blob: 42bc6ef07c1fec0522546d06024ef7b125fb3f62 [file] [log] [blame]
% This file is part of Jiffy released under the MIT license.
% See the LICENSE file for more information.
% Only run the EQC checks when EQC is present.
HaveEQC = code:which(eqc) =/= non_existing,
ErlOpts = if not HaveEQC -> []; true ->
[{d, 'HAVE_EQC'}]
case lists:keyfind(erl_opts, 1, CONFIG) of
{erl_opts, Opts} ->
NewOpts = {erl_opts, Opts ++ ErlOpts},
lists:keyreplace(erl_opts, 1, CONFIG, NewOpts);
false ->
CONFIG ++ [{erl_opts, ErlOpts}]