blob: a65efdf78caf7398da9ea472959ebb02d95f0572 [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc Utility Functions
%% Exported API
-export([start_tracer/2, start_tracer/3]).
-export_type([start_tracer_option/0, start_tracer_options/0]).
%% Exported Types
-type start_tracer_options() :: [start_tracer_option()].
%% Options for {@link start_tracer/3}.
-type start_tracer_option() :: {reporter_id, jaeger_passage_reporter:reporter_id()}
| jaeger_passage_reporter:start_option().
%% <ul>
%% <li><b>reporter_id</b>: In {@link start_tracer/3} function, it starts a reporter with this identifier. The default value is `Tracer'.</li>
%% </ul>
%% Exported Functions
%% @equiv start_tracer(TracerId, Sampler, [])
-spec start_tracer(Tracer, Sampler) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()} when
Tracer :: passage:tracer_id(),
Sampler :: passage_sampler:sampler().
start_tracer(Tracer, Sampler) ->
start_tracer(Tracer, Sampler, []).
%% @doc Starts a tracer for Jaeger.
%% This function also starts a reporter for the jaeger agent.
%% Conceptually this is equivalent to the following code:
%% ```
%% ReporterId = proplists:get_value(reporter_id, Options, Tracer),
%% Context = jaeger_passage_span_context,
%% {ok, Reporter} = jaeger_passage_reporter:start(ReporterId, Options),
%% passage_tracer_registry:register(Tracer, Context, Sampler, Reporter).
%% '''
%% === Examples ===
%% ```
%% %% Starts `test_tracer'
%% Sampler = passage_sampler_all:new().
%% ok = jaeger_passage:start_tracer(example_tracer, Sampler).
%% [example_tracer] = passage_tracer_registry:which_tracers().
%% [example_tracer] = jaeger_passage_reporter:which_reporters().
%% %% Starts and finishes spans
%% passage_pd:start_root_span(example_span, example_tracer).
%% passage_pd:error_log("Hello World").
%% passage_pd:finish_span().
%% %% Stops `example_tracer'
%% ok = jaeger_passage:stop_tracer(example_tracer).
%% [] = passage_tracer_registry:which_tracers().
%% [] = jaeger_passage_reporter:which_reporters().
%% '''
-spec start_tracer(Tracer, Sampler, Options) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()} when
Tracer :: passage:tracer_id(),
Sampler :: passage_sampler:sampler(),
Options :: start_tracer_options().
start_tracer(Tracer, Sampler, Options) ->
ReporterId = proplists:get_value(reporter_id, Options, Tracer),
Context = jaeger_passage_span_context,
case jaeger_passage_reporter:start(ReporterId, Options) of
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason};
{ok, Reporter} ->
passage_tracer_registry:register(Tracer, Context, Sampler, Reporter)
%% @doc Stops the tracer which has been started by {@link start_tracer/3}.
-spec stop_tracer(passage:tracer_id()) -> ok.
stop_tracer(Tracer) ->
case passage_tracer_registry:get_reporter(Tracer) of
error -> ok;
{ok, Reporter} ->
ReporterId = jaeger_passage_reporter:get_id(Reporter),