now finds seamonkey/js correctly in /relax/...
diff --git a/ b/
index 6ce51b2..46be135 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -201,28 +201,28 @@
 to c:\relax\inno5 & ensure its in the path


 ## LibCURL

-* you need to have libcurl.lib in the ./configure path (CURL_LIBS="$withval/lib/libcurl")

-* most downloadable libcurls have sasl or other unwanted libs

-* we need this for couch_js.exe to function

-* and for curl for enduser testing

-* untar


-#		set OPENSSL_PATH=%systemdrive%\openssl

-#		set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\include\openssl;


-#		set LIB=%LIB%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

-#		nmake vc-ssl

-#		couldn't get this to work so instead i built curl/vc6curl.sln

-#		check curl.exe & see what libs it needs - these should be openssl only

-#		check that /src/curl-7.21.1/lib/libcurl.lib exists

-pushd %RELAX%\curl-7*

-vcbuild /upgrade lib\libcurl.vcproj

-vcbuild /useenv /rebuild /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj "Release|Win32"

-xcopy lib\Release\libcurl.lib lib\ /y /f


+        pushd c:\relax\curl-7*

+        vcbuild /upgrade lib\libcurl.vcproj

+        vcbuild /useenv /rebuild /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj "Release|Win32"

+        xcopy lib\Release\libcurl.lib lib\ /y /f

+	popd


+TODO maybe none of this section is needed now


+        you need to have libcurl.lib in the ./configure path (CURL_LIBS="$withval/lib/libcurl")

+        set OPENSSL_PATH=%systemdrive%\openssl

+        set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\include\openssl;

+        set LIBPATH=%LIBPATH%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

+        set LIB=%LIB%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

+        nmake vc-ssl

+        couldn't get this to work so instead i built curl/vc6curl.sln

+        check curl.exe & see what libs it needs - these should be openssl only

+        check that /src/curl-7.21.1/lib/libcurl.lib exists


 ## OpenSSL


-* already installed into C:/OpenSSL/ for compilation

+* already installed into C:/OpenSSL/ no further steps required


 ## ICU

 * binaries from

@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@
         --with-win32-curl=/relax/curl-7.21.1 \

         --with-openssl-bin-dir=/relax/openssl/bin \

         --with-msvc-redist-dir=/relax \

-        --with-js-lib=/src/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/lib \

-        --with-js-include=/src/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/include/js

+        --with-js-lib=/relax/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/lib \

+        --with-js-include=/relax/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/include/js



 [curl] -> win32-openssl [curl_bits]

@@ -283,7 +283,6 @@
 * a fix for [SEHOP] security feature causing cygwin & similar unix shell emulations to dump core


         regedit d:\glazier\bundles\disable_sehop_kb956607.reg

-        net user administrator couchdb1.0.0

         net user couchdb 1dot0 /add

         net localgroup administrators couchdb /add


@@ -293,7 +292,6 @@

 * restart now


-* administrator passwd is _couchdb1.0.0_

 * lgoon as _couchdb_ with passwd _couchdb1dot0_

 * import console_hkcu.reg

 * import