Apache CouchDB Helm Chart

Clone this repo:
  1. d85bc67 feat(securityContext): Add the ability to set securityContext values (#135) by bryopsida · 4 months ago main couchdb-4.5.0
  2. 0dba8af Allow configuration of Pod Labels (#131) by Austin Porter · 6 months ago couchdb-4.4.5
  3. 7374af0 Added missing resources key, and rev'd version to 4.4.4 (#129) by Adam Schiavone · 9 months ago couchdb-4.4.4
  4. d76a5c7 add support for initContainer resources in statefulset (#128) by joshkwedar · 9 months ago couchdb-4.4.3
  5. d340b1e fix: convert float64s to integers (#127) by Will Holley · 10 months ago couchdb-4.4.2

CouchDB Helm Charts

This repository contains assets related to the CouchDB Helm chart.


  • couchdb: contains the unbundled Helm chart
  • test: containes scripts to test the chart locally using Kind


make test will run an integration test using Kind. This stands up a Kubernetes cluster locally and ensures the chart will deploy using the default options and Helm.

On GitHub, there is a GitHub Action to Lint and Test charts for each PR.


On merge to main, a new release is generated by the Chart Releaser GitHub action.

Feedback / Issues / Contributing

General feedback is welcome at our user or developer mailing lists.

Apache CouchDB has a CONTRIBUTING file with details on how to get started with issue reporting or contributing to the upkeep of this project. In short, use GitHub Issues, do not report anything to the Helm team.

The chart follows the technical guidelines / best practices maintained by the Helm team.