blob: 7af570e9024cacbe90d44dc96b85108a09298b1a [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
couch_log_server_test_() ->
fun couch_log_test_util:start/0,
fun couch_log_test_util:stop/1,
fun check_can_reconfigure/0,
fun check_can_restart/0,
fun check_can_cast_log_entry/0,
fun check_logs_ignored_messages/0
check_can_reconfigure() ->
couch_log:error("a message", []),
?assertEqual(0, couch_log_test_util:last_log_key()),
?assertEqual(ok, couch_log_server:reconfigure()),
?assertEqual('$end_of_table', couch_log_test_util:last_log_key()),
couch_log_test_util:with_config_listener(fun() ->
couch_log:error("another message", []),
?assertEqual(0, couch_log_test_util:last_log_key()),
config:set("log", "some_key", "some_val"),
?assertEqual('$end_of_table', couch_log_test_util:last_log_key())
check_can_restart() ->
Pid1 = whereis(couch_log_server),
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid1),
supervisor:terminate_child(couch_log_sup, couch_log_server),
supervisor:restart_child(couch_log_sup, couch_log_server),
{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> ok
after 1000 ->
?assert(not is_process_alive(Pid1)),
Pid2 = whereis(couch_log_server),
?assertNotEqual(Pid2, Pid1),
check_can_cast_log_entry() ->
Entry = #log_entry{
level = critical,
pid = self(),
msg = "this will be casted",
msg_id = "----",
time_stamp = "2016-07-20-almost-my-birthday"
ok = gen_server:cast(couch_log_server, {log, Entry}),
timer:sleep(500), % totes gross
?assertEqual(Entry, couch_log_test_util:last_log()).
check_logs_ignored_messages() ->
gen_server:call(couch_log_server, a_call),
level = error,
pid = couch_log_server,
msg = "couch_log_server ignored a_call"
gen_server:cast(couch_log_server, a_cast),
timer:sleep(500), % yes gross
level = error,
pid = couch_log_server,
msg = "couch_log_server ignored a_cast"
couch_log_server ! an_info,
timer:sleep(500), % still gross
level = error,
pid = couch_log_server,
msg = "couch_log_server ignored an_info"
coverage_test() ->
Resp = couch_log_server:code_change(foo, bazinga, baz),
?assertEqual({ok, bazinga}, Resp).