blob: ae1a7e77d331a803ba9b68f22342ef3c04d36162 [file] [log] [blame]
erlang-bcrypt is a wrapper around the OpenBSD Blowfish password hashing
algorithm, as described in `"A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme"`_ by Niels
Provos and David Mazieres.
.. _"A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme":
Basic build instructions
1. Bootstrap `erlang-bcrypt`::
2. Configure the project, specifying `--with-erlang` and `--with-erl-interface`::
./configure \
--with-erlang=R12B-4/lib/erlang/usr/include \
3. Build it
4. Run it
erl -pa lib/bcrypt/ebin
Basic usage instructions
1. Start the `gen_server` which manages the port::
1> ok = crypto:start(), {ok, Pid} = bcrypt:start_link("lib/bcrypt/bcrypt").
{ok, <0.39.0>}
2. Hash a password using a salt with the default number of rounds::
2> bcrypt:hashpw(Pid, "foo", bcrypt:gen_salt(Pid)).
Authors: Hunter Morris (