blob: 689cf3854e975f64f47284e08102cf117cc80749 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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% the License.
test_vector_test() ->
ShaKey = <<"12345678901234567890">>,
Sha256Key = <<"12345678901234567890123456789012">>,
Sha512Key = <<"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234">>,
?assertEqual(94287082, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 59, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(46119246, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 59, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(90693936, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 59, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(07081804, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 1111111109, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(68084774, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 1111111109, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(25091201, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 1111111109, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(14050471, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 1111111111, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(67062674, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 1111111111, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(99943326, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 1111111111, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(89005924, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 1234567890, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(91819424, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 1234567890, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(93441116, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 1234567890, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(69279037, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 2000000000, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(90698825, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 2000000000, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(38618901, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 2000000000, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(65353130, couch_totp:generate(sha, ShaKey, 20000000000, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(77737706, couch_totp:generate(sha256, Sha256Key, 20000000000, 30, 8)),
?assertEqual(47863826, couch_totp:generate(sha512, Sha512Key, 20000000000, 30, 8)).