blob: 60469cfa71483c5b79cdbc84276d079356d91fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(ROWS, 1000).
setup() ->
{ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(?tempfile(), [create, overwrite]),
{ok, Btree} = couch_btree:open(nil, Fd, [{compression, none},
{reduce, fun reduce_fun/2}]),
{Fd, Btree}.
setup_kvs(_) ->
setup_red() ->
{_, EvenOddKVs} = lists:foldl(
fun(Idx, {Key, Acc}) ->
case Key of
"even" -> {"odd", [{{Key, Idx}, 1} | Acc]};
_ -> {"even", [{{Key, Idx}, 1} | Acc]}
end, {"odd", []}, lists:seq(1, ?ROWS)),
{Fd, Btree} = setup(),
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, EvenOddKVs, []),
{Fd, Btree1}.
setup_red(_) ->
teardown(Fd) when is_pid(Fd) ->
ok = couch_file:close(Fd);
teardown({Fd, _}) ->
teardown(_, {Fd, _}) ->
kvs_test_funs() ->
fun should_set_fd_correctly/2,
fun should_set_root_correctly/2,
fun should_create_zero_sized_btree/2,
fun should_set_reduce_option/2,
fun should_fold_over_empty_btree/2,
fun should_add_all_keys/2,
fun should_continuously_add_new_kv/2,
fun should_continuously_remove_keys/2,
fun should_insert_keys_in_reversed_order/2,
fun should_add_every_odd_key_remove_every_even/2,
fun should_add_every_even_key_remove_every_old/2
red_test_funs() ->
fun should_reduce_whole_range/2,
fun should_reduce_first_half/2,
fun should_reduce_second_half/2
btree_open_test_() ->
{ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(?tempfile(), [create, overwrite]),
{ok, Btree} = couch_btree:open(nil, Fd, [{compression, none}]),
"Ensure that created btree is really a btree record",
?_assert(is_record(Btree, btree))
sorted_kvs_test_() ->
Funs = kvs_test_funs(),
Sorted = [{Seq, random:uniform()} || Seq <- lists:seq(1, ?ROWS)],
"BTree with sorted keys",
fun setup_kvs/1, fun teardown/2,
[{Sorted, Fun} || Fun <- Funs]
rsorted_kvs_test_() ->
Sorted = [{Seq, random:uniform()} || Seq <- lists:seq(1, ?ROWS)],
Funs = kvs_test_funs(),
Reversed = Sorted,
"BTree with backward sorted keys",
fun setup_kvs/1, fun teardown/2,
[{Reversed, Fun} || Fun <- Funs]
shuffled_kvs_test_() ->
Funs = kvs_test_funs(),
Sorted = [{Seq, random:uniform()} || Seq <- lists:seq(1, ?ROWS)],
Shuffled = shuffle(Sorted),
"BTree with shuffled keys",
fun setup_kvs/1, fun teardown/2,
[{Shuffled, Fun} || Fun <- Funs]
reductions_test_() ->
"BTree reductions",
"Common tests",
fun setup_red/0, fun teardown/1,
fun should_reduce_without_specified_direction/1,
fun should_reduce_forward/1,
fun should_reduce_backward/1
"Range requests",
"Forward direction",
fun setup_red/1, fun teardown/2,
[{fwd, F} || F <- red_test_funs()]
"Backward direction",
fun setup_red/1, fun teardown/2,
[{rev, F} || F <- red_test_funs()]
should_set_fd_correctly(_, {Fd, Btree}) ->
?_assertMatch(Fd, Btree#btree.fd).
should_set_root_correctly(_, {_, Btree}) ->
?_assertMatch(nil, Btree#btree.root).
should_create_zero_sized_btree(_, {_, Btree}) ->
?_assertMatch(0, couch_btree:size(Btree)).
should_set_reduce_option(_, {_, Btree}) ->
ReduceFun = fun reduce_fun/2,
Btree1 = couch_btree:set_options(Btree, [{reduce, ReduceFun}]),
?_assertMatch(ReduceFun, Btree1#btree.reduce).
should_fold_over_empty_btree(_, {_, Btree}) ->
{ok, _, EmptyRes} = couch_btree:foldl(Btree, fun(_, X) -> {ok, X+1} end, 0),
?_assertEqual(EmptyRes, 0).
should_add_all_keys(KeyValues, {Fd, Btree}) ->
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, KeyValues, []),
should_return_complete_btree_on_adding_all_keys(KeyValues, Btree1),
should_have_lesser_size_than_file(Fd, Btree1),
should_keep_root_pointer_to_kp_node(Fd, Btree1),
should_remove_all_keys(KeyValues, Btree1)
should_return_complete_btree_on_adding_all_keys(KeyValues, Btree) ->
?_assert(test_btree(Btree, KeyValues)).
should_have_non_zero_size(Btree) ->
?_assert(couch_btree:size(Btree) > 0).
should_have_lesser_size_than_file(Fd, Btree) ->
?_assert((couch_btree:size(Btree) =< couch_file:bytes(Fd))).
should_keep_root_pointer_to_kp_node(Fd, Btree) ->
?_assertMatch({ok, {kp_node, _}},
couch_file:pread_term(Fd, element(1, Btree#btree.root))).
should_remove_all_keys(KeyValues, Btree) ->
Keys = keys(KeyValues),
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, [], Keys),
"Should remove all the keys",
should_produce_valid_btree(Btree1, []),
should_continuously_add_new_kv(KeyValues, {_, Btree}) ->
{Btree1, _} = lists:foldl(
fun(KV, {BtAcc, PrevSize}) ->
{ok, BtAcc2} = couch_btree:add_remove(BtAcc, [KV], []),
?assert(couch_btree:size(BtAcc2) > PrevSize),
{BtAcc2, couch_btree:size(BtAcc2)}
end, {Btree, couch_btree:size(Btree)}, KeyValues),
"Should continuously add key-values to btree",
should_produce_valid_btree(Btree1, KeyValues),
should_continuously_remove_keys(KeyValues, {_, Btree}) ->
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, KeyValues, []),
{Btree2, _} = lists:foldl(
fun({K, _}, {BtAcc, PrevSize}) ->
{ok, BtAcc2} = couch_btree:add_remove(BtAcc, [], [K]),
?assert(couch_btree:size(BtAcc2) < PrevSize),
{BtAcc2, couch_btree:size(BtAcc2)}
end, {Btree1, couch_btree:size(Btree1)}, KeyValues),
"Should continuously remove keys from btree",
should_produce_valid_btree(Btree2, []),
should_insert_keys_in_reversed_order(KeyValues, {_, Btree}) ->
KeyValuesRev = lists:reverse(KeyValues),
{Btree1, _} = lists:foldl(
fun(KV, {BtAcc, PrevSize}) ->
{ok, BtAcc2} = couch_btree:add_remove(BtAcc, [KV], []),
?assert(couch_btree:size(BtAcc2) > PrevSize),
{BtAcc2, couch_btree:size(BtAcc2)}
end, {Btree, couch_btree:size(Btree)}, KeyValuesRev),
should_produce_valid_btree(Btree1, KeyValues).
should_add_every_odd_key_remove_every_even(KeyValues, {_, Btree}) ->
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, KeyValues, []),
{_, Rem2Keys0, Rem2Keys1} = lists:foldl(fun(X, {Count, Left, Right}) ->
case Count rem 2 == 0 of
true -> {Count + 1, [X | Left], Right};
false -> {Count + 1, Left, [X | Right]}
end, {0, [], []}, KeyValues),
?_assert(test_add_remove(Btree1, Rem2Keys0, Rem2Keys1)).
should_add_every_even_key_remove_every_old(KeyValues, {_, Btree}) ->
{ok, Btree1} = couch_btree:add_remove(Btree, KeyValues, []),
{_, Rem2Keys0, Rem2Keys1} = lists:foldl(fun(X, {Count, Left, Right}) ->
case Count rem 2 == 0 of
true -> {Count + 1, [X | Left], Right};
false -> {Count + 1, Left, [X | Right]}
end, {0, [], []}, KeyValues),
?_assert(test_add_remove(Btree1, Rem2Keys1, Rem2Keys0)).
should_reduce_without_specified_direction({_, Btree}) ->
{ok, [{{"odd", _}, ?ROWS div 2}, {{"even", _}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [])).
should_reduce_forward({_, Btree}) ->
{ok, [{{"odd", _}, ?ROWS div 2}, {{"even", _}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd}])).
should_reduce_backward({_, Btree}) ->
{ok, [{{"even", _}, ?ROWS div 2}, {{"odd", _}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev}])).
should_reduce_whole_range(fwd, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"even", 0}, {"odd", ?ROWS - 1}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, ?ROWS div 2},
{{"even", 2}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, (?ROWS div 2) - 1},
{{"even", 2}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_reduce_whole_range(rev, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, {"even", 2}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, ?ROWS div 2},
{{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, (?ROWS div 2) - 1},
{{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_reduce_first_half(fwd, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"even", 0}, {"odd", (?ROWS div 2) - 1}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, ?ROWS div 4},
{{"even", 2}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK}, {end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, (?ROWS div 4) - 1},
{{"even", 2}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_reduce_first_half(rev, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, {"even", ?ROWS div 2}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, (?ROWS div 4) + 1},
{{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, ?ROWS div 4},
{{"odd", ?ROWS - 1}, ?ROWS div 2}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_reduce_second_half(fwd, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"even", ?ROWS div 2}, {"odd", ?ROWS - 1}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, ?ROWS div 2},
{{"even", ?ROWS div 2}, (?ROWS div 4) + 1}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"odd", 1}, (?ROWS div 2) - 1},
{{"even", ?ROWS div 2}, (?ROWS div 4) + 1}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, fwd},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_reduce_second_half(rev, {_, Btree}) ->
{SK, EK} = {{"odd", (?ROWS div 2) + 1}, {"even", 2}},
"include endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, ?ROWS div 2},
{{"odd", (?ROWS div 2) + 1}, (?ROWS div 4) + 1}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key, EK}]))
"exclude endkey",
{ok, [{{"even", ?ROWS}, (?ROWS div 2) - 1},
{{"odd", (?ROWS div 2) + 1}, (?ROWS div 4) + 1}]},
fold_reduce(Btree, [{dir, rev},
{start_key, SK},
{end_key_gt, EK}]))
should_produce_valid_btree(Btree, KeyValues) ->
?_assert(test_btree(Btree, KeyValues)).
should_be_empty(Btree) ->
?_assertEqual(couch_btree:size(Btree), 0).
should_not_be_empty(Btree) ->
?_assert(couch_btree:size(Btree) > 0).
fold_reduce(Btree, Opts) ->
GroupFun = fun({K1, _}, {K2, _}) ->
K1 == K2
FoldFun = fun(GroupedKey, Unreduced, Acc) ->
{ok, [{GroupedKey, couch_btree:final_reduce(Btree, Unreduced)} | Acc]}
couch_btree:fold_reduce(Btree, FoldFun, [],
[{key_group_fun, GroupFun}] ++ Opts).
keys(KVs) ->
[K || {K, _} <- KVs].
reduce_fun(reduce, KVs) ->
reduce_fun(rereduce, Reds) ->
shuffle(List) ->
randomize(round(math:log(length(List)) + 0.5), List).
randomize(1, List) ->
randomize(T, List) ->
fun(_E, Acc) ->
end, randomize(List), lists:seq(1, (T - 1))).
randomize(List) ->
D = lists:map(fun(A) -> {random:uniform(), A} end, List),
{_, D1} = lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1, D)),
test_btree(Btree, KeyValues) ->
ok = test_key_access(Btree, KeyValues),
ok = test_lookup_access(Btree, KeyValues),
ok = test_final_reductions(Btree, KeyValues),
ok = test_traversal_callbacks(Btree, KeyValues),
test_add_remove(Btree, OutKeyValues, RemainingKeyValues) ->
Btree2 = lists:foldl(
fun({K, _}, BtAcc) ->
{ok, BtAcc2} = couch_btree:add_remove(BtAcc, [], [K]),
end, Btree, OutKeyValues),
true = test_btree(Btree2, RemainingKeyValues),
Btree3 = lists:foldl(
fun(KV, BtAcc) ->
{ok, BtAcc2} = couch_btree:add_remove(BtAcc, [KV], []),
end, Btree2, OutKeyValues),
true = test_btree(Btree3, OutKeyValues ++ RemainingKeyValues).
test_key_access(Btree, List) ->
FoldFun = fun(Element, {[HAcc|TAcc], Count}) ->
case Element == HAcc of
true -> {ok, {TAcc, Count + 1}};
_ -> {ok, {TAcc, Count + 1}}
Length = length(List),
Sorted = lists:sort(List),
{ok, _, {[], Length}} = couch_btree:foldl(Btree, FoldFun, {Sorted, 0}),
{ok, _, {[], Length}} = couch_btree:fold(Btree, FoldFun,
{Sorted, 0}, [{dir, rev}]),
test_lookup_access(Btree, KeyValues) ->
FoldFun = fun({Key, Value}, {Key, Value}) -> {stop, true} end,
fun({Key, Value}) ->
[{ok, {Key, Value}}] = couch_btree:lookup(Btree, [Key]),
{ok, _, true} = couch_btree:foldl(Btree, FoldFun,
{Key, Value}, [{start_key, Key}])
end, KeyValues).
test_final_reductions(Btree, KeyValues) ->
KVLen = length(KeyValues),
FoldLFun = fun(_X, LeadingReds, Acc) ->
CountToStart = KVLen div 3 + Acc,
CountToStart = couch_btree:final_reduce(Btree, LeadingReds),
{ok, Acc + 1}
FoldRFun = fun(_X, LeadingReds, Acc) ->
CountToEnd = KVLen - KVLen div 3 + Acc,
CountToEnd = couch_btree:final_reduce(Btree, LeadingReds),
{ok, Acc + 1}
{LStartKey, _} = case KVLen of
0 -> {nil, nil};
_ -> lists:nth(KVLen div 3 + 1, lists:sort(KeyValues))
{RStartKey, _} = case KVLen of
0 -> {nil, nil};
_ -> lists:nth(KVLen div 3, lists:sort(KeyValues))
{ok, _, FoldLRed} = couch_btree:foldl(Btree, FoldLFun, 0,
[{start_key, LStartKey}]),
{ok, _, FoldRRed} = couch_btree:fold(Btree, FoldRFun, 0,
[{dir, rev}, {start_key, RStartKey}]),
KVLen = FoldLRed + FoldRRed,
test_traversal_callbacks(Btree, _KeyValues) ->
FoldFun = fun
(visit, _GroupedKey, _Unreduced, Acc) ->
{ok, Acc andalso false};
(traverse, _LK, _Red, Acc) ->
{skip, Acc andalso true}
% With 250 items the root is a kp. Always skipping should reduce to true.
{ok, _, true} = couch_btree:fold(Btree, FoldFun, true, [{dir, fwd}]),