blob: 46726cf4d48039c35472ff58c286b6746e34682e [file] [log] [blame]
%% @copyright 2017 Takeru Ohta <>
%% @doc Thrift messages for jaeger
%% IDL:
%% -
%% -
%% @private
%% Application Internal API
%% Macros
-define(TAG_TYPE_STRING, 0).
-define(TAG_TYPE_DOUBLE, 1).
-define(TAG_TYPE_BOOL, 2).
-define(TAG_TYPE_LONG, 3).
-define(TAG_TYPE_BINARY, 4).
-define(REF_TYPE_CHILD_OF, 0).
-define(STRUCT(F1), #thrift_protocol_struct{fields = #{1 => F1}}).
-define(STRUCT(F1, F2), #thrift_protocol_struct{fields = #{1 => F1, 2 => F2}}).
-define(LIST(Es), #thrift_protocol_list{element_type = struct, elements = Es}).
%% Application Internal API
-spec make_emit_batch_message(atom(), passage:tags(), [passage_span:span()]) ->
make_emit_batch_message(ServiceName, ServiceTags, Spans) ->
Process = make_process(ServiceName, ServiceTags),
Batch = ?STRUCT(Process, make_spans(Spans)),
method_name = <<"emitBatch">>,
message_type = oneway,
sequence_id = 0,
body = ?STRUCT(Batch)
%% Internal Functions
-spec make_process(atom(), passage:tags()) -> thrift_protocol:struct().
make_process(ServiceName, ServiceTags) ->
?STRUCT(atom_to_binary(ServiceName, utf8), make_tags(ServiceTags)).
-spec make_tags(Tags) -> thrift_protocol:thrift_list() when
Tags :: #{atom() => term()}.
make_tags(Tags) ->
?LIST(maps:fold(fun (K, V, Acc) -> [make_tag(K, V) | Acc] end, [], Tags)).
-spec make_tag(passage:tag_name(), passage:tag_value()) -> thrift_protocol:struct().
make_tag(Key, Value) ->
{ValueType, FieldId, TagValue} = make_tag_value(Value),
fields = #{
1 => atom_to_binary(Key, utf8),
2 => {i32, ValueType},
FieldId => TagValue
-spec make_tag_value(term()) -> {ValueType, FieldId, Value} when
ValueType :: non_neg_integer(),
FieldId :: thrift_protocol:field_id(),
Value :: thrift_protocol:data().
make_tag_value(X) when is_boolean(X) -> {?TAG_TYPE_BOOL, 5, X};
make_tag_value(X) when is_atom(X) -> {?TAG_TYPE_STRING, 3, atom_to_binary(X, utf8)};
make_tag_value(X) when is_binary(X) -> {?TAG_TYPE_STRING, 3, X};
make_tag_value(X) when is_float(X) -> {?TAG_TYPE_DOUBLE, 4, X};
make_tag_value(X) when is_integer(X) -> {?TAG_TYPE_LONG, 6, {i64, X}};
make_tag_value(X) ->
try list_to_binary(X) of
Binary -> {?TAG_TYPE_STRING, 3, Binary}
error:badarg ->
Binary = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~w", [X])),
{?TAG_TYPE_STRING, 3, Binary}
-spec make_spans([passage_span:span()]) -> thrift_protocol:thrift_list().
make_spans(Spans) ->
?LIST(lists:map(fun make_span/1, Spans)).
-spec make_span(passage_span:span()) -> thrift_protocol:struct().
make_span(Span) ->
Context = passage_span:get_context(Span),
TraceId = jaeger_passage_span_context:get_trace_id(Context),
ParentSpanId = jaeger_passage_span_context:get_parent_span_id(Context),
Tags0 = passage_span:get_tags(Span),
Tags1 =
case jaeger_passage_span_context:get_debug_id(Context) of
error -> Tags0;
{ok, DebugId} -> maps:put(?JAEGER_DEBUG_HEADER, DebugId, Tags0)
fields = #{
1 => {i64, TraceId band 16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF},
2 => {i64, TraceId bsr 64},
3 => {i64, jaeger_passage_span_context:get_span_id(Context)},
4 => {i64, ParentSpanId},
5 => atom_to_binary(passage_span:get_operation_name(Span), utf8),
6 => make_references(passage_span:get_refs(Span)),
7 => {i32, jaeger_passage_span_context:get_flags(Context)},
8 => {i64, timestamp_to_us(passage_span:get_start_time(Span))},
9 => {i64, get_duration_us(Span)},
10 => make_tags(Tags1),
11 => make_logs(passage_span:get_logs(Span))
-spec make_references(passage_span:normalized_refs()) -> thrift_protocol:thrift_list().
make_references(Refs) ->
Elements =
fun (Ref = {_, Span}) ->
Context = passage_span:get_context(Span),
case jaeger_passage_span_context:get_span_id(Context) of
0 -> false;
_ -> {true, make_reference(Ref)}
-spec make_reference(passage_span:normalized_ref()) -> thrift_protocol:struct().
make_reference(Ref) ->
RefType =
case Ref of
{child_of, Span} -> ?REF_TYPE_CHILD_OF;
{follows_from, Span} -> ?REF_TYPE_FOLLOWS_FROM
Context = passage_span:get_context(Span),
TraceId = jaeger_passage_span_context:get_trace_id(Context),
SpanId = jaeger_passage_span_context:get_span_id(Context),
fields = #{
1 => {i32, RefType},
2 => {i64, TraceId band 16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF},
3 => {i64, TraceId bsr 64},
4 => {i64, SpanId}
-spec make_logs([passage_span:log()]) -> thrift_protocol:thrift_list().
make_logs(Logs) ->
?LIST(lists:map(fun make_log/1, Logs)).
-spec make_log(passage_span:log()) -> thrift_protocol:struct().
make_log({Fields, Time}) ->
?STRUCT({i64, timestamp_to_us(Time)}, make_tags(Fields)).
-spec timestamp_to_us(erlang:timestamp()) -> non_neg_integer().
timestamp_to_us(Timestamp) ->
timer:now_diff(Timestamp, {0, 0, 0}).
-spec get_duration_us(passage_span:span()) -> non_neg_integer().
get_duration_us(Span) ->
Start = passage_span:get_start_time(Span),
{ok, Finish} = passage_span:get_finish_time(Span),
timer:now_diff(Finish, Start).