When reading attachments, avoid closing connections too early

Signal mochiweb to not send connection:close headers
in order for the socket to be reused.

Before this commit, this signaling was done too late.

diff --git a/src/couch_doc.erl b/src/couch_doc.erl
index f973923..11063d9 100644
--- a/src/couch_doc.erl
+++ b/src/couch_doc.erl
@@ -403,13 +403,13 @@
         restart_open_doc_revs(Parser, Ref, NewRef);
     {{doc_bytes, Ref, DocBytes}, Parser, ParserRef} ->
         Doc = from_json_obj(?JSON_DECODE(DocBytes)),
+        erlang:put(mochiweb_request_recv, true),
         % we'll send the Parser process ID to the remote nodes so they can
         % retrieve their own copies of the attachment data
         WithParser = fun(follows) -> {follows, Parser, Ref}; (D) -> D end,
         Atts = [couch_att:transform(data, WithParser, A) || A <- Doc#doc.atts],
         WaitFun = fun() ->
-            receive {'DOWN', ParserRef, _, _, _} -> ok end,
-            erlang:put(mochiweb_request_recv, true)
+            receive {'DOWN', ParserRef, _, _, _} -> ok end
         {ok, Doc#doc{atts=Atts}, WaitFun, Parser};
     ok -> ok