blob: ec154eedaae63dcf666cbcaf526719e7410b0078 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([go/2, go/3]).
go(DbName, AllIdsRevs) ->
go(DbName, AllIdsRevs, []).
go(DbName, AllIdsRevs, Options) ->
Workers = lists:map(fun({#shard{name=Name, node=Node} = Shard, IdsRevs}) ->
Ref = rexi:cast(Node, {fabric_rpc, get_missing_revs, [Name, IdsRevs,
end, group_idrevs_by_shard(DbName, AllIdsRevs)),
ResultDict = dict:from_list([{Id, {{nil,Revs},[]}} || {Id, Revs} <- AllIdsRevs]),
RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(Workers),
Acc0 = {length(Workers), ResultDict, Workers},
fabric_util:recv(Workers, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3, Acc0)
handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, {_,NodeRef},_}, _Shard, {_WorkerLen, ResultDict, Workers}) ->
NewWorkers = [W || #shard{node=Node} = W <- Workers, Node =/= NodeRef],
skip_message({fabric_dict:size(NewWorkers), ResultDict, NewWorkers});
handle_message({rexi_EXIT, _}, Worker, {W, D, Workers}) ->
skip_message({W-1,D,lists:delete(Worker, Workers)});
handle_message({ok, Results}, _Worker, {1, D0, _}) ->
D = update_dict(D0, Results),
{stop, dict:fold(fun force_reply/3, [], D)};
handle_message({ok, Results}, Worker, {WaitingCount, D0, Workers}) ->
D = update_dict(D0, Results),
case dict:fold(fun maybe_reply/3, {stop, []}, D) of
continue ->
% still haven't heard about some Ids
{ok, {WaitingCount - 1, D, lists:delete(Worker,Workers)}};
{stop, FinalReply} ->
% finished, stop the rest of the jobs
{stop, FinalReply}
force_reply(Id, {{nil,Revs}, Anc}, Acc) ->
% never heard about this ID, assume it's missing
[{Id, Revs, Anc} | Acc];
force_reply(_, {[], _}, Acc) ->
force_reply(Id, {Revs, Anc}, Acc) ->
[{Id, Revs, Anc} | Acc].
maybe_reply(_, _, continue) ->
maybe_reply(_, {{nil, _}, _}, _) ->
maybe_reply(_, {[], _}, {stop, Acc}) ->
{stop, Acc};
maybe_reply(Id, {Revs, Anc}, {stop, Acc}) ->
{stop, [{Id, Revs, Anc} | Acc]}.
group_idrevs_by_shard(DbName, IdsRevs) ->
dict:to_list(lists:foldl(fun({Id, Revs}, D0) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Shard, D1) ->
dict:append(Shard, {Id, Revs}, D1)
end, D0, mem3:shards(DbName,Id))
end, dict:new(), IdsRevs)).
update_dict(D0, KVs) ->
lists:foldl(fun({K,V,A}, D1) -> dict:store(K, {V,A}, D1) end, D0, KVs).
skip_message({0, Dict, _Workers}) ->
{stop, dict:fold(fun force_reply/3, [], Dict)};
skip_message(Acc) ->
{ok, Acc}.