blob: dc98aa6d7181230fbb946a30bc1263657b5384e7 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright 2011, Boundary
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%%% File: folsom_sample_none.erl
%%% @author joe williams <>
%%% @doc
%%% no sampling, just a capped circular buffer
%%% @end
new(Size) ->
#none{size = Size}.
update(#none{size = Size, reservoir = Reservoir, n = N} = Sample, Value)
when N < Size ->
ets:insert(Reservoir, {N, Value}),
Sample#none{n = N+1};
update(#none{reservoir = Reservoir, n = N} = Sample, Value) ->
Oldest = ets:first(Reservoir),
ets:delete(Reservoir, Oldest),
ets:insert(Reservoir, {N, Value}),
Sample#none{n = N+1}.
get_values(#none{reservoir = Reservoir}) ->
[Val || {_,Val} <- ets:tab2list(Reservoir)].