blob: 84ecc5f9a6051058760f5cbfc71d437e8892cc10 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([add/3, remove/3, get_handle/1, hash/1, apply/4, apply/5, modules/3]).
-export([foo/2, bar/0]).
-record(opts, {
ignore_errors = false,
ignore_providers = false,
pipe = false,
concurrent = false
add(Handle, Source, Modules) ->
case is_updated(Handle, Source, Modules) of
false ->
true ->
couch_epi_module_keeper:save(Handle, Source, Modules)
remove(Handle, Source, Modules) ->
CurrentDefs = get_current_definitions(Handle),
{SourceDefs, Defs} = remove_from_definitions(CurrentDefs, Source),
NewSourceDefs = lists:filter(fun({M, _}) ->
not lists:member(M, Modules)
end, SourceDefs),
generate(Handle, Defs ++ NewSourceDefs).
get_handle(ServiceId) ->
apply(ServiceId, Function, Args, Opts) when is_atom(ServiceId) ->
apply(get_handle(ServiceId), ServiceId, Function, Args, Opts).
-spec apply(Handle :: atom(), ServiceId :: atom(), Function :: atom(),
Args :: [term()], Opts :: couch_epi:apply_opts()) -> ok.
apply(Handle, _ServiceId, Function, Args, Opts) ->
DispatchOpts = parse_opts(Opts),
Modules = providers(Handle, Function, length(Args), DispatchOpts),
dispatch(Handle, Modules, Function, Args, DispatchOpts).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Codegeneration routines
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
preamble() ->
-export([version/0, version/1]).
-export([providers/0, providers/2]).
-export([definitions/0, definitions/1]).
version() ->
[{Provider, version(Provider)} || Provider <- providers()].
definitions() ->
[{Provider, definitions(Provider)} || Provider <- providers()].
callbacks(Provider, Function) ->
%% In addition to preamble we also generate following methods
%% dispatch(Module, Function, [A1, A2]) -> Module:Function(A1, A2);
%% version(Source1) -> "HASH";
%% version(Source) -> {error, {unknown, Source}}.
%% providers() -> [].
%% providers(Function, Arity) -> [].
%% definitions(Provider) -> [{Module, [{Fun, Arity}]}].
generate(Handle, Defs) ->
DispatchFunForms = couch_epi_codegen:function(dispatchers(Defs)),
VersionFunForms = couch_epi_codegen:function(version_method(Defs)),
AllProvidersForms = all_providers_method(Defs),
ProvidersForms = couch_epi_codegen:function(providers_method(Defs)),
DefinitionsForms = couch_epi_codegen:function(definitions_method(Defs)),
Forms = couch_epi_codegen:scan(preamble())
++ DispatchFunForms ++ VersionFunForms
++ ProvidersForms ++ AllProvidersForms
++ DefinitionsForms,
couch_epi_codegen:generate(Handle, Forms).
all_providers_method(Defs) ->
Providers = couch_epi_codegen:format_term(defined_providers(Defs)),
couch_epi_codegen:scan("providers() -> " ++ Providers ++ ".").
providers_method(Defs) ->
Providers = providers_by_function(Defs),
DefaultClause = "providers(_, _) -> [].",
lists:foldl(fun({{Fun, Arity}, Modules}, Clauses) ->
providers(Fun, Arity, Modules) ++ Clauses
end, [couch_epi_codegen:scan(DefaultClause)], Providers).
providers(Function, Arity, Modules) ->
ArityStr = integer_to_list(Arity),
Mods = couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Modules),
Fun = atom_to_list(Function),
%% providers(Function, Arity) -> [Module];
"providers(" ++ Fun ++ "," ++ ArityStr ++ ") ->" ++ Mods ++ ";").
dispatchers(Defs) ->
DefaultClause = "dispatch(_Module, _Fun, _Args) -> ok.",
fold_defs(Defs, [couch_epi_codegen:scan(DefaultClause)],
fun({_Source, Module, Function, Arity}, Acc) ->
dispatcher(Module, Function, Arity) ++ Acc
version_method(Defs) ->
DefaultClause = "version(S) -> {error, {unknown, S}}.",
lists:foldl(fun({Source, SrcDefs}, Clauses) ->
version(Source, SrcDefs) ++ Clauses
end, [couch_epi_codegen:scan(DefaultClause)], Defs).
definitions_method(Defs) ->
DefaultClause = "definitions(S) -> {error, {unknown, S}}.",
lists:foldl(fun({Source, SrcDefs}, Clauses) ->
definition(Source, SrcDefs) ++ Clauses
end, [couch_epi_codegen:scan(DefaultClause)], Defs).
definition(Source, Defs) ->
Src = atom_to_list(Source),
DefsStr = couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Defs),
couch_epi_codegen:scan("definitions(" ++ Src ++ ") -> " ++ DefsStr ++ ";").
dispatcher(Module, Function, 0) ->
M = atom_to_list(Module),
Fun = atom_to_list(Function),
%% dispatch(Module, Function, []) -> Module:Function();
"dispatch(" ++ M ++ "," ++ Fun ++ ", []) ->"
++ M ++ ":" ++ Fun ++ "();");
dispatcher(Module, Function, Arity) ->
Args = args_string(Arity),
M = atom_to_list(Module),
Fun = atom_to_list(Function),
%% dispatch(Module, Function, [A1, A2]) -> Module:Function(A1, A2);
"dispatch(" ++ M ++ "," ++ Fun ++ ", [" ++ Args ++ "]) ->"
++ M ++ ":" ++ Fun ++ "(" ++ Args ++ ");").
args_string(Arity) ->
Vars = ["A" ++ integer_to_list(Seq) || Seq <- lists:seq(1, Arity)],
string:join(Vars, ", ").
version(Source, SrcDefs) ->
Modules = [Module || {Module, _Exports} <- SrcDefs],
"version(" ++ atom_to_list(Source) ++ ") ->" ++ hash(Modules) ++ ";").
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Helper functions
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
module_name(ServiceId) when is_list(ServiceId) ->
list_to_atom(string:join([atom_to_list(?MODULE), ServiceId], "_")).
is_updated(Handle, Source, Modules) ->
Sig = hash(Modules),
try Handle:version(Source) of
{error, {unknown, Source}} -> true;
{error, Reason} -> throw(Reason);
Sig -> false;
_ -> true
error:undef -> true;
Class:Reason ->
throw({Class, {Source, Reason}})
save(Handle, Source, Modules) ->
CurrentDefs = get_current_definitions(Handle),
Definitions = definitions(Source, Modules),
NewDefs = lists:keystore(Source, 1, CurrentDefs, Definitions),
generate(Handle, NewDefs).
definitions(Source, Modules) ->
Blacklist = [{module_info, 0}, {module_info, 1}],
SrcDefs = [{M, M:module_info(exports) -- Blacklist} || M <- Modules],
{Source, SrcDefs}.
get_current_definitions(Handle) ->
try Handle:definitions()
catch error:undef -> []
defined_providers(Defs) ->
[Source || {Source, _} <- Defs].
%% Defs = [{Source, [{Module, [{Fun, Arity}]}]}]
fold_defs(Defs, Acc, Fun) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Source, SourceData}, Clauses) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Module, Exports}, ExportsAcc) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Function, Arity}, InAcc) ->
Fun({Source, Module, Function, Arity}, InAcc)
end, [], Exports) ++ ExportsAcc
end, [], SourceData) ++ Clauses
end, Acc, Defs).
providers_by_function(Defs) ->
Providers = fold_defs(Defs, [],
fun({_Source, Module, Function, Arity}, Acc) ->
[{{Function, Arity}, Module} | Acc]
Dict = lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Acc) ->
dict:append(K, V, Acc)
end, dict:new(), Providers),
hash(Modules) ->
VSNs = [couch_epi_util:module_version(M) || M <- lists:usort(Modules)],
dispatch(_Handle, _Modules, _Func, _Args, #opts{concurrent = true, pipe = true}) ->
throw({error, {incompatible_options, [concurrent, pipe]}});
dispatch(Handle, Modules, Function, Args,
#opts{pipe = true, ignore_errors = true}) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Module, Acc) ->
Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Acc)
catch _:_ ->
end, Args, Modules);
dispatch(Handle, Modules, Function, Args,
#opts{pipe = true}) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Module, Acc) ->
Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Acc)
end, Args, Modules);
dispatch(Handle, Modules, Function, Args, #opts{} = Opts) ->
[do_dispatch(Handle, Module, Function, Args, Opts) || Module <- Modules].
do_dispatch(Handle, Module, Function, Args,
#opts{concurrent = true, ignore_errors = true}) ->
spawn(fun() ->
(catch Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Args))
do_dispatch(Handle, Module, Function, Args,
#opts{ignore_errors = true}) ->
(catch Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Args));
do_dispatch(Handle, Module, Function, Args,
#opts{concurrent = true}) ->
spawn(fun() -> Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Args) end);
do_dispatch(Handle, Module, Function, Args, #opts{}) ->
Handle:dispatch(Module, Function, Args).
parse_opts(Opts) ->
parse_opts(Opts, #opts{}).
parse_opts([ignore_errors|Rest], #opts{} = Acc) ->
parse_opts(Rest, Acc#opts{ignore_errors = true});
parse_opts([pipe|Rest], #opts{} = Acc) ->
parse_opts(Rest, Acc#opts{pipe = true});
parse_opts([concurrent|Rest], #opts{} = Acc) ->
parse_opts(Rest, Acc#opts{concurrent = true});
parse_opts([ignore_providers|Rest], #opts{} = Acc) ->
parse_opts(Rest, Acc#opts{ignore_providers = true});
parse_opts([], Acc) ->
providers(Handle, Function, Arity, #opts{ignore_providers = true}) ->
Handle:providers(Function, Arity)
error:undef -> []
providers(Handle, Function, Arity, #opts{}) ->
Handle:providers(Function, Arity).
remove_from_definitions(Defs, Source) ->
case lists:keytake(Source, 1, Defs) of
{value, {Source, Value}, Rest} ->
{Value, Rest};
false ->
{[], Defs}
-spec modules(Handle :: atom(), Function :: atom(), Arity :: pos_integer()) ->
modules(Handle, Function, Arity) ->
providers(Handle, Function, Arity, #opts{ignore_providers = true}).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Tests
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
foo(A1, A2) ->
{A1, A2}.
bar() ->
basic_test() ->
Module = foo_bar_dispatcher,
meck:new(couch_epi_module_keeper, [passthrough]),
meck:expect(couch_epi_module_keeper, save, fun
(Handle, Source, Modules) -> save(Handle, Source, Modules)
add(Module, app1, [?MODULE]),
?assertMatch([?MODULE], modules(Module, foo, 2)),
Defs1 = lists:usort(Module:definitions()),
?assertMatch([{app1, [{?MODULE, _}]}], Defs1),
[{app1, [{?MODULE, Exports}]}] = Defs1,
?assert(lists:member({bar, 0}, Exports)),
add(Module, app2, [?MODULE]),
Defs2 = lists:usort(Module:definitions()),
?assertMatch([{app1, [{?MODULE, _}]}, {app2, [{?MODULE, _}]}], Defs2),
?assertMatch([{app1, Hash}, {app2, Hash}], Module:version()),
?assertMatch([], Module:dispatch(?MODULE, bar, [])),
?assertMatch({1, 2}, Module:dispatch(?MODULE, foo, [1, 2])),