blob: 18b5394e771ff0612bb1221d62ea2cf1992826bc [file] [log] [blame]
% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
% See the LICENSE file for more information.
dedupe_keys_test_() ->
Opts = [dedupe_keys],
Cases = [
% Simple sanity check
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}]},
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}]}
% Basic test
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}, {<<"foo">>, 2}]},
{[{<<"foo">>, 2}]}
% Non-repeated keys are fine
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}, {<<"bar">>, 2}]},
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}, {<<"bar">>, 2}]}
% Key order stays the same other than deduped keys
{[{<<"bar">>, 1}, {<<"foo">>, 2}, {<<"baz">>, 3}, {<<"foo">>, 4}]},
{[{<<"bar">>, 1}, {<<"baz">>, 3}, {<<"foo">>, 4}]}
% Multiple repeats are handled
{[{<<"foo">>, 1}, {<<"foo">>, 2}, {<<"foo">>, 3}]},
{[{<<"foo">>, 3}]}
% Sub-objects are covered
{[{<<"foo">>, {[{<<"bar">>, 1}, {<<"bar">>, 2}]}}]},
{[{<<"foo">>, {[{<<"bar">>, 2}]}}]}
% Objets in arrays are handled
[{[{<<"foo">>, 1}, {<<"foo">>, 2}]}],
[{[{<<"foo">>, 2}]}]
% Embedded NULL bytes are handled
{[{<<"foo\\u0000bar">>, 1}, {<<"foo\\u0000baz">>, 2}]},
{[{<<"foo\\u0000bar">>, 1}, {<<"foo\\u0000baz">>, 2}]}
% Can dedupe with embedded NULL bytes
{[{<<"foo\\u0000bar">>, 1}, {<<"foo\\u0000bar">>, 2}]},
{[{<<"foo\\u0000bar">>, 2}]}
{"Test dedupe_keys", lists:map(fun({Data, Result}) ->
Json = jiffy:encode(Data),
?_assertEqual(Result, jiffy:decode(Json, Opts))
end, Cases)}.