Factor out code generation functions
diff --git a/src/glc.erl b/src/glc.erl
index a444e7b..269adea 100644
--- a/src/glc.erl
+++ b/src/glc.erl
@@ -88,27 +88,17 @@
     qtree :: term()
--type syntaxTree() :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree().
+-spec lt(atom(), term()) -> glc_ops:op().
+lt(Key, Term) ->
+    glc_ops:lt(Key, Term).
--record(state, {
-    event = undefined :: syntaxTree(),
-    fields = [] :: [{atom(), syntaxTree()}],
-    fieldc = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
-    paramvars = [] :: [{term(), syntaxTree()}],
-    paramstab = undefined :: ets:tid()
+-spec eq(atom(), term()) -> glc_ops:op().
+eq(Key, Term) ->
+    glc_ops:eq(Key, Term).
--type nextFun() :: fun((#state{}) -> [syntaxTree()]).
--type q() :: tuple().
--spec lt(atom(), term()) -> q().
-lt(Key, Term) when is_atom(Key) -> {Key, '<', Term}.
--spec eq(atom(), term()) -> q().
-eq(Key, Term) when is_atom(Key) -> {Key, '=', Term}.
--spec gt(atom(), term()) -> q().
-gt(Key, Term) when is_atom(Key) -> {Key, '>', Term}.
+-spec gt(atom(), term()) -> glc_ops:op().
+gt(Key, Term) ->
+    glc_ops:gt(Key, Term).
 %% @doc Filter the input using multiple filters.
@@ -117,11 +107,10 @@
 %% in the list must hold for the input event. The list is expected to
 %% be a non-empty list. If the list of filters is an empty list a `badarg'
 %% error will be thrown.
--spec all([q()]) -> q().
-all([_|_]=Conds) ->
-    {all, Conds};
-all(Other) ->
-    erlang:error(badarg, [Other]).
+-spec all([glc_ops:op()]) -> glc_ops:op().
+all(Filters) ->
+    glc_ops:all(Filters).
 %% @doc Filter the input using one of multiple filters.
@@ -129,31 +118,40 @@
 %% in the list must hold for the input event. The list is expected to be
 %% a non-empty list. If the list of filters is an empty list a `badarg'
 %% error will be thrown.
--spec any([q()]) -> q().
-any([_|_]=Conds) ->
-    {any, Conds};
-any(Other) ->
-    erlang:error(badarg, [Other]).
+-spec any([glc_ops:op()]) -> glc_ops:op().
+any(Filters) ->
+    glc_ops:any(Filters).
 %% @doc Always return `true' or `false'.
--spec null(boolean()) -> q().
-null(Result) when is_boolean(Result) ->
-    {null, Result}.
+-spec null(boolean()) -> glc_ops:op().
+null(Result) ->
+    glc_ops:null(Result).
 %% @doc Apply a function to each output of a query.
 %% Updating the output action of a query finalizes it. Attempting
 %% to use a finalized query to construct a new query will result
 %% in a `badarg' error.
--spec with(q(), fun((gre:event()) -> term())) -> q().
-with(Query, Fun) when is_function(Fun, 1) ->
-    {with, Query, Fun}.
+-spec with(glc_ops:op(), fun((gre:event()) -> term())) -> glc_ops:op().
+with(Query, Action) ->
+    glc_ops:with(Query, Action).
 %% @doc Return a union of multiple queries.
--spec union([q()]) -> q().
+%% The union of multiple queries is the equivalent of executing multiple
+%% queries separately on the same input event. The advantage is that filter
+%% conditions that are common to all or some of the queries only need to
+%% be tested once.
+%% All queries are expected to be valid and have an output action other
+%% than the default which is `output'. If these expectations don't hold
+%% a `badarg' error will be thrown.
+-spec union([glc_ops:op()]) -> glc_ops:op().
 union(Queries) ->
-    {union, Queries}.
+    glc_ops:union(Queries).
 %% @doc Compile a query to a module.
@@ -164,10 +162,10 @@
 -spec compile(atom(), list()) -> {ok, atom()}.
 compile(Module, Query) ->
     {ok, ModuleData} = module_data(Query),
-    {ok, forms, Forms} = abstract_module(Module, ModuleData),
-    {ok, Module, Binary} = compile_forms(Forms, []),
-    {ok, loaded, Module} = load_binary(Module, Binary),
-    {ok, Module}.
+    case glc_code:compile(Module, ModuleData) of
+        {ok, Module} ->
+            {ok, Module}
+    end.
 %% @doc Handle an event using a compiled query.
@@ -206,6 +204,7 @@
     {ok, #module{'query'=Query, tables=Tables, qtree=Query2}}.
+%% @todo Move comment.
 %% @private Map a query to a simplified query tree term.
 %% The simplified query tree is used to combine multiple queries into one
@@ -228,324 +227,6 @@
 %% If an event must be selected based on the runtime state of an event handler
 %% this must be done in the body of the handler.
--type qcond() ::
-    {atom(), '<', term()} |
-    {atom(), '=', term()} |
-    {atom(), '>', term()} |
-    {any, [qcond()]} |
-    {all, [qcond()]}.
-%% abstract code geneation functions
-%% @private Generate an abstract dispatch module.
--spec abstract_module(atom(), #module{}) -> {ok, forms, list()}.
-abstract_module(Module, Data) ->
-    Forms = [erl_syntax:revert(E) || E <- abstract_module_(Module, Data)],
-    case lists:keyfind(errors, 1, erl_syntax_lib:analyze_forms(Forms)) of
-        false -> {ok, forms, Forms};
-        {_, []} -> {ok, forms, Forms};
-        {_, [_|_]}=Errors -> Errors
-    end.
-%% @private Generate an abstract dispatch module.
--spec abstract_module_(atom(), #module{}) -> [erl_syntax:syntaxTree()].
-abstract_module_(Module, #module{tables=Tables, qtree=Tree}=Data) ->
-    {_, ParamsTable} = lists:keyfind(params, 1, Tables),
-    AbstractMod = [
-     %% -module(Module)
-     erl_syntax:attribute(erl_syntax:atom(module), [erl_syntax:atom(Module)]),
-     %% -export([
-     erl_syntax:attribute(
-       erl_syntax:atom(export),
-       [erl_syntax:list([
-        %% info/1
-        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
-            erl_syntax:atom(info),
-            erl_syntax:integer(1)),
-        %% table/1
-        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
-            erl_syntax:atom(table),
-            erl_syntax:integer(1)),
-        %% handle/1
-        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
-            erl_syntax:atom(handle),
-            erl_syntax:integer(1))])]),
-     %% ]).
-     %% info(Name) -> Term.
-     erl_syntax:function(
-        erl_syntax:atom(info),
-        abstract_info(Data) ++
-        [erl_syntax:clause(
-            [erl_syntax:underscore()], none,
-                [abstract_apply(erlang, error, [erl_syntax:atom(badarg)])])]),
-     %% table(Name) -> ets:tid().
-     erl_syntax:function(
-        erl_syntax:atom(table),
-        abstract_tables(Tables) ++
-        [erl_syntax:clause(
-         [erl_syntax:underscore()], none,
-            [abstract_apply(erlang, error, [erl_syntax:atom(badarg)])])]),
-     %% handle(Event) - entry function
-     erl_syntax:function(
-       erl_syntax:atom(handle),
-       [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:variable("Event")], none,
-         [abstract_count(input),
-          erl_syntax:application(none,
-            erl_syntax:atom(handle_), [erl_syntax:variable("Event")])])]),
-     %% input_(Node, App, Pid, Tags, Values) - filter roots
-     erl_syntax:function(
-        erl_syntax:atom(handle_),
-        [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:variable("Event")], none,
-         abstract_filter(Tree, #state{
-            event=erl_syntax:variable("Event"),
-            paramstab=ParamsTable}))])
-    ],
-    %% Transform Term -> Key to Key -> Term
-    ParamsList = [{K, V} || {V, K} <- ets:tab2list(ParamsTable)],
-    ets:delete_all_objects(ParamsTable),
-    ets:insert(ParamsTable, ParamsList),
-    AbstractMod.
-%% @private Return the clauses of the table/1 function.
-abstract_tables(Tables) ->
-    [erl_syntax:clause(
-        [erl_syntax:abstract(K)], none,
-        [erl_syntax:abstract(V)])
-    || {K, V} <- Tables].
-%% @private Return the clauses of the info/1 function.
-abstract_info(#module{'query'=Query}) ->
-    [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:abstract(K)], none, V)
-        || {K, V} <- [
-        {'query', abstract_query(Query)},
-        {input, abstract_getcount(input)},
-        {filter, abstract_getcount(filter)},
-        {output, abstract_getcount(output)}
-    ]].
-%% @private Return the original query as an expression.
-abstract_query({with, _, _}) ->
-    [erl_syntax:abstract([])];
-abstract_query(Query) ->
-    [erl_syntax:abstract(Query)].
-%% @private Return a list of expressions to apply a filter.
-%% @todo Allow mulitple functions to be specified using `with/2'.
--spec abstract_filter(q(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_filter({with, Cond, Fun}, State) ->
-    abstract_filter_(Cond,
-        _OnMatch=fun(State2) ->
-            [abstract_count(output)] ++ abstract_with(Fun, State2) end,
-        _OnNomatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(filter)] end, State);
-abstract_filter(Cond, State) ->
-    abstract_filter_(Cond,
-        _OnMatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(output)] end,
-        _OnNomatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(filter)] end, State).
-%% @private Return a list of expressions to apply a filter.
-%% A filter expects two continuation functions which generates the expressions
-%% to apply when the filter matches or fails to match. The state passed to the
-%% functions will be contain all variable bindings to previously accessed
-%% fields and parameters.
--spec abstract_filter_(qcond(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
-        syntaxTree().
-abstract_filter_({null, true}, OnMatch, _OnNomatch, State) ->
-    OnMatch(State);
-abstract_filter_({null, false}, _OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    OnNomatch(State);
-abstract_filter_({Key, Op, Value}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State)
-        when Op =:= '>'; Op =:= '='; Op =:= '<' ->
-    Op2 = case Op of '=' -> '=:='; Op -> Op end,
-    abstract_opfilter(Key, Op2, Value, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State);
-abstract_filter_({'any', Conds}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    abstract_any(Conds, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State);
-abstract_filter_({'all', Conds}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    abstract_all(Conds, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State).
-%% @private Return a branch based on a built in operator.
--spec abstract_opfilter(atom(), atom(), term(), nextFun(),
-        nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_opfilter(Key, Opname, Value, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    abstract_getkey(Key,
-        _OnMatch=fun(#state{fields=Fields}=State2) ->
-            {_, Field} = lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Fields),
-            [erl_syntax:case_expr(
-                erl_syntax:application(
-                    erl_syntax:atom(erlang), erl_syntax:atom(Opname),
-                    [Field, erl_syntax:abstract(Value)]),
-                [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:atom(true)], none, 
-                    OnMatch(State2)),
-                 erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:atom(false)], none,
-                    OnNomatch(State2))])] end,
-        _OnNomatch=fun(State2) -> OnNomatch(State2) end, State).
-%% @private Generate an `all' filter.
-%% An `all' filter is evaluated by testing all conditions that must hold. If
-%% any of the conditions does not hold the evaluation is short circuted at that
-%% point. This means that the `OnNomatch' branch is executed once for each
-%% condition. The `OnMatch' branch is only executed once.
--spec abstract_all([qcond()], nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
-        [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_all([H|T], OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    abstract_filter_(H,
-        _OnMatch=fun(State2) -> abstract_all(T, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State2)
-            end, OnNomatch, State);
-abstract_all([], OnMatch, _OnNomatch, State) ->
-    OnMatch(State).
-%% @private
--spec abstract_any([qcond()], nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
-        [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_any([H|T], OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    abstract_filter_(H, OnMatch,
-        _OnNomatch=fun(State2) -> abstract_any(T, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State2)
-        end, State);
-abstract_any([], _OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
-    OnNomatch(State).
-%% @private
--spec abstract_with(fun((gre:event()) -> term()), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_with(Fun, State) when is_function(Fun, 1) ->
-    abstract_getparam(Fun, fun(#state{event=Event, paramvars=Params}) ->
-            {_, Fun2} = lists:keyfind(Fun, 1, Params),
-            [erl_syntax:application(none, Fun2, [Event])]
-        end, State).
-%% @private Bind the value of a field to a variable.
-%% If the value of a field has already been bound to a variable the previous
-%% binding is reused over re-accessing the value. The `OnMatch' function is
-%% expected to access the variable stored in the state record. The `OnNomatch'
-%% function must not attempt to access the variable.
--spec abstract_getkey(atom(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
-        [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_getkey(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, #state{fields=Fields}=State) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Fields) of
-        {Key, _Variable} -> OnMatch(State);
-        false -> abstract_getkey_(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State)
-    end.
--spec abstract_getkey_(atom(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
-        [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_getkey_(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, #state{
-        event=Event, fields=Fields}=State) ->
-    [erl_syntax:case_expr(
-        abstract_apply(gre, find, [erl_syntax:atom(Key), Event]),
-        [erl_syntax:clause([
-            erl_syntax:tuple([
-                erl_syntax:atom(true),
-                field_variable(Key)])], none,
-             OnMatch(State#state{
-                fields=[{Key, field_variable(Key)}|Fields]})),
-         erl_syntax:clause([
-            erl_syntax:atom(false)], none,
-            OnNomatch(State))
-        ]
-    )].
-%% @private Bind the value of a parameter to a variable.
-%% During code generation the parameter value is used as the identity of the
-%% parameter. At runtime a unique integer is used as the identity.
--spec abstract_getparam(term(), nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_getparam(Term, OnBound, #state{paramvars=Params}=State) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Term, 1, Params) of
-        {_, _Variable} -> OnBound(State);
-        %% parameter not bound to variable in this scope.
-        false -> abstract_getparam_(Term, OnBound, State)
-    end.
--spec abstract_getparam_(term(), nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_getparam_(Term, OnBound, #state{paramstab=Table,
-        paramvars=Params}=State) ->
-    Key = case ets:lookup(Table, Term) of
-        [{_, Key2}] ->
-            Key2;
-        [] ->
-            Key2 = ets:info(Table, size),
-            ets:insert(Table, {Term, Key2}),
-            Key2
-    end,
-    [erl_syntax:match_expr(
-        param_variable(Key),
-        abstract_apply(ets, lookup_element,
-            [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(params)]),
-             erl_syntax:abstract(Key),
-             erl_syntax:abstract(2)]))
-    ] ++ OnBound(State#state{paramvars=[{Term, param_variable(Key)}|Params]}).
-%% @private Generate a variable name for the value of a field.
-%% @todo Encode non-alphanumeric characters as integer values.
--spec field_variable(atom()) -> syntaxTree().
-field_variable(Key) ->
-    erl_syntax:variable("Field_" ++ atom_to_list(Key)).
-%% @private Generate a variable name for the value of a parameter.
--spec param_variable(integer()) -> syntaxTree().
-param_variable(Key) ->
-    erl_syntax:variable("Param_" ++ integer_to_list(Key)).
-%% @private Return an expression to increment a counter.
-%% @todo Pass state record. Only Generate code if `statistics' is enabled.
--spec abstract_count(atom()) -> syntaxTree().
-abstract_count(Counter) ->
-    abstract_apply(ets, update_counter,
-        [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(counters)]),
-         erl_syntax:abstract(Counter),
-         erl_syntax:abstract({2,1})]).
-%% @private Return an expression to get the value of a counter.
-%% @todo Pass state record. Only Generate code if `statistics' is enabled.
--spec abstract_getcount(atom()) -> [syntaxTree()].
-abstract_getcount(Counter) ->
-    [abstract_apply(ets, lookup_element,
-        [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(counters)]),
-         erl_syntax:abstract(Counter),
-         erl_syntax:abstract(2)])].
-%% abstract code util functions
-%% @private Compile an abstract module.
--spec compile_forms(term(), [term()]) -> {ok, atom(), binary()}.
-compile_forms(Forms, _Opts) ->
-    case compile:forms(Forms) of
-        {ok, Module, Binary} ->
-            {ok, Module, Binary};
-        {ok, Module, Binary, _Warnings} ->
-            {ok, Module, Binary};
-        Error ->
-            erlang:error({compile_forms, Error})
-    end.
-%% @private Load a module binary.
--spec load_binary(atom(), binary()) -> {ok, loaded, atom()}.
-load_binary(Module, Binary) ->
-    case code:load_binary(Module, "", Binary) of
-        {module, Module}  -> {ok, loaded, Module};
-        {error, Reason} -> exit({error_loading_module, Module, Reason})
-    end.
-%% @private Apply an exported function.
--spec abstract_apply(atom(), atom(), [syntaxTree()]) -> syntaxTree().
-abstract_apply(Module, Function, Arguments) ->
-    erl_syntax:application(
-        erl_syntax:atom(Module),
-        erl_syntax:atom(Function),
-        Arguments).
-%% @private Apply a module local function.
--spec abstract_apply(atom(), [syntaxTree()]) -> syntaxTree().
-abstract_apply(Function, Arguments) ->
-    erl_syntax:application(
-        erl_syntax:atom(Function),
-        Arguments).
@@ -671,9 +352,8 @@
     ?assertEqual(1, receive Msg -> Msg after 0 -> notcalled end),
-union_single_test() ->
-    {compiled, _Mod} = setup_query(testmod13,
-        glc:union([glc:eq(a, 1)])),
+union_error_test() ->
+    ?assertError(badarg, glc:union([glc:eq(a, 1)])),
diff --git a/src/glc_code.erl b/src/glc_code.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded9d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/glc_code.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+%% @doc Code generation functions.
+    compile/2
+-record(module, {
+    'query' :: term(),
+    tables :: [{atom(), ets:tid()}],
+    qtree :: term()
+-type syntaxTree() :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree().
+-record(state, {
+    event = undefined :: syntaxTree(),
+    fields = [] :: [{atom(), syntaxTree()}],
+    fieldc = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+    paramvars = [] :: [{term(), syntaxTree()}],
+    paramstab = undefined :: ets:tid()
+-type nextFun() :: fun((#state{}) -> [syntaxTree()]).
+compile(Module, ModuleData) ->
+    {ok, forms, Forms} = abstract_module(Module, ModuleData),
+    {ok, Module, Binary} = compile_forms(Forms, []),
+    {ok, loaded, Module} = load_binary(Module, Binary),
+    {ok, Module}.
+%% abstract code geneation functions
+%% @private Generate an abstract dispatch module.
+-spec abstract_module(atom(), #module{}) -> {ok, forms, list()}.
+abstract_module(Module, Data) ->
+    Forms = [erl_syntax:revert(E) || E <- abstract_module_(Module, Data)],
+    case lists:keyfind(errors, 1, erl_syntax_lib:analyze_forms(Forms)) of
+        false -> {ok, forms, Forms};
+        {_, []} -> {ok, forms, Forms};
+        {_, [_|_]}=Errors -> Errors
+    end.
+%% @private Generate an abstract dispatch module.
+-spec abstract_module_(atom(), #module{}) -> [erl_syntax:syntaxTree()].
+abstract_module_(Module, #module{tables=Tables, qtree=Tree}=Data) ->
+    {_, ParamsTable} = lists:keyfind(params, 1, Tables),
+    AbstractMod = [
+     %% -module(Module)
+     erl_syntax:attribute(erl_syntax:atom(module), [erl_syntax:atom(Module)]),
+     %% -export([
+     erl_syntax:attribute(
+       erl_syntax:atom(export),
+       [erl_syntax:list([
+        %% info/1
+        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
+            erl_syntax:atom(info),
+            erl_syntax:integer(1)),
+        %% table/1
+        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
+            erl_syntax:atom(table),
+            erl_syntax:integer(1)),
+        %% handle/1
+        erl_syntax:arity_qualifier(
+            erl_syntax:atom(handle),
+            erl_syntax:integer(1))])]),
+     %% ]).
+     %% info(Name) -> Term.
+     erl_syntax:function(
+        erl_syntax:atom(info),
+        abstract_info(Data) ++
+        [erl_syntax:clause(
+            [erl_syntax:underscore()], none,
+                [abstract_apply(erlang, error, [erl_syntax:atom(badarg)])])]),
+     %% table(Name) -> ets:tid().
+     erl_syntax:function(
+        erl_syntax:atom(table),
+        abstract_tables(Tables) ++
+        [erl_syntax:clause(
+         [erl_syntax:underscore()], none,
+            [abstract_apply(erlang, error, [erl_syntax:atom(badarg)])])]),
+     %% handle(Event) - entry function
+     erl_syntax:function(
+       erl_syntax:atom(handle),
+       [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:variable("Event")], none,
+         [abstract_count(input),
+          erl_syntax:application(none,
+            erl_syntax:atom(handle_), [erl_syntax:variable("Event")])])]),
+     %% input_(Node, App, Pid, Tags, Values) - filter roots
+     erl_syntax:function(
+        erl_syntax:atom(handle_),
+        [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:variable("Event")], none,
+         abstract_filter(Tree, #state{
+            event=erl_syntax:variable("Event"),
+            paramstab=ParamsTable}))])
+    ],
+    %% Transform Term -> Key to Key -> Term
+    ParamsList = [{K, V} || {V, K} <- ets:tab2list(ParamsTable)],
+    ets:delete_all_objects(ParamsTable),
+    ets:insert(ParamsTable, ParamsList),
+    AbstractMod.
+%% @private Return the clauses of the table/1 function.
+abstract_tables(Tables) ->
+    [erl_syntax:clause(
+        [erl_syntax:abstract(K)], none,
+        [erl_syntax:abstract(V)])
+    || {K, V} <- Tables].
+%% @private Return the clauses of the info/1 function.
+abstract_info(#module{'query'=Query}) ->
+    [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:abstract(K)], none, V)
+        || {K, V} <- [
+        {'query', abstract_query(Query)},
+        {input, abstract_getcount(input)},
+        {filter, abstract_getcount(filter)},
+        {output, abstract_getcount(output)}
+    ]].
+%% @private Return the original query as an expression.
+abstract_query({with, _, _}) ->
+    [erl_syntax:abstract([])];
+abstract_query(Query) ->
+    [erl_syntax:abstract(Query)].
+%% @private Return a list of expressions to apply a filter.
+%% @todo Allow mulitple functions to be specified using `with/2'.
+-spec abstract_filter(glc_ops:op(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_filter({with, Cond, Fun}, State) ->
+    abstract_filter_(Cond,
+        _OnMatch=fun(State2) ->
+            [abstract_count(output)] ++ abstract_with(Fun, State2) end,
+        _OnNomatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(filter)] end, State);
+abstract_filter(Cond, State) ->
+    abstract_filter_(Cond,
+        _OnMatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(output)] end,
+        _OnNomatch=fun(_State2) -> [abstract_count(filter)] end, State).
+%% @private Return a list of expressions to apply a filter.
+%% A filter expects two continuation functions which generates the expressions
+%% to apply when the filter matches or fails to match. The state passed to the
+%% functions will be contain all variable bindings to previously accessed
+%% fields and parameters.
+-spec abstract_filter_(glc_ops:op(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
+        syntaxTree().
+abstract_filter_({null, true}, OnMatch, _OnNomatch, State) ->
+    OnMatch(State);
+abstract_filter_({null, false}, _OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    OnNomatch(State);
+abstract_filter_({Key, Op, Value}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State)
+        when Op =:= '>'; Op =:= '='; Op =:= '<' ->
+    Op2 = case Op of '=' -> '=:='; Op -> Op end,
+    abstract_opfilter(Key, Op2, Value, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State);
+abstract_filter_({'any', Conds}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    abstract_any(Conds, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State);
+abstract_filter_({'all', Conds}, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    abstract_all(Conds, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State).
+%% @private Return a branch based on a built in operator.
+-spec abstract_opfilter(atom(), atom(), term(), nextFun(),
+        nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_opfilter(Key, Opname, Value, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    abstract_getkey(Key,
+        _OnMatch=fun(#state{}=State2) ->
+            [erl_syntax:case_expr(
+                erl_syntax:application(
+                    erl_syntax:atom(erlang), erl_syntax:atom(Opname), [
+                        erl_syntax:variable(field_variable(Key)),
+                        erl_syntax:abstract(Value)
+                ]),
+                [erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:atom(true)], none, 
+                    OnMatch(State2)),
+                 erl_syntax:clause([erl_syntax:atom(false)], none,
+                    OnNomatch(State2))])] end,
+        _OnNomatch=fun(State2) -> OnNomatch(State2) end, State).
+%% @private Generate an `all' filter.
+%% An `all' filter is evaluated by testing all conditions that must hold. If
+%% any of the conditions does not hold the evaluation is short circuted at that
+%% point. This means that the `OnNomatch' branch is executed once for each
+%% condition. The `OnMatch' branch is only executed once.
+-spec abstract_all([glc_ops:op()], nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
+        [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_all([H|T], OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    abstract_filter_(H,
+        _OnMatch=fun(State2) -> abstract_all(T, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State2)
+            end, OnNomatch, State);
+abstract_all([], OnMatch, _OnNomatch, State) ->
+    OnMatch(State).
+%% @private
+-spec abstract_any([glc_ops:op()], nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
+        [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_any([H|T], OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    abstract_filter_(H, OnMatch,
+        _OnNomatch=fun(State2) -> abstract_any(T, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State2)
+        end, State);
+abstract_any([], _OnMatch, OnNomatch, State) ->
+    OnNomatch(State).
+%% @private
+-spec abstract_with(fun((gre:event()) -> term()), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_with(Fun, State) when is_function(Fun, 1) ->
+    abstract_getparam(Fun, fun(#state{event=Event, paramvars=Params}) ->
+            {_, Fun2} = lists:keyfind(Fun, 1, Params),
+            [erl_syntax:application(none, Fun2, [Event])]
+        end, State).
+%% @private Bind the value of a field to a variable.
+%% If the value of a field has already been bound to a variable the previous
+%% binding is reused over re-accessing the value. The `OnMatch' function is
+%% expected to access the variable stored in the state record. The `OnNomatch'
+%% function must not attempt to access the variable.
+-spec abstract_getkey(atom(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
+        [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_getkey(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, #state{fields=Fields}=State) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Fields) of
+        {Key, _Variable} -> OnMatch(State);
+        false -> abstract_getkey_(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, State)
+    end.
+-spec abstract_getkey_(atom(), nextFun(), nextFun(), #state{}) ->
+        [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_getkey_(Key, OnMatch, OnNomatch, #state{
+        event=Event, fields=Fields}=State) ->
+    [erl_syntax:case_expr(
+        abstract_apply(gre, find, [erl_syntax:atom(Key), Event]),
+        [erl_syntax:clause([
+            erl_syntax:tuple([
+                erl_syntax:atom(true),
+                erl_syntax:variable(field_variable(Key))])], none,
+             OnMatch(State#state{
+                fields=[{Key, erl_syntax:variable(field_variable(Key))}
+                    |Fields]})),
+         erl_syntax:clause([
+            erl_syntax:atom(false)], none,
+            OnNomatch(State))
+        ]
+    )].
+%% @private Bind the value of a parameter to a variable.
+%% During code generation the parameter value is used as the identity of the
+%% parameter. At runtime a unique integer is used as the identity.
+-spec abstract_getparam(term(), nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_getparam(Term, OnBound, #state{paramvars=Params}=State) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(Term, 1, Params) of
+        {_, _Variable} -> OnBound(State);
+        %% parameter not bound to variable in this scope.
+        false -> abstract_getparam_(Term, OnBound, State)
+    end.
+-spec abstract_getparam_(term(), nextFun(), #state{}) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_getparam_(Term, OnBound, #state{paramstab=Table,
+        paramvars=Params}=State) ->
+    Key = case ets:lookup(Table, Term) of
+        [{_, Key2}] ->
+            Key2;
+        [] ->
+            Key2 = ets:info(Table, size),
+            ets:insert(Table, {Term, Key2}),
+            Key2
+    end,
+    [erl_syntax:match_expr(
+        param_variable(Key),
+        abstract_apply(ets, lookup_element,
+            [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(params)]),
+             erl_syntax:abstract(Key),
+             erl_syntax:abstract(2)]))
+    ] ++ OnBound(State#state{paramvars=[{Term, param_variable(Key)}|Params]}).
+%% @private Generate a variable name for the value of a field.
+-spec field_variable(atom()) -> string().
+field_variable(Key) ->
+    "Field_" ++ field_variable_(atom_to_list(Key)).
+%% @private Escape non-alphanumeric values.
+-spec field_variable_(string()) -> string().
+field_variable_([H|T]) when H >= $0, H =< $9 ->
+    [H|field_variable_(T)];
+field_variable_([H|T]) when H >= $A, H =< $Z ->
+    [H|field_variable_(T)];
+field_variable_([H|T]) when H >= $a, H =< $z ->
+    [H|field_variable_(T)];
+field_variable_([H|T]) ->
+    "_" ++ integer_to_list(H, 16) ++ "_" ++ field_variable_(T);
+field_variable_([]) ->
+    [].
+%% @private Generate a variable name for the value of a parameter.
+-spec param_variable(integer()) -> syntaxTree().
+param_variable(Key) ->
+    erl_syntax:variable("Param_" ++ integer_to_list(Key)).
+%% @private Generate a list of field variable names.
+%% Walk the query tree and generate a safe variable name string for each field
+%% that is accessed by the conditions in the query. Only allow alpha-numeric.
+%%-spec field_variables(glc_ops:op()) -> [{atom(), string()}].
+%%field_variables(Query) ->
+%%    lists:usort(field_variables_(Query)).
+%%-spec field_variables(glc_ops:op()) -> [{atom(), string()}].
+%%field_variables_({Key, '=', _Term}) ->
+%%    [{Key, field_variable(Key)}].
+%% @private Return an expression to increment a counter.
+%% @todo Pass state record. Only Generate code if `statistics' is enabled.
+-spec abstract_count(atom()) -> syntaxTree().
+abstract_count(Counter) ->
+    abstract_apply(ets, update_counter,
+        [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(counters)]),
+         erl_syntax:abstract(Counter),
+         erl_syntax:abstract({2,1})]).
+%% @private Return an expression to get the value of a counter.
+%% @todo Pass state record. Only Generate code if `statistics' is enabled.
+-spec abstract_getcount(atom()) -> [syntaxTree()].
+abstract_getcount(Counter) ->
+    [abstract_apply(ets, lookup_element,
+        [abstract_apply(table, [erl_syntax:atom(counters)]),
+         erl_syntax:abstract(Counter),
+         erl_syntax:abstract(2)])].
+%% abstract code util functions
+%% @private Compile an abstract module.
+-spec compile_forms(term(), [term()]) -> {ok, atom(), binary()}.
+compile_forms(Forms, _Opts) ->
+    case compile:forms(Forms) of
+        {ok, Module, Binary} ->
+            {ok, Module, Binary};
+        {ok, Module, Binary, _Warnings} ->
+            {ok, Module, Binary};
+        Error ->
+            erlang:error({compile_forms, Error})
+    end.
+%% @private Load a module binary.
+-spec load_binary(atom(), binary()) -> {ok, loaded, atom()}.
+load_binary(Module, Binary) ->
+    case code:load_binary(Module, "", Binary) of
+        {module, Module}  -> {ok, loaded, Module};
+        {error, Reason} -> exit({error_loading_module, Module, Reason})
+    end.
+%% @private Apply an exported function.
+-spec abstract_apply(atom(), atom(), [syntaxTree()]) -> syntaxTree().
+abstract_apply(Module, Function, Arguments) ->
+    erl_syntax:application(
+        erl_syntax:atom(Module),
+        erl_syntax:atom(Function),
+        Arguments).
+%% @private Apply a module local function.
+-spec abstract_apply(atom(), [syntaxTree()]) -> syntaxTree().
+abstract_apply(Function, Arguments) ->
+    erl_syntax:application(
+        erl_syntax:atom(Function),
+        Arguments).
diff --git a/src/glc_lib.erl b/src/glc_lib.erl
index 97b7786..014054b 100644
--- a/src/glc_lib.erl
+++ b/src/glc_lib.erl
@@ -16,9 +16,20 @@
-    reduce/1
+    reduce/1,
+    matches/2,
+    onoutput/1,
+    onoutput/2
 %% @doc Return a reduced version of a query.
 %% The purpose of this function is to ensure that a query filter
@@ -26,22 +37,65 @@
 %% from this function is functionally equivalent to the original.
 reduce(Query) ->
     repeat(Query, fun(Q0) ->
-        Q1 = flatten(Q0),
+        Q1 = repeat(Q0, fun flatten/1),
         Q2 = required(Q1),
-        Q3 = flatten(Q2),
+        Q3 = repeat(Q2, fun flatten/1),
         Q4 = common(Q3),
-        Q4
+        Q5 = repeat(Q4, fun flatten/1),
+        Q6 = constants(Q5),
+        Q6
+%% @doc Test if an event matches a query.
+%% This function is only intended to be used for testing purposes.
+matches({any, Conds}, Event) ->
+    lists:any(fun(Cond) -> matches(Cond, Event) end, Conds);
+matches({all, Conds}, Event) ->
+    lists:all(fun(Cond) -> matches(Cond, Event) end, Conds);
+matches({null, Const}, _Event) ->
+    Const;
+matches({Key, '<', Term}, Event) ->
+    case gre:find(Key, Event) of
+        {true, Term2} -> Term2 < Term;
+        false -> false
+    end;
+matches({Key, '=', Term}, Event) ->
+    case gre:find(Key, Event) of
+        {true, Term2} -> Term2 =:= Term;
+        false -> false
+    end;
+matches({Key, '>', Term}, Event) ->
+    case gre:find(Key, Event) of
+        {true, Term2} -> Term2 > Term;
+        false -> false
+    end.
 %% @private Repeatedly apply a function to a query.
-%% This is used for query transformation functions 
-%% applied multiple times 
+%% This is used for query transformation functions that must be applied
+%% multiple times to yield the simplest possible version of a query.
 repeat(Query, Fun) ->
     case Fun(Query) of
         Query -> Query;
         Query2 -> repeat(Query2, Fun)
+%% @doc Return the output action of a query.
+onoutput({_, '<', _}) ->
+    output;
+onoutput({_, '=', _}) ->
+    output;
+onoutput({_, '>', _}) ->
+    output;
+onoutput(Query) ->
+    erlang:error(badarg, [Query]).
+%% @doc Modify the output action of a query.
+onoutput(Action, Query) ->
+    erlang:error(badarg, [Action, Query]).
 %% @private Flatten a condition tree.
 flatten({all, [Cond]}) ->
@@ -54,29 +108,23 @@
 flatten({with, Cond, Action}) ->
     {with, flatten(Cond), Action};
 flatten(Other) ->
-    return_valid(Other).
+    valid(Other).
 %% @private Flatten and remove duplicate members of an "all" filter.
 flatten_all(Conds) ->
-    {all, lists:usort(flatten_all_(Conds))}.
-flatten_all_([{all, Conds}|T]) ->
-    Conds ++ flatten_all_(T);
-flatten_all_([H|T]) ->
-    [H|flatten_all_(T)];
-flatten_all_([]) ->
-    [].
+    {all, lists:usort(flatten_tag(all, Conds))}.
 %% @private Flatten and remove duplicate members of an "any" filter.
 flatten_any(Conds) ->
-    {any, lists:usort(flatten_any_(Conds))}.
+    {any, lists:usort(flatten_tag(any, Conds))}.
-flatten_any_([{any, Conds}|T]) ->
-    Conds ++ flatten_any_(T);
-flatten_any_([H|T]) ->
-    [H|flatten_any_(T)];
-flatten_any_([]) ->
+%% @private Common function for flattening "all" or "and" filters.
+flatten_tag(Tag, [{Tag, Conds}|T]) ->
+    Conds ++ flatten_tag(Tag, T);
+flatten_tag(Tag, [H|T]) ->
+    [H|flatten_tag(Tag, T)];
+flatten_tag(_Tag, []) ->
 %% @private Factor out required filters.
@@ -90,10 +138,10 @@
 required({any, [H|_]=Conds}) ->
     Init = ordsets:from_list(case H of {all, Init2} -> Init2; H -> [H] end),
     case required(Conds, Init) of
-        [] ->
+        nonefound ->
             Conds2 = [required(Cond) || Cond <- Conds],
             {any, Conds2};
-        [_|_]=Req ->
+        {found, Req} ->
             Conds2 = [required(deleteall(Cond, Req)) || Cond <- Conds],
             {all, [{all, Req}, {any, Conds2}]}
@@ -108,8 +156,10 @@
     erlang:error(badarg, [Cond, Acc]);
 required([H|T], Acc) ->
     required(T, ordsets:intersection(ordsets:from_list([H]), Acc));
-required([], Acc) ->
-    Acc.
+required([], [_|_]=Req) ->
+    {found, Req};
+required([], []) ->
+    nonefound.
 %% @private Factor our common filters.
@@ -147,8 +197,15 @@
 common_([], _Seen) ->
+%% @private Delete all occurances of constants.
+%% An "all" or "any" filter may be reduced to a constant outcome when all
+%% sub-filters has been factored out from the filter. In these cases the
+%% filter can be removed from the query.
+constants(Query) ->
+    delete(Query, {null, true}).
 %% @private Delete all occurances of a filter.
@@ -190,13 +247,9 @@
 %% @private Assert that a term is a valid filter.
 %% If the term is a valid filter. The original term will be returned.
 %% If the term is not a valid filter. A `badarg' error is thrown.
-return_valid(Term) ->
-    case is_valid(Term) of
-        true -> Term;
-        false ->
-            io:format(user, "~w~n", [Term]),
-            erlang:error(badarg, [Term])
-    end.
+valid(Term) ->
+    is_valid(Term) orelse erlang:error(badarg, [Term]),
+    Term.
@@ -288,4 +341,35 @@
             glc:any([glc:eq(a, 1),glc:eq(b,2)]), [glc:eq(a, 1)])
+default_is_output_test_() ->
+    [?_assertEqual(output, glc_lib:onoutput(glc:lt(a, 1))),
+     ?_assertEqual(output, glc_lib:onoutput(glc:eq(a, 1))),
+     ?_assertEqual(output, glc_lib:onoutput(glc:gt(a, 1)))
+    ].
+prop_reduce_returns() ->
+    ?FORALL(Query, glc_ops:op(),
+        returns(fun() -> glc_lib:reduce(Query) end)).
+reduce_returns_test() ->
+    ?assert(proper:quickcheck(prop_reduce_returns())).
+prop_matches_returns_boolean() ->
+    ?FORALL({Query, Event}, {glc_ops:op(), [{atom(), term()}]},
+        is_boolean(glc_lib:matches(Query, gre:make(Event, [list])))).
+matches_returns_boolean_test() ->
+    ?assert(proper:quickcheck(prop_matches_returns_boolean())).
+returns(Fun) ->
+    try Fun(),
+        true
+    catch _:_ ->
+        false
+    end.