blob: 13db0fc782f3387f8ae143bd6602cd9896003289 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright 2011, Boundary
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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%%% File: folsom_sample_exdec.erl
%%% @author joe williams <>
%%% @doc
%%% erlang implementation of a exponentially-decaying random sample
%%% based on a java implementation by coda hale, which can be found at:
%%% that implementation is based on:
%%% @end
-define(HOURSECS, 3600).
-define(RAND, 999999999999).
new(Size, Alpha) ->
Now = folsom_utils:now_epoch(),
#exdec{start = Now, next = Now + ?HOURSECS, alpha = Alpha, size = Size}.
update(Sample, Value) ->
update(Sample, Value, folsom_utils:now_epoch()).
get_values(#exdec{reservoir = Reservoir}) ->
{_, Values} = lists:unzip(Reservoir),
% internal api
update(#exdec{start = Start, alpha = Alpha, size = Size, reservoir = Reservoir} = Sample, Value, Tick) when length(Reservoir) < Size ->
NewList = lists:append(Reservoir, [{priority(Alpha, Tick, Start), Value}]),
Sample#exdec{reservoir = NewList};
update(#exdec{start = Start, alpha = Alpha} = Sample, Value, Tick) ->
Priority = priority(Alpha, Tick, Start),
NewSample = maybe_update(Priority, Value, Sample),
maybe_rescale(NewSample, folsom_utils:now_epoch()).
weight(Alpha, T) ->
math:exp(Alpha * T).
priority(Alpha, Time, Start) ->
weight(Alpha, Time - Start) / random:uniform(?RAND).
maybe_update(Priority, Value, #exdec{reservoir = [{First, _}| Tail]} = Sample) when First < Priority ->
Sample#exdec{reservoir = lists:append(Tail, [{Priority, Value}])};
maybe_update(_, _, Sample) ->
maybe_rescale(#exdec{next = Next} = Sample, Now) when Now >= Next ->
rescale(Sample, Now);
maybe_rescale(Sample, _) ->
rescale(#exdec{start = OldStart, next = Next, alpha = Alpha, reservoir = Reservoir} = Sample, Now) when Next == Now ->
NewNext = Now + ?HOURSECS,
NewStart = folsom_utils:now_epoch(),
NewReservoir = [{Key * math:exp(-Alpha * (NewStart - OldStart)), Value} || {Key, Value} <- Reservoir],
Sample#exdec{start = NewStart, next = NewNext, reservoir = NewReservoir}.