blob: af8b2e1b68aeca51ac2a71cad0ebd94102d97914 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
% Codes 16#03, 16#04, 16#23, and 16#24 are reserved
% for historical reasons.
% NULL is a single byte
-define(NULL, 16#00).
% Bytes/Strings - Variable length, ends at the
% first \x00 that's not followed by \xFF
-define(BYTES, 16#01).
-define(STRING, 16#02).
% Tuples all the way down
-define(NESTED, 16#05).
% Negative numbers: 9-255 byte numbers, then 8-1
-define(NEG_INT_9P, 16#0B).
-define(NEG_INT_8, 16#0C).
-define(NEG_INT_7, 16#0D).
-define(NEG_INT_6, 16#0E).
-define(NEG_INT_5, 16#0F).
-define(NEG_INT_4, 16#10).
-define(NEG_INT_3, 16#11).
-define(NEG_INT_2, 16#12).
-define(NEG_INT_1, 16#13).
% Zero is a single byte
-define(ZERO, 16#14).
% Positive numbers: 1-8 bytes, then all 9-255 byte numbers
-define(POS_INT_1, 16#15).
-define(POS_INT_2, 16#16).
-define(POS_INT_3, 16#17).
-define(POS_INT_4, 16#18).
-define(POS_INT_5, 16#19).
-define(POS_INT_6, 16#1A).
-define(POS_INT_7, 16#1B).
-define(POS_INT_8, 16#1C).
-define(POS_INT_9P, 16#1D).
% Floats and Doubles
-define(FLOAT, 16#20).
-define(DOUBLE, 16#21).
% Booleans are a single byte each
-define(FALSE, 16#26).
-define(TRUE, 16#27).
% UUIDs: single code byte followed by 16 bytes
-define(UUID, 16#30).
% 64 bit identifer
-define(ID64, 16#31).
% 80 bit VersionStamp: 8 byte integer, 2 byte batch
-define(VS80, 16#32).
% 96 bit VersionStamp: 8 byte integer, 2 byte
% batch, 2 byte transaction order
-define(VS96, 16#33).
% Not an actual type code but reserved
% for use when escaping \x00 bytes
-define(ESCAPE, 16#FF).
pack(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
Elems = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
iolist_to_binary([encode(E, 0) || E <- Elems]).
unpack(Binary) ->
case decode(Binary, 0) of
{Elems, <<>>} ->
{_, Tail} ->
erlang:error({invalid_trailing_data, Tail})
compare(_A, _B) ->
encode(null, 0) ->
encode(null, Depth) when Depth > 0 ->
[<<?NULL, ?ESCAPE>>];
encode(false, _) ->
encode(true, _) ->
encode({utf8, Bin}, _) when is_binary(Bin) ->
[<<?STRING>>, enc_null_terminated(Bin)];
encode({float, Float}, _) when is_float(Float) ->
[<<?FLOAT>>, enc_float(Float, 32)];
encode({uuid, Bin}, _) when is_binary(Bin), size(Bin) == 16 ->
[<<?UUID>>, Bin];
encode({id64, Int}, _) ->
[<<?ID64>>, <<Int:64>>];
encode({versionstamp, Id, Batch}, _) ->
[<<?VS80>>, <<Id:64, Batch:16>>];
encode({versionstamp, Id, Batch, Tx}, _) ->
[<<?VS96>>, <<Id:64, Batch:16, Tx:16>>];
encode(Bin, _Depth) when is_binary(Bin) ->
[<<?BYTES>>, enc_null_terminated(Bin)];
encode(Int, _Depth) when is_integer(Int), Int < 0 ->
Bin1 = binary:encode_unsigned(-Int),
% Take the one's complement so that
% they sort properly
Bin2 = << <<(B bxor 16#FF)>> || <<B>> <= Bin1 >>,
case size(Bin2) of
1 -> [<<?NEG_INT_1>>, Bin2];
2 -> [<<?NEG_INT_2>>, Bin2];
3 -> [<<?NEG_INT_3>>, Bin2];
4 -> [<<?NEG_INT_4>>, Bin2];
5 -> [<<?NEG_INT_5>>, Bin2];
6 -> [<<?NEG_INT_6>>, Bin2];
7 -> [<<?NEG_INT_7>>, Bin2];
8 -> [<<?NEG_INT_8>>, Bin2];
N when N =< 255 -> [<<?NEG_INT_9P, N>>, Bin2]
encode(0, _) ->
encode(Int, _Depth) when is_integer(Int), Int > 0 ->
Bin = binary:encode_unsigned(Int),
case size(Bin) of
1 -> [<<?POS_INT_1>>, Bin];
2 -> [<<?POS_INT_2>>, Bin];
3 -> [<<?POS_INT_3>>, Bin];
4 -> [<<?POS_INT_4>>, Bin];
5 -> [<<?POS_INT_5>>, Bin];
6 -> [<<?POS_INT_6>>, Bin];
7 -> [<<?POS_INT_7>>, Bin];
8 -> [<<?POS_INT_8>>, Bin];
N when N =< 255 -> [<<?POS_INT_9P, N>>, Bin]
encode(Double, _) when is_float(Double) ->
[<<?DOUBLE>>, enc_float(Double, 64)];
encode(Tuple, Depth) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
Elems = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
Encoded = [encode(E, Depth + 1) || E <- Elems],
[?NESTED, Encoded, ?NULL].
enc_null_terminated(Bin) ->
enc_null_terminated(Bin, 0).
enc_null_terminated(Bin, Offset) ->
case Bin of
<<Head:Offset/binary>> ->
[Head, ?NULL];
<<Head:Offset/binary, ?NULL, Tail/binary>> ->
[Head, <<?NULL, ?ESCAPE>> | enc_null_terminated(Tail, 0)];
<<_Head:Offset/binary, _, _Tail/binary>> = Bin ->
enc_null_terminated(Bin, Offset + 1)
enc_float(Float, Size) when Float >= 0 ->
<<0:1, B:7, Rest/binary>> = <<Float:Size/float>>,
<<1:1, B:7, Rest/binary>>;
enc_float(Float, Size) ->
Bin = <<Float:Size/float>>,
<< <<(B bxor 16#FF)>> || <<B>> <= Bin >>.
decode(<<>>, 0) ->
{[], <<>>};
decode(<<?NULL, Rest/binary>>, 0) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, 0),
{[null | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?NULL, ?ESCAPE, Rest/binary>>, Depth) when Depth > 0 ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[null | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?NULL, Rest/binary>>, Depth) when Depth > 0 ->
{[], Rest};
decode(<<?BYTES, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Bin, NewRest} = dec_null_terminated(Rest),
{Values, Tail} = decode(NewRest, Depth),
{[Bin | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?STRING, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Bin, NewRest} = dec_null_terminated(Rest),
{Values, Tail} = decode(NewRest, Depth),
{[{utf8, Bin} | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?NESTED, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{NestedValues, Tail1} = decode(Rest, Depth + 1),
{RestValues, Tail2} = decode(Tail1, Depth),
NestedTuple = list_to_tuple(NestedValues),
{[NestedTuple | RestValues], Tail2};
decode(<<?NEG_INT_9P, InvertedSize:8, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
Size = InvertedSize bxor 16#FF,
dec_neg_int(Rest, Size, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_8, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 8, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_7, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 7, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_6, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 6, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_5, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 5, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_4, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 4, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_3, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 3, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_2, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 2, Depth);
decode(<<?NEG_INT_1, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_neg_int(Rest, 1, Depth);
decode(<<?ZERO, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[0 | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?POS_INT_1, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 1, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_2, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 2, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_3, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 3, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_4, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 4, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_5, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 5, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_6, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 6, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_7, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 7, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_8, Rest/binary>>, Depth) -> dec_pos_int(Rest, 8, Depth);
decode(<<?POS_INT_9P, Size:8/unsigned-integer, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
dec_pos_int(Rest, Size, Depth);
decode(<<?FLOAT, Raw:4/binary, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[{float, dec_float(Raw, 32)} | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?DOUBLE, Raw:8/binary, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[dec_float(Raw, 64) | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?FALSE, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[false | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?TRUE, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[true | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?UUID, UUID:16/binary, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[{uuid, UUID} | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?ID64, Id:64, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[{id64, Id} | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?VS80, Id:64, Batch:16, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[{versionstamp, Id, Batch} | Values], Tail};
decode(<<?VS96, Id:64, Batch:16, Tx:16, Rest/binary>>, Depth) ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[{versionstamp, Id, Batch, Tx} | Values], Tail}.
dec_null_terminated(Bin) ->
{Parts, Tail} = dec_null_terminated(Bin, 0),
{iolist_to_binary(Parts), Tail}.
dec_null_terminated(Bin, Offset) ->
case Bin of
<<Head:Offset/binary, ?NULL, ?ESCAPE, Tail/binary>> ->
{Parts, RestTail} = dec_null_terminated(Tail, 0),
{[Head, <<?NULL>> | Parts], RestTail};
<<Head:Offset/binary, ?NULL, Tail/binary>> ->
{[Head], Tail};
<<_:Offset/binary, _, _/binary>> ->
dec_null_terminated(Bin, Offset + 1);
<<_Head:Offset/binary>> ->
erlang:error({invalid_null_termination, Bin})
dec_neg_int(Bin, Size, Depth) ->
case Bin of
<<Raw:Size/integer-unit:8, Rest/binary>> ->
Val = Raw - (1 bsl (Size * 8)) + 1,
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[Val | Values], Tail};
_ ->
erlang:error({invalid_negative_int, Size, Bin})
dec_pos_int(Bin, Size, Depth) ->
case Bin of
<<Val:Size/integer-unit:8, Rest/binary>> ->
{Values, Tail} = decode(Rest, Depth),
{[Val | Values], Tail};
_ ->
erlang:error({invalid_positive_int, Size, Bin})
dec_float(<<0:1, _:7, _/binary>> = Bin, Size) ->
<<Val:Size/float>> = << <<(B bxor 16#FF)>> || <<B>> <= Bin >>,
dec_float(<<Byte:8/integer, Rest/binary>>, Size) ->
<<Val:Size/float>> = <<(Byte band 16#7F):8/integer, Rest/binary>>,
fdb_vectors_test() ->
% These are all from the tuple layer spec:
Cases = [
{<<"foo", 16#00, "bar">>},
<<16#01, "foo", 16#00, 16#FF, "bar", 16#00>>
unicode:characters_to_binary(["F", 16#D4, "O", 16#00, "bar"])}},
<<16#02, "F", 16#C3, 16#94, "O", 16#00, 16#FF, "bar", 16#00>>
{{<<"foo", 16#00, "bar">>, null, {}}},
<<16#05, 16#01, "foo", 16#00, 16#FF, "bar", 16#00, 16#00,
16#FF, 16#05, 16#00, 16#00>>
<<16#11, 16#AB, 16#4B, 16#93>>
{{float, -42.0}},
<<16#20, 16#3D, 16#D7, 16#FF, 16#FF>>
lists:foreach(fun({Test, Expect}) ->
?assertEqual(Expect, pack(Test)),
?assertEqual(Test, unpack(pack(Test)))
end, Cases).