blob: 1e509dc895910b87ca12b355a3a6aef53c2ac78f [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
cet_default_props() ->
Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
{ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
{default_security_object, dso}
Node = node(),
?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_doc_count(St)),
?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_del_doc_count(St)),
?assertEqual(true, is_list(Engine:get_size_info(St))),
?assertEqual(true, is_integer(Engine:get_disk_version(St))),
?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_update_seq(St)),
?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_purge_seq(St)),
?assertEqual(true, is_integer(Engine:get_purged_docs_limit(St))),
?assertEqual(true, Engine:get_purged_docs_limit(St) > 0),
?assertEqual([], Engine:get_last_purged(St)),
?assertEqual(dso, Engine:get_security(St)),
?assertEqual(1000, Engine:get_revs_limit(St)),
?assertMatch(<<_:32/binary>>, Engine:get_uuid(St)),
?assertEqual([{Node, 0}], Engine:get_epochs(St)),
?assertEqual(0, Engine:get_compacted_seq(St)).
cet_set_security() ->
check_prop_set(get_security, set_security, dso, [{<<"readers">>, []}]).
cet_set_revs_limit() ->
check_prop_set(get_revs_limit, set_revs_limit, 1000, 50).
check_prop_set(GetFun, SetFun, Default, Value) ->
Engine = test_engine_util:get_engine(),
DbPath = test_engine_util:dbpath(),
{ok, St0} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
{default_security_object, dso}
?assertEqual(Default, Engine:GetFun(St0)),
{ok, St1} = Engine:SetFun(St0, Value),
?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St1)),
{ok, St2} = Engine:commit_data(St1),
Engine:terminate(normal, St2),
{ok, St3} = Engine:init(DbPath, []),
?assertEqual(Value, Engine:GetFun(St3)).