resolve missing $ERL_TOP/release/win32/{bin,etc} & tweaks to
diff --git a/ b/
index 87dcd67..07ac081 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 * editors: vim

 * utils: file


-After install, run the cygwin shell, and set up a symlink to where you plan to install related binaries, build erlang, and couchdb. I am using `C:\relax` so:

+After install, set up a link to where you plan to install related binaries, build erlang, and couchdb. I am using `C:\relax` so:


-		mkdir

-		ln -s /cygdrive/c/relax /relax

+		mkdir c:\relax

+		junction.exe c:\cygwin\relax c:\relax


 ## Mozilla Build

 The mozilla build toolchain is needed solely for building our javascript engine.

@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 * download [wxwidgets_bits] from [WxWidgets website]( & unzip using cygwin into /relax/

 * the Erlang build expects to see wxWidgets in /opt/local/pgm/wxWidgets-2.8.11 by default


-        mkdir -p /opt/local/pgm/

-        ln -s /relax/wxMSW-2.8.11 /opt/local/pgm/wxWidgets-2.8.11

+        mkdir c:\cygwin\opt\local\pgm

+        junction c:\cygwin\opt\local\pgm\wxWidgets-2.8.11 c:\relax\wxMSW-2.8.11


 * Using a suitable editor (vi in the cygwin suite, or install [notepadplus_bits] for windows users) and

 * Edit `c:\relax\wxMSW-2.8.11\include\wx\msw\setup.h` to enable wxUSE\_GLCANVAS, wxUSE\_POSTSCRIPT and wxUSE\_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT

@@ -130,13 +130,16 @@

 * after installing VC++ 2008 Express, and most other Visual Studio solutions, `call "%vs90comntools%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" x86

 ` will automatically find the correct path, and set up our 32-bit build environment correctly, independently if you have installed on 32 or 64bit windows.

-* start a cygwin shell


+* in a cmd.exe shell


+        junction.exe %RELAX%\bin %GLAZIER%\bin

+        junction.exe %RELAX%\bits %GLAZIER%\bits

+        mkdir %RELAX%\release


+* in a cygwin sheel

         cd /relax

-        ln -s /cygdrive/d/glazier/bin bin

-	ln -s /cygdrive/d/glazier/bits bits

-	tar xzf /relax/bits/otp_src_R14A.tar.gz &

-	tar xzf /relax/bits/otp_src_R13B04.tar.gz &

+        tar xzf /relax/bits/otp_src_R14A.tar.gz &

+        tar xzf /relax/bits/otp_src_R13B04.tar.gz &


 * then run `d:\glazier\bin\relax.cmd`


@@ -160,10 +163,9 @@
 		./otp_build boot -a

 		./otp_build release -a

 		./otp_build installer_win32

-		# to setup erlang to run from this new source build immediately run:

-		## and not ./release/win32/Install.exe -s

-		./otp_build local_setup


+		# we need to set up erlang to run from this new source build to build CouchDB

+		echo -e \\n|./release/win32/Install.exe


 [erlang on github](


 or using the relax tools:

@@ -216,15 +218,16 @@
 to c:\relax\inno5 & ensure its in the path


 ## LibCURL



+        cd /relax && tar xf /relax/bits/curl-7*

         set OPENSSL_PATH=c:\openssl

         set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\include\openssl;

         set LIBPATH=%LIBPATH%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

         set LIB=%LIB%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;


         pushd c:\relax\curl-7*

-	vcbuild /upgrade lib\libcurl.vcproj

-        vcbuild /useenv /rebuild /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj "Release|Win32"

+        vcbuild /useenv /upgrade /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj

+        vcbuild /useenv /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj "Release|Win32"

         xcopy lib\Release\libcurl.lib lib\ /y /f



diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 752e7f0..5593441 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 ./otp_build boot -a  | tee $ERL_TOP/build_boot.txt
+echo DONE. | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_boot.txt
 ./otp_build release -a | tee $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
+echo DONE. | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
+echo -e \\n|./release/win32/Install.exe  | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
+echo DONE. | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
 ./otp_build installer_win32 | tee $ERL_TOP/build_installer_win32.txt
 mv --force $ERL_TOP/release/win32/otp_win32_R*.exe /relax/release/ | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_installer_win32.txt
diff --git a/bin/glaze.cmd b/bin/glaze.cmd
index 46bcb41..06d7a16 100755
--- a/bin/glaze.cmd
+++ b/bin/glaze.cmd
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 @echo off

-echo Build CouchDB under Windows - Time to Relax v0.4


-:: find our source tree from one level up from current bin

-set GLAZIER=%~dp0..


+echo Build CouchDB under Windows - Time to Relax v0.5


 :: install stuff to C:\relax unless otherwise requested

 if "%RELAX%" == "" set RELAX=C:\relax


+:: find our source tree from one level up from current bin

+set GLAZIER=%~dp0..



 :: set these paths into the user environment for future usage



@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@

 :: md5 checksums

 echo START	md5 checksums...

-%GLAZIER%\bin\md5sum.exe --check md5sums.txt || echo FAILED: please check any missing or failed files && goto eof

+md5sum.exe --check md5sums.txt || echo FAILED: please check any missing or failed files && goto eof

 echo DONE	md5 checksums


 :: unpack stuff

 echo START	unpacking tools in [%RELAX%]...

 mkdir %RELAX%\release > NUL: 2>&1

+junction.exe -accepteula > NUL: 2>&1

 pushd %RELAX%


 :: 7zip is used for unpacking the ISO images

@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
 :: unpack the ISOs into %RELAX%\ISOs\{name}

 echo START	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs] ...

 mkdir %RELAX%\ISOs > NUL: 2>&1

-%RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\*.iso -aos -o%RELAX%\ISOs\*

+7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\*.iso -aos -o%RELAX%\ISOs\*

 echo DONE	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs]


 :: start installing stuff

@@ -53,10 +54,13 @@

 echo START	installing Windows 7 SDK...

 :: if we merge the 32 and 64 bit SDK folders first, Windows installs the right one

+:: automatically whether we are on 64 or 32 bit platform

 pushd %RELAX%\ISOs\

-xcopy GRMSDKX_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y

+rd /s/q Win7SDK > NUL: 2>&1


 xcopy GRMSDK_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y

-win7sdk\setup.exe /q

+rd /s/q GRMSDK_EN_DVD 

+start /wait win7sdk\setup.exe /q


 echo DONE	installing Windows 7 SDK


@@ -68,6 +72,9 @@
 :: direct connection

 :: http uidaho

 :: defaults + all DEVEL + utils/file

+junction.exe c:\cygwin\bin %GLAZIER%\bin

+junction.exe c:\cygwin\bits %GLAZIER%\bits

+mkdir c:\cygwin\release

 echo END	installing cygwin


 echo START	installing latest mozilla build tools...

@@ -79,9 +86,12 @@
 :unpack source

 echo START	install wxWidgets...

 start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\wxMSW* -aos -o%RELAX%\

+mkdir c:\cygwin\opt\local\pgm

+junction.exe c:\cygwin\opt\local\pgm\wxWidgets-2.8.11 c:\relax\wxMSW-2.8.11

 echo DONE	install wxWidgets

 ::TODO tweak .h files



 echo START	install ICU...

 start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\icu* -aos -o%RELAX%\

 echo DONE	install ICU

@@ -91,23 +101,11 @@
 xcopy %GLAZIER%\bits\vcredist_x86.exe %RELAX%\ /y /f

 echo DONE	install vcredist


-:tools install

-echo START	junction points...

-%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe -accepteula > NUL: 2>&1


-:: TODO we want to get an env var set by VS2008 install but it  doesn't exist

-:: TODO until this cmd.exe dies and a new one starts up ... bugger

-:: set up junction point to make finding stuff simpler

-:: the sysinternals tool works on all platforms incl XP & later

-::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\vs90" "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\.."

-::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\SDKs" "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows"

-:: so we move these into relax.cmd when the var is available after :eof reboot

-echo END	making junction points


 echo START	install win32 OpenSSL...

 start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe /silent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes /dir=c:\openssl

 :: TODO fails on XP and 2003 but may not be needed ... or use sysinternals junction.exe or some other tool, or try with symlink only in cygwin

-%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe %RELAX%\openssl c:\openssl

+junction.exe %RELAX%\openssl c:\openssl

 echo DONE	install win32 OpenSSL



diff --git a/bin/relax.cmd b/bin/relax.cmd
index df1c435..a1a007c 100644
--- a/bin/relax.cmd
+++ b/bin/relax.cmd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 :: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\mc.exes

 :: etc


-set CYGWIN=nontsec

+set CYGWIN=nontsec nodosfilewarning

 set DIRCMD=/ogen /p

 ::set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_01

 mkdir c:\tmp > NUL: 2>&1

@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@

 :: get the VC9 path components set up

 :: this should work where-ever VC9 is installed

+:: but first clear out crud in current path


 call "%vs90comntools%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" x86


 :: now we can set up new paths as junction points

diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 0df3c56..ecdb854 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
+# first change to $RELAX as if erlang tar.gz are not extracted the latter will fail
+cd $RELAX
 cd $ERL_TOP
 # this shouldn't change anything really
 ### eval `./otp_build env_win32`