Merge pull request #151 from meetnow/master

Added stream_full_chunks option
diff --git a/doc/ibrowse.html b/doc/ibrowse.html
index e7c5afd..b6738a6 100644
--- a/doc/ibrowse.html
+++ b/doc/ibrowse.html
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 <h3 class="function"><a name="send_req-5">send_req/5</a></h3>
 <div class="spec">
 <p><tt>send_req(Url::string(), Headers::<a href="#type-headerList">headerList()</a>, Method::<a href="#type-method">method()</a>, Body::<a href="#type-body">body()</a>, Options::<a href="#type-optionList">optionList()</a>) -&gt; <a href="#type-response">response()</a></tt>
-<ul class="definitions"><li><tt><a name="type-optionList">optionList()</a> = [<a href="#type-option">option()</a>]</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-option">option()</a> = {max_sessions, integer()} | {response_format, <a href="#type-response_format">response_format()</a>} | {stream_chunk_size, integer()} | {max_pipeline_size, integer()} | {trace, boolean()} | {is_ssl, boolean()} | {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]} | {pool_name, atom()} | {proxy_host, string()} | {proxy_port, integer()} | {proxy_user, string()} | {proxy_password, string()} | {use_absolute_uri, boolean()} | {basic_auth, {<a href="#type-username">username()</a>, <a href="#type-password">password()</a>}} | {cookie, string()} | {content_length, integer()} | {content_type, string()} | {save_response_to_file, <a href="#type-srtf">srtf()</a>} | {stream_to, <a href="#type-stream_to">stream_to()</a>} | {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}} | {host_header, string()} | {inactivity_timeout, integer()} | {connect_timeout, integer()} | {socket_options, Sock_opts} | {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}} | {headers_as_is, boolean()} | {give_raw_headers, boolean()} | {preserve_chunked_encoding, boolean()} | {workaround, head_response_with_body} | {worker_process_options, list()} | {return_raw_request, true} | {max_attempts, integer()}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-stream_to">stream_to()</a> = <a href="#type-process">process()</a> | {<a href="#type-process">process()</a>, once}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-process">process()</a> = pid() | atom()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-username">username()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-password">password()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt>SSLOpt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>Sock_opts = [Sock_opt]</tt></li><li><tt>Sock_opt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>ChunkSize = integer()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-srtf">srtf()</a> = boolean() | <a href="#type-filename">filename()</a> | {append, <a href="#type-filename">filename()</a>}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-filename">filename()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-response_format">response_format()</a> = list | binary</tt></li></ul></p>
+<ul class="definitions"><li><tt><a name="type-optionList">optionList()</a> = [<a href="#type-option">option()</a>]</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-option">option()</a> = {max_sessions, integer()} | {response_format, <a href="#type-response_format">response_format()</a>} | {stream_full_chunks, boolean()} | {stream_chunk_size, integer()} | {max_pipeline_size, integer()} | {trace, boolean()} | {is_ssl, boolean()} | {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]} | {pool_name, atom()} | {proxy_host, string()} | {proxy_port, integer()} | {proxy_user, string()} | {proxy_password, string()} | {use_absolute_uri, boolean()} | {basic_auth, {<a href="#type-username">username()</a>, <a href="#type-password">password()</a>}} | {cookie, string()} | {content_length, integer()} | {content_type, string()} | {save_response_to_file, <a href="#type-srtf">srtf()</a>} | {stream_to, <a href="#type-stream_to">stream_to()</a>} | {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}} | {host_header, string()} | {inactivity_timeout, integer()} | {connect_timeout, integer()} | {socket_options, Sock_opts} | {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}} | {headers_as_is, boolean()} | {give_raw_headers, boolean()} | {preserve_chunked_encoding, boolean()} | {workaround, head_response_with_body} | {worker_process_options, list()} | {return_raw_request, true} | {max_attempts, integer()}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-stream_to">stream_to()</a> = <a href="#type-process">process()</a> | {<a href="#type-process">process()</a>, once}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-process">process()</a> = pid() | atom()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-username">username()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-password">password()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt>SSLOpt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>Sock_opts = [Sock_opt]</tt></li><li><tt>Sock_opt = term()</tt></li><li><tt>ChunkSize = integer()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-srtf">srtf()</a> = boolean() | <a href="#type-filename">filename()</a> | {append, <a href="#type-filename">filename()</a>}</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-filename">filename()</a> = string()</tt></li><li><tt><a name="type-response_format">response_format()</a> = list | binary</tt></li></ul></p>
 </div><p>Same as send_req/4.</p>
 <h3 class="function"><a name="send_req-6">send_req/6</a></h3>
diff --git a/src/ibrowse.erl b/src/ibrowse.erl
index b243f36..648c698 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse.erl
@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@
 %% optionList() = [option()]
 %% option() = {max_sessions, integer()}        |
 %%          {response_format,response_format()}|
+%%          {stream_full_chunks, boolean()}    |
 %%          {stream_chunk_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
diff --git a/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 7b060aa..867117c 100644
--- a/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/src/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
                   stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false,
                   caller_socket_options = [],
+                  stream_full_chunks = false,
                   save_response_to_file = false,
                   tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd, preserve_chunked_encoding,
@@ -909,6 +910,7 @@
                       options                = Options,
                       req_id                 = ReqId,
                       save_response_to_file  = SaveResponseToFile,
+                      stream_full_chunks     = get_value(stream_full_chunks, Options, false),
                       stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
                       response_format        = Resp_format,
                       from                   = From,
@@ -1451,22 +1453,41 @@
                   #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
                          chunk_size = CSz,
                          recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz,
-                         rep_buf_size = RepBufSz} = State) ->
+                         reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+                         rep_buf_size = RepBufSz,
+                         streamed_size = Streamed_size,
+                         cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
     NeedBytes = CSz - Recvd_csz,
     DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
     do_trace("Recvd more data: size: ~p. NeedBytes: ~p~n", [DataLen, NeedBytes]),
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
         true ->
             {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
-            do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~p~n", [RemChunk]),
-            do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
-            case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
-                {error, Reason} ->
-                    do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
-                    {error, Reason};
-                #state{} = State_1 ->
-                    State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
-                    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
+            case CurReq of
+                #request{stream_to = StreamTo, caller_controls_socket = false, req_id = ReqId, stream_full_chunks = true, response_format = Response_format} ->
+                    Chunk = <<RepBuf/binary, RemChunk/binary>>,
+                    do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~p~n", [Chunk]),
+                    do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
+                    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Chunk),
+                    State_1 = State#state{
+                                reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                rep_buf_size = RepBufSz + size(RemChunk),
+                                interim_reply_sent = true,
+                                streamed_size = Streamed_size + CSz,
+                                chunk_size = tbd,
+                                recvd_chunk_size = 0},
+                    parse_11_response(RemData, State_1);
+                _ ->
+                    do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~p~n", [RemChunk]),
+                    do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
+                    case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
+                        {error, Reason} ->
+                            do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
+                            {error, Reason};
+                        #state{} = State_1 ->
+                            State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
+                            parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
+                    end
         false ->
@@ -2065,11 +2086,16 @@
 get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
-    case lists:keysearch(stream_chunk_size, 1, Options) of
-        {value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
-            V;
+    case get_value(stream_full_chunks, Options, false) of
+        true ->
+            infinity;
         _ ->
+            case lists:keysearch(stream_chunk_size, 1, Options) of
+                {value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
+                    V;
+                _ ->
+                    ?DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE
+            end
 set_inac_timer(State) ->