Moved tests into separate folder. Added PropEr test of encoding. Moved more logic into backends to allow for more optimizations.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4a2adb1..7dd9884 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-	erl -pa deps/*/ebin ebin -noshell -run hyper perf_report -s init stop
\ No newline at end of file
+	erl -pa deps/*/ebin ebin -noshell -run hyper perf_report -s init stop
diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config
index 8c460c9..66e9137 100644
--- a/rebar.config
+++ b/rebar.config
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-{cover_enabled, true}.
+%% {cover_enabled, true}.
 {deps, [
         {basho_stats, "",
          {git, "", {branch, "master"}}},
         {bisect, "",
-         {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
+         {git, "", {branch, "master"}}},
+        {proper, "", {git,"", "master"}}
 %%        {erlang_murmurhash, "",
 %%         {git, "", {branch, "master"}}},
diff --git a/src/hyper.erl b/src/hyper.erl
index 2982473..dc770be 100644
--- a/src/hyper.erl
+++ b/src/hyper.erl
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
--export([new/1, new/2, insert/2, card/1, union/1, union/2, intersect_card/2]).
--export([to_json/1, from_json/1, from_json/2, compact/1]).
--export([perf_report/0, bytes/1]).
+-export([new/1, new/2, insert/2, insert_many/2]).
+-export([union/1, union/2]).
+-export([card/1, intersect_card/2]).
+-export([to_json/1, from_json/1, from_json/2, compact/1, bytes/1]).
 -type precision() :: 4..16.
 -type registers() :: any().
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 -export_type([filter/0, precision/0, registers/0]).
+%% Exported for testing
+-export([run_of_zeroes/1, perf_report/0]).
 %% API
@@ -43,18 +45,17 @@
     ZeroCount = run_of_zeroes(RegisterValue) + 1,
-    case Mod:get(Index, Registers) of
-        {ok, Small} when Small < ZeroCount ->
-            Hyper#hyper{registers = {Mod, Mod:set(Index, ZeroCount, Registers)}};
-        {ok, Large} when ZeroCount =< Large ->
-            Hyper;
-        undefined ->
-            Hyper#hyper{registers = {Mod, Mod:set(Index, ZeroCount, Registers)}}
-    end;
+    %% Registers are only allowed to increase, implement by backend
+    Hyper#hyper{registers = {Mod, Mod:set(Index, ZeroCount, Registers)}};
 insert(_Value, _Hyper) ->
+-spec insert_many([value()], filter()) -> filter().
+insert_many(L, Hyper) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun insert/2, Hyper, L).
 -spec union([filter()]) -> filter().
 union(Filters) when is_list(Filters) ->
@@ -199,208 +200,6 @@
-hyper_test_() ->
-    {foreach, fun () -> ok end, fun (_) -> ok end,
-     [
-      ?_test(basic_t()),
-      ?_test(serialization_t()),
-      ?_test(backend_t()),
-      ?_test(encoding_t()),
-      ?_test(register_sum_t()),
-      {timeout, 10, ?_test(error_range_t())},
-      ?_test(many_union_t()),
-      ?_test(union_t()),
-      ?_test(small_big_union_t()),
-      ?_test(intersect_card_t())
-     ]}.
-basic_t() ->
-    lists:foreach(fun (Mod) ->
-                     ?assertEqual(1, trunc(card(insert(<<"1">>, new(4, Mod)))))
-             end, [hyper_bisect, hyper_binary, hyper_gb, hyper_array]).
-serialization_t() ->
-    Mod = hyper_binary,
-    Hyper = compact(insert_many(generate_unique(10), new(5, Mod))),
-    {hyper_binary, L} = Hyper#hyper.registers,
-    {hyper_binary, R} = (compact(from_json(to_json(Hyper), Mod)))#hyper.registers,
-    ?assertEqual(trunc(card(Hyper)), trunc(card(from_json(to_json(Hyper), Mod)))),
-    ?assertEqual(Hyper#hyper.p, (from_json(to_json(Hyper), Mod))#hyper.p),
-    ?assertEqual(L, R).
-backend_t() ->
-    Values = generate_unique(15),
-    Gb     = compact(insert_many(Values, new(7, hyper_gb))),
-    Array  = compact(insert_many(Values, new(7, hyper_array))),
-    Bisect = compact(insert_many(Values, new(7, hyper_bisect))),
-    Binary = compact(insert_many(Values, new(7, hyper_binary))),
-    ?assertEqual(card(Gb), card(Array)),
-    ?assertEqual(card(Gb), card(Bisect)),
-    ?assertEqual(card(Gb), card(Binary)),
-    {hyper_gb    , GbRegisters}     = Gb#hyper.registers,
-    {hyper_array , ArrayRegisters}  = Array#hyper.registers,
-    {hyper_bisect, BisectRegisters} = Bisect#hyper.registers,
-    {hyper_binary, BinaryRegisters} = Binary#hyper.registers,
-    %% error_logger:info_msg("Gb:     ~p~nArray:  ~p~nBisect: ~p~nBinary: ~p~n",
-    %%                       [hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters),
-    %%                        hyper_array:encode_registers(ArrayRegisters),
-    %%                        hyper_bisect:encode_registers(BisectRegisters),
-    %%                        hyper_binary:encode_registers(BinaryRegisters)]),
-    ?assertEqual(hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters),
-                 hyper_array:encode_registers(ArrayRegisters)),
-    ?assertEqual(hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters),
-                 hyper_bisect:encode_registers(BisectRegisters)),
-    ?assertEqual(hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters),
-                 hyper_binary:encode_registers(BinaryRegisters)),
-    {_, {GbSerialized, _}} = (from_json(to_json(Array), hyper_gb))#hyper.registers,
-    ?assertEqual(gb_trees:to_list(element(1, GbRegisters)),
-                 gb_trees:to_list(GbSerialized)),
-    ?assertEqual(card(Gb), card(from_json(to_json(Array), hyper_gb))),
-    ?assertEqual(Array, from_json(to_json(Array), hyper_array)),
-    ?assertEqual(Array, from_json(to_json(Bisect), hyper_array)),
-    ?assertEqual(Bisect, from_json(to_json(Array), hyper_bisect)),
-    ?assertEqual(to_json(Gb), to_json(Array)),
-    ?assertEqual(to_json(Gb), to_json(Bisect)),
-    ?assertEqual(to_json(Gb), to_json(Binary)).
-encoding_t() ->
-    Hyper = insert_many(generate_unique(10), new(4)),
-    ?assertEqual(trunc(card(Hyper)), trunc(card(from_json(to_json(Hyper))))).
-register_sum_t() ->
-    Mods = [hyper_array, hyper_gb, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary],
-    P = 4,
-    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    SetRegisters = [1, 5, 10],
-    RegisterValue = 3,
-    ExpectedSum =
-        (math:pow(2, -0) * M)
-        - (math:pow(2, -0) * length(SetRegisters))
-        + (math:pow(2, -RegisterValue) * length(SetRegisters)),
-    [begin
-         Registers = lists:foldl(fun (I, Acc) ->
-                                         Mod:set(I, RegisterValue, Acc)
-                                 end, Mod:new(P), SetRegisters),
-         ?assertEqual({Mod, ExpectedSum}, {Mod, Mod:register_sum(Registers)})
-     end || Mod <- Mods].
-error_range_t() ->
-    Mods = [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary],
-    Run = fun (Cardinality, P, Mod) ->
-                  lists:foldl(fun (V, H) ->
-                                      insert(V, H)
-                              end, new(P, Mod), generate_unique(Cardinality))
-          end,
-    ExpectedError = 0.02,
-    P = 14,
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    [begin
-         Estimate = trunc(card(Run(Card, P, Mod))),
-         ?assert(abs(Estimate - Card) < Card * ExpectedError)
-     end || Card <- lists:seq(1000, 50000, 5000),
-            Mod <- Mods].
-many_union_t() ->
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    Card = 1000,
-    NumSets = 3,
-    Sets = [sets:from_list(generate_unique(Card)) || _ <- lists:seq(1, NumSets)],
-    Filters = lists:map(fun (S) ->
-                                insert_many(sets:to_list(S),
-                                            new(10, hyper_bisect))
-                        end, Sets),
-    ?assert(abs(sets:size(sets:union(Sets)) - card(union(Filters)))
-            < (Card * NumSets) * 0.1).
-union_t() ->
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    LeftDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(10000)),
-    RightDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(5000)
-                                   ++ lists:sublist(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct),
-                                                    5000)),
-    LeftHyper = insert_many(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct), new(13)),
-    RightHyper = insert_many(sets:to_list(RightDistinct), new(13)),
-    UnionHyper = union(LeftHyper, RightHyper),
-    Intersection = card(LeftHyper) + card(RightHyper) - card(UnionHyper),
-    ?assert(abs(card(UnionHyper) - sets:size(sets:union(LeftDistinct, RightDistinct)))
-            < 200),
-    ?assert(abs(Intersection - sets:size(
-                                 sets:intersection(LeftDistinct, RightDistinct)))
-            < 200).
-small_big_union_t() ->
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    SmallCard = 100,
-    BigCard   = 15000, % switches to dense at 10922 items
-    SmallSet = sets:from_list(generate_unique(SmallCard)),
-    BigSet   = sets:from_list(generate_unique(BigCard)),
-    SmallHyper = insert_many(sets:to_list(SmallSet), new(15, hyper_bisect)),
-    BigHyper   = insert_many(sets:to_list(BigSet), new(15, hyper_bisect)),
-    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {sparse, _, _, _}}, SmallHyper#hyper.registers),
-    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {dense, _}}, BigHyper#hyper.registers),
-    UnionHyper = union(SmallHyper, BigHyper),
-    TrueUnion = sets:size(sets:union(SmallSet, BigSet)),
-    ?assert(abs(card(UnionHyper) - TrueUnion) < TrueUnion * 0.01).
-intersect_card_t() ->
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    LeftDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(10000)),
-    RightDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(5000)
-                                   ++ lists:sublist(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct),
-                                                    5000)),
-    LeftHyper = insert_many(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct), new(13)),
-    RightHyper = insert_many(sets:to_list(RightDistinct), new(13)),
-    IntersectCard = intersect_card(LeftHyper, RightHyper),
-    ?assert(IntersectCard =< hyper:card(hyper:union(LeftHyper, RightHyper))),
-    %% NOTE: we can't really say much about the error here,
-    %% so just pick something and see if the intersection makes sense
-    Error = 0.05,
-    ?assert((abs(5000 - IntersectCard) / 5000) =< Error).
 %% report_wrapper_test_() ->
 %%     [{timeout, 600000000, ?_test(estimate_report())}].
@@ -472,8 +271,6 @@
     Int = random:uniform(100000000000000),
     random_bytes([<<Int:64/integer>> | Acc], N-1).
-insert_many(L, Hyper) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun insert/2, Hyper, L).
@@ -503,6 +300,7 @@
     R = [begin
+             M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
              InsertUs = Time(fun (Values, H) ->
                                      insert_many(Values, H)
@@ -520,13 +318,13 @@
              Filter = insert_many(generate_unique(Card), new(P, Mod)),
-             {Mod, Registers} = Filter#hyper.registers,
-             Fill = Mod:fold(fun (_, V, Acc) when V > 0 -> Acc+1;
-                                 (_, _, Acc) -> Acc
-                             end, 0, Registers),
-             Bytes = bytes(Filter),
-             {Mod, P, Card, Fill, Bytes,
+             {Mod, Registers} = Filter#hyper.registers,
+             Bytes = Mod:encode_registers(Registers),
+             Filled = lists:filter(fun (I) -> binary:at(Bytes, I) =/= 0 end,
+                                   lists:seq(0, M-1)),
+             {Mod, P, Card, length(Filled) / M, bytes(Filter),
               InsertUs / Card, UnionUs, CardUs, ToJsonUs}
          end || Mod  <- Mods,
@@ -548,7 +346,7 @@
     lists:foreach(fun ({Mod, P, Card, Fill, Bytes,
                         AvgInsertUs, AvgUnionUs, AvgCardUs, AvgToJsonUs}) ->
                           M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-                          Filled = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.2f", [Fill / M])),
+                          Filled = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.2f", [Fill])),
                           AvgInsertUsL = lists:flatten(
                                      io_lib:format("~.2f", [AvgInsertUs])),
diff --git a/src/hyper_array.erl b/src/hyper_array.erl
index f4469d7..de94f9e 100644
--- a/src/hyper_array.erl
+++ b/src/hyper_array.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--export([new/1, get/2, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
+-export([new/1, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
 -export([register_sum/1, zero_count/1, encode_registers/1, decode_registers/2, compact/1]).
@@ -7,30 +7,24 @@
     M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
     array:new([{size, M}, {fixed, true}, {default, 0}]).
-get(Index, A) ->
-    case array:get(Index, A) of
-        0 ->
-            undefined;
-        Value ->
-            {ok, Value}
-    end.
 set(Index, Value, A) ->
-    array:set(Index, Value, A).
+    case array:get(Index, A) of
+        R when R > Value ->
+            A;
+        _ ->
+            array:set(Index, Value, A)
+    end.
 fold(F, Acc, A) ->
     array:sparse_foldl(F, Acc, A).
 max_merge(Left, Right) ->
     fold(fun (Index, L, Registers) ->
-                 case get(Index, Registers) of
-                     {ok, R} when R < L ->
+                 case array:get(Index, Registers) of
+                     R when R < L ->
                          set(Index, L, Registers);
-                     {ok, _} ->
-                         Registers;
-                     undefined ->
-                         set(Index, L, Registers)
+                     _ ->
+                         Registers
          end, Right, Left).
diff --git a/src/hyper_binary.erl b/src/hyper_binary.erl
index 5155006..865ae12 100644
--- a/src/hyper_binary.erl
+++ b/src/hyper_binary.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
--export([new/1, get/2, set/3, fold/3, compact/1, max_merge/1, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
+-export([new/1, set/3, fold/3, compact/1, max_merge/1, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
 -export([register_sum/1, zero_count/1, encode_registers/1, decode_registers/2]).
@@ -17,31 +17,22 @@
     M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
     {dense, binary:copy(<<0>>, M), [], 0}.
 set(Index, Value, {dense, B, Tmp, TmpCount}) ->
-    NewTmp = orddict:store(Index, Value, Tmp),
-    case TmpCount < 50 of
-        true ->
-            {dense, B, NewTmp, TmpCount+1};
-        false ->
-            {dense, merge_tmp(B, NewTmp), [], 0}
+    case binary:at(B, Index) of
+        R when R < Value ->
+            case lists:keyfind(Index, 1, Tmp) of
+                {Index, TmpR} when TmpR > Value ->
+                    {dense, B, Tmp, TmpCount};
+                _ ->
+                    {dense, B, lists:keystore(Index, 1, Tmp, {Index, Value}), TmpCount+1}
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            {dense, B, Tmp, TmpCount}
-get(Index, {dense, B, Tmp, _TmpCount}) ->
-    case binary:at(B, Index) of
-        0 ->
-            case orddict:find(Index, Tmp) of
-                {ok, V} ->
-                    {ok, V};
-                error ->
-                    undefined
-            end;
-        V ->
-            {ok, V}
-    end.
 compact({dense, B, Tmp, _TmpCount}) ->
-    {dense, merge_tmp(B, Tmp), [], 0}.
+    {dense, merge_tmp(B, lists:sort(Tmp)), [], 0}.
 fold(F, Acc, {dense, B, Tmp, _}) ->
     do_fold(F, Acc, merge_tmp(B, Tmp)).
@@ -122,13 +113,23 @@
 merge_test() ->
-    Buffered = lists:foldl(fun (I, Acc) -> set(I, I, Acc) end,
-                           new(4), lists:seq(0, 15)),
-    Compact = compact(Buffered),
-    ?assertEqual(undefined, get(0, Compact)),
-    ?assertEqual({ok, 3}, get(3, Compact)),
-    ?assertEqual({ok, 15}, get(15, Compact)),
-    ?assertError(badarg, get(16, Compact)).
+    Tmp1 = [{1, 1},
+            {3, 3},
+            {9, 3},
+            {15, 15}],
+    Tmp2 = [{3, 5},
+            {9, 2},
+            {10, 5}],
+    {dense, NewB, [], 0} = new(4),
+    {dense, Compact, [], 0} = compact({dense, NewB, Tmp1, length(Tmp1)}),
+    {dense, Compact2, [], 0} = compact({dense, Compact, Tmp2, length(Tmp2)}),
+    ?assertEqual(<<0, 1, 0, 5,
+                   0, 0, 0, 0,
+                   0, 2, 5, 0,
+                   0, 0, 0, 15>>, Compact2).
 serialize_test() ->
     H = compact(lists:foldl(fun (I, Acc) -> set(I, I, Acc) end,
@@ -136,4 +137,3 @@
     {dense, B, _, _} = H,
     ?assertEqual(B, encode_registers(H)),
     ?assertEqual(H, decode_registers(encode_registers(H), 4)).
diff --git a/src/hyper_bisect.erl b/src/hyper_bisect.erl
index dd2f358..cbfbff2 100644
--- a/src/hyper_bisect.erl
+++ b/src/hyper_bisect.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
--export([new/1, get/2, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/1, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
+-export([new/1, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/1, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
 -export([register_sum/1, zero_count/1, encode_registers/1, decode_registers/2, compact/1]).
@@ -19,40 +19,32 @@
     {sparse, bisect:new(?KEY_SIZE div 8, ?VALUE_SIZE div 8), P, Threshold}.
-get(Index, {sparse, B, _, _}) ->
+set(Index, Value, {sparse, B, P, Threshold} = S) ->
     case bisect:find(B, <<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>) of
-        not_found ->
-            undefined;
-        <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>> ->
-            {ok, Value}
+        <<R:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>> when R > Value->
+            S;
+        _ ->
+            NewB = bisect:insert(B,
+                                 <<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>,
+                                 <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>),
+            case bisect:num_keys(NewB) < Threshold of
+                true ->
+                    {sparse, NewB, P, Threshold};
+                false ->
+                    {dense, bisect2dense(NewB, P)}
+            end
-get(Index, {dense, B}) ->
+set(Index, Value, {dense, B} = D) ->
     case binary:at(B, Index) of
-        0 ->
-            undefined;
-        V ->
-            {ok, V}
+        R when R > Value ->
+            D;
+        _ ->
+            <<Left:Index/binary, _:?VALUE_SIZE, Right/binary>> = B,
+            {dense, iolist_to_binary([Left, <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>, Right])}
-set(Index, Value, {sparse, B, P, Threshold}) ->
-    NewB = bisect:insert(B,
-                         <<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>,
-                         <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>),
-    case bisect:num_keys(NewB) < Threshold of
-        true ->
-            {sparse, NewB, P, Threshold};
-        false ->
-            {dense, bisect2dense(NewB, P)}
-    end;
-set(Index, Value, {dense, B}) ->
-    <<Left:Index/binary, _:?VALUE_SIZE, Right/binary>> = B,
-    {dense, iolist_to_binary([Left, <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>, Right])}.
 fold(F, Acc, {sparse, B, _, _}) ->
     InterfaceF = fun (<<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>,
@@ -235,8 +227,3 @@
                  0, 0, 0, 5>>,
     ?assertEqual(M, size(Expected)),
     ?assertEqual(Expected, Dense).
-set_dense_test() ->
-    P = 4,
-    B = set(2, 2, {dense, binary:copy(<<0>>, trunc(math:pow(2, P)))}),
-    ?assertEqual({ok, 2}, get(2, B)).
diff --git a/src/hyper_gb.erl b/src/hyper_gb.erl
index 6c1bcfd..e5627d9 100644
--- a/src/hyper_gb.erl
+++ b/src/hyper_gb.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--export([new/1, get/2, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
+-export([new/1, set/3, fold/3, max_merge/2, bytes/1]).
 -export([register_sum/1, zero_count/1, encode_registers/1, decode_registers/2, compact/1]).
@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@
 set(Index, Value, {T, M}) ->
-    {gb_trees:enter(Index, Value, T), M}.
+    case gb_trees:lookup(Index, T) of
+        {value, R} when R > Value->
+            {T, M};
+        _ ->
+            {gb_trees:enter(Index, Value, T), M}
+    end.
 max_merge(Small, Big) ->
     fold(fun (Index, L, Registers) ->
diff --git a/src/hyper_register.erl b/src/hyper_register.erl
index b0baa18..717a41e 100644
--- a/src/hyper_register.erl
+++ b/src/hyper_register.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 -callback new(P :: hyper:precision())                  -> hyper:registers().
--callback get(Index :: integer(), hyper:registers())   -> {ok, integer()} | undefined.
 -callback set(Index :: integer(), Value :: integer(),
               hyper:registers())                       -> hyper:registers().
 -callback max_merge(hyper:registers(), hyper:registers()) -> hyper:registers().
diff --git a/test/hyper_test.erl b/test/hyper_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f719e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hyper_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+-record(hyper, {p, registers}). % copy of #hyper in hyper.erl
+hyper_test_() ->
+    {foreach, fun () -> ok end, fun (_) -> ok end,
+     [
+      ?_test(basic_t()),
+      ?_test(serialization_t()),
+      {timeout, 30, ?_test(backend_t())},
+      ?_test(encoding_t()),
+      ?_test(register_sum_t()),
+      {timeout, 30, ?_test(error_range_t())},
+      ?_test(many_union_t()),
+      ?_test(union_t()),
+      ?_test(small_big_union_t()),
+      ?_test(intersect_card_t()),
+      {timeout, 600, fun () -> [] = proper:module(?MODULE) end}
+     ]}.
+basic_t() ->
+    [?assertEqual(1, trunc(
+                       hyper:card(
+                         hyper:insert(<<"1">>, hyper:new(4, Mod)))))
+     || Mod <- [hyper_bisect, hyper_binary, hyper_gb, hyper_array]].
+serialization_t() ->
+    Mod = hyper_binary,
+    Hyper = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(generate_unique(10), hyper:new(5, Mod))),
+    {hyper_binary, L} = Hyper#hyper.registers,
+    {hyper_binary, R} = (hyper:compact(
+                           hyper:from_json(
+                             hyper:to_json(Hyper), Mod)))#hyper.registers,
+    ?assertEqual(trunc(hyper:card(Hyper)),
+                 trunc(
+                   hyper:card(
+                     hyper:from_json(
+                       hyper:to_json(Hyper), Mod)))),
+    ?assertEqual(Hyper#hyper.p, (hyper:from_json(
+                                   hyper:to_json(Hyper), Mod))#hyper.p),
+    ?assertEqual(L, R).
+backend_t() ->
+    Values = generate_unique(1000000),
+    P = 9,
+    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
+    Gb     = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_gb))),
+    Array  = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_array))),
+    Bisect = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_bisect))),
+    Binary = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_binary))),
+    {hyper_gb    , GbRegisters}     = Gb#hyper.registers,
+    {hyper_array , ArrayRegisters}  = Array#hyper.registers,
+    {hyper_bisect, BisectRegisters} = Bisect#hyper.registers,
+    {hyper_binary, BinaryRegisters} = Binary#hyper.registers,
+    %% error_logger:info_msg("Gb:     ~p~nArray:  ~p~nBisect: ~p~nBinary: ~p~n",
+    %%                       [hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters),
+    %%                        hyper_array:encode_registers(ArrayRegisters),
+    %%                        hyper_bisect:encode_registers(BisectRegisters),
+    %%                        hyper_binary:encode_registers(BinaryRegisters)]),
+    ExpectedRegisters = lists:foldl(
+                          fun (Value, Registers) ->
+                                  Hash = crypto:hash(sha, Value),
+                                  <<Index:P, RegisterValue:P/bitstring,
+                                    _/bitstring>> = Hash,
+                                  ZeroCount = hyper:run_of_zeroes(RegisterValue)
+                                      + 1,
+                                  case orddict:find(Index, Registers) of
+                                      {ok, R} when R > ZeroCount ->
+                                          Registers;
+                                      _ ->
+                                          orddict:store(Index, ZeroCount, Registers)
+                                  end
+                          end, orddict:new(), Values),
+    ExpectedBytes = iolist_to_binary(
+                      [begin
+                           case orddict:find(I, ExpectedRegisters) of
+                               {ok, V} ->
+                                   <<V:8/integer>>;
+                               error ->
+                                   <<0>>
+                           end
+                       end || I <- lists:seq(0, M-1)]),
+    ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters)),
+    ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_array:encode_registers(ArrayRegisters)),
+    ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_bisect:encode_registers(BisectRegisters)),
+    ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_binary:encode_registers(BinaryRegisters)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb),
+                 hyper:card(hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_gb))),
+    ?assertEqual(Array, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_array)),
+    ?assertEqual(Array, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Bisect), hyper_array)),
+    ?assertEqual(Bisect, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_bisect)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Array)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Bisect)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Binary)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Array)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Bisect)),
+    ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Binary)).
+encoding_t() ->
+    Hyper = hyper:insert_many(generate_unique(10), hyper:new(4)),
+    ?assertEqual(trunc(hyper:card(Hyper)),
+                 trunc(hyper:card(hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Hyper))))).
+register_sum_t() ->
+    Mods = [hyper_array, hyper_gb, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary],
+    P = 4,
+    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
+    SetRegisters = [1, 5, 10],
+    RegisterValue = 3,
+    ExpectedSum =
+        (math:pow(2, -0) * M)
+        - (math:pow(2, -0) * length(SetRegisters))
+        + (math:pow(2, -RegisterValue) * length(SetRegisters)),
+    [begin
+         Registers = lists:foldl(fun (I, Acc) ->
+                                         Mod:set(I, RegisterValue, Acc)
+                                 end, Mod:new(P), SetRegisters),
+         ?assertEqual({Mod, ExpectedSum}, {Mod, Mod:register_sum(Registers)})
+     end || Mod <- Mods].
+error_range_t() ->
+    Mods = [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary],
+    Run = fun (Cardinality, P, Mod) ->
+                  lists:foldl(fun (V, H) ->
+                                      hyper:insert(V, H)
+                              end, hyper:new(P, Mod), generate_unique(Cardinality))
+          end,
+    ExpectedError = 0.02,
+    P = 14,
+    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
+    [begin
+         Estimate = trunc(hyper:card(Run(Card, P, Mod))),
+         ?assert(abs(Estimate - Card) < Card * ExpectedError)
+     end || Card <- lists:seq(1000, 50000, 5000),
+            Mod <- Mods].
+many_union_t() ->
+    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
+    Card = 1000,
+    NumSets = 3,
+    Sets = [sets:from_list(generate_unique(Card)) || _ <- lists:seq(1, NumSets)],
+    Filters = lists:map(fun (S) ->
+                                hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(S),
+                                                  hyper:new(10, hyper_bisect))
+                        end, Sets),
+    ?assert(abs(sets:size(sets:union(Sets)) - hyper:card(hyper:union(Filters)))
+            < (Card * NumSets) * 0.1).
+union_t() ->
+    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
+    LeftDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(10000)),
+    RightDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(5000)
+                                   ++ lists:sublist(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct),
+                                                    5000)),
+    LeftHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct), hyper:new(13)),
+    RightHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(RightDistinct), hyper:new(13)),
+    UnionHyper = hyper:union(LeftHyper, RightHyper),
+    Intersection = hyper:card(LeftHyper)
+        + hyper:card(RightHyper) - hyper:card(UnionHyper),
+    ?assert(abs(hyper:card(UnionHyper) -
+                    sets:size(sets:union(LeftDistinct, RightDistinct)))
+            < 200),
+    ?assert(abs(Intersection - sets:size(
+                                 sets:intersection(LeftDistinct, RightDistinct)))
+            < 200).
+small_big_union_t() ->
+    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
+    SmallCard = 100,
+    BigCard   = 15000, % switches to dense at 10922 items
+    SmallSet = sets:from_list(generate_unique(SmallCard)),
+    BigSet   = sets:from_list(generate_unique(BigCard)),
+    SmallHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(SmallSet),
+                                   hyper:new(15, hyper_bisect)),
+    BigHyper   = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(BigSet),
+                                   hyper:new(15, hyper_bisect)),
+    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {sparse, _, _, _}}, SmallHyper#hyper.registers),
+    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {dense, _}}, BigHyper#hyper.registers),
+    UnionHyper = hyper:union(SmallHyper, BigHyper),
+    TrueUnion = sets:size(sets:union(SmallSet, BigSet)),
+    ?assert(abs(hyper:card(UnionHyper) - TrueUnion) < TrueUnion * 0.01).
+intersect_card_t() ->
+    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
+    LeftDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(10000)),
+    RightDistinct = sets:from_list(generate_unique(5000)
+                                   ++ lists:sublist(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct),
+                                                    5000)),
+    LeftHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(LeftDistinct), hyper:new(13)),
+    RightHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(RightDistinct), hyper:new(13)),
+    IntersectCard = hyper:intersect_card(LeftHyper, RightHyper),
+    ?assert(IntersectCard =< hyper:card(hyper:union(LeftHyper, RightHyper))),
+    %% NOTE: we can't really say much about the error here,
+    %% so just pick something and see if the intersection makes sense
+    Error = 0.05,
+    ?assert((abs(5000 - IntersectCard) / 5000) =< Error).
+backends() ->
+    [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary].
+gen_values() ->
+    %% ?LET(S, oneof(lists:seq(1, 100000, 10)), generate_unique(S)).
+    ?SIZED(Size, generate_unique(Size*4)).
+expected_bytes(P, Values) ->
+    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
+    ExpectedRegisters = lists:foldl(
+                          fun (Value, Registers) ->
+                                  Hash = crypto:hash(sha, Value),
+                                  <<Index:P, RegisterValue:P/bitstring,
+                                    _/bitstring>> = Hash,
+                                  ZeroCount = hyper:run_of_zeroes(RegisterValue)
+                                      + 1,
+                                  case orddict:find(Index, Registers) of
+                                      {ok, R} when R > ZeroCount ->
+                                          Registers;
+                                      _ ->
+                                          orddict:store(Index, ZeroCount, Registers)
+                                  end
+                          end, orddict:new(), Values),
+    iolist_to_binary(
+      [begin
+           case orddict:find(I, ExpectedRegisters) of
+               {ok, V} ->
+                   <<V:8/integer>>;
+               error ->
+                   <<0>>
+           end
+       end || I <- lists:seq(0, M-1)]).
+prop_getset() ->
+    ?FORALL({Mod, P, Values}, {oneof(backends()), range(4, 16), gen_values()},
+            begin
+                L = lists:map(
+                      fun (Value) ->
+                              Hash = crypto:hash(sha, Value),
+                              <<Index:P, RegisterValue:P/bitstring,
+                                _/bitstring>> = Hash,
+                              ZeroCount = hyper:run_of_zeroes(RegisterValue)
+                                  + 1,
+                              {Index, ZeroCount}
+                      end, Values),
+                R = lists:foldl(
+                      fun ({Index, ZeroCount}, Register) ->
+                              Mod:set(Index, ZeroCount, Register)
+                      end, Mod:new(P), L),
+                case Mod:encode_registers(Mod:compact(R))
+                    =:= expected_bytes(P, Values) of
+                    true ->
+                        true;
+                    false ->
+                        error_logger:info_msg("values~n~pencoded~n~p~nexpected~n~p~n",
+                                              [L,
+                                               Mod:encode_registers(R),
+                                               expected_bytes(P, Values)]),
+                        false
+                end
+            end).
+generate_unique(N) ->
+    generate_unique(lists:usort(random_bytes(N)), N).
+generate_unique(L, N) ->
+    case length(L) of
+        N ->
+            L;
+        Less ->
+            generate_unique(lists:usort(random_bytes(N - Less) ++ L), N)
+    end.
+random_bytes(N) ->
+    random_bytes([], N).
+random_bytes(Acc, 0) -> Acc;
+random_bytes(Acc, N) ->
+    Int = random:uniform(100000000000000),
+    random_bytes([<<Int:64/integer>> | Acc], N-1).