blob: dc88bc9a9680ce9aa24e418d249969c18e84141c [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright 2012 - Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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%%% File: folsom_sample_slide.erl
%%% @author Russell Brown <>
%%% @doc eunit test for folsom_sample_slide.erl
%%% @end
-define(HISTO, test_slide).
-define(HISTO2, test_slide2).
-define(WINDOW, 30).
-define(DOUBLE_WINDOW, 60).
-define(RUNTIME, 90).
-define(READINGS, 10).
slide_test_() ->
fun () -> folsom:start(),
fun (_) -> meck:unload(folsom_utils),
folsom:stop() end,
[{"Create sliding window",
fun create/0},
{"test sliding window",
{timeout, 30, fun exercise/0}},
{"resize sliding window (expand)",
{timeout, 30, fun expand_window/0}},
{"resize sliding window (shrink)",
{timeout, 30, fun shrink_window/0}}
create() ->
ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(?HISTO, slide, ?WINDOW),
#histogram{sample=Slide} = folsom_metrics_histogram:get_value(?HISTO),
?assertEqual(?WINDOW, Slide#slide.window),
?assertEqual(0, ets:info(Slide#slide.reservoir, size)).
exercise() ->
%% don't want a trim to happen
%% unless we call trim
%% so kill the trim server process
#histogram{sample=Slide} = folsom_metrics_histogram:get_value(?HISTO),
ok = folsom_sample_slide_server:stop(Slide#slide.server),
Moments = lists:seq(1, ?RUNTIME),
%% pump in 90 seconds worth of readings
Moment = lists:foldl(fun(_X, Tick) ->
Tock = tick(Tick),
[folsom_sample_slide:update(Slide, N) ||
N <- lists:duplicate(?READINGS, Tock)],
Tock end,
%% are all readings in the table?
check_table(Slide, Moments),
%% get values only returns last ?WINDOW seconds
ExpectedValues = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(?READINGS, N) ||
N <- lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)])),
Values = lists:sort(folsom_sample_slide:get_values(Slide)),
?assertEqual(ExpectedValues, Values),
%% trim the table
Trimmed = folsom_sample_slide:trim(Slide#slide.reservoir, ?WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS, Trimmed),
check_table(Slide, lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)),
%% increment the clock past the window
tick(Moment, ?WINDOW * 2),
%% get values should be empty
?assertEqual([], folsom_sample_slide:get_values(Slide)),
%% trim, and table should be empty
Trimmed2 = folsom_sample_slide:trim(Slide#slide.reservoir, ?WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME * ?READINGS) - ((?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS), Trimmed2),
check_table(Slide, []),
expand_window() ->
%% create a new histogram
%% will leave the trim server running, as resize() needs it
ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(?HISTO2, slide, ?WINDOW),
#histogram{sample=Slide} = folsom_metrics_histogram:get_value(?HISTO2),
Moments = lists:seq(1, ?RUNTIME ),
%% pump in 90 seconds worth of readings
Moment = lists:foldl(fun(_X, Tick) ->
Tock = tick(Tick),
[folsom_sample_slide:update(Slide, N) ||
N <- lists:duplicate(?READINGS, Tock)],
Tock end,
%% are all readings in the table?
check_table(Slide, Moments),
%% get values only returns last ?WINDOW seconds
ExpectedValues = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(?READINGS, N) ||
N <- lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)])),
Values = lists:sort(folsom_sample_slide:get_values(Slide)),
?assertEqual(ExpectedValues, Values),
%%expand the sliding window
NewSlide = folsom_sample_slide:resize(Slide, ?DOUBLE_WINDOW),
%% get values only returns last ?WINDOW*2 seconds
NewExpectedValues = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(?READINGS, N) ||
N <- lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?DOUBLE_WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)])),
NewValues = lists:sort(folsom_sample_slide:get_values(NewSlide)),
?assertEqual(NewExpectedValues, NewValues),
%% trim the table
Trimmed = folsom_sample_slide:trim(NewSlide#slide.reservoir, ?DOUBLE_WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME - ?DOUBLE_WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS, Trimmed),
check_table(NewSlide, lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?DOUBLE_WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)),
%% increment the clock past the window
tick(Moment, ?DOUBLE_WINDOW*2),
%% get values should be empty
?assertEqual([], folsom_sample_slide:get_values(NewSlide)),
%% trim, and table should be empty
Trimmed2 = folsom_sample_slide:trim(NewSlide#slide.reservoir, ?DOUBLE_WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME * ?READINGS) - ((?RUNTIME - ?DOUBLE_WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS), Trimmed2),
check_table(NewSlide, []),
ok = folsom_metrics:delete_metric(?HISTO2).
shrink_window() ->
%% create a new histogram
%% will leave the trim server running, as resize() needs it
ok = folsom_metrics:new_histogram(?HISTO2, slide, ?DOUBLE_WINDOW),
#histogram{sample=Slide} = folsom_metrics_histogram:get_value(?HISTO2),
Moments = lists:seq(1, ?RUNTIME ),
%% pump in 90 seconds worth of readings
Moment = lists:foldl(fun(_X, Tick) ->
Tock = tick(Tick),
[folsom_sample_slide:update(Slide, N) ||
N <- lists:duplicate(?READINGS, Tock)],
Tock end,
%% are all readings in the table?
check_table(Slide, Moments),
%% get values only returns last ?DOUBLE_WINDOW seconds
ExpectedValues = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(?READINGS, N) ||
N <- lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?DOUBLE_WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)])),
Values = lists:sort(folsom_sample_slide:get_values(Slide)),
?assertEqual(ExpectedValues, Values),
%%shrink the sliding window
NewSlide = folsom_sample_slide:resize(Slide, ?WINDOW),
%% get values only returns last ?WINDOW*2 seconds
NewExpectedValues = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(?READINGS, N) ||
N <- lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)])),
NewValues = lists:sort(folsom_sample_slide:get_values(NewSlide)),
?assertEqual(NewExpectedValues, NewValues),
%% trim the table
Trimmed = folsom_sample_slide:trim(NewSlide#slide.reservoir, ?WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS, Trimmed),
check_table(NewSlide, lists:seq(?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW, ?RUNTIME)),
%% increment the clock past the window
tick(Moment, ?WINDOW*2),
%% get values should be empty
?assertEqual([], folsom_sample_slide:get_values(NewSlide)),
%% trim, and table should be empty
Trimmed2 = folsom_sample_slide:trim(NewSlide#slide.reservoir, ?WINDOW),
?assertEqual((?RUNTIME * ?READINGS) - ((?RUNTIME - ?WINDOW - 1) * ?READINGS), Trimmed2),
check_table(NewSlide, []),
tick(Moment0, IncrBy) ->
Moment = Moment0 + IncrBy,
meck:expect(folsom_utils, now_epoch, fun() ->
Moment end),
tick(Moment) ->
tick(Moment, 1).
check_table(Slide, Moments) ->
Tab = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(Slide#slide.reservoir)),
{Ks, Vs} = lists:unzip(Tab),
ExpectedVs = lists:sort(lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(10, N) || N <- Moments])),
StrippedKeys = lists:usort([X || {X, _} <- Ks]),
?assertEqual(Moments, StrippedKeys),
?assertEqual(ExpectedVs, lists:sort(Vs)).