blob: ca7cae78d17d94ab2805f9f659b47a3dfed079e4 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([start/0, stop/0, call/3, call/4, call_search/3,
set_disk_concurrency/1, get_disk_queues/0, get_osproc_queues/0,
get_osproc_requests/0, get_disk_counters/0, get_disk_concurrency/0]).
-export([get_io_priority/0, set_io_priority/1, maybe_set_io_priority/1]).
-define(APPS, [config, couch_stats, ioq]).
set_io_priority(Priority) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, Priority).
get_io_priority() ->
maybe_set_io_priority(Priority) ->
case get_io_priority() of
undefined -> set_io_priority(Priority);
_ -> ok
start() ->
lists:foldl(fun(App, _) -> application:start(App) end, ok, ?APPS).
stop() ->
lists:foldr(fun(App, _) -> ok = application:stop(App) end, ok, ?APPS).
call(Fd, Request, Arg, Priority) ->
call(Fd, {Request, Arg}, Priority).
call(Pid, {prompt, _} = Msg, Priority) ->
ioq_osq:call(Pid, Msg, Priority);
call(Pid, {data, _} = Msg, Priority) ->
ioq_osq:call(Pid, Msg, Priority);
call(Fd, Msg, Priority) ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> ioq_server:call(Fd, Msg, Priority);
true -> ioq_server2:call(Fd, Msg, Priority)
call_search(Fd, Msg, Priority) ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> ioq_server:call(Fd, Msg, Priority);
true -> ioq_server2:call_search(Fd, Msg, Priority)
set_disk_concurrency(C) when is_integer(C), C > 0 ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> gen_server:call(ioq_server, {set_concurrency, C});
true -> ioq_server2:set_concurrency(C)
set_disk_concurrency(_) ->
get_disk_concurrency() ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> gen_server:call(ioq_server, get_concurrency);
true -> ioq_server2:get_concurrency()
get_disk_queues() ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> gen_server:call(ioq_server, get_queue_depths);
true -> ioq_server2:get_queue_depths()
get_disk_counters() ->
case ioq2_enabled() of
false -> gen_server:call(ioq_server, get_counters);
true -> ioq_server2:get_counters()
get_osproc_queues() ->
gen_server:call(ioq_osq, get_queue_depths).
get_osproc_requests() ->
gen_server:call(ioq_osq, get_requests).
ioq2_enabled() ->
config:get_boolean("ioq2", "enabled", false).