Make the default wait timeout infinity

This brings the default behavior in line with other FoundationDB client
libraries which don't use client-side timeouts when waiting for futures to

A few other reasons are:

  * Currently we may generate spurious future `ready` messages when timeouts
fire during overload scenarios. The caller would have to know to flush ready
messages if they caught a `{timeout, _}`

 * The response may succeed under 5 seconds, but it would be queued in the
   networking layer and throw a `timeout` error on the Erlang side.

 * Timeouts can be set as a transaction or db handle options. It's easier to
   apply configuration defaults there than for individual wait functions.

 * Watch futures are not bound by the 5 second transaction time limit, and
   they'd have to know about the default `wait/1,2` call timeout to know to
   extend it or set it to `infinity`.
diff --git a/src/erlfdb.erl b/src/erlfdb.erl
index cbe738f..8353acd 100644
--- a/src/erlfdb.erl
+++ b/src/erlfdb.erl
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
 wait_for_any(Futures, Options, ResendQ) ->
-    Timeout = erlfdb_util:get(Options, timeout, 5000),
+    Timeout = erlfdb_util:get(Options, timeout, infinity),
         {MsgRef, ready} = Msg ->
             case lists:keyfind(MsgRef, 2, Futures) of