are in the lower half of the table now, so
+ *     we reallocate it to a smaller object. This, of course, invalidates
+ *     all pointer-to-pointers which reference into the table from the
+ *     first node of each chain.
+ * 8.  Though it's unlikely, the reallocation may fail. In this case we
+ *     pretend that the table _was_ reallocated to a smaller object.
+ * 9.  Finally, update the various table parameters to reflect the new size.
+ */
+static void shrink_table(hash_t *hash)
+    hash_val_t chain, nchains;
+    hnode_t **newtable, *low_tail, *low_chain, *high_chain;
+    assert (hash->nchains >= 2);			/* 1 */
+    nchains = hash->nchains / 2;
+    for (chain = 0; chain < nchains; chain++) {
+	low_chain = hash->table[chain];		/* 2 */
+	high_chain = hash->table[chain + nchains];
+	for (low_tail = low_chain; low_tail && low_tail->next; low_tail = low_tail->next)
+	    ;	/* 3 */
+	if (low_chain != 0)				/* 4 */
+	    low_tail->next = high_chain;
+	else if (high_chain != 0)			/* 5 */
+	    hash->table[chain] = high_chain;
+	else
+	    assert (hash->table[chain] == NULL);	/* 6 */
+    }
+    newtable = realloc(hash->table,
+	    sizeof *newtable * nchains);		/* 7 */
+    if (newtable)					/* 8 */
+	hash->table = newtable;
+    hash->mask >>= 1;			/* 9 */
+    hash->nchains = nchains;
+    hash->lowmark /= 2;
+    hash->highmark /= 2;
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+ * Create a dynamic hash table. Both the hash table structure and the table
+ * itself are dynamically allocated. Furthermore, the table is extendible in
+ * that it will automatically grow as its load factor increases beyond a
+ * certain threshold.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. If the number of bits in the hash_val_t type has not been computed yet,
+ *    we do so here, because this is likely to be the first function that the
+ *    user calls.
+ * 2. Allocate a hash table control structure.
+ * 3. If a hash table control structure is successfully allocated, we
+ *    proceed to initialize it. Otherwise we return a null pointer.
+ * 4. We try to allocate the table of hash chains.
+ * 5. If we were able to allocate the hash chain table, we can finish
+ *    initializing the hash structure and the table. Otherwise, we must
+ *    backtrack by freeing the hash structure.
+ * 6. INIT_SIZE should be a power of two. The high and low marks are always set
+ *    to be twice the table size and half the table size respectively. When the
+ *    number of nodes in the table grows beyond the high size (beyond load
+ *    factor 2), it will double in size to cut the load factor down to about
+ *    about 1. If the table shrinks down to or beneath load factor 0.5,
+ *    it will shrink, bringing the load up to about 1. However, the table
+ *    will never shrink beneath INIT_SIZE even if it's emptied.
+ * 7. This indicates that the table is dynamically allocated and dynamically
+ *    resized on the fly. A table that has this value set to zero is
+ *    assumed to be statically allocated and will not be resized.
+ * 8. The table of chains must be properly reset to all null pointers.
+ */
+hash_t *kl_hash_create(hashcount_t maxcount, hash_comp_t compfun,
+	hash_fun_t hashfun)
+    hash_t *hash;
+    if (hash_val_t_bit == 0)	/* 1 */
+	compute_bits();
+    hash = malloc(sizeof *hash);	/* 2 */
+    if (hash) {		/* 3 */
+	hash->table = malloc(sizeof *hash->table * INIT_SIZE);	/* 4 */
+	if (hash->table) {	/* 5 */
+	    hash->nchains = INIT_SIZE;		/* 6 */
+	    hash->highmark = INIT_SIZE * 2;
+	    hash->lowmark = INIT_SIZE / 2;
+	    hash->nodecount = 0;
+	    hash->maxcount = maxcount;
+	    hash->compare = compfun ? compfun : hash_comp_default;
+	    hash->function = hashfun ? hashfun : hash_fun_default;
+	    hash->allocnode = kl_hnode_alloc;
+	    hash->freenode = kl_hnode_free;
+	    hash->context = NULL;
+	    hash->mask = INIT_MASK;
+	    hash->dynamic = 1;			/* 7 */
+	    clear_table(hash);			/* 8 */
+	    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+	    return hash;
+	} 
+	free(hash);
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * Select a different set of node allocator routines.
+ */
+void kl_hash_set_allocator(hash_t *hash, hnode_alloc_t al,
+	hnode_free_t fr, void *context)
+    assert (kl_hash_count(hash) == 0);
+    assert ((al == 0 && fr == 0) || (al != 0 && fr != 0));
+    hash->allocnode = al ? al : kl_hnode_alloc;
+    hash->freenode = fr ? fr : kl_hnode_free;
+    hash->context = context;
+ * Free every node in the hash using the hash->freenode() function pointer, and
+ * cause the hash to become empty.
+ */
+void kl_hash_free_nodes(hash_t *hash)
+    hscan_t hs;
+    hnode_t *node;
+    kl_hash_scan_begin(&hs, hash);
+    while ((node = kl_hash_scan_next(&hs))) {
+	kl_hash_scan_delete(hash, node);
+	hash->freenode(node, hash->context);
+    }
+    hash->nodecount = 0;
+    clear_table(hash);
+ * Obsolescent function for removing all nodes from a table,
+ * freeing them and then freeing the table all in one step.
+ */
+void kl_hash_free(hash_t *hash)
+    assert ("call to obsolescent function hash_free()" && 0);
+    kl_hash_free_nodes(hash);
+    kl_hash_destroy(hash);
+ * Free a dynamic hash table structure.
+ */
+void kl_hash_destroy(hash_t *hash)
+    assert (hash_val_t_bit != 0);
+    assert (kl_hash_isempty(hash));
+    free(hash->table);
+    free(hash);
+ * Initialize a user supplied hash structure. The user also supplies a table of
+ * chains which is assigned to the hash structure. The table is static---it
+ * will not grow or shrink.
+ * 1. See note 1. in hash_create().
+ * 2. The user supplied array of pointers hopefully contains nchains nodes.
+ * 3. See note 7. in hash_create().
+ * 4. We must dynamically compute the mask from the given power of two table
+ *    size. 
+ * 5. The user supplied table can't be assumed to contain null pointers,
+ *    so we reset it here.
+ */
+hash_t *kl_hash_init(hash_t *hash, hashcount_t maxcount,
+	hash_comp_t compfun, hash_fun_t hashfun, hnode_t **table,
+	hashcount_t nchains)
+    if (hash_val_t_bit == 0)	/* 1 */
+	compute_bits();
+    assert (is_power_of_two(nchains));
+    hash->table = table;	/* 2 */
+    hash->nchains = nchains;
+    hash->nodecount = 0;
+    hash->maxcount = maxcount;
+    hash->compare = compfun ? compfun : hash_comp_default;
+    hash->function = hashfun ? hashfun : hash_fun_default;
+    hash->dynamic = 0;		/* 3 */
+    hash->mask = compute_mask(nchains);	/* 4 */
+    clear_table(hash);		/* 5 */
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+    return hash;
+ * Reset the hash scanner so that the next element retrieved by
+ * hash_scan_next() shall be the first element on the first non-empty chain. 
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. Locate the first non empty chain.
+ * 2. If an empty chain is found, remember which one it is and set the next
+ *    pointer to refer to its first element.
+ * 3. Otherwise if a chain is not found, set the next pointer to NULL
+ *    so that hash_scan_next() shall indicate failure.
+ */
+void kl_hash_scan_begin(hscan_t *scan, hash_t *hash)
+    hash_val_t nchains = hash->nchains;
+    hash_val_t chain;
+    scan->table = hash;
+    /* 1 */
+    for (chain = 0; chain < nchains && hash->table[chain] == 0; chain++)
+	;
+    if (chain < nchains) {	/* 2 */
+	scan->chain = chain;
+	scan->next = hash->table[chain];
+    } else {			/* 3 */
+	scan->next = NULL;
+    }
+ * Retrieve the next node from the hash table, and update the pointer
+ * for the next invocation of hash_scan_next(). 
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. Remember the next pointer in a temporary value so that it can be
+ *    returned.
+ * 2. This assertion essentially checks whether the module has been properly
+ *    initialized. The first point of interaction with the module should be
+ *    either hash_create() or hash_init(), both of which set hash_val_t_bit to
+ *    a non zero value.
+ * 3. If the next pointer we are returning is not NULL, then the user is
+ *    allowed to call hash_scan_next() again. We prepare the new next pointer
+ *    for that call right now. That way the user is allowed to delete the node
+ *    we are about to return, since we will no longer be needing it to locate
+ *    the next node.
+ * 4. If there is a next node in the chain (next->next), then that becomes the
+ *    new next node, otherwise ...
+ * 5. We have exhausted the current chain, and must locate the next subsequent
+ *    non-empty chain in the table.
+ * 6. If a non-empty chain is found, the first element of that chain becomes
+ *    the new next node. Otherwise there is no new next node and we set the
+ *    pointer to NULL so that the next time hash_scan_next() is called, a null
+ *    pointer shall be immediately returned.
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hash_scan_next(hscan_t *scan)
+    hnode_t *next = scan->next;		/* 1 */
+    hash_t *hash = scan->table;
+    hash_val_t chain = scan->chain + 1;
+    hash_val_t nchains = hash->nchains;
+    assert (hash_val_t_bit != 0);	/* 2 */
+    if (next) {			/* 3 */
+	if (next->next) {	/* 4 */
+	    scan->next = next->next;
+	} else {
+	    while (chain < nchains && hash->table[chain] == 0)	/* 5 */
+	    	chain++;
+	    if (chain < nchains) {	/* 6 */
+		scan->chain = chain;
+		scan->next = hash->table[chain];
+	    } else {
+		scan->next = NULL;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return next;
+ * Insert a node into the hash table.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. It's illegal to insert more than the maximum number of nodes. The client
+ *    should verify that the hash table is not full before attempting an
+ *    insertion.
+ * 2. The same key may not be inserted into a table twice.
+ * 3. If the table is dynamic and the load factor is already at >= 2,
+ *    grow the table.
+ * 4. We take the bottom N bits of the hash value to derive the chain index,
+ *    where N is the base 2 logarithm of the size of the hash table. 
+ */
+void kl_hash_insert(hash_t *hash, hnode_t *node, const void *key)
+    hash_val_t hkey, chain;
+    assert (hash_val_t_bit != 0);
+    assert (node->next == NULL);
+    assert (hash->nodecount < hash->maxcount);	/* 1 */
+    assert (kl_hash_lookup(hash, key) == NULL);	/* 2 */
+    if (hash->dynamic && hash->nodecount >= hash->highmark)	/* 3 */
+	grow_table(hash);
+    hkey = hash->function(key);
+    chain = hkey & hash->mask;	/* 4 */
+    node->key = key;
+    node->hkey = hkey;
+    node->next = hash->table[chain];
+    hash->table[chain] = node;
+    hash->nodecount++;
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+ * Find a node in the hash table and return a pointer to it.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. We hash the key and keep the entire hash value. As an optimization, when
+ *    we descend down the chain, we can compare hash values first and only if
+ *    hash values match do we perform a full key comparison. 
+ * 2. To locate the chain from among 2^N chains, we look at the lower N bits of
+ *    the hash value by anding them with the current mask.
+ * 3. Looping through the chain, we compare the stored hash value inside each
+ *    node against our computed hash. If they match, then we do a full
+ *    comparison between the unhashed keys. If these match, we have located the
+ *    entry.
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hash_lookup(hash_t *hash, const void *key)
+    hash_val_t hkey, chain;
+    hnode_t *nptr;
+    hkey = hash->function(key);		/* 1 */
+    chain = hkey & hash->mask;		/* 2 */
+    for (nptr = hash->table[chain]; nptr; nptr = nptr->next) {	/* 3 */
+	if (nptr->hkey == hkey && hash->compare(nptr->key, key) == 0)
+	    return nptr;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * Delete the given node from the hash table.  Since the chains
+ * are singly linked, we must locate the start of the node's chain
+ * and traverse.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. The node must belong to this hash table, and its key must not have
+ *    been tampered with.
+ * 2. If this deletion will take the node count below the low mark, we
+ *    shrink the table now. 
+ * 3. Determine which chain the node belongs to, and fetch the pointer
+ *    to the first node in this chain.
+ * 4. If the node being deleted is the first node in the chain, then
+ *    simply update the chain head pointer.
+ * 5. Otherwise advance to the node's predecessor, and splice out
+ *    by updating the predecessor's next pointer.
+ * 6. Indicate that the node is no longer in a hash table.
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hash_delete(hash_t *hash, hnode_t *node)
+    hash_val_t chain;
+    hnode_t *hptr;
+    assert (kl_hash_lookup(hash, node->key) == node);	/* 1 */
+    assert (hash_val_t_bit != 0);
+    if (hash->dynamic && hash->nodecount <= hash->lowmark
+	    && hash->nodecount > INIT_SIZE)
+	shrink_table(hash);				/* 2 */
+    chain = node->hkey & hash->mask;			/* 3 */
+    hptr = hash->table[chain];
+    if (hptr == node) {					/* 4 */
+	hash->table[chain] = node->next;
+    } else {
+	while (hptr->next != node) {			/* 5 */
+	    assert (hptr != 0);
+	    hptr = hptr->next;
+	}
+	assert (hptr->next == node);
+	hptr->next = node->next;
+    }
+    hash->nodecount--;
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+    node->next = NULL;					/* 6 */
+    return node;
+int kl_hash_alloc_insert(hash_t *hash, const void *key, void *data)
+    hnode_t *node = hash->allocnode(hash->context);
+    if (node) {
+	kl_hnode_init(node, data);
+	kl_hash_insert(hash, node, key);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void kl_hash_delete_free(hash_t *hash, hnode_t *node)
+    kl_hash_delete(hash, node);
+    hash->freenode(node, hash->context);
+ *  Exactly like hash_delete, except does not trigger table shrinkage. This is to be
+ *  used from within a hash table scan operation. See notes for hash_delete.
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hash_scan_delete(hash_t *hash, hnode_t *node)
+    hash_val_t chain;
+    hnode_t *hptr;
+    assert (kl_hash_lookup(hash, node->key) == node);
+    assert (hash_val_t_bit != 0);
+    chain = node->hkey & hash->mask;
+    hptr = hash->table[chain];
+    if (hptr == node) {
+	hash->table[chain] = node->next;
+    } else {
+	while (hptr->next != node) 
+	    hptr = hptr->next;
+	hptr->next = node->next;
+    }
+    hash->nodecount--;
+    assert (kl_hash_verify(hash));
+    node->next = NULL;
+    return node;
+ * Like hash_delete_free but based on hash_scan_delete.
+ */
+void kl_hash_scan_delfree(hash_t *hash, hnode_t *node)
+    kl_hash_scan_delete(hash, node);
+    hash->freenode(node, hash->context);
+ * Verify whether the given object is a valid hash table. This means
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. If the hash table is dynamic, verify whether the high and
+ *    low expansion/shrinkage thresholds are powers of two.
+ * 2. Count all nodes in the table, and test each hash value
+ *    to see whether it is correct for the node's chain.
+ */
+int kl_hash_verify(hash_t *hash)
+    hashcount_t count = 0;
+    hash_val_t chain;
+    hnode_t *hptr;
+    if (hash->dynamic) {	/* 1 */
+	if (hash->lowmark >= hash->highmark)
+	    return 0;
+	if (!is_power_of_two(hash->highmark))
+	    return 0;
+	if (!is_power_of_two(hash->lowmark))
+	    return 0;
+    }
+    for (chain = 0; chain < hash->nchains; chain++) {	/* 2 */
+	for (hptr = hash->table[chain]; hptr != 0; hptr = hptr->next) {
+	    if ((hptr->hkey & hash->mask) != chain)
+		return 0;
+	    count++;
+	}
+    }
+    if (count != hash->nodecount)
+	return 0;
+    return 1;
+ * Test whether the hash table is full and return 1 if this is true,
+ * 0 if it is false.
+ */
+#undef kl_hash_isfull
+int kl_hash_isfull(hash_t *hash)
+    return hash->nodecount == hash->maxcount;
+ * Test whether the hash table is empty and return 1 if this is true,
+ * 0 if it is false.
+ */
+#undef kl_hash_isempty
+int kl_hash_isempty(hash_t *hash)
+    return hash->nodecount == 0;
+static hnode_t *kl_hnode_alloc(void *context)
+    return malloc(sizeof *kl_hnode_alloc(NULL));
+static void kl_hnode_free(hnode_t *node, void *context)
+    free(node);
+ * Create a hash table node dynamically and assign it the given data.
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hnode_create(void *data)
+    hnode_t *node = malloc(sizeof *node);
+    if (node) {
+	node->data = data;
+	node->next = NULL;
+    }
+    return node;
+ * Initialize a client-supplied node 
+ */
+hnode_t *kl_hnode_init(hnode_t *hnode, void *data)
+    hnode->data = data;
+    hnode->next = NULL;
+    return hnode;
+ * Destroy a dynamically allocated node.
+ */
+void kl_hnode_destroy(hnode_t *hnode)
+    free(hnode);
+#undef kl_hnode_put
+void kl_hnode_put(hnode_t *node, void *data)
+    node->data = data;
+#undef kl_hnode_get
+void *kl_hnode_get(hnode_t *node)
+    return node->data;
+#undef kl_hnode_getkey
+const void *kl_hnode_getkey(hnode_t *node)
+    return node->key;
+#undef kl_hash_count
+hashcount_t kl_hash_count(hash_t *hash)
+    return hash->nodecount;
+#undef kl_hash_size
+hashcount_t kl_hash_size(hash_t *hash)
+    return hash->nchains;
+static hash_val_t hash_fun_default(const void *key)
+    static unsigned long randbox[] = {
+	0x49848f1bU, 0xe6255dbaU, 0x36da5bdcU, 0x47bf94e9U,
+	0x8cbcce22U, 0x559fc06aU, 0xd268f536U, 0xe10af79aU,
+	0xc1af4d69U, 0x1d2917b5U, 0xec4c304dU, 0x9ee5016cU,
+	0x69232f74U, 0xfead7bb3U, 0xe9089ab6U, 0xf012f6aeU,
+    };
+    const unsigned char *str = key;
+    hash_val_t acc = 0;
+    while (*str) {
+	acc ^= randbox[(*str + acc) & 0xf];
+	acc = (acc << 1) | (acc >> 31);
+	acc &= 0xffffffffU;
+	acc ^= randbox[((*str++ >> 4) + acc) & 0xf];
+	acc = (acc << 2) | (acc >> 30);
+	acc &= 0xffffffffU;
+    }
+    return acc;
+static int hash_comp_default(const void *key1, const void *key2)
+    return strcmp(key1, key2);
diff --git a/c_src/hash.h b/c_src/hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c75ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c_src/hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Hash Table Data Type
+ * Copyright (C) 1997 Kaz Kylheku <>
+ *
+ * Free Software License:
+ *
+ * All rights are reserved by the author, with the following exceptions:
+ * Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this software,
+ * possibly in exchange for a fee, provided that this copyright notice appears
+ * intact. Permission is also granted to adapt this software to produce
+ * derivative works, as long as the modified versions carry this copyright
+ * notice and additional notices stating that the work has been modified.
+ * This source code may be translated into executable form and incorporated
+ * into proprietary software; there is no requirement for such software to
+ * contain a copyright notice related to this source.
+ *
+ * $Id: hash.h,v 2000/11/13 01:36:45 kaz Exp $
+ * $Name: kazlib_1_20 $
+ */
+#ifndef HASH_H
+#define HASH_H
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "sfx.h"
+ * Blurb for inclusion into C++ translation units
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef unsigned long hashcount_t;
+typedef unsigned long hash_val_t;
+extern int hash_val_t_bit;
+#ifndef HASH_VAL_T_BIT
+#define HASH_VAL_T_BIT ((int) hash_val_t_bit)
+ * Hash chain node structure.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. This preprocessing directive is for debugging purposes.  The effect is
+ *    that if the preprocessor symbol KAZLIB_OPAQUE_DEBUG is defined prior to the
+ *    inclusion of this header,  then the structure shall be declared as having
+ *    the single member   int __OPAQUE__.   This way, any attempts by the
+ *    client code to violate the principles of information hiding (by accessing
+ *    the structure directly) can be diagnosed at translation time. However,
+ *    note the resulting compiled unit is not suitable for linking.
+ * 2. This is a pointer to the next node in the chain. In the last node of a
+ *    chain, this pointer is null.
+ * 3. The key is a pointer to some user supplied data that contains a unique
+ *    identifier for each hash node in a given table. The interpretation of
+ *    the data is up to the user. When creating or initializing a hash table,
+ *    the user must supply a pointer to a function for comparing two keys,
+ *    and a pointer to a function for hashing a key into a numeric value.
+ * 4. The value is a user-supplied pointer to void which may refer to
+ *    any data object. It is not interpreted in any way by the hashing
+ *    module.
+ * 5. The hashed key is stored in each node so that we don't have to rehash
+ *    each key when the table must grow or shrink.
+ */
+typedef struct hnode_t {
+    #if defined(HASH_IMPLEMENTATION) || !defined(KAZLIB_OPAQUE_DEBUG)	/* 1 */
+    struct hnode_t *hash_next;		/* 2 */
+    const void *hash_key;		/* 3 */
+    void *hash_data;			/* 4 */
+    hash_val_t hash_hkey;		/* 5 */
+    #else
+    int hash_dummy;
+    #endif
+} hnode_t;
+ * The comparison function pointer type. A comparison function takes two keys
+ * and produces a value of -1 if the left key is less than the right key, a
+ * value of 0 if the keys are equal, and a value of 1 if the left key is
+ * greater than the right key.
+ */
+typedef int (*hash_comp_t)(const void *, const void *);
+ * The hashing function performs some computation on a key and produces an
+ * integral value of type hash_val_t based on that key. For best results, the
+ * function should have a good randomness properties in *all* significant bits
+ * over the set of keys that are being inserted into a given hash table. In
+ * particular, the most significant bits of hash_val_t are most significant to
+ * the hash module. Only as the hash table expands are less significant bits
+ * examined. Thus a function that has good distribution in its upper bits but
+ * not lower is preferrable to one that has poor distribution in the upper bits
+ * but not the lower ones.
+ */
+typedef hash_val_t (*hash_fun_t)(const void *);
+ * allocator functions
+ */
+typedef hnode_t *(*hnode_alloc_t)(void *);
+typedef void (*hnode_free_t)(hnode_t *, void *);
+ * This is the hash table control structure. It keeps track of information
+ * about a hash table, as well as the hash table itself.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1.  Pointer to the hash table proper. The table is an array of pointers to
+ *     hash nodes (of type hnode_t). If the table is empty, every element of
+ *     this table is a null pointer. A non-null entry points to the first
+ *     element of a chain of nodes.
+ * 2.  This member keeps track of the size of the hash table---that is, the
+ *     number of chain pointers.
+ * 3.  The count member maintains the number of elements that are presently
+ *     in the hash table.
+ * 4.  The maximum count is the greatest number of nodes that can populate this
+ *     table. If the table contains this many nodes, no more can be inserted,
+ *     and the hash_isfull() function returns true.
+ * 5.  The high mark is a population threshold, measured as a number of nodes,
+ *     which, if exceeded, will trigger a table expansion. Only dynamic hash
+ *     tables are subject to this expansion.
+ * 6.  The low mark is a minimum population threshold, measured as a number of
+ *     nodes. If the table population drops below this value, a table shrinkage
+ *     will occur. Only dynamic tables are subject to this reduction.  No table
+ *     will shrink beneath a certain absolute minimum number of nodes.
+ * 7.  This is the a pointer to the hash table's comparison function. The
+ *     function is set once at initialization or creation time.
+ * 8.  Pointer to the table's hashing function, set once at creation or
+ *     initialization time.
+ * 9.  The current hash table mask. If the size of the hash table is 2^N,
+ *     this value has its low N bits set to 1, and the others clear. It is used
+ *     to select bits from the result of the hashing function to compute an
+ *     index into the table.
+ * 10. A flag which indicates whether the table is to be dynamically resized. It
+ *     is set to 1 in dynamically allocated tables, 0 in tables that are
+ *     statically allocated.
+ */
+typedef struct hash_t {
+    #if defined(HASH_IMPLEMENTATION) || !defined(KAZLIB_OPAQUE_DEBUG)
+    struct hnode_t **hash_table;		/* 1 */
+    hashcount_t hash_nchains;			/* 2 */
+    hashcount_t hash_nodecount;			/* 3 */
+    hashcount_t hash_maxcount;			/* 4 */
+    hashcount_t hash_highmark;			/* 5 */
+    hashcount_t hash_lowmark;			/* 6 */
+    hash_comp_t hash_compare;			/* 7 */
+    hash_fun_t hash_function;			/* 8 */
+    hnode_alloc_t hash_allocnode;
+    hnode_free_t hash_freenode;
+    void *hash_context;
+    hash_val_t hash_mask;			/* 9 */
+    int hash_dynamic;				/* 10 */
+    #else
+    int hash_dummy;
+    #endif
+} hash_t;
+ * Hash scanner structure, used for traversals of the data structure.
+ * Notes:
+ * 1. Pointer to the hash table that is being traversed.
+ * 2. Reference to the current chain in the table being traversed (the chain
+ *    that contains the next node that shall be retrieved).
+ * 3. Pointer to the node that will be retrieved by the subsequent call to
+ *    hash_scan_next().
+ */
+typedef struct hscan_t {
+    #if defined(HASH_IMPLEMENTATION) || !defined(KAZLIB_OPAQUE_DEBUG)
+    hash_t *hash_table;		/* 1 */
+    hash_val_t hash_chain;	/* 2 */
+    hnode_t *hash_next;		/* 3 */
+    #else
+    int hash_dummy;
+    #endif
+} hscan_t;
+extern hash_t *kl_hash_create(hashcount_t, hash_comp_t, hash_fun_t);
+extern void kl_hash_set_allocator(hash_t *, hnode_alloc_t, hnode_free_t, void *);
+extern void kl_hash_destroy(hash_t *);
+extern void kl_hash_free_nodes(hash_t *);
+extern void kl_hash_free(hash_t *);
+extern hash_t *kl_hash_init(hash_t *, hashcount_t, hash_comp_t,
+	hash_fun_t, hnode_t **, hashcount_t);
+extern void kl_hash_insert(hash_t *, hnode_t *, const void *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hash_lookup(hash_t *, const void *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hash_delete(hash_t *, hnode_t *);
+extern int kl_hash_alloc_insert(hash_t *, const void *, void *);
+extern void kl_hash_delete_free(hash_t *, hnode_t *);
+extern void kl_hnode_put(hnode_t *, void *);
+extern void *kl_hnode_get(hnode_t *);
+extern const void *kl_hnode_getkey(hnode_t *);
+extern hashcount_t kl_hash_count(hash_t *);
+extern hashcount_t kl_hash_size(hash_t *);
+extern int kl_hash_isfull(hash_t *);
+extern int kl_hash_isempty(hash_t *);
+extern void kl_hash_scan_begin(hscan_t *, hash_t *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hash_scan_next(hscan_t *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hash_scan_delete(hash_t *, hnode_t *);
+extern void kl_hash_scan_delfree(hash_t *, hnode_t *);
+extern int kl_hash_verify(hash_t *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hnode_create(void *);
+extern hnode_t *kl_hnode_init(hnode_t *, void *);
+extern void kl_hnode_destroy(hnode_t *);
+#define kl_hash_isfull(H) (SFX_CHECK(H)->hash_nodecount == (H)->hash_maxcount)
+#define kl_hash_isfull(H) ((H)->hash_nodecount == (H)->hash_maxcount)
+#define kl_hash_isempty(H) ((H)->hash_nodecount == 0)
+#define kl_hash_count(H) ((H)->hash_nodecount)
+#define kl_hash_size(H) ((H)->hash_nchains)
+#define kl_hnode_get(N) ((N)->hash_data)
+#define kl_hnode_getkey(N) ((N)->hash_key)
+#define kl_hnode_put(N, V) ((N)->hash_data = (V))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/c_src/khash.c b/c_src/khash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8107029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c_src/khash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+// This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file for more information.
+// Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "erl_nif.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#define KHASH_VERSION 0
+typedef struct
+    ERL_NIF_TERM atom_ok;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM atom_error;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM atom_shared;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM atom_value;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM atom_not_found;
+    ErlNifResourceType* res_hash;
+} khash_priv;
+typedef struct
+    ErlNifEnv* env;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM key;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM val;
+} khnode_t;
+typedef struct
+    int version;
+    hash_t* h;
+    ErlNifPid p;
+    ErlNifMutex* l;
+} khash_t;
+// This is actually an internal Erlang VM function that
+// we're being a bit hacky to get access to. There's a
+// pending patch to expose this in the NIF API in newer
+// Erlangs.
+unsigned int make_hash2(ERL_NIF_TERM term);
+static inline ERL_NIF_TERM
+make_atom(ErlNifEnv* env, const char* name)
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(enif_make_existing_atom(env, name, &ret, ERL_NIF_LATIN1)) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    return enif_make_atom(env, name);
+static inline ERL_NIF_TERM
+make_ok(ErlNifEnv* env, khash_priv* priv, ERL_NIF_TERM value)
+    return enif_make_tuple2(env, priv->atom_ok, value);
+static inline ERL_NIF_TERM
+make_error(ErlNifEnv* env, khash_priv* priv, ERL_NIF_TERM reason)
+    return enif_make_tuple2(env, priv->atom_error, reason);
+static inline int
+has_option(ErlNifEnv* env, ERL_NIF_TERM opts, ERL_NIF_TERM opt)
+    ERL_NIF_TERM head;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM tail = opts;
+    const ERL_NIF_TERM* elems;
+    int arity;
+    if(!enif_is_list(env, opts)) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    while(enif_get_list_cell(env, tail, &head, &tail)) {
+        if(enif_compare(head, opt) == 0) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if(!enif_is_tuple(env, head)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if(!enif_get_tuple(env, head, &arity, &elems)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if(arity == 0) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if(enif_compare(elems[0], opt)) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline int
+lock_hash(ErlNifEnv* env, khash_t* khash)
+    ErlNifPid pid;
+    // shared hash
+    if(khash->l != NULL) {
+        enif_mutex_lock(khash->l);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Else check that we're being called from the pid
+    // that created the hash.
+    enif_self(env, &pid);
+    if(enif_compare(, khash-> == 0) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline void
+unlock_hash(ErlNifEnv* env, khash_t* khash)
+    if(khash->l != NULL) {
+        enif_mutex_unlock(khash->l);
+    }
+khnode_alloc(void* ctx)
+    hnode_t* ret = (hnode_t*) enif_alloc(sizeof(hnode_t));
+    khnode_t* node = (khnode_t*) enif_alloc(sizeof(khnode_t));
+    memset(ret, '\0', sizeof(hnode_t));
+    memset(node, '\0', sizeof(khnode_t));
+    node->env = enif_alloc_env();
+    ret->hash_key = node;
+   return ret;
+khnode_free(hnode_t* obj, void* ctx)
+    khnode_t* node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(obj);
+    enif_free_env(node->env);
+    enif_free(node);
+    enif_free(obj);
+    return;
+khash_cmp_fun(const void* l, const void* r)
+    khnode_t* left = (khnode_t*) l;
+    khnode_t* right = (khnode_t*) r;
+    int cmp = enif_compare(left->key, right->key);
+    if(cmp < 0) {
+        return -1;
+    } else if(cmp == 0) {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        return 1;
+    }
+khash_hash_fun(const void* obj)
+    khnode_t* node = (khnode_t*) obj;
+    return (hash_val_t) make_hash2(node->key);
+static inline khash_t*
+khash_create_int(ErlNifEnv* env, khash_priv* priv, ERL_NIF_TERM opts)
+    khash_t* khash = NULL;
+    assert(priv != NULL && "missing private data member");
+    khash = (khash_t*) enif_alloc_resource(priv->res_hash, sizeof(khash_t));
+    memset(khash, '\0', sizeof(khash_t));
+    khash->version = KHASH_VERSION;
+    khash->h = kl_hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, khash_cmp_fun, khash_hash_fun);
+    if(khash->h == NULL ) {
+        enif_release_resource(khash);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    kl_hash_set_allocator(khash->h, khnode_alloc, khnode_free, NULL);
+    enif_self(env, &(khash->p));
+    if(has_option(env, opts, priv->atom_shared)) {
+        khash->l = enif_mutex_create(NULL);
+    } else {
+        khash->l = NULL;
+    }
+    return khash;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_new(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(argc != 1) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    khash = khash_create_int(env, priv, argv[0]);
+    if(khash == NULL) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    ret = enif_make_resource(env, khash);
+    enif_release_resource(khash);
+    return make_ok(env, priv, ret);
+static void
+khash_free(ErlNifEnv* env, void* obj)
+    khash_t* khash = (khash_t*) obj;
+    if(khash->h != NULL) {
+        kl_hash_free_nodes(khash->h);
+        kl_hash_destroy(khash->h);
+    }
+    if(khash->l != NULL) {
+        enif_mutex_destroy(khash->l);
+    }
+    return;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_to_list(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = (khash_priv*) enif_priv_data(env);
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret = enif_make_list(env, 0);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    hscan_t scan;
+    hnode_t* entry;
+    khnode_t* node;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM key;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM val;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM tuple;
+    if(argc != 1) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    kl_hash_scan_begin(&scan, khash->h);
+    while((entry = kl_hash_scan_next(&scan)) != NULL) {
+        node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(entry);
+        key = enif_make_copy(env, node->key);
+        val = enif_make_copy(env, node->val);
+        tuple = enif_make_tuple2(env, key, val);
+        ret = enif_make_list_cell(env, tuple, ret);
+    }
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return ret;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_clear(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    if(argc != 1) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    kl_hash_free_nodes(khash->h);
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return priv->atom_ok;
+static inline hnode_t*
+khash_lookup_int(ErlNifEnv* env, ERL_NIF_TERM key, khash_t* khash)
+    khnode_t node;
+    node.env = env;
+    node.key = key;
+    return kl_hash_lookup(khash->h, &node);
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_lookup(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    hnode_t* entry;
+    khnode_t* node;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(argc != 2) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    entry = khash_lookup_int(env, argv[1], khash);
+    if(entry == NULL) {
+        ret = priv->atom_not_found;
+    } else {
+        node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(entry);
+        ret = enif_make_copy(env, node->val);
+        ret = enif_make_tuple2(env, priv->atom_value, ret);
+    }
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return ret;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_get(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    hnode_t* entry;
+    khnode_t* node;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(argc != 3) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    entry = khash_lookup_int(env, argv[1], khash);
+    if(entry == NULL) {
+        ret = argv[2];
+    } else {
+        node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(entry);
+        ret = enif_make_copy(env, node->val);
+    }
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return ret;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_put(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    hnode_t* entry;
+    khnode_t* node;
+    if(argc != 3) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    entry = khash_lookup_int(env, argv[1], khash);
+    if(entry == NULL) {
+        entry = khnode_alloc(NULL);
+        node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(entry);
+        node->key = enif_make_copy(node->env, argv[1]);
+        node->val = enif_make_copy(node->env, argv[2]);
+        kl_hash_insert(khash->h, entry, node);
+    } else {
+        node = (khnode_t*) kl_hnode_getkey(entry);
+        enif_clear_env(node->env);
+        node->key = enif_make_copy(node->env, argv[1]);
+        node->val = enif_make_copy(node->env, argv[2]);
+    }
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return priv->atom_ok;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_del(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    hnode_t* entry;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(argc != 2) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    entry = khash_lookup_int(env, argv[1], khash);
+    if(entry == NULL) {
+        ret = priv->atom_not_found;
+    } else {
+        kl_hash_delete_free(khash->h, entry);
+        ret = priv->atom_ok;
+    }
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return ret;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM
+khash_size(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+    khash_priv* priv = enif_priv_data(env);
+    khash_t* khash;
+    ERL_NIF_TERM ret;
+    if(argc != 1) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], priv->res_hash, (void**) &khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    if(!lock_hash(env, khash)) {
+        return enif_make_badarg(env);
+    }
+    ret = enif_make_uint64(env, kl_hash_count(khash->h));
+    unlock_hash(env, khash);
+    return ret;
+static int
+load(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, ERL_NIF_TERM info)
+    const char* mod = "khash";
+    ErlNifResourceType* res;
+    khash_priv* new_priv = (khash_priv*) enif_alloc(sizeof(khash_priv));
+    if(new_priv == NULL) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    res = enif_open_resource_type(env, mod, mod, khash_free, flags, NULL);
+    if(res == NULL) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    new_priv->res_hash = res;
+    new_priv->atom_ok = make_atom(env, "ok");
+    new_priv->atom_error = make_atom(env, "error");
+    new_priv->atom_shared = make_atom(env, "shared");
+    new_priv->atom_value = make_atom(env, "value");
+    new_priv->atom_not_found = make_atom(env, "not_found");
+    *priv = (void*) new_priv;
+    return 0;
+static int
+reload(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, ERL_NIF_TERM info)
+    return 0;
+static int
+upgrade(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv, void** old_priv, ERL_NIF_TERM info)
+    return load(env, priv, info);
+static void
+unload(ErlNifEnv* env, void* priv)
+    enif_free(priv);
+    return;
+static ErlNifFunc funcs[] = {
+    {"new", 1, khash_new},
+    {"to_list", 1, khash_to_list},
+    {"clear", 1, khash_clear},
+    {"lookup", 2, khash_lookup},
+    {"get", 3, khash_get},
+    {"put", 3, khash_put},
+    {"del", 2, khash_del},
+    {"size", 1, khash_size},
+ERL_NIF_INIT(khash, funcs, &load, &reload, &upgrade, &unload);
diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a612b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rebar.config
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{port_specs, [
+    {"priv/", ["c_src/*.c"]}
+{port_env, [
+    % Development compilation
+    % {".*", "CFLAGS", "$CFLAGS -g -Wall -Werror -fPIC"}
+    % Production compilation
+    {".*", "CFLAGS", "$CFLAGS -Wall -Werror -DNDEBUG -O3"}
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a45c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+{application, khash, [
+    {description, "A NIF wrapper for Kazlib's hash structure."},
+    {vsn, git},
+    {registered, []},
+    {applications, [kernel]}
diff --git a/src/khash.erl b/src/khash.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3542bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/khash.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+    new/0,
+    new/1,
+    from_list/1,
+    from_list/2,
+    to_list/1,
+    clear/1,
+    lookup/2,
+    get/2,
+    get/3,
+    put/3,
+    del/2,
+    size/1
+-define(NOT_LOADED, not_loaded(?LINE)).
+-type kv() :: {any(), any()}.
+-type hash() :: term().
+-type option() :: [shared].
+-spec new() -> {ok, hash()}.
+new() ->
+    new([]).
+-spec new([option()]) -> {ok, hash()}.
+new(_Options) ->
+-spec from_list([kv()]) -> {ok, hash()}.
+from_list(KVList) ->
+    from_list(KVList, []).
+-spec from_list([kv()], [option()]) -> {ok, hash()}.
+from_list(KVList, Options) ->
+    {ok, Hash} = ?MODULE:new(Options),
+    lists:foreach(fun({Key, Val}) ->
+        ?MODULE:put(Hash, Key, Val)
+    end, KVList),
+    {ok, Hash}.
+-spec to_list(hash()) -> [kv()].
+to_list(_Hash) ->
+-spec clear(hash()) -> ok.
+clear(_Hash) ->
+-spec lookup(hash(), any()) -> {value, any()} | not_found.
+lookup(_Hash, _Key) ->
+-spec get(hash(), any()) -> any().
+get(Hash, Key) ->
+    get(Hash, Key, undefined).
+-spec get(hash(), any(), any()) -> any().
+get(_Hash, _Key, _Default) ->
+-spec put(hash(), any(), any()) -> ok.
+put(_Hash, _Key, _Value) ->
+-spec del(hash(), any()) -> ok.
+del(_Hash, _Key) ->
+-spec size(hash()) -> non_neg_integer().
+size(_Hash) ->
+init() ->
+    PrivDir = case code:priv_dir(?MODULE) of
+        {error, _} ->
+            EbinDir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+            AppPath = filename:dirname(EbinDir),
+            filename:join(AppPath, "priv");
+        Path ->
+            Path
+    end,
+    erlang:load_nif(filename:join(PrivDir, "khash"), 0).
+not_loaded(Line) ->
+    erlang:nif_error({not_loaded, [{module, ?MODULE}, {line, Line}]}).
diff --git a/test/001-load.t b/test/001-load.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27b3c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/001-load.t
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env escript
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+main([]) ->
+    code:add_pathz("test"),
+    code:add_pathz("ebin"),
+    Modules = [
+        khash
+    ],
+    etap:plan(length(Modules)),
+    lists:foreach(fun(M) ->
+        etap:loaded_ok(M, "Loaded " ++ atom_to_list(M))
+    end, Modules),
+    etap:end_tests().
diff --git a/test/002-basics.t b/test/002-basics.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49b7054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/002-basics.t
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env escript
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+num_cycles() -> 10000.
+main([]) ->
+    code:add_pathz("test"),
+    util:run(12, fun() ->
+        test_basic(),
+        ok
+    end).
+test_basic() ->
+    {ok, C} = khash:new(),
+    etap:is(khash:lookup(C, <<"foo">>), not_found, "Lookup missing is ok"),
+    etap:is(khash:get(C, <<"foo">>), undefined, "Get missing is ok"),
+    etap:is(khash:del(C, <<"foo">>), not_found, "Del missing is ok"),
+    etap:is(khash:put(C, <<"foo">>, bar), ok, "Stored a key"),
+    etap:is(khash:lookup(C, <<"foo">>), {value, bar}, "Lookuped a key"),
+    etap:is(khash:get(C, <<"foo">>), bar, "Retrieved a key"),
+    etap:is(khash:put(C, <<"bar">>, foo), ok, "Stored a key"),
+    etap:is(khash:size(C), 2, "Correct size for hash"),
+    etap:is(khash:del(C, <<"foo">>), ok, "Deleted a key"),
+    etap:is(khash:size(C), 1, "Correct size after delete"),
+    etap:is(khash:clear(C), ok, "Cleared the hash"),
+    etap:is(khash:size(C), 0, "Correct size after clear").
diff --git a/test/003-randomized.t b/test/003-randomized.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5695ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/003-randomized.t
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env escript
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+num_cycles() -> 10000.
+main([]) ->
+    code:add_pathz("test"),
+    random:seed(erlang:now()),
+    util:run(num_cycles(), fun() ->
+        test_random(),
+        ok
+    end).
+test_random() ->
+    D = dict:new(),
+    {ok, H} = khash:new(),
+    Actions = [
+        {0.1, fun(S) -> run_clear(S) end},
+        {1.0, fun(S) -> run_get2(S) end},
+        {1.0, fun(S) -> run_get3(S) end},
+        {1.0, fun(S) -> run_put(S) end},
+        {1.0, fun(S) -> run_del(S) end},
+        {0.5, fun(S) -> run_size(S) end},
+        %{0.3, fun(S) -> run_keys(S) end},
+        {0.3, fun(S) -> run_to_list(S) end}
+    ],
+    run(Actions, num_cycles(), {D, H}).
+run(_, N, _S) when N =< 0 ->
+    ok;
+run(Actions, N, S0) ->
+    Action = weighted_choice(Actions),
+    S1 = Action(S0),
+    true = check_state(S1),
+    run(Actions, N-1, S1).
+run_clear({_D0, H}) ->
+    ok = khash:clear(H),
+    {dict:new(), H}.
+run_get2({D, H}) ->
+    K = random_key(D),
+    case dict:find(K, D) of
+        {ok, Value} ->
+            {value, Value} = khash:lookup(H, K),
+            Value = khash:get(H, K);
+        error ->
+            not_found = khash:lookup(H, K),
+            undefined = khash:get(H, K)
+    end,
+    {D, H}.
+run_get3({D, H}) ->
+    K = random_key(D),
+    case dict:find(K, D) of
+        {ok, Value} ->
+            {value, Value} = khash:lookup(H, K),
+            Value = khash:get(H, K);
+        error ->
+            Val = random_val(),
+            Val = khash:get(H, K, Val)
+    end,
+    {D, H}.
+run_put({D0, H}) ->
+    K = random_key(D0),
+    V = random_val(),
+    D1 = dict:store(K, V, D0),
+    ok = khash:put(H, K, V),
+    {D1, H}.
+run_del({D0, H}) ->
+    K = random_key(D0),
+    D1 = case dict:is_key(K, D0) of
+        true ->
+            ok = khash:del(H, K),
+            dict:erase(K, D0);
+        false ->
+            not_found = khash:del(H, K),
+            D0
+    end,
+    {D1, H}.
+run_size({D, H}) ->
+    S = dict:size(D),
+    S = khash:size(H),
+    {D, H}.
+%run_keys({D, H}) ->
+%    DKeys = lists:sort(dict:fetch_keys(D)),
+%    {ok, HKeys0} = khash:keys(H),
+%    HKeys = lists:sort(HKeys0),
+%    DKeys = HKeys,
+%    {D, H}.
+run_to_list({D, H}) ->
+    DKVs = lists:sort(dict:to_list(D)),
+    HKVs = lists:sort(khash:to_list(H)),
+    DKVs = HKVs,
+    {D, H}.
+check_state({D, H}) ->
+    DKVs = lists:sort(dict:to_list(D)),
+    HKVs = lists:sort(khash:to_list(H)),
+    etap:is(DKVs, HKVs, "State matches dict implementation").
+weighted_choice(Items0) ->
+    Items = lists:sort(Items0),
+    Sum = lists:sum([W || {W, _} <- Items]),
+    Choice = random:uniform() * Sum,
+    weighted_choice(Items, 0.0, Choice).
+weighted_choice([], _, _) ->
+    throw(bad_choice);
+weighted_choice([{W, _} | Rest], S, C) when W + S < C ->
+    weighted_choice(Rest, W+S, C);
+weighted_choice([{_, I} | _], _, _) ->
+    I.
+random_key(D) ->
+    Keys = lists:usort(dict:fetch_keys(D) ++ [foo]),
+    lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Keys)), Keys).
+random_val() ->
+    gen_term:any().
diff --git a/test/004-race-dict-fetch.t b/test/004-race-dict-fetch.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c6509c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/004-race-dict-fetch.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env escript
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+num_cycles() -> 10000000.
+num_kvs() -> 5000.
+main([]) ->
+    % Let the VM settle for a bit
+    receive after 1000 -> ok end,
+    code:add_pathz("test"),
+    util:run(1, fun() ->
+        test(),
+        ok
+    end).
+test() ->
+    {DTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> test_dict() end),
+    {KTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> test_khash() end),
+    etap:diag("Dict:  ~10b", [DTime]),
+    etap:diag("KHash: ~10b", [KTime]),
+    etap:is_greater(DTime, KTime, "Dict is slower than khash").
+test_dict() ->
+    erlang:garbage_collect(),
+    D = dict:from_list(kv_data()),
+    test_dict(D, num_cycles()).
+test_dict(_D, 0) ->
+    ok;
+test_dict(D, NumCycles) ->
+    bing = dict:fetch(1, D),
+    test_dict(D, NumCycles - 1).
+test_khash() ->
+    erlang:garbage_collect(),
+    {ok, H} = khash:from_list(kv_data()),
+    test_khash(H, num_cycles()).
+test_khash(_H, 0) ->
+    ok;
+test_khash(H, NumCycles) ->
+    bing = khash:get(H, 1),
+    test_khash(H, NumCycles - 1).
+kv_data() ->
+    [{I, bing} || I <- lists:seq(1, num_kvs())].
diff --git a/test/005-race-dict-store.t b/test/005-race-dict-store.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a390d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/005-race-dict-store.t
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env escript
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+num_cycles() -> 1000000.
+num_kvs() -> 10000.
+main([]) ->
+    % Let the VM settle for a bit
+    receive after 1000 -> ok end,
+    code:add_pathz("test"),
+    util:run(1, fun() ->
+        test(),
+        ok
+    end).
+test() ->
+    {DTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> test_dict() end),
+    {KTime, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> test_khash() end),
+    etap:diag("Dict:  ~10b", [DTime]),
+    etap:diag("KHash: ~10b", [KTime]),
+    etap:is_greater(DTime, KTime, "Dict is slower than khash").
+test_dict() ->
+    D = dict:from_list(kv_data()),
+    test_dict(D, num_cycles()).
+test_dict(_D, 0) ->
+    ok;
+test_dict(D, NumCycles) ->
+    D2 = dict:store(1, bing, D),
+    test_dict(D2, NumCycles - 1).
+test_khash() ->
+    {ok, H} = khash:from_list(kv_data()),
+    test_khash(H, num_cycles()).
+test_khash(_H, 0) ->
+    ok;
+test_khash(H, NumCycles) ->
+    khash:put(H, 1, bing),
+    test_khash(H, NumCycles - 1).
+kv_data() ->
+    [{I, bing} || I <- lists:seq(1, num_kvs())].
diff --git a/test/etap.erl b/test/etap.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6924d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/etap.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+%% Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nick Gerakines <>
+%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%% obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%% files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%% restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%% copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%% conditions:
+%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%% @author Nick Gerakines <> []
+%% @author Jeremy Wall <>
+%% @version 0.3.4
+%% @copyright 2007-2008 Jeremy Wall, 2008-2009 Nick Gerakines
+%% @reference
+%% @reference
+%% @todo Finish implementing the skip directive.
+%% @todo Document the messages handled by this receive loop.
+%% @todo Explain in documentation why we use a process to handle test input.
+%% @doc etap is a TAP testing module for Erlang components and applications.
+%% This module allows developers to test their software using the TAP method.
+%% <blockquote cite=""><p>
+%% TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, is a simple text-based interface between
+%% testing modules in a test harness. TAP started life as part of the test
+%% harness for Perl but now has implementations in C/C++, Python, PHP, Perl
+%% and probably others by the time you read this.
+%% </p></blockquote>
+%% The testing process begins by defining a plan using etap:plan/1, running
+%% a number of etap tests and then calling eta:end_tests/0. Please refer to
+%% the Erlang modules in the t directory of this project for example tests.
+    ensure_test_server/0,
+    start_etap_server/0,
+    test_server/1,
+    msg/1, msg/2,
+    diag/1, diag/2,
+    expectation_mismatch_message/3,
+    plan/1,
+    end_tests/0,
+    not_ok/2, ok/2, is_ok/2, is/3, isnt/3, any/3, none/3,
+    fun_is/3, expect_fun/3, expect_fun/4,
+    is_greater/3,
+    skip/1, skip/2,
+    datetime/1,
+    skip/3,
+    bail/0, bail/1,
+    test_state/0, failure_count/0
+    contains_ok/3,
+    is_before/4
+    is_pid/2,
+    is_alive/2,
+    is_mfa/3
+    loaded_ok/2,
+    can_ok/2, can_ok/3,
+    has_attrib/2, is_attrib/3,
+    is_behaviour/2
+    dies_ok/2,
+    lives_ok/2,
+    throws_ok/3
+-record(test_state, {
+    planned = 0,
+    count = 0,
+    pass = 0,
+    fail = 0,
+    skip = 0,
+    skip_reason = ""
+%% @spec plan(N) -> Result
+%%       N = unknown | skip | {skip, string()} | integer()
+%%       Result = ok
+%% @doc Create a test plan and boot strap the test server.
+plan(unknown) ->
+    ensure_test_server(),
+    etap_server ! {self(), plan, unknown},
+    ok;
+plan(skip) ->
+    io:format("1..0 # skip~n");
+plan({skip, Reason}) ->
+    io:format("1..0 # skip ~s~n", [Reason]);
+plan(N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
+    ensure_test_server(),
+    etap_server ! {self(), plan, N},
+    ok.
+%% @spec end_tests() -> ok
+%% @doc End the current test plan and output test results.
+%% @todo This should probably be done in the test_server process.
+end_tests() ->
+    case whereis(etap_server) of
+        undefined -> self() ! true;
+        _ -> etap_server ! {self(), state}
+    end,
+    State = receive X -> X end,
+    if
+        State#test_state.planned == -1 ->
+            io:format("1..~p~n", [State#test_state.count]);
+        true ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    case whereis(etap_server) of
+        undefined -> ok;
+        _ -> etap_server ! done, ok
+    end.
+bail() ->
+    bail("").
+bail(Reason) ->
+    etap_server ! {self(), diag, "Bail out! " ++ Reason},
+    etap_server ! done, ok,
+    ok.
+%% @spec test_state() -> Return
+%%       Return = test_state_record() | {error, string()}
+%% @doc Return the current test state
+test_state() ->
+    etap_server ! {self(), state},
+    receive
+	X when is_record(X, test_state) -> X
+    after
+	1000 -> {error, "Timed out waiting for etap server reply.~n"}
+    end.
+%% @spec failure_count() -> Return
+%%       Return = integer() | {error, string()}
+%% @doc Return the current failure count
+failure_count() ->
+    case test_state() of
+        #test_state{fail=FailureCount} -> FailureCount;
+        X -> X
+    end.
+%% @spec msg(S) -> ok
+%%       S = string()
+%% @doc Print a message in the test output.
+msg(S) -> etap_server ! {self(), diag, S}, ok.
+%% @spec msg(Format, Data) -> ok
+%%      Format = atom() | string() | binary()
+%%      Data = [term()]
+%%      UnicodeList = [Unicode]
+%%      Unicode = int()
+%% @doc Print a message in the test output.
+%% Function arguments are passed through io_lib:format/2.
+msg(Format, Data) -> msg(io_lib:format(Format, Data)).
+%% @spec diag(S) -> ok
+%%       S = string()
+%% @doc Print a debug/status message related to the test suite.
+diag(S) -> msg("# " ++ S).
+%% @spec diag(Format, Data) -> ok
+%%      Format = atom() | string() | binary()
+%%      Data = [term()]
+%%      UnicodeList = [Unicode]
+%%      Unicode = int()
+%% @doc Print a debug/status message related to the test suite.
+%% Function arguments are passed through io_lib:format/2.
+diag(Format, Data) -> diag(io_lib:format(Format, Data)).
+%% @spec expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc) -> ok
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Expected = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%% @doc Print an expectation mismatch message in the test output.
+expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc) ->
+    msg("    ---"),
+    msg("    description: ~p", [Desc]),
+    msg("    found:       ~p", [Got]),
+    msg("    wanted:      ~p", [Expected]),
+    msg("    ..."),
+    ok.
+% @spec evaluate(Pass, Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Pass = true | false
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Expected = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Evaluate a test statement, printing an expectation mismatch message
+%%       if the test failed.
+evaluate(Pass, Got, Expected, Desc) ->
+    case mk_tap(Pass, Desc) of
+        false ->
+            expectation_mismatch_message(Got, Expected, Desc),
+            false;
+        true ->
+            true
+    end.
+%% @spec ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Expr = true | false
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a statement is true.
+ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == true, Expr, true, Desc).
+%% @spec not_ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Expr = true | false
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a statement is false.
+not_ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == false, Expr, false, Desc).
+%% @spec is_ok(Expr, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Expr = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that two values are the same.
+is_ok(Expr, Desc) -> evaluate(Expr == ok, Expr, ok, Desc).
+%% @spec is(Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Expected = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that two values are the same.
+is(Got, Expected, Desc) -> evaluate(Got == Expected, Got, Expected, Desc).
+%% @spec isnt(Got, Expected, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Expected = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that two values are not the same.
+isnt(Got, Expected, Desc) -> evaluate(Got /= Expected, Got, Expected, Desc).
+%% @spec is_greater(ValueA, ValueB, Desc) -> Result
+%%       ValueA = number()
+%%       ValueB = number()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that an integer is greater than another.
+is_greater(ValueA, ValueB, Desc) when is_integer(ValueA), is_integer(ValueB) ->
+    mk_tap(ValueA > ValueB, Desc).
+%% @spec any(Got, Items, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Items = [any()]
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that an item is in a list.
+any(Got, Items, Desc) when is_function(Got) ->
+    is(lists:any(Got, Items), true, Desc);
+any(Got, Items, Desc) ->
+    is(lists:member(Got, Items), true, Desc).
+%% @spec none(Got, Items, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Items = [any()]
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Assert that an item is not in a list.
+none(Got, Items, Desc) when is_function(Got) ->
+    is(lists:any(Got, Items), false, Desc);
+none(Got, Items, Desc) ->
+    is(lists:member(Got, Items), false, Desc).
+%% @spec fun_is(Fun, Expected, Desc) -> Result
+%%       Fun = function()
+%%       Expected = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match.
+fun_is(Fun, Expected, Desc) when is_function(Fun) ->
+    is(Fun(Expected), true, Desc).
+%% @spec expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc) -> Result
+%%       ExpectFun = function()
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match, using actual
+%%       value as the argument to the function.
+expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc) ->
+    evaluate(ExpectFun(Got), Got, ExpectFun, Desc).
+%% @spec expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc, ExpectStr) -> Result
+%%       ExpectFun = function()
+%%       Got = any()
+%%       Desc = string()
+%%       ExpectStr = string()
+%%       Result = true | false
+%% @doc Use an anonymous function to assert a pattern match, using actual
+%%       value as the argument to the function.
+expect_fun(ExpectFun, Got, Desc, ExpectStr) ->
+    evaluate(ExpectFun(Got), Got, ExpectStr, Desc).
+%% @equiv skip(TestFun, "")
+skip(TestFun) when is_function(TestFun) ->
+    skip(TestFun, "").
+%% @spec skip(TestFun, Reason) -> ok
+%%       TestFun = function()
+%%       Reason = string()
+%% @doc Skip a test.
+skip(TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason) ->
+    begin_skip(Reason),
+    catch TestFun(),
+    end_skip(),
+    ok.
+%% @spec skip(Q, TestFun, Reason) -> ok
+%%       Q = true | false | function()
+%%       TestFun = function()
+%%       Reason = string()
+%% @doc Skips a test conditionally. The first argument to this function can
+%% either be the 'true' or 'false' atoms or a function that returns 'true' or
+%% 'false'.
+skip(QFun, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(QFun), is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason) ->
+    case QFun() of
+        true -> begin_skip(Reason), TestFun(), end_skip();
+        _ -> TestFun()
+    end,
+    ok;
+skip(Q, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason), Q == true ->
+    begin_skip(Reason),
+    TestFun(),
+    end_skip(),
+    ok;
+skip(_, TestFun, Reason) when is_function(TestFun), is_list(Reason) ->
+    TestFun(),
+    ok.
+%% @private
+begin_skip(Reason) ->
+    etap_server ! {self(), begin_skip, Reason}.
+%% @private
+end_skip() ->
+    etap_server ! {self(), end_skip}.
+%% @spec contains_ok(string(), string(), string()) -> true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a string is contained in another string.
+contains_ok(Source, String, Desc) ->
+    etap:isnt(
+        string:str(Source, String),
+        0,
+        Desc
+    ).
+%% @spec is_before(string(), string(), string(), string()) -> true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a string comes before another string within a larger body.
+is_before(Source, StringA, StringB, Desc) ->
+    etap:is_greater(
+        string:str(Source, StringB),
+        string:str(Source, StringA),
+        Desc
+    ).
+%% @doc Assert that a given variable is a pid.
+is_pid(Pid, Desc) when is_pid(Pid) -> etap:ok(true, Desc);
+is_pid(_, Desc) -> etap:ok(false, Desc).
+%% @doc Assert that a given process/pid is alive.
+is_alive(Pid, Desc) ->
+    etap:ok(erlang:is_process_alive(Pid), Desc).
+%% @doc Assert that the current function of a pid is a given {M, F, A} tuple.
+is_mfa(Pid, MFA, Desc) ->
+    etap:is({current_function, MFA}, erlang:process_info(Pid, current_function), Desc).
+%% @spec loaded_ok(atom(), string()) -> true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a module has been loaded successfully.
+loaded_ok(M, Desc) when is_atom(M) ->
+    etap:fun_is(fun({module, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, code:load_file(M), Desc).
+%% @spec can_ok(atom(), atom()) -> true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a module exports a given function.
+can_ok(M, F) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
+    Matches = [X || {X, _} <- M:module_info(exports), X == F],
+    etap:ok(Matches > 0, lists:concat([M, " can ", F])).
+%% @spec can_ok(atom(), atom(), integer()) -> true | false
+%% @doc Assert that a module exports a given function with a given arity.
+can_ok(M, F, A) when is_atom(M); is_atom(F), is_number(A) ->
+    Matches = [X || X <- M:module_info(exports), X == {F, A}],
+    etap:ok(Matches > 0, lists:concat([M, " can ", F, "/", A])).
+%% @spec has_attrib(M, A) -> true | false
+%%       M = atom()
+%%       A = atom()
+%% @doc Asserts that a module has a given attribute.
+has_attrib(M, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(A) ->
+    etap:isnt(
+        proplists:get_value(A, M:module_info(attributes), 'asdlkjasdlkads'),
+        'asdlkjasdlkads',
+        lists:concat([M, " has attribute ", A])
+    ).
+%% @spec has_attrib(M, A. V) -> true | false
+%%       M = atom()
+%%       A = atom()
+%%       V = any()
+%% @doc Asserts that a module has a given attribute with a given value.
+is_attrib(M, A, V) when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(A) ->
+    etap:is(
+        proplists:get_value(A, M:module_info(attributes)),
+        [V],
+        lists:concat([M, "'s ", A, " is ", V])
+    ).
+%% @spec is_behavior(M, B) -> true | false
+%%       M = atom()
+%%       B = atom()
+%% @doc Asserts that a given module has a specific behavior.
+is_behaviour(M, B) when is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(B) ->
+    is_attrib(M, behaviour, B).
+%% @doc Assert that an exception is raised when running a given function.
+dies_ok(F, Desc) ->
+    case (catch F()) of
+        {'EXIT', _} -> etap:ok(true, Desc);
+        _ -> etap:ok(false, Desc)
+    end.
+%% @doc Assert that an exception is not raised when running a given function.
+lives_ok(F, Desc) ->
+    etap:is(try_this(F), success, Desc).
+%% @doc Assert that the exception thrown by a function matches the given exception.
+throws_ok(F, Exception, Desc) ->
+    try F() of
+        _ -> etap:ok(nok, Desc)
+    catch
+        _:E ->
+            etap:is(E, Exception, Desc)
+    end.
+%% @private
+%% @doc Run a function and catch any exceptions.
+try_this(F) when is_function(F, 0) ->
+    try F() of
+        _ -> success
+    catch
+        throw:E -> {throw, E};
+        error:E -> {error, E};
+        exit:E -> {exit, E}
+    end.
+%% @private
+%% @doc Start the etap_server process if it is not running already.
+ensure_test_server() ->
+    case whereis(etap_server) of
+        undefined ->
+            proc_lib:start(?MODULE, start_etap_server,[]);
+        _ ->
+            diag("The test server is already running.")
+    end.
+%% @private
+%% @doc Start the etap_server loop and register itself as the etap_server
+%% process.
+start_etap_server() ->
+    catch register(etap_server, self()),
+    proc_lib:init_ack(ok),
+    etap:test_server(#test_state{
+        planned = 0,
+        count = 0,
+        pass = 0,
+        fail = 0,
+        skip = 0,
+        skip_reason = ""
+    }).
+%% @private
+%% @doc The main etap_server receive/run loop. The etap_server receive loop
+%% responds to seven messages apperatining to failure or passing of tests.
+%% It is also used to initiate the testing process with the {_, plan, _}
+%% message that clears the current test state.
+test_server(State) ->
+    NewState = receive
+        {_From, plan, unknown} ->
+            io:format("# Current time local ~s~n", [datetime(erlang:localtime())]),
+            io:format("# Using etap version ~p~n", [ proplists:get_value(vsn, proplists:get_value(attributes, etap:module_info())) ]),
+            State#test_state{
+                planned = -1,
+                count = 0,
+                pass = 0,
+                fail = 0,
+                skip = 0,
+                skip_reason = ""
+            };
+        {_From, plan, N} ->
+            io:format("# Current time local ~s~n", [datetime(erlang:localtime())]),
+            io:format("# Using etap version ~p~n", [ proplists:get_value(vsn, proplists:get_value(attributes, etap:module_info())) ]),
+            io:format("1..~p~n", [N]),
+            State#test_state{
+                planned = N,
+                count = 0,
+                pass = 0,
+                fail = 0,
+                skip = 0,
+                skip_reason = ""
+            };
+        {_From, begin_skip, Reason} ->
+            State#test_state{
+                skip = 1,
+                skip_reason = Reason
+            };
+        {_From, end_skip} ->
+            State#test_state{
+                skip = 0,
+                skip_reason = ""
+            };
+        {_From, pass, Desc} ->
+            FullMessage = skip_diag(
+                " - " ++ Desc,
+                State#test_state.skip,
+                State#test_state.skip_reason
+            ),
+            io:format("ok ~p ~s~n", [State#test_state.count + 1, FullMessage]),
+            State#test_state{
+                count = State#test_state.count + 1,
+                pass = State#test_state.pass + 1
+            };
+        {_From, fail, Desc} ->
+            FullMessage = skip_diag(
+                " - " ++ Desc,
+                State#test_state.skip,
+                State#test_state.skip_reason
+            ),
+            io:format("not ok ~p ~s~n", [State#test_state.count + 1, FullMessage]),
+            State#test_state{
+                count = State#test_state.count + 1,
+                fail = + 1
+            };
+        {From, state} ->
+            From ! State,
+            State;
+        {_From, diag, Message} ->
+            io:format("~s~n", [Message]),
+            State;
+        {From, count} ->
+            From ! State#test_state.count,
+            State;
+        {From, is_skip} ->
+            From ! State#test_state.skip,
+            State;
+        done ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end,
+    test_server(NewState).
+%% @private
+%% @doc Process the result of a test and send it to the etap_server process.
+mk_tap(Result, Desc) ->
+    IsSkip = lib:sendw(etap_server, is_skip),
+    case [IsSkip, Result] of
+        [_, true] ->
+            etap_server ! {self(), pass, Desc},
+            true;
+        [1, _] ->
+            etap_server ! {self(), pass, Desc},
+            true;
+        _ ->
+            etap_server ! {self(), fail, Desc},
+            false
+    end.
+%% @private
+%% @doc Format a date/time string.
+datetime(DateTime) ->
+    {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = DateTime,
+    io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec]).
+%% @private
+%% @doc Craft an output message taking skip/todo into consideration.
+skip_diag(Message, 0, _) ->
+    Message;
+skip_diag(_Message, 1, "") ->
+    " # SKIP";
+skip_diag(_Message, 1, Reason) ->
+    " # SKIP : " ++ Reason.
diff --git a/test/gen_term.erl b/test/gen_term.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11a4f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gen_term.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+    any/0,
+    any/1,
+    gen_atom/1,
+    gen_integer/1,
+    gen_float/1,
+    gen_reference/1,
+    gen_port/1,
+    gen_pid/1,
+    gen_tuple/1,
+    gen_list/1,
+    gen_short_string/1,
+    gen_string/1,
+    gen_binary/1,
+    gen_bitstring/1,
+    gen_bignum/1,
+    gen_function/1
+any() ->
+    any(16).
+any(MaxSize) when MaxSize =< 0 ->
+    Fun = choice(value_types()),
+    ?MODULE:Fun(MaxSize);
+any(MaxSize) ->
+    Fun = choice(all_types()),
+    ?MODULE:Fun(MaxSize).
+gen_atom(MaxSize) ->
+    list_to_atom(gen_short_string(MaxSize)).
+gen_integer(_) ->
+    Value = case random:uniform() < 0.5 of
+        true -> random:uniform(127);
+        false -> random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF)
+    end,
+    case random:uniform() < 0.5 of
+        true -> -1 * Value;
+        false -> Value
+    end.
+gen_float(_) ->
+    random:uniform() * float(16#FFFFFFFF).
+gen_reference(_) ->
+    erlang:make_ref().
+gen_port(_) ->
+    Ports = erlang:ports(),
+    lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Ports)), Ports).
+gen_pid(_) ->
+    Pids = erlang:processes(),
+    lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Pids)), Pids).
+gen_tuple(MaxSize) ->
+    list_to_tuple(gen_list(MaxSize)).
+gen_list(MaxSize) ->
+    Width = random:uniform(MaxSize),
+    [any(MaxSize-Width) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Width)].
+gen_short_string(_) ->
+    Size = random:uniform(255),
+    [random:uniform(127) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Size)].
+gen_string(_) ->
+    Size = random:uniform(4096),
+    [random:uniform(127) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Size)].
+gen_binary(MaxSize) ->
+    list_to_binary(gen_string(MaxSize)).
+gen_bitstring(MaxSize) ->
+    B = gen_binary(MaxSize),
+    <<2:4/integer, B/binary>>.
+gen_bignum(_) ->
+    16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + random:uniform(16#FFFFFFFF).
+gen_function(_) ->
+    choice(all_types()).
+choice(Options) ->
+    lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Options)), Options).
+value_types() ->
+    [
+        gen_atom,
+        gen_integer,
+        gen_float,
+        gen_reference,
+        gen_port,
+        gen_pid,
+        gen_short_string,
+        gen_string,
+        gen_binary,
+        gen_bitstring,
+        gen_bignum,
+        gen_function
+    ].
+all_types() ->
+    value_types() ++ [gen_tuple, gen_list].
diff --git a/test/util.erl b/test/util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f0bbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%% This file is part of khash released under the MIT license.
+%% See the LICENSE file for more information.
+%% Copyright 2013 Cloudant, Inc <>
+init_code_path() ->
+    code:add_pathz("ebin").
+run(Plan, Fun) ->
+    init_code_path(),
+    etap:plan(Plan),
+    case (catch Fun()) of
+        ok ->
+            etap:end_tests();
+        Other ->
+            etap:diag(io_lib:format("Test died abnormally:~n~p", [Other])),
+            timer:sleep(500),
+            etap:bail(Other)
+    end,
+    ok.