Make couchjs -S option take effect

Previously it was used to set JS context's stack chunk size.

Instead, to be effective it should set max GC size of the runtime.

Stack chunk size was set to the recommended value: 8K

This brings back an accidentally reverted commit:

by @tilgovi


diff --git a/priv/couch_js/main.c b/priv/couch_js/main.c
index dabeb19..20096ae 100644
--- a/priv/couch_js/main.c
+++ b/priv/couch_js/main.c
@@ -387,11 +387,11 @@
     couch_args* args = couch_parse_args(argc, argv);
-    rt = JS_NewRuntime(64L * 1024L * 1024L);
+    rt = JS_NewRuntime(args->stack_size);
     if(rt == NULL)
         return 1;
-    cx = JS_NewContext(rt, args->stack_size);
+    cx = JS_NewContext(rt, 8L * 1024L);
     if(cx == NULL)
         return 1;