Merge branch 'merge_pull_req_123'
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 12f55c8..1491146 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
index c25d1fb..40310ae 100644
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
 Adam Kocoloski
 Andrew Tunnell-Jones
 Anthony Molinaro
+Benjamin P Lee (
 Benoit Chesneau (
+Brian Richards (
 Chris Newcombe
 Dan Kelley
+Dan Schwabe (
 Derek Upham
 Eric Merritt
 Erik Reitsma
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b596b64..d2e61c6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/lib/ibrowse-$(IBROWSE_VSN)/
 	cp -r ebin $(DESTDIR)/lib/ibrowse-$(IBROWSE_VSN)/
-test: all
+eunit_test: all
 	./rebar eunit
-	erl -noshell -pa .eunit -pa test -s ibrowse -s ibrowse_test unit_tests \
+test: all
+	cd test; erl -pa ../../ibrowse/ebin -make; cd ../; \
+	erl -noshell -pa test -pa ebin -s ibrowse_test unit_tests \
 	-s ibrowse_test verify_chunked_streaming \
 	-s ibrowse_test test_chunked_streaming_once \
 	-s erlang halt
diff --git a/ b/
index ee0713c..c2dffe4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# ibrowse [![Build Status](](
+# ibrowse [![Build Status](](
 ibrowse is a HTTP client written in erlang.
diff --git a/include/ibrowse.hrl b/include/ibrowse.hrl
index 18dde82..5da1f0d 100644
--- a/include/ibrowse.hrl
+++ b/include/ibrowse.hrl
@@ -12,10 +12,15 @@
           host_type  % 'hostname', 'ipv4_address' or 'ipv6_address'
--record(lb_pid, {host_port, pid}).
+-record(lb_pid, {host_port, pid, ets_tid}).
 -record(client_conn, {key, cur_pipeline_size = 0, reqs_served = 0}).
 -record(ibrowse_conf, {key, value}).
+-define(CONNECTIONS_LOCAL_TABLE, ibrowse_lb).
+-define(LOAD_BALANCER_NAMED_TABLE, ibrowse_lb).
+-define(CONF_TABLE, ibrowse_conf).
+-define(STREAM_TABLE, ibrowse_stream).
diff --git a/rebar b/rebar
index b9c73ff..8e4deb6 100755
--- a/rebar
+++ b/rebar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/ibrowse.erl b/src/ibrowse.erl
index 1ffa11b..46a3708 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse.erl
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 %% respHeader() = {headerName(), headerValue()}
 %% headerName() = string()
 %% headerValue() = string()
-%% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {ibrowse_req_id, req_id() } | {error, Reason}
+%% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {ibrowse_req_id, req_id() } | {error, Reason}
 %% req_id() = term()
 %% ResponseBody = string() | {file, Filename}
 %% Reason = term()
@@ -254,6 +254,11 @@
 %% headers. Not quite sure why someone would want this, but one of my
 %% users asked for it, so here it is. </li>
+%% <li> The <code>preserve_status_line</code> option is to get the raw status line as a custom header
+%% in the response. The status line is returned as a tuple {ibrowse_status_line, Status_line_binary}
+%% If both the <code>give_raw_headers</code> and <code>preserve_status_line</code> are specified 
+%% in a request, only the <code>give_raw_headers</code> is honoured. </li>
 %% <li> The <code>preserve_chunked_encoding</code> option enables the caller
 %% to receive the raw data stream when the Transfer-Encoding of the server
 %% response is Chunked.
@@ -340,7 +345,7 @@
                                 {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
-                                Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Max_attempts, 0);
+                                Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Timeout, os:timestamp(), Max_attempts, 0);
         Err ->
             {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
@@ -349,29 +354,41 @@
                     {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
-                    Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Max_attempts, Try_count) when Try_count < Max_attempts ->
+                    Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout,
+                    Ori_timeout, Req_start_time, Max_attempts, Try_count) when Try_count < Max_attempts ->
     ProcessOptions = get_value(worker_process_options, Options_1, []),
     case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
                                              {SSLOptions, IsSSL},
                                              ProcessOptions) of
-        {ok, Conn_Pid} ->
+        {ok, {_Pid_cur_spec_size, _, Conn_Pid}} ->
             case do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
                              Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout) of
                 {error, sel_conn_closed} ->
-                    try_routing_request(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
-                                        Max_sessions, 
-                                        Max_pipeline_size,
-                                        {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
-                                        Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Max_attempts, Try_count + 1);
+                    Time_now = os:timestamp(),
+                    Time_taken_so_far = trunc(round(timer:now_diff(Time_now, Req_start_time)/1000)),
+                    Time_remaining = Ori_timeout - Time_taken_so_far,
+                    Time_remaining_percent = trunc(round((Time_remaining/Ori_timeout)*100)),
+                    %% io:format("~p -- Time_remaining: ~p (~p%)~n", [self(), Time_remaining, Time_remaining_percent]),
+                    case (Time_remaining > 0) andalso (Time_remaining_percent >= 5) of
+                        true ->
+                            try_routing_request(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+                                                Max_sessions, 
+                                                Max_pipeline_size,
+                                                {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
+                                                Headers, Method, Body, Options_1,
+                                                Time_remaining, Ori_timeout, Req_start_time, Max_attempts, Try_count + 1);
+                        false ->
+                            {error, retry_later}
+                    end;
                 Res ->
         Err ->
-try_routing_request(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+try_routing_request(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
     {error, retry_later}.
 merge_options(Host, Port, Options) ->
@@ -458,14 +475,29 @@
                                             Headers, Method, ensure_bin(Body),
                                             Options, Timeout) of
         {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+            P_info = case catch erlang:process_info(Conn_Pid, [messages, message_queue_len, backtrace]) of
+                            [_|_] = Conn_Pid_info_list ->
+                                Conn_Pid_info_list;
+                            _ ->
+                                process_info_not_available
+                        end,
+            (catch lager:error("{ibrowse_http_client, send_req, ~1000.p} gen_server call timeout.~nProcess info: ~p~n",
+                               [[Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout], P_info])),
             {error, req_timedout};
-        {'EXIT', {noproc, {gen_server, call, [Conn_Pid, _, _]}}} ->
+        {'EXIT', {normal, _}} = Ex_rsn ->
+            (catch lager:error("{ibrowse_http_client, send_req, ~1000.p} gen_server call got ~1000.p~n",
+                              [[Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout], Ex_rsn])),
+            {error, req_timedout};
+        {error, X} when X == connection_closed;
+                        X == {send_failed, {error, enotconn}};
+                        X == {send_failed,{error,einval}};
+                        X == {send_failed,{error,closed}};
+                        X == connection_closing;
+                        ((X == connection_closed_no_retry) andalso ((Method == get) orelse (Method == head))) ->
             {error, sel_conn_closed};
-        {'EXIT', {normal, _}} ->
-            {error, sel_conn_closed};
-        {'EXIT', {connection_closed, _}} ->
-            {error, sel_conn_closed};
-        {error, connection_closed} ->
+        {error, connection_closed_no_retry} ->
+            {error, connection_closed};
+        {error, {'EXIT', {noproc, _}}} ->
             {error, sel_conn_closed};
         {'EXIT', Reason} ->
             {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
@@ -636,7 +668,7 @@
     io:format("~80.80.=s~n", [""]),
     Metrics = get_metrics(),
-      fun({Host, Port, Lb_pid, Tid, Size}) ->
+      fun({Host, Port, {Lb_pid, _, Tid, Size, _}}) ->
               io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~p~n",
                         [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
@@ -654,74 +686,68 @@
 %% included.
 show_dest_status(Host, Port) ->
     case get_metrics(Host, Port) of
-        {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size,
-         {{First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz},
-          {Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}}} ->
+        {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize,
+         Tid, Size,
+         {{First_p_sz,  First_p_sz},
+          {Last_p_sz, Last_p_sz}}} ->
             io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n"
                       "LB process msg q size : ~p~n"
                       "LB ETS table id       : ~p~n"
                       "Num Connections       : ~p~n"
-                      "Smallest pipeline     : ~p:~p~n"
-                      "Largest pipeline      : ~p:~p~n",
+                      "Smallest pipeline     : ~p~n"
+                      "Largest pipeline      : ~p~n",
                       [Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size, 
-                       First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz,
-                       Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz]);
+                       First_p_sz, Last_p_sz]);
         _Err ->
             io:format("Metrics not available~n", [])
 get_metrics() ->
-    Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
-                                                             is_integer(Port) ->
-                                 true;
-                            (_) ->
-                                 false
-                         end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
-    All_ets = ets:all(),
-    lists:map(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, Lb_pid}) ->
-                  case lists:dropwhile(
-                         fun(Tid) ->
-                                 ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
-                         end, All_ets) of
-                      [] ->
-                          {Host, Port, Lb_pid, unknown, 0};
-                      [Tid | _] ->
-                          Size = case catch (ets:info(Tid, size)) of
-                                     N when is_integer(N) -> N;
-                                     _ -> 0
-                                 end,
-                          {Host, Port, Lb_pid, Tid, Size}
-                  end
-              end, Dests).
+    Dests = lists:filter(
+              fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {Host, Port}}) when is_list(Host),
+                                                          is_integer(Port) ->
+                      true;
+                 (_) ->
+                      false
+              end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
+    lists:foldl(
+      fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {X_host, X_port}}, X_acc) ->
+              case get_metrics(X_host, X_port) of
+                  {_, _, _, _, _} = X_res ->
+                      [{X_host, X_port, X_res} | X_acc];
+                  _X_res ->
+                      X_acc
+              end
+      end, [], Dests).
 get_metrics(Host, Port) ->
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
         [] ->
-        [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid}] ->
-            MsgQueueSize = (catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len)),
-            %% {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize,
-            case lists:dropwhile(
-                   fun(Tid) ->
-                           ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
-                   end, ets:all()) of
-                [] ->
-                    {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, unknown, 0, unknown};
-                [Tid | _] ->
+        [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid, ets_tid = Tid}] ->
+            MsgQueueSize = case (catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len)) of
+			       {message_queue_len, Msg_q_len} ->
+				   Msg_q_len;
+			       _ ->
+				   -1
+			   end,
+            case Tid of
+                undefined ->
+                    {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, undefined, 0, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}};
+                _ ->
                         Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
                         case Size of
                             0 ->
-                                ok;
+                                {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, 0, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}};
                             _ ->
-                                First = ets:first(Tid),
-                                Last = ets:last(Tid),
-                                [{_, First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz}] = ets:lookup(Tid, First),
-                                [{_, Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}] = ets:lookup(Tid, Last),
-                                {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size,
-                                 {{First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz}, {Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}}}
+                                {First_p_sz, _, _} = ets:first(Tid),
+                                {Last_p_sz, _, _} = ets:last(Tid),
+                                {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize,
+                                 Tid, Size,
+                                 {{First_p_sz,  First_p_sz}, {Last_p_sz, Last_p_sz}}}
-                    catch _:_ ->
+                    catch _:_Err ->
@@ -961,7 +987,6 @@
 do_get_connection(#url{host = Host, port = Port}, []) ->
     {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_lb:start_link([Host, Port]),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_lb, #lb_pid{host_port = {Host, Port}, pid = Pid}),
 do_get_connection(_Url, [#lb_pid{pid = Pid}]) ->
diff --git a/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index abe0aab..c0dc50b 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
                 deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
                 chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
                 recvd_chunk_size, interim_reply_sent = false,
-                lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
+                lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id,
+                proc_state
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
@@ -73,6 +74,12 @@
 -define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024).
 -define(dec2hex(X), erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16)).
+%% Macros to prevent spelling mistakes causing bugs
+-define(dont_retry_pipelined_requests, dont_retry_pipelined_requests).
+-define(can_retry_pipelined_requests, can_retry_pipelined_requests).
+-define(dead_proc_walking, dead_proc_walking).
 %% External functions
@@ -102,9 +109,15 @@
 send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
-    gen_server:call(
-      Conn_Pid,
-      {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout).
+    case catch gen_server:call(Conn_Pid,
+                               {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout) of
+        {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+            {error, req_timedout};
+        {'EXIT', {noproc, _}} ->
+            {error, connection_closed};
+        Res ->
+            Res
+    end.
 %% Server functions
@@ -119,6 +132,7 @@
 %%          {stop, Reason}
 init({Lb_Tid, #url{host = Host, port = Port}, {SSLOptions, Is_ssl}}) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
     State = #state{host = Host,
                    port = Port,
                    ssl_options = SSLOptions,
@@ -128,6 +142,7 @@
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
     {ok, set_inac_timer(State)};
 init(Url) when is_list(Url) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
     case catch ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
         #url{protocol = Protocol} = Url_rec ->
             init({undefined, Url_rec, {[], Protocol == https}});
@@ -135,6 +150,7 @@
             {error, invalid_url}
 init({Host, Port}) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
     State = #state{host = Host,
                    port = Port},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
@@ -156,6 +172,10 @@
 handle_call({send_req, _}, _From, #state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
     {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
+handle_call({send_req, _}, _From, #state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking} = State) ->
+    shutting_down(State),    
+    {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
 handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
             From, State) ->
     send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State);
@@ -207,30 +227,40 @@
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
-    shutting_down(State),
-    do_close(State),
-    do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    shutting_down(State_1),
+    do_close(State_1),
+    do_error_reply(State_1, closing_on_request),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
-    handle_sock_closed(State),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    handle_sock_closed(State_1, ?can_retry_pipelined_requests),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     do_trace("SSL connection closed by peer!~n", []),
-    handle_sock_closed(State),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    handle_sock_closed(State_1, ?can_retry_pipelined_requests),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock, Reason}, State) ->
     do_trace("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~1000.p~n",
              [, State#state.port, Reason]),
-    handle_sock_closed(State),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    handle_sock_closed(State_1, ?dont_retry_pipelined_requests),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock, Reason}, State) ->
     do_trace("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~1000.p~n",
              [, State#state.port, Reason]),
-    handle_sock_closed(State),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    handle_sock_closed(State_1, ?dont_retry_pipelined_requests),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
     case lists:keysearch(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
@@ -238,21 +268,28 @@
             {noreply, State};
         {value, #request{stream_to = StreamTo, req_id = ReqId}} ->
             catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_timeout, ReqId},
-            shutting_down(State),
-            do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
-            {stop, normal, State}
+            State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+            shutting_down(State_1),
+            do_error_reply(State_1, req_timedout),
+            delayed_stop_timer(),
+            {noreply, State_1}
 handle_info(timeout, State) ->
     do_trace("Inactivity timeout triggered. Shutting down connection~n", []),
-    shutting_down(State),
-    do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    shutting_down(State_1),
+    do_error_reply(State_1, req_timedout),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
+handle_info(delayed_stop, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info(Info, State) ->
     io:format("Unknown message recvd for ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~p~n",
               [, State#state.port, Info]),
@@ -264,8 +301,10 @@
 %% Description: Shutdown the server
 %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+terminate(_Reason, #state{lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    shutting_down(State),
+    (catch ets:select_delete(Tid, [{{{'_','_','$1'},'_'},[{'==','$1',{const,self()}}],[true]}])),
@@ -285,16 +324,20 @@
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=idle}=State) ->
     do_trace("Data recvd on socket in state idle!. ~1000.p~n", [Data]),
-    shutting_down(State),
-    do_error_reply(State, data_in_status_idle),
-    do_close(State),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+    shutting_down(State_1),
+    do_error_reply(State_1, data_in_status_idle),
+    do_close(State_1),
+    delayed_stop_timer(),
+    {noreply, State_1};
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
     case parse_response(Data, State) of
         {error, _Reason} ->
-            shutting_down(State),
-            {stop, normal, State};
+            State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+            shutting_down(State_1),
+            delayed_stop_timer(),
+            {noreply, State_1};
         #state{socket = Socket, status = Status, cur_req = CurReq} = State_1 ->
             _ = case {Status, CurReq} of
 		    {get_header, #request{caller_controls_socket = true}} ->
@@ -315,10 +358,12 @@
         true ->
             case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
                 {error, Reason} ->
-                    shutting_down(State),
-                    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
+                    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+                    shutting_down(State_1),
+                    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
                                             {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-                    {stop, normal, State};
+                    delayed_stop_timer(),
+                    {noreply, State_1};
                 State_1 ->
                     _ = active_once(State_1),
                     State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
@@ -327,10 +372,12 @@
         _ ->
             case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
                 {error, Reason} ->
-                    shutting_down(State),
-                    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
+                    State_1 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+                    shutting_down(State_1),
+                    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
                                             {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-                    {stop, normal, State};
+                    delayed_stop_timer(),
+                    {noreply, State_1};
                 #state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs},
                        interim_reply_sent = Irs} = State_1 ->
                     _ = case Irs of
@@ -451,11 +498,11 @@
 %% Handles the case when the server closes the socket
-handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header} = State) ->
+handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header} = State, _) ->
-    do_error_reply(State, connection_closed);
+    do_error_reply(State, connection_closed_no_retry);
-handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
+handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State, _) ->
 %% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a
@@ -469,7 +516,7 @@
                           recvd_headers = Headers,
                           status_line = Status_line,
                           raw_headers = Raw_headers
-                         }=State) ->
+                         }=State, Retry_state) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
              response_format = Resp_format,
              options = Options,
@@ -497,30 +544,35 @@
                             {ok, SC, Headers, Buf, Raw_req}
             State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
-            ok = do_error_reply(State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
+            case Retry_state of
+                ?dont_retry_pipelined_requests ->
+                    ok = do_error_reply(State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed_no_retry);
+                ?can_retry_pipelined_requests ->
+                    ok = do_error_reply(State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed)
+            end,
         _ ->
-            ok = do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
+            case Retry_state of
+                ?dont_retry_pipelined_requests ->
+                    ok = do_error_reply(State, connection_closed_no_retry);
+                ?can_retry_pipelined_requests ->
+                    ok = do_error_reply(State, connection_closed)
+            end,
-do_connect(Host, Port, Options, State, Timeout) ->
-    SockOptions = get_sock_options(Host, Options, State#state.ssl_options),
-    case {get_value(socks5_host, Options, undefined), State#state.is_ssl} of
-        {undefined, true} ->
-            ssl:connect(Host, Port, SockOptions, Timeout);
-        {undefined, false} ->
-            gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, SockOptions, Timeout);
-        {_, _} ->
-            case {ibrowse_socks5:connect(Host, Port, Options, SockOptions, Timeout),
-                  State#state.is_ssl} of
-                {{ok, Socket}, true} ->
-                    ssl:connect(Socket, SockOptions, Timeout);
-                {{ok, Socket}, false} ->
-                    {ok, Socket};
-                {Else, _} ->
-                    Else
-            end
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl      = true,
+                                       use_proxy   = false,
+                                       ssl_options = SSLOptions},
+           Timeout) ->
+    ssl:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Host, Options, SSLOptions), Timeout);
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
+    Socks5Host = get_value(socks5_host, Options, undefined),
+    case Socks5Host of
+      undefined ->
+        gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Host, Options, []), Timeout);
+      _ ->
+        catch ibrowse_socks5:connect(Host, Port, Options)
 get_sock_options(Host, Options, SSLOptions) ->
@@ -710,10 +762,12 @@
                                     connect_timeout = Conn_timeout},
             send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State_3);
         Err ->
-            shutting_down(State_2),
+            State_3 = State_2#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+            shutting_down(State_3),
             do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
             gen_server:reply(From, {error, {conn_failed, Err}}),
-            {stop, normal, State_2}
+            delayed_stop_timer(),
+            {noreply, State_3}
 %% Send a CONNECT request.
@@ -765,16 +819,20 @@
                     State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
                     {noreply, State_3};
                 Err ->
-                    shutting_down(State_1),
+                    State_2 = State_1#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+                    shutting_down(State_2),
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
                     gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
-                    {stop, normal, State_1}
+                    delayed_stop_timer(),
+                    {noreply, State_2}
         Err ->
-            shutting_down(State_1),
+            State_2 = State_1#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+            shutting_down(State_2),
             do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
             gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
-            {stop, normal, State_1}
+            delayed_stop_timer(),
+            {noreply, State_2}
 send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
@@ -873,16 +931,20 @@
                     State_4 = set_inac_timer(State_3),
                     {noreply, State_4};
                 Err ->
-                    shutting_down(State),
+                    State_2 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+                    shutting_down(State_2),
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
                     gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
-                    {stop, normal, State}
+                    delayed_stop_timer(),
+                    {noreply, State_2}
         Err ->
-            shutting_down(State),
+            State_2 = State#state{proc_state = ?dead_proc_walking},
+            shutting_down(State_2),
             do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
             gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
-            {stop, normal, State}
+            delayed_stop_timer(),
+            {noreply, State_2}
 maybe_modify_headers(#url{}, connect, _, Headers, State) ->
@@ -1441,7 +1503,7 @@
                        _ ->
                            {file, TmpFilename}
-    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(RespHeaders, Raw_headers, Options),
+    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Status_line, RespHeaders, Raw_headers, Options),
     Give_raw_req = get_value(return_raw_request, Options, false),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
                 true when Give_raw_req == false ->
@@ -1468,7 +1530,7 @@
                        reply_buffer     = RepBuf
                       } = State) ->
     Body = RepBuf,
-    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
+    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Status_line, Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
     Give_raw_req = get_value(return_raw_request, Options, false),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
                 true when Give_raw_req == false ->
@@ -1773,7 +1835,7 @@
                           recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode,
                           cur_req = #request{options = Opts}
                          }) ->
-    {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts),
+    {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Status_line, Headers, Raw_headers, Opts),
     case Give_raw_headers of
         false ->
             catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers_1};
@@ -1781,7 +1843,7 @@
             catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status_line, Raw_headers_1}
-maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts) ->
+maybe_add_custom_headers(Status_line, Headers, Raw_headers, Opts) ->
     Custom_headers = get_value(add_custom_headers, Opts, []),
     Headers_1 = Headers ++ Custom_headers,
     Raw_headers_1 = case Custom_headers of
@@ -1791,7 +1853,12 @@
                         _ ->
-    {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1}.
+    case get_value(preserve_status_line, Opts, false) of
+        true ->
+            {[{ibrowse_status_line, Status_line} | Headers_1], Raw_headers_1};
+        false ->
+            {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1}
+    end.
 format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
     case Resp_format of
@@ -1945,34 +2012,29 @@
 shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = Tid,
                      cur_pipeline_size = _Sz}) ->
-    catch ets:delete(Tid, self()).
+    (catch ets:select_delete(Tid, [{{{'_', '_', '$1'},'_'},[{'==','$1',{const,self()}}],[true]}])).
 inc_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
 inc_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
-                           lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    update_counter(Tid, self(), {2,1,99999,9999}),
+inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz} = State) ->
     State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz + 1}.
-update_counter(Tid, Key, Args) ->
-    ets:update_counter(Tid, Key, Args).
-dec_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
-    State;
-dec_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    State;
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
-                            lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    _ = try
-	    update_counter(Tid, self(), {2,-1,0,0}),
-	    update_counter(Tid, self(), {3,-1,0,0})
-	catch
-	    _:_ ->
-		ok
-	end,
-    State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
+                            lb_ets_tid        = Tid,
+                            proc_state        = Proc_state} = State) when Tid /= undefined,
+                                                                          Proc_state /= ?dead_proc_walking ->
+    Ts = os:timestamp(),
+    catch ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, os:timestamp(), self()}, []}),
+    (catch ets:select_delete(Tid, [{{{'_', '$2', '$1'},'_'},
+                                    [{'==', '$1', {const,self()}},
+                                     {'<',  '$2', {const,Ts}}
+                                    ],
+                                    [true]}])),
+    State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1};
+dec_pipeline_counter(State) ->
+    State.
 flatten([H | _] = L) when is_integer(H) ->
@@ -2057,3 +2119,6 @@
         {value, {_, Val}} ->
+delayed_stop_timer() ->
+    erlang:send_after(500, self(), delayed_stop).
diff --git a/src/ibrowse_lb.erl b/src/ibrowse_lb.erl
index aa381a4..894d8ad 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
-		num_cur_sessions = 0,
@@ -70,13 +69,13 @@
     Max_pipe_sz = ibrowse:get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, 10),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, ["LB: ", Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
-    Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
-    {ok, #state{parent_pid = whereis(ibrowse),
+    State = #state{parent_pid = whereis(ibrowse),
 		host = Host,
 		port = Port,
-		ets_tid = Tid,
 		max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
-	        max_sessions = Max_sessions}}.
+	        max_sessions = Max_sessions},
+    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
+    {ok, State_1}.
 spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
@@ -113,34 +112,30 @@
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:foldl(fun({Pid, _, _}, Acc) ->
-                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
-                      Acc
-              end, [], Tid),
+    stop_all_conn_procs(Tid),
     gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_call(_, _From, #state{proc_state = shutting_down} = State) ->
     {reply, {error, shutting_down}, State};
-%% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
-handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _, _}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
-    when Num >= Max_sess ->
-    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
-    Reply = find_best_connection(State_1#state.ets_tid, Max_pipe),
-    {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
-                                 max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
 handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, SSL_options, Process_options}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur} = State) ->
-    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
-    Tid = State_1#state.ets_tid,
-    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Tid, Url, SSL_options}, Process_options),
-    ets:insert(Tid, {Pid, 0, 0}),
-    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1,
-                                     max_sessions = Max_sess,
-                                     max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
+	    State) ->
+    State_1   = maybe_create_ets(State),
+    Tid       = State_1#state.ets_tid,
+    Tid_size  = ets:info(Tid, size),
+    case Tid_size >= Max_sess of
+        true ->
+            Reply = find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe),
+            {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions      = Max_sess,
+                                         max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
+        false ->
+            {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start({Tid, Url, SSL_options}, Process_options),
+            Ts = os:timestamp(),
+            ets:insert(Tid, {{1, Ts, Pid}, []}),
+            {reply, {ok, {1, Ts, Pid}}, State_1#state{max_sessions      = Max_sess,
+						      max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}}
+    end;
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
@@ -163,24 +158,6 @@
 %%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info({'EXIT', Parent, _Reason}, #state{parent_pid = Parent} = State) ->
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
-		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
-    Cur_1 = Cur - 1,
-    case Cur_1 of
-		  0 ->
-		      ets:delete(Tid),
-			  {noreply, State#state{ets_tid = undefined, num_cur_sessions = 0}, 10000};
-		  _ ->
-		      {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur_1}}
-	      end;
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
@@ -216,12 +193,17 @@
 %% Description: Shutdown the server
 %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, #state{host = Host, port = Port}) ->
-    % Use delete_object instead of delete in case another process for this host/port
-    % has been spawned, in which case will be deleting the wrong record because pid won't match.
-    ets:delete_object(ibrowse_lb, #lb_pid{host_port = {Host, Port}, pid = self()}),
+terminate(_Reason, #state{host = Host, port = Port, ets_tid = Tid} = _State) ->
+    catch ets:delete(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}),
+    stop_all_conn_procs(Tid),
+stop_all_conn_procs(Tid) ->
+    ets:foldl(fun({{_, _, Pid}, _}, Acc) ->
+                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
+                      Acc
+              end, [], Tid).
 %% Func: code_change/3
 %% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
@@ -234,30 +216,18 @@
 %%% Internal functions
 find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe) ->
-    ets:safe_fixtable(Tid, true),
-    Res = find_best_connection(ets:first(Tid), Tid, Max_pipe),
-    ets:safe_fixtable(Tid, false),
-    Res.
-find_best_connection('$end_of_table', _, _) ->
-    {error, retry_later};
-find_best_connection(Pid, Tid, Max_pipe) ->
-    case ets:lookup(Tid, Pid) of
-        [{Pid, Cur_sz, Speculative_sz}] when Cur_sz < Max_pipe,
-                                             Speculative_sz < Max_pipe ->
-            case catch ets:update_counter(Tid, Pid, {3, 1, 9999999, 9999999}) of
-                {'EXIT', _} ->
-                    %% The selected process has shutdown
-                    find_best_connection(ets:next(Tid, Pid), Tid, Max_pipe);
-                _ ->
-                    {ok, Pid}
-            end;
-         _ ->
-            find_best_connection(ets:next(Tid, Pid), Tid, Max_pipe)
+    case ets:first(Tid) of
+        {Spec_size, Ts, Pid} = First when Spec_size < Max_pipe ->
+	    ets:delete(Tid, First),
+	    ets:insert(Tid, {{Spec_size + 1, Ts, Pid}, []}),
+	    {ok, First};
+        _ ->
+            {error, retry_later}
-maybe_create_ets(#state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+maybe_create_ets(#state{ets_tid = undefined, host = Host, port = Port} = State) ->
     Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_lb, #lb_pid{host_port = {Host, Port}, pid = self(), ets_tid = Tid}),
     State#state{ets_tid = Tid};
 maybe_create_ets(State) ->
diff --git a/src/ibrowse_lib.erl b/src/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 20c74e8..1f0a61a 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
-         printable_date/0
+         printable_date/0,
+         printable_date/1
 get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
@@ -368,8 +369,11 @@
 default_port(ftp)   -> 21.
 printable_date() ->
-    {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:local_time(),
-    {_,_,MicroSecs} = os:timestamp(),
+    printable_date(os:timestamp()).
+printable_date(Now) ->
+    {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
+    {_,_,MicroSecs} = Now,
diff --git a/test/ibrowse_functional_tests.erl b/test/ibrowse_functional_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3517011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ibrowse_functional_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_functional_tests.erl
+%%% Authors : Benjamin Lee <>
+%%%           Dan Schwabe <>
+%%%           Brian Richards <>
+%%% Description : Functional tests of the ibrowse library using a live test HTTP server
+%%% Created : 18 November 2014 by Benjamin Lee <>
+-define(PER_TEST_TIMEOUT_SEC, 60).
+-define(TIMEDTEST(Desc, Fun), {Desc, {timeout, ?PER_TEST_TIMEOUT_SEC, fun Fun/0}}).
+-define(SERVER_PORT, 8181).
+-define(BASE_URL, "http://localhost:" ++ integer_to_list(?SERVER_PORT)).
+-define(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS, 5000).
+-define(LONG_TIMEOUT_MS, 30000).
+setup() ->
+    application:start(crypto),
+    application:start(public_key),
+    application:start(ssl),
+    ibrowse_test_server:start_server(?SERVER_PORT, tcp),
+    ibrowse:start(),
+    ok.
+teardown(_) ->
+    ibrowse:stop(),
+    ibrowse_test_server:stop_server(?SERVER_PORT),
+    ok.
+running_server_fixture_test_() ->
+    {foreach,
+     fun setup/0,
+     fun teardown/1,
+     [
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Simple request can be honored", simple_request),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Slow server causes timeout", slow_server_timeout),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Pipeline depth goes down with responses", pipeline_depth),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Pipelines refill", pipeline_refill),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Timeout closes pipe", closing_pipes),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Requests are balanced over connections", balanced_connections),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Pipeline too small signals retries", small_pipeline),
+        ?TIMEDTEST("Dest status can be gathered", status)
+     ]
+    }.
+simple_request() ->
+    ?assertMatch({ok, "200", _, _}, ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL, [], get, [], [])).
+slow_server_timeout() ->
+    ?assertMatch({error, req_timedout}, ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [], 5000)).
+pipeline_depth() ->
+    MaxSessions = 2,
+    MaxPipeline = 2,
+    RequestsSent = 2,
+    EmptyPipelineDepth = 0,
+    ?assertEqual([], ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()),
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL, [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsSent, fun() -> spawn_link(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),
+    Counts = [Count || {_Pid, Count} <- ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()],
+    ?assertEqual(MaxSessions, length(Counts)),
+    ?assertEqual(lists:duplicate(MaxSessions, EmptyPipelineDepth), Counts).
+pipeline_refill() ->
+    MaxSessions = 2,
+    MaxPipeline = 2,
+    RequestsToFill = MaxSessions * MaxPipeline,
+    %% Send off enough requests to fill sessions and pipelines in rappid succession
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL, [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsToFill, fun() -> spawn_link(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),
+    % Verify that connections properly reported their completed responses and can still accept more
+    ?assertMatch({ok, "200", _, _}, ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL, [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS)),
+    % and do it again to make sure we really are clear
+    times(RequestsToFill, fun() -> spawn_link(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),
+    % Verify that connections properly reported their completed responses and can still accept more
+    ?assertMatch({ok, "200", _, _}, ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL, [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS)).
+closing_pipes() ->
+    MaxSessions = 2,
+    MaxPipeline = 2,
+    RequestsSent = 2,
+    BalancedNumberOfRequestsPerConnection = 1,
+    ?assertEqual([], ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()),
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsSent, fun() -> spawn_link(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),
+    Counts = [Count || {_Pid, Count} <- ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()],
+    ?assertEqual(MaxSessions, length(Counts)),
+    ?assertEqual(lists:duplicate(MaxSessions, BalancedNumberOfRequestsPerConnection), Counts),
+    timer:sleep(?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS),
+    ?assertEqual([], ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()).
+balanced_connections() ->
+    MaxSessions = 4,
+    MaxPipeline = 100,
+    RequestsSent = 80,
+    BalancedNumberOfRequestsPerConnection = 20,
+    ?assertEqual([], ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()),
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?LONG_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsSent, fun() -> spawn_link(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),
+    Counts = [Count || {_Pid, Count} <- ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()],
+    ?assertEqual(MaxSessions, length(Counts)),
+    ?assertEqual(lists:duplicate(MaxSessions, BalancedNumberOfRequestsPerConnection), Counts).
+small_pipeline() ->
+    MaxSessions = 10,
+    MaxPipeline = 10,
+    RequestsSent = 100,
+    FullRequestsPerConnection = 10,
+    ?assertEqual([], ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()),
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsSent, fun() -> spawn(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),  %% Wait for everyone to get in line
+    ibrowse:show_dest_status("localhost", 8181),
+    Counts = [Count || {_Pid, Count} <- ibrowse_test_server:get_conn_pipeline_depth()],
+    ?assertEqual(MaxSessions, length(Counts)),
+    ?assertEqual(lists:duplicate(MaxSessions, FullRequestsPerConnection), Counts),
+    Response = ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS),
+    ?assertEqual({error, retry_later}, Response).
+status() ->
+    MaxSessions = 10,
+    MaxPipeline = 10,
+    RequestsSent = 100,
+    Fun = fun() -> ibrowse:send_req(?BASE_URL ++ "/never_respond", [], get, [], [{max_sessions, MaxSessions}, {max_pipeline_size, MaxPipeline}], ?SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS) end,
+    times(RequestsSent, fun() -> spawn(Fun) end),
+    timer:sleep(?PAUSE_FOR_CONNECTIONS_MS),  %% Wait for everyone to get in line
+    ibrowse:show_dest_status(),
+    ibrowse:show_dest_status("http://localhost:8181").
+times(0, _) ->
+    ok;
+times(X, Fun) ->
+    Fun(),
+    times(X - 1, Fun).
diff --git a/test/ibrowse_load_test.erl b/test/ibrowse_load_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ff308e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ibrowse_load_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+-define(ibrowse_load_test_counters, ibrowse_load_test_counters).
+start(Num_workers, Num_requests, Max_sess) ->
+    proc_lib:spawn(fun() ->
+                           start_1(Num_workers, Num_requests, Max_sess)
+                   end).
+query_state() ->
+    ibrowse_load_test ! query_state.
+shutdown() ->
+    ibrowse_load_test ! shutdown.
+start_1(Num_workers, Num_requests, Max_sess) ->
+    register(ibrowse_load_test, self()),
+    application:start(ibrowse),
+    application:set_env(ibrowse, inactivity_timeout, 5000),
+    Ulimit = os:cmd("ulimit -n"),
+    case catch list_to_integer(string:strip(Ulimit, right, $\n)) of
+        X when is_integer(X), X > 3000 ->
+            ok;
+        X ->
+            io:format("Load test not starting. {insufficient_value_for_ulimit, ~p}~n", [X]),
+            exit({insufficient_value_for_ulimit, X})
+    end,
+    ets:new(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, [named_table, public]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_load_timings, [named_table, public]),
+    try
+        ets:insert(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, [{success, 0},
+                                                 {failed, 0},
+                                                 {timeout, 0},
+                                                 {retry_later, 0},
+                                                 {one_request_only, 0}
+                                                ]),
+        ibrowse:set_max_sessions("localhost", 8081, Max_sess),
+        Start_time    = now(),
+        Workers       = spawn_workers(Num_workers, Num_requests),
+        erlang:send_after(1000, self(), print_diagnostics),
+        ok            = wait_for_workers(Workers),
+        End_time      = now(),
+        Time_in_secs  = trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_time, Start_time) / 1000000)),
+        Req_count     = Num_workers * Num_requests,
+        [{_, Success_count}] = ets:lookup(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, success),
+        case Success_count == Req_count of
+            true ->
+                io:format("Test success. All requests succeeded~n", []);
+            false when Success_count > 0 ->
+                io:format("Test failed. Some successes~n", []);
+            false ->
+                io:format("Test failed. ALL requests FAILED~n", [])
+        end,
+        case Time_in_secs > 0 of
+            true ->
+                io:format("Reqs/sec achieved : ~p~n", [trunc(round(Success_count / Time_in_secs))]);
+            false ->
+                ok
+        end,
+        io:format("Load test results:~n~p~n", [ets:tab2list(?ibrowse_load_test_counters)]),
+        io:format("Timings: ~p~n", [calculate_timings()])
+    catch Err ->
+            io:format("Err: ~p~n", [Err])
+    after
+        ets:delete(?ibrowse_load_test_counters),
+        ets:delete(ibrowse_load_timings),
+        unregister(ibrowse_load_test)
+    end.
+calculate_timings() ->
+    {Max, Min, Mean} = get_mmv(ets:first(ibrowse_load_timings), {0, 9999999, 0}),
+    Variance = trunc(round(ets:foldl(fun({_, X}, X_acc) ->
+                                             (X - Mean)*(X-Mean) + X_acc
+                                     end, 0, ibrowse_load_timings) / ets:info(ibrowse_load_timings, size))),
+    Std_dev = trunc(round(math:sqrt(Variance))),
+    {ok, [{max, Max},
+          {min, Min},
+          {mean, Mean},
+          {variance, Variance},
+          {standard_deviation, Std_dev}]}.
+get_mmv('$end_of_table', {Max, Min, Total}) ->
+    Mean = trunc(round(Total / ets:info(ibrowse_load_timings, size))),
+    {Max, Min, Mean};
+get_mmv(Key, {Max, Min, Total}) ->
+    [{_, V}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_load_timings, Key),
+    get_mmv(ets:next(ibrowse_load_timings, Key), {max(Max, V), min(Min, V), Total + V}).
+spawn_workers(Num_w, Num_r) ->
+    spawn_workers(Num_w, Num_r, self(), []).
+spawn_workers(0, _Num_requests, _Parent, Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+spawn_workers(Num_workers, Num_requests, Parent, Acc) ->
+    Pid_ref = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+                                    random:seed(now()),
+                                    case catch worker_loop(Parent, Num_requests) of
+                                        {'EXIT', Rsn} ->
+                                            io:format("Worker crashed with reason: ~p~n", [Rsn]);
+                                        _ ->
+                                            ok
+                                    end
+                            end),
+    spawn_workers(Num_workers - 1, Num_requests, Parent, [Pid_ref | Acc]).
+wait_for_workers([]) ->
+    ok;
+wait_for_workers([{Pid, Pid_ref} | T] = Pids) ->
+    receive
+        {done, Pid} ->
+            wait_for_workers(T);
+        {done, Some_pid} ->
+            wait_for_workers([{Pid, Pid_ref} | lists:keydelete(Some_pid, 1, T)]);
+        print_diagnostics ->
+            io:format("~1000.p~n", [ibrowse:get_metrics()]),
+            erlang:send_after(1000, self(), print_diagnostics),
+            wait_for_workers(Pids);
+        query_state ->
+            io:format("Waiting for ~p~n", [Pids]),
+            wait_for_workers(Pids);
+        shutdown ->
+            io:format("Shutting down on command. Still waiting for ~p workers~n", [length(Pids)]);
+        {'DOWN', _, process, _, normal} ->
+            wait_for_workers(Pids);
+        {'DOWN', _, process, Down_pid, Rsn} ->
+            io:format("Worker ~p died. Reason: ~p~n", [Down_pid, Rsn]),
+            wait_for_workers(lists:keydelete(Down_pid, 1, Pids));
+        X ->
+            io:format("Recvd unknown msg: ~p~n", [X]),
+            wait_for_workers(Pids)
+    end.
+worker_loop(Parent, 0) ->
+    Parent ! {done, self()};
+worker_loop(Parent, N) ->
+    Delay = random:uniform(100),
+    Url = case Delay rem 10 of
+              %% Change 10 to some number between 0-9 depending on how
+              %% much chaos you want to introduce into the server
+              %% side. The higher the number, the more often the
+              %% server will close a connection after serving the
+              %% first request, thereby forcing the client to
+              %% retry. Any number of 10 or higher will disable this
+              %% chaos mechanism
+              10 ->
+                  ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, one_request_only, 1),
+                  "http://localhost:8081/ibrowse_handle_one_request_only";
+              _ ->
+                  "http://localhost:8081/blah"
+          end,
+    Start_time = now(),
+    Res = ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], get),
+    End_time = now(),
+    Time_taken = trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_time, Start_time) / 1000)),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_load_timings, {now(), Time_taken}),
+    case Res of
+        {ok, "200", _, _} ->
+            ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, success, 1);
+        {error, req_timedout} ->
+            ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, timeout, 1);
+        {error, retry_later} ->
+            ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, retry_later, 1);
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            update_unknown_counter(Reason, 1);
+        _ ->
+            io:format("~p -- Res: ~p~n", [self(), Res]),
+            ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, failed, 1)
+    end,
+    timer:sleep(Delay),
+    worker_loop(Parent, N - 1).
+update_unknown_counter(Counter, Inc_val) ->
+    case catch ets:update_counter(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, Counter, Inc_val) of
+        {'EXIT', _} ->
+            ets:insert_new(?ibrowse_load_test_counters, {Counter, 0}),
+            update_unknown_counter(Counter, Inc_val);
+        _ ->
+            ok
+    end.
diff --git a/test/ibrowse_test.erl b/test/ibrowse_test.erl
index 0819668..2bf46a9 100644
--- a/test/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/test/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
+         local_unit_tests/0,
-	 unit_tests/1,
-	 unit_tests_1/2,
+         unit_tests/2,
+         unit_tests_1/3,
@@ -34,9 +35,13 @@
-         test_generate_body_0/0
+         test_generate_body_0/0,
+         test_retry_of_requests/0,
+         test_retry_of_requests/1
 test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
     test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options, 5000).
@@ -90,6 +95,8 @@
     ets:new(pid_table, [named_table, public]),
     ets:new(ibrowse_test_results, [named_table, public]),
     ets:new(ibrowse_errors, [named_table, public, ordered_set]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_counter, [named_table, public, ordered_set]),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_counter, {req_id, 1}),
     process_flag(trap_exit, true),
     log_msg("Starting spawning of workers...~n", []),
@@ -207,6 +214,16 @@
 %% Unit Tests
+-define(LOCAL_TESTS, [
+                      {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_pipeline_head_timeout, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_head_transfer_encoding, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_head_response_with_body, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_303_response_with_a_body, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_binary_headers, []},
+                      {local_test_fun, test_retry_of_requests, []}
+                     ]).
 -define(TEST_LIST, [{"http://intranet/messenger", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
@@ -236,27 +253,27 @@
 		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
-                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_pipeline_head_timeout, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_head_transfer_encoding, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_head_response_with_body, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_303_response_with_a_body, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_binary_headers, []}
-		   ]).
+                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]}
+		   ] ++ ?LOCAL_TESTS).
+local_unit_tests() ->
+    unit_tests([], ?LOCAL_TESTS).
 unit_tests() ->
-    unit_tests([]).
+    error_logger:tty(false),
+    unit_tests([], ?TEST_LIST),
+    error_logger:tty(true).
-unit_tests(Options) ->
+unit_tests(Options, Test_list) ->
+    application:start(asn1),
     (catch ibrowse_test_server:start_server(8181, tcp)),
-    ibrowse:start(),
+    application:start(ibrowse),
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
     Test_timeout = proplists:get_value(test_timeout, Options, 60000),
-    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
+    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1, Test_list]),
 	{done, Pid} ->
@@ -269,14 +286,14 @@
     catch ibrowse_test_server:stop_server(8181),
-unit_tests_1(Parent, Options) ->
+unit_tests_1(Parent, Options, Test_list) ->
     lists:foreach(fun({local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args}) ->
                           execute_req(local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args);
                      ({Url, Method}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, Options);
 		     ({Url, Method, X_Opts}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
-		  end, ?TEST_LIST),
+		  end, Test_list),
     Parent ! {done, self()}.
 verify_chunked_streaming() ->
@@ -371,6 +388,8 @@
 	    {'EXIT', Reason};
 	{'DOWN', _, _, _, _} ->
+	{'EXIT', _, normal} ->
+	    wait_for_resp(Pid);
 	Msg ->
 	    io:format("Recvd unknown message: ~p~n", [Msg]),
@@ -425,6 +444,7 @@
 execute_req(local_test_fun, Method, Args) ->
+    reset_ibrowse(),
     io:format("     ~-54.54w: ", [Method]),
     Result = (catch apply(?MODULE, Method, Args)),
     io:format("~p~n", [Result]);
@@ -539,6 +559,74 @@
+%% Test that retry of requests happens correctly, and that ibrowse doesn't retry
+%% if there is not enough time left
+test_retry_of_requests() ->
+    clear_msg_q(),
+    test_retry_of_requests("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_handle_one_request_only_with_delay").
+test_retry_of_requests(Url) ->
+    reset_ibrowse(),
+    Timeout_1 = 2050,
+    Res_1 = test_retry_of_requests(Url, Timeout_1),
+    case lists:filter(fun({_Pid, {ok, "200", _, _}}) ->
+                              true;
+                         (_) -> false
+                      end, Res_1) of
+        [_|_] = X ->
+            Res_1_1 = Res_1 -- X,
+            case lists:all(
+                   fun({_Pid, {error, retry_later}}) ->
+                           true;
+                      (_) ->
+                           false
+                   end, Res_1_1) of
+                true ->
+                    ok;
+                false ->
+                    exit({failed, Timeout_1, Res_1})
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            exit({failed, Timeout_1, Res_1})
+    end,
+    Timeout_2 = 2200,
+    Res_2 = test_retry_of_requests(Url, Timeout_2),
+    case lists:filter(fun({_Pid, {ok, "200", _, _}}) ->
+                              true;
+                         (_) -> false
+                      end, Res_2) of
+        [_|_] = Res_2_X ->
+            Res_2_1 = Res_2 -- Res_2_X,
+            case lists:all(
+                   fun({_Pid, {error, X_err_2}}) ->
+                           (X_err_2 == retry_later) orelse (X_err_2 == req_timedout);
+                      (_) ->
+                           false
+                   end, Res_2_1) of
+                true ->
+                    ok;
+                false ->
+                    exit({failed, {?MODULE, ?LINE}, Timeout_2, Res_2})
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            exit({failed, {?MODULE, ?LINE}, Timeout_2, Res_2})
+    end,
+    success.
+test_retry_of_requests(Url, Timeout) ->
+    #url{host = Host, port = Port} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url),
+    ibrowse:set_max_sessions(Host, Port, 1),
+    Parent = self(),
+    Pids = lists:map(fun(_) ->
+                        spawn(fun() ->
+                                 Res = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], get, [], [], Timeout)),
+                                 Parent ! {self(), Res}
+                              end)
+                     end, lists:seq(1,10)),
+    accumulate_worker_resp(Pids).
 %% Test what happens when the request at the head of a pipeline times out
 test_pipeline_head_timeout() ->
@@ -547,22 +635,27 @@
 test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url) ->
     {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process(Url),
+    Fixed_timeout = 2000,
     Test_parent = self(),
     Fun = fun({fixed, Timeout}) ->
-                  spawn(fun() ->
-                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
-                        end);
-             (Timeout_mult) ->
-                  spawn(fun() ->
-                                Timeout = 1000 + Timeout_mult*1000,
-                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
-                        end)
-          end,
-    Pids = [Fun(X) || X <- [{fixed, 32000} | lists:seq(1,10)]],
+        X_pid = spawn(fun() ->
+            do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
+        end),
+        %% io:format("Pid ~p with a fixed timeout~n", [X_pid]),
+        X_pid;
+        (Timeout_mult) ->
+            Timeout = Fixed_timeout + Timeout_mult*1000,
+            X_pid = spawn(fun() ->
+                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
+            end),
+            %% io:format("Pid ~p with a timeout of ~p~n", [X_pid, Timeout]),
+            X_pid
+    end,
+    Pids = [Fun(X) || X <- [{fixed, Fixed_timeout} | lists:seq(1,10)]],
     Result = accumulate_worker_resp(Pids),
     case lists:all(fun({_, X_res}) ->
-                           X_res == {error,req_timedout}
-                   end, Result) of
+        (X_res == {error,req_timedout}) orelse (X_res == {error, connection_closed})
+    end, Result) of
         true ->
         false ->
@@ -725,3 +818,7 @@
     io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt, [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]);
 do_trace(_, _, _) ->
+reset_ibrowse() ->
+    application:stop(ibrowse),
+    application:start(ibrowse).
diff --git a/test/ibrowse_test_server.erl b/test/ibrowse_test_server.erl
index 703227d..90c46c4 100644
--- a/test/ibrowse_test_server.erl
+++ b/test/ibrowse_test_server.erl
@@ -6,40 +6,52 @@
-         stop_server/1
+         stop_server/1,
+         get_conn_pipeline_depth/0
 -record(request, {method, uri, version, headers = [], body = []}).
 -define(dec2hex(X), erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16)).
+-define(ACCEPT_TIMEOUT_MS, 1000).
+-define(CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, conn_pipeline_depth).
 start_server(Port, Sock_type) ->
     Fun = fun() ->
-                  Name = server_proc_name(Port),
-                  register(Name, self()),
-                  case do_listen(Sock_type, Port, [{active, false},
-                                                   {reuseaddr, true},
-                                                   {nodelay, true},
-                                                   {packet, http}]) of
-                      {ok, Sock} ->
-                          do_trace("Server listening on port: ~p~n", [Port]),
-                          accept_loop(Sock, Sock_type);
-                      Err ->
-                          erlang:error(
-                            lists:flatten(
-                              io_lib:format(
-                                "Failed to start server on port ~p. ~p~n",
-                                [Port, Err]))),
-                          exit({listen_error, Err})
-                  end,
-                  unregister(Name)
-          end,
+		  Proc_name = server_proc_name(Port),
+		  case whereis(Proc_name) of
+		      undefined ->
+			  register(Proc_name, self()),
+			  ets:new(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, [named_table, public, set]),
+			  case do_listen(Sock_type, Port, [{active, false},
+							   {reuseaddr, true},
+							   {nodelay, true},
+							   {packet, http}]) of
+			      {ok, Sock} ->
+				  do_trace("Server listening on port: ~p~n", [Port]),
+				  accept_loop(Sock, Sock_type);
+			      Err ->
+				  erlang:error(
+				    lists:flatten(
+				      io_lib:format(
+					"Failed to start server on port ~p. ~p~n",
+					[Port, Err]))),
+				  exit({listen_error, Err})
+			  end;
+		      _X ->
+			  ok
+		  end
+	  end,
 stop_server(Port) ->
     server_proc_name(Port) ! stop,
+    timer:sleep(2000),  % wait for server to receive msg and unregister
+get_conn_pipeline_depth() ->
+    ets:tab2list(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH).
 server_proc_name(Port) ->
@@ -51,24 +63,36 @@
     ssl:listen(Port, Opts).
 do_accept(tcp, Listen_sock) ->
-    gen_tcp:accept(Listen_sock);
+    gen_tcp:accept(Listen_sock, ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT_MS);
 do_accept(ssl, Listen_sock) ->
-    ssl:ssl_accept(Listen_sock).
+    ssl:ssl_accept(Listen_sock, ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT_MS).
 accept_loop(Sock, Sock_type) ->
     case do_accept(Sock_type, Sock) of
         {ok, Conn} ->
-            Pid = spawn_link(
-              fun() ->
-                      server_loop(Conn, Sock_type, #request{})
-              end),
+            Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> connection(Conn, Sock_type) end),
             set_controlling_process(Conn, Sock_type, Pid),
             Pid ! {setopts, [{active, true}]},
             accept_loop(Sock, Sock_type);
+        {error, timeout} ->
+            receive
+                stop ->
+                    ok
+            after 10 ->
+                accept_loop(Sock, Sock_type)
+            end;
         Err ->
+connection(Conn, Sock_type) ->
+    catch ets:insert(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, {self(), 0}),
+    try
+        server_loop(Conn, Sock_type, #request{})
+    after
+        catch ets:delete(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, self())
+    end.
 set_controlling_process(Sock, tcp, Pid) ->
     gen_tcp:controlling_process(Sock, Pid);
 set_controlling_process(Sock, ssl, Pid) ->
@@ -82,18 +106,26 @@
 server_loop(Sock, Sock_type, #request{headers = Headers} = Req) ->
         {http, Sock, {http_request, HttpMethod, HttpUri, HttpVersion}} ->
+            catch ets:update_counter(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, self(), 1),
             server_loop(Sock, Sock_type, Req#request{method = HttpMethod,
                                                      uri = HttpUri,
                                                      version = HttpVersion});
         {http, Sock, {http_header, _, _, _, _} = H} ->
             server_loop(Sock, Sock_type, Req#request{headers = [H | Headers]});
         {http, Sock, http_eoh} ->
-            process_request(Sock, Sock_type, Req),
+            case process_request(Sock, Sock_type, Req) of
+                close_connection ->
+                    gen_tcp:shutdown(Sock, read_write);
+                not_done ->
+                    ok;
+                _ ->
+                    catch ets:update_counter(?CONN_PIPELINE_DEPTH, self(), -1)
+            end,
             server_loop(Sock, Sock_type, #request{});
         {http, Sock, {http_error, Err}} ->
-            do_trace("Error parsing HTTP request:~n"
-                     "Req so far : ~p~n"
-                     "Err        : ", [Req, Err]),
+            io:format("Error parsing HTTP request:~n"
+                      "Req so far : ~p~n"
+                      "Err        : ~p", [Req, Err]),
             exit({http_error, Err});
         {setopts, Opts} ->
             setopts(Sock, Sock_type, Opts),
@@ -101,12 +133,10 @@
         {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
             do_trace("Client closed connection~n", []),
-        stop ->
-            ok;
         Other ->
-            do_trace("Recvd unknown msg: ~p~n", [Other]),
+            io:format("Recvd unknown msg: ~p~n", [Other]),
             exit({unknown_msg, Other})
-    after 5000 ->
+    after 120000 ->
             do_trace("Timing out client connection~n", []),
@@ -145,7 +175,7 @@
                          headers = _Headers,
                          uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_inac_timeout_test"}} = Req) ->
     do_trace("Recvd req: ~p. Sleeping for 30 secs...~n", [Req]),
-    timer:sleep(30000),
+    timer:sleep(3000),
     do_trace("...Sending response now.~n", []),
     Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n">>,
     do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp);
@@ -155,7 +185,6 @@
                          uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_head_transfer_enc"}}) ->
     Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\nContent-Length:5\r\nDate: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:53:49 GMT\r\n\r\nabcde">>,
     do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp);
 process_request(Sock, Sock_type,
                          headers = Headers,
@@ -178,7 +207,7 @@
                          headers = _Headers,
                          uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_head_test"}}) ->
-    Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nDate: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:53:49 GMT\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n">>,
+    Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:53:49 GMT\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n">>,
     do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp);
 process_request(Sock, Sock_type,
@@ -192,17 +221,34 @@
                          uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_303_with_body_test"}}) ->
     Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 303 See Other\r\nLocation:\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nabcde">>,
     do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp);
+process_request(Sock, Sock_type,
+    #request{method='GET',
+        headers = _Headers,
+        uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_handle_one_request_only_with_delay"}}) ->
+    timer:sleep(2000),
+    Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\nDate: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:53:49 GMT\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n">>,
+    do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp),
+    close_connection;
+process_request(Sock, Sock_type,
+    #request{method='GET',
+        headers = _Headers,
+        uri = {abs_path, "/ibrowse_handle_one_request_only"}}) ->
+    Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\nDate: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:53:49 GMT\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n">>,
+    do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp),
+    close_connection;
+process_request(_Sock, _Sock_type, #request{uri = {abs_path, "/never_respond"} } ) ->
+    not_done;
 process_request(Sock, Sock_type, Req) ->
     do_trace("Recvd req: ~p~n", [Req]),
     Resp = <<"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n">>,
-    do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp).
+    do_send(Sock, Sock_type, Resp),
+    timer:sleep(random:uniform(100)).
 do_send(Sock, tcp, Resp) ->
     gen_tcp:send(Sock, Resp);
 do_send(Sock, ssl, Resp) ->
     ssl:send(Sock, Resp).
 %% Utility functions