blob: 13b29fe8b006b21a97eefd206d56b564097472f6 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
cet_compact_empty() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St1),
{ok, St2, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St1, Path),
{ok, St3, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St2, DbName, [], Term),
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St3),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_compact_doc() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
Actions = [{create, {<<"foo">>, []}}],
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
{ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
{ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_compact_local_doc() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
Actions = [{create, {<<"_local/foo">>, []}}],
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St2),
{ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
{ok, St4, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St3, DbName, [], Term),
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_compact_with_everything() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
% Add a whole bunch of docs
DocActions = lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
{create, {docid(Seq), [{<<"int">>, Seq}]}}
end, lists:seq(1, 1000)),
LocalActions = lists:map(fun(I) ->
{create, {local_docid(I), [{<<"int">>, I}]}}
end, lists:seq(1, 25)),
Actions1 = DocActions ++ LocalActions,
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
{ok, St3} = Engine:set_security(St2, [{<<"readers">>, <<"ohai">>}]),
{ok, St4} = Engine:set_revs_limit(St3, 500),
Actions2 = [
{create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
{create, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"hooray">>, <<"purple">>}]}},
{conflict, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"booo">>, false}]}}
{ok, St5} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St4, Actions2),
[FooFDI, BarFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St5, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]),
FooRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FooFDI),
BarRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(BarFDI),
Actions3 = [
{purge, {<<"foo">>, FooRev#rev_info.rev}},
{purge, {<<"bar">>, BarRev#rev_info.rev}}
{ok, St6} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St5, Actions3),
PurgedIdRevs = [
{<<"bar">>, [BarRev#rev_info.rev]},
{<<"foo">>, [FooRev#rev_info.rev]}
{ok, St7} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St6, Actions3),
{ok, PIdRevs7} = Engine:fold_purged_docs(St7, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
?assertEqual(PurgedIdRevs, lists:reverse(PIdRevs7)),
[Att0, Att1, Att2, Att3, Att4] = test_engine_util:prep_atts(Engine, St6, [
{<<"ohai.txt">>, crypto:rand_bytes(2048)},
{<<"">>, crypto:rand_bytes(32768)},
{<<"a.erl">>, crypto:rand_bytes(29)},
{<<"a.hrl">>, crypto:rand_bytes(5000)},
{<<"">>, crypto:rand_bytes(400)}
Actions4 = [
{create, {<<"small_att">>, [], [Att0]}},
{create, {<<"large_att">>, [], [Att1]}},
{create, {<<"multi_att">>, [], [Att2, Att3, Att4]}}
{ok, St7} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St6, Actions4),
{ok, St8} = Engine:commit_data(St7),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St8),
Config = [
{"database_compaction", "doc_buffer_size", "1024"},
{"database_compaction", "checkpoint_after", "2048"}
{ok, St9, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:with_config(Config, fun() ->
test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St8, Path)
{ok, St10, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St9, DbName, [], Term),
{ok, PIdRevs11} = Engine:fold_purged_docs(St10, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
{<<"foo">>, [FooRev#rev_info.rev]},
{<<"bar">>, [BarRev#rev_info.rev]}
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St10),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_recompact_updates() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
Actions1 = [
{create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
{create, {<<"bar">>, []}}
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
{ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
Actions2 = [
{update, {<<"foo">>, [{<<"updated">>, true}]}},
{create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
{ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
{ok, St5, NewPid} = Engine:finish_compaction(St4, DbName, [], Term),
?assertEqual(true, is_pid(NewPid)),
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
NewTerm = receive
{'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
after 10000 ->
{ok, St6, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St5, DbName, [], NewTerm),
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St6),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_recompact_purge() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
Actions1 = [
{create, {<<"foo">>, []}},
{create, {<<"bar">>, []}},
{conflict, {<<"bar">>, [{<<"vsn">>, 2}]}},
{create, {<<"baz">>, []}}
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
{ok, St3, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St2, Path),
[BarFDI, BazFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St3, [<<"bar">>, <<"baz">>]),
BarRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(BarFDI),
BazRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(BazFDI),
Actions2 = [
{purge, {<<"bar">>, BarRev#rev_info.rev}},
{purge, {<<"baz">>, BazRev#rev_info.rev}}
{ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
Db1 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St4),
{ok, St5, NewPid} = Engine:finish_compaction(St4, DbName, [], Term),
?assertEqual(true, is_pid(NewPid)),
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
NewTerm = receive
{'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason});
{'$gen_call', {NewPid, Ref2}, get_disposable_purge_seq} ->
NewPid!{Ref2, {ok, 0}},
{'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
after 10000 ->
after 10000 ->
{ok, St6, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St5, DbName, [], NewTerm),
Db2 = test_engine_util:db_as_term(Engine, St6),
Diff = test_engine_util:term_diff(Db1, Db2),
?assertEqual(nodiff, Diff).
cet_compact_purged_docs_limit() ->
{ok, Engine, Path, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(dbpath),
% create NumDocs docs
NumDocs = 1200,
{RActions, RIds} = lists:foldl(fun(Id, {CActions, CIds}) ->
Id1 = docid(Id),
Action = {create, {Id1, [{<<"int">>, Id}]}},
{[Action| CActions], [Id1| CIds]}
end, {[], []}, lists:seq(1, NumDocs)),
Ids = lists:reverse(RIds),
{ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1,
% purge NumDocs docs
FDIs = Engine:open_docs(St2, Ids),
RevActions2 = lists:foldl(fun(FDI, CActions) ->
Id =,
PrevRev = test_engine_util:prev_rev(FDI),
Rev = PrevRev#rev_info.rev,
[{purge, {Id, Rev}}| CActions]
end, [], FDIs),
{ok, St3} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St2,
% check that before compaction all NumDocs of purge_requests
% are in purge_tree,
% even if NumDocs=1200 is greater than purged_docs_limit=1000
{ok, PurgedIdRevs} = Engine:fold_purged_docs(St3, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
?assertEqual(1, Engine:get(St3, oldest_purge_seq)),
?assertEqual(NumDocs, length(PurgedIdRevs)),
% compact db
{ok, St4, DbName, _, Term} = test_engine_util:compact(Engine, St3, Path),
{ok, St5, undefined} = Engine:finish_compaction(St4, DbName, [], Term),
% check that after compaction only purged_docs_limit purge_requests
% are in purge_tree
PurgedDocsLimit = Engine:get(St5, purged_docs_limit),
OldestPSeq = Engine:get(St5, oldest_purge_seq),
{ok, PurgedIdRevs2} = Engine:fold_purged_docs(
St5, OldestPSeq - 1, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
ExpectedOldestPSeq = NumDocs - PurgedDocsLimit + 1,
?assertEqual(ExpectedOldestPSeq, OldestPSeq),
?assertEqual(PurgedDocsLimit, length(PurgedIdRevs2)).
docid(I) ->
Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
local_docid(I) ->
Str = io_lib:format("_local/~4..0b", [I]),
fold_fun({_PSeq, _UUID, Id, Revs}, Acc) ->
[{Id, Revs} | Acc].