fixes after running on AWS testbed
diff --git a/ b/
index 74753e2..6ce51b2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -173,40 +173,32 @@

 ## Javascript


-### SpiderMonkey

-useful links




+The Javascript engine used by CouchDB is built from Seamonkey, using the mozilla build toolkit.


-* pre-reqs

-* install the windows 7 SDK

-* install VS2008 Express

-* SpiderMonkey is a red herring you need mozilla seamonkey instead unless you can build spidermonkey > 1.8.x from source which I can't

-* instead, download SeaMonkey 2.0.6 source and use this to build javascript

-* install the moz build system from here

-* get [mozbuild]

-* there are a few junction.exe reqd - d:/mozilla-build to c:/mozilla-build

-* get [seamonkey_bits] and unpack into c:\src\seamonkey\comm-1.9.1\mozilla\js\src

+* get [seamonkey_bits]

 * run c:\mozilla-build\start-msvc9.bat


-		cd /c/src/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src

-		autoconf-2.13

-		./configure

-		make


+        cd /c/relax && mkdir seamonkey-2.0.6

+        cd seamonkey-2.0.6

+        tar xjf /d/glazier/bits/seamonkey-2.0.6.source.tar.bz2

+        cd /c/relax/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src

+        autoconf-2.13

+        ./configure

+        make


 * to install from -current do:

-		cd /d/src/seamonkey-current

-		hg clone

-		cd mozilla-central/ .... /js/src

-		autoconf-2.13

-		./configure

-		make 

+        cd /c/relax && mkdir seamonkey-current

+        cd seamonkey-current

+        hg clone

+        cd mozilla-central/......./comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src

+        autoconf-2.13

+        ./configure

+        make 


 ## Inno Installer


 download and install ispack-5.3.10-unicode.exe, including all additional components

-to c:\src\inno5 & ensure its in the path

+to c:\relax\inno5 & ensure its in the path


 ## LibCURL

 * you need to have libcurl.lib in the ./configure path (CURL_LIBS="$withval/lib/libcurl")

@@ -215,50 +207,51 @@
 * and for curl for enduser testing

 * untar


-		set OPENSSL_PATH=d:\src\openssl

-		set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\include\openssl;


-		set LIB=%LIB%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

-		nmake vc-ssl

-		couldn't get this to work so instead i built curl/vc6curl.sln

-		check curl.exe & see what libs it needs - these should be openssl only

-		check that /src/curl-7.21.1/lib/libcurl.lib exists

+#		set OPENSSL_PATH=%systemdrive%\openssl

+#		set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\include\openssl;


+#		set LIB=%LIB%;%OPENSSL_PATH%\lib;

+#		nmake vc-ssl

+#		couldn't get this to work so instead i built curl/vc6curl.sln

+#		check curl.exe & see what libs it needs - these should be openssl only

+#		check that /src/curl-7.21.1/lib/libcurl.lib exists

+pushd %RELAX%\curl-7*

+vcbuild /upgrade lib\libcurl.vcproj

+vcbuild /useenv /rebuild /platform:Win32 lib\libcurl.vcproj "Release|Win32"

+xcopy lib\Release\libcurl.lib lib\ /y /f


 ## OpenSSL


 * already installed into C:/OpenSSL/ for compilation

-		ln -s /cygdrive/c/OpenSSL /src/openssl


 ## ICU

 * binaries from



-		cd src

-		unzip

+		cd c:\relax

+		7z x d:\glazier\bits\


 ## Make & Build

-	    ./configure \

-		--with-js-include=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey \

-		--with-js-lib=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey_lib \

-		--with-win32-icu-binaries=/cygdrive/c/path_to_icu_binaries_root \

-		--with-erlang=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/usr/include \

-		--with-win32-curl=/cygdrive/c/path/to/curl/root/directory \

-		--with-openssl-bin-dir=/cygdrive/c/openssl/bin \

-		--with-msvc-redist-dir=/cygdrive/c/dir/with/vcredist_platform_executable \

-		--prefix=$ERL_TOP/release/win32

+        ./configure \

+        --with-js-include=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey \

+        --with-js-lib=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey_lib \

+        --with-win32-icu-binaries=/cygdrive/c/path_to_icu_binaries_root \

+        --with-erlang=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/usr/include \

+        --with-win32-curl=/cygdrive/c/path/to/curl/root/directory \

+        --with-openssl-bin-dir=/cygdrive/c/openssl/bin \

+        --with-msvc-redist-dir=/cygdrive/c/dir/with/vcredist_platform_executable \

+        --prefix=$ERL_TOP/release/win32


 ## using seamonkey 2.0.6


-		./configure \

-		--prefix=$ERL_TOP/release/win32 \

-		--with-win32-icu-binaries=/src/icu \

-		--with-erlang=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/usr/include \

-		--with-win32-curl=/src/curl-7.19.5 \

-		--with-openssl-bin-dir=/src/openssl/bin \

-		--with-msvc-redist-dir=/src/vcredist \

-		--with-js-lib=/src/mozilla/js/src \

-		--with-js-include=/src/mozilla/js/src/dist/include/js



+        ./configure \

+        --prefix=$ERL_TOP/release/win32 \

+        --with-erlang=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/usr/include \

+        --with-win32-icu-binaries=/relax/icu \

+        --with-win32-curl=/relax/curl-7.21.1 \

+        --with-openssl-bin-dir=/relax/openssl/bin \

+        --with-msvc-redist-dir=/relax \

+        --with-js-lib=/src/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/lib \

+        --with-js-include=/src/seamonkey-2.0.6/comm-1.9.1/mozilla/js/src/dist/include/js



 [curl] -> win32-openssl [curl_bits]

diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index c951516..4e4fd01 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 ./otp_build boot -a  | tee $ERL_TOP/build_boot.txt
 ./otp_build release -a | tee $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
-./release/win32/Install.exe | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
+####### this seems to screw something up 
+#./release/win32/Install.exe | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_release.txt
 ./otp_build installer_win32 | tee $ERL_TOP/build_installer_win32.txt
 mv --force $ERL_TOP/release/win32/otp_win32_R*.exe /relax/built/ | tee -a $ERL_TOP/build_installer_win32.txt
diff --git a/bin/glaze.cmd b/bin/glaze.cmd
index 47a9d43..d962b56 100755
--- a/bin/glaze.cmd
+++ b/bin/glaze.cmd
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
-@echo off
-echo Build CouchDB under Windows - Time to Relax v0.3
-:: find our source tree from one level up from current bin
-set GLAZIER=%~dp0..
-:: install stuff to %systemdrive%\relax which is usually C:\relax unless otherwise requested
-if "%RELAX%" == "" set RELAX=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\relax
-:: set these paths into the user environment for future usage
-echo START	retrieving packages...
-pushd %GLAZIER%\bits
-call get_bits.cmd tools
-call get_bits.cmd compilers
-call get_bits.cmd source
-echo DONE	retrieving packages
-:: md5 checksums
-echo START	md5 checksums...
-::TODO md5sum --check md5sums.txt || echo FAILED: please check any missing or failed files && goto :eof
-echo DONE	md5 checksums
-:: unpack stuff
-echo START	unpacking tools in [%RELAX%]...
-mkdir %RELAX% > NUL: 2>&1
-pushd %RELAX%
-:: 7zip is used for unpacking the ISO images
-echo START	installing 7zip...
-%GLAZIER%\bits\7z465.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\7zip
-echo DONE	installing 7zip
-:: unpack the ISOs into %RELAX%\ISOs\{name}
-echo START	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs] ...
-mkdir %RELAX%\ISOs > NUL: 2>&1
-%RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\*.iso -aos -o%RELAX%\ISOs\*
-echo DONE	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs]
-:: start installing stuff
-echo START	installing compilers...
-echo START	MS VS2008 Express...
-:: TODO remove hackage that prevents installing MSSQL burning CPU and space
-pushd %RELAX%\ISOs\VS2008ExpressWithSP1ENUX1504728\VCExpress\WCU\
-rd /s/q dist > NUL: 2>&1
-mkdir dist
-for %%i in (dotNetFramework Silverlight SMO SSE) do @move %i dist\
-cd .. && start /wait setup.exe /q /norestart
-echo DONE	MS VS2008 Express
-echo START	installing Windows 7 SDK...
-:: if we merge the 32 and 64 bit SDK folders first, Windows installs the right one
-pushd %RELAX%\ISOs\
-xcopy GRMSDKX_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y
-xcopy GRMSDK_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y
-win7sdk\setup.exe /q
-echo DONE	installing Windows 7 SDK
-echo START	installing cygwin...
-:: c:\cygwin
-:: all users
-:: store bits in d:\glazier\bits\
-:: direct connection
-:: http uidaho
-:: defaults + all DEVEL + utils/file
-echo END	installing cygwin
-echo START	installing latest mozilla build tools...
-start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\mozillaBuildSetup-Latest.exe /S
-echo DONE	installing mozilla build tools
-echo DONE	unpacking tools in [%RELAX%]
-:unpack source
-echo START	install wxWidgets...
-start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\wxMSW* -aos -o%RELAX%\
-echo DONE	install wxWidgets
-::TODO tweak .h files
-echo START	install ICU...
-start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\icu* -aos -o%RELAX%\
-echo DONE	install ICU
-echo START	install vcredist...
-xcopy %GLAZIER%\bits\vcredist_x86.exe DEST%\ /y /f
-echo DONE	install vcredist
-:tools install
-echo START	junction points...
-%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe /accepteula
-:: TODO we want to get an env var set by VS2008 install but it  doesn't exist
-:: TODO until this cmd.exe dies and a new one starts up ... bugger
-:: set up junction point to make finding stuff simpler
-:: the sysinternals tool works on all platforms incl XP & later
-::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\vs90" "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\.."
-::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\SDKs" "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows"
-:: so we move these into relax.cmd when the var is available after :eof reboot
-echo END	making junction points
-echo START	install win32 OpenSSL...
-start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe /silent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes /dir=%systemdrive%\openssl
-:: TODO fails on XP and 2003 but may not be needed ... or use sysinternals junction.exe or some other tool, or try with symlink only in cygwin
-%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe %RELAX%\openssl %systemdrive%\openssl
-echo DONE	install win32 OpenSSL
-echo START	install NSIS...
-start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\nsis-2.46-setup.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\nsis
-echo DONE	install NSIS
-echo START	install Inno...
-start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\isetup-5.3.10-unicode.exe /silent /dir="%RELAX%\inno5"
-echo DONE	install Inno
-echo START	install NotepadPlus...
-start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\npp.5.7.Installer.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\npp5
-echo DONE	install NotepadPlus
-::echo please reboot now to complete installation
-::TODO shutdown -r -t 5 -y -f
\ No newline at end of file
+@echo off

+echo Build CouchDB under Windows - Time to Relax v0.3


+:: find our source tree from one level up from current bin

+set GLAZIER=%~dp0..



+:: install stuff to %systemdrive%\relax which is usually C:\relax unless otherwise requested

+if "%RELAX%" == "" set RELAX=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\relax


+:: set these paths into the user environment for future usage




+echo START	retrieving packages...

+pushd %GLAZIER%\bits

+call get_bits.cmd tools

+call get_bits.cmd compilers

+call get_bits.cmd source

+echo DONE	retrieving packages


+:: md5 checksums

+echo START	md5 checksums...

+%GLAZIER%\bin\md5sum.exe --check md5sums.txt || echo FAILED: please check any missing or failed files && goto eof

+echo DONE	md5 checksums


+:: unpack stuff

+echo START	unpacking tools in [%RELAX%]...

+mkdir %RELAX% > NUL: 2>&1

+pushd %RELAX%


+:: 7zip is used for unpacking the ISO images

+echo START	installing 7zip...

+%GLAZIER%\bits\7z465.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\7zip

+echo DONE	installing 7zip


+:: unpack the ISOs into %RELAX%\ISOs\{name}

+echo START	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs] ...

+mkdir %RELAX%\ISOs > NUL: 2>&1

+%RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\*.iso -aos -o%RELAX%\ISOs\*

+echo DONE	unpacking ISOs in [%RELAX%\ISOs]


+:: start installing stuff

+echo START	installing compilers...

+echo START	MS VS2008 Express...

+:: TODO remove hackage that prevents installing MSSQL burning CPU and space

+pushd %RELAX%\ISOs\VS2008ExpressWithSP1ENUX1504728\VCExpress\WCU\

+rd /s/q dist > NUL: 2>&1

+mkdir dist

+for %%i in (dotNetFramework Silverlight SMO SSE) do @move %i dist\

+cd .. && start /wait setup.exe /q /norestart


+echo DONE	MS VS2008 Express


+echo START	installing Windows 7 SDK...

+:: if we merge the 32 and 64 bit SDK folders first, Windows installs the right one

+pushd %RELAX%\ISOs\

+xcopy GRMSDKX_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y

+xcopy GRMSDK_EN_DVD Win7SDK\ /e /y

+win7sdk\setup.exe /q


+echo DONE	installing Windows 7 SDK


+echo START	installing cygwin...


+:: c:\cygwin

+:: all users

+:: store bits in d:\glazier\bits\

+:: direct connection

+:: http uidaho

+:: defaults + all DEVEL + utils/file

+echo END	installing cygwin


+echo START	installing latest mozilla build tools...

+start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\mozillaBuildSetup-Latest.exe /S

+echo DONE	installing mozilla build tools


+echo DONE	unpacking tools in [%RELAX%]


+:unpack source

+echo START	install wxWidgets...

+start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\wxMSW* -aos -o%RELAX%\

+echo DONE	install wxWidgets

+::TODO tweak .h files


+echo START	install ICU...

+start /wait %RELAX%\7zip\7z.exe x %GLAZIER%\bits\icu* -aos -o%RELAX%\

+echo DONE	install ICU



+echo START	install vcredist...

+xcopy %GLAZIER%\bits\vcredist_x86.exe %RELAX%\ /y /f

+echo DONE	install vcredist


+:tools install

+echo START	junction points...

+%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe /accepteula

+:: TODO we want to get an env var set by VS2008 install but it  doesn't exist

+:: TODO until this cmd.exe dies and a new one starts up ... bugger

+:: set up junction point to make finding stuff simpler

+:: the sysinternals tool works on all platforms incl XP & later

+::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\vs90" "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\.."

+::%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe "%RELAX%\SDKs" "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows"

+:: so we move these into relax.cmd when the var is available after :eof reboot

+echo END	making junction points


+echo START	install win32 OpenSSL...

+start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe /silent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes /dir=%systemdrive%\openssl

+:: TODO fails on XP and 2003 but may not be needed ... or use sysinternals junction.exe or some other tool, or try with symlink only in cygwin

+%GLAZIER%\bits\junction.exe %RELAX%\openssl %systemdrive%\openssl

+echo DONE	install win32 OpenSSL



+echo START	install NSIS...

+start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\nsis-2.46-setup.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\nsis

+echo DONE	install NSIS



+echo START	install Inno...

+start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\isetup-5.3.10-unicode.exe /silent /dir="%RELAX%\inno5"

+echo DONE	install Inno


+echo START	install NotepadPlus...

+start /wait %GLAZIER%\bits\npp.5.7.Installer.exe /S /D=%RELAX%\npp5

+echo DONE	install NotepadPlus



+::echo please reboot now to complete installation


+::TODO shutdown -r -t 5 -y -f

diff --git a/bits/curl_source.txt b/bits/curl_source.txt
index 5258eb0..a0b4f00 100644
--- a/bits/curl_source.txt
+++ b/bits/curl_source.txt
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
 nsis	nsis-2.46-setup.exe

 seamonkey	seamonkey-2.0.6.source.tar.bz2


-# bits required for both

-vcredist	vcredist_x86.exe

+# bits required for both builds

+vcredist	vcredist_x86.exe

+## older vcredist - there are many to choose from ...

+#vcredist	vcredist_x86.exe

 openssl	Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe

 ## not auto redirect but original link is from

 apache-couchdb-1.0.1	apache-couchdb-1.0.1.tar.gz

diff --git a/bits/md5sums.txt b/bits/md5sums.txt
index e011bd3..476d185 100755
--- a/bits/md5sums.txt
+++ b/bits/md5sums.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 b936f0f378b9a35489353e878154e899 *vcredist_x86.exe

 83b3292c1aa8e4d3eb0c6bcd66a55cd0 *VS2008ExpressWithSP1ENUX1504728.iso

 f63275890a78ab0722b9728f670901e4 *Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe

-2d021270cc8630fd11f3219bcf1fb521 *

 ad14196b38470d927f438ab08e8f16b3 *

 7927ab2b518445db4e15ed9d67c1753e *npp.5.7.Installer.exe

 a12686c5e71180980b51bc44dbbed50c *junction.exe